PHP Development Framework


Top PHP Development Frameworks Enterprises Should Use

Almost creating a voyage for the deep diving software developers, PHP initiated the new journey, not a long ago. Since its Inception, PHP has always been increasing modifying and enhancing its prowess to deal with the complex custom website development services.

What started at first with just a simple website development process has now transformed into the huge Enterprise application development framework. Coping with the ever-increasing demand for custom website development services in the market, PHP gives birth to less complex development platforms for e-commerce applications, enterprise software, and web-based Complex applications.

Every enterprise has its own requirements and the demands for a capable solution. The innovative PHP development frameworks provide clean, reusable and maintainable code, which makes it possible to build an application over time and scale. In this article, we will discuss top Frameworks, which are preferred by developers for enterprise level solution and you will get to understand why there is a huge rush to hire Php developers.




Few Best Chosen Development Frameworks by Top PHP Development Companies

1. Symfony

First comes in a list is the popular PHP development Framework that empowers developer with reusable PHP components and code. Symphony comes as the top choice when it is required to develop large-scale enterprise projects. Alongside it is also used by many content management systems such as Drupal, OROCRM etc. The latest Symfony 2 is our pick for large and complex applications.

Features of Symfony Framework

  1. Active community support: It has the tremendous active developer ecosystem around with just 500 committees for GitHub repository.
  2. Great documentation: The official documentation is too intuitive and quite easy to navigate through.
  3. Robust and scalable: Symfony 2 is perfectly tested and optimized for truly massive websites. The Powerful framework Drupal is also using a number of Symfony components. It was built with the intention of making it perfectly scalable. It has the built-in template and config files caching and handles role-based ACLs.
  4. Modular design: It is a set of robust and specialized components that work together for solving the common problems. Also allows pulling the components apart, when not all are needed.

Symfony2 is one of the best choices for general-purpose Framework requirement due to its customizability, which can perfectly suit for any level of need.

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2. Laravel

It is the powerful PHP framework, which is the most popular, easy to learn, and perfectly documented with many screencasts and tutorials. It makes Rapid application development possible. The powerful tinplating engine also counts its benefits for making the common task such as authentication, session queuing and Restful routing easy for developers.

Noticeable factors, which pushed Laravel to the top choice for every PHP development company.

  1. Authentication and Authorization: It makes implementing the authentication simpler than everwhere everything is configured out of the box. Alongside it, also provide a simpler way to organize logic and control access.
  2. Faster web applications: The utmost requirement of an application is the speed where Laravel excels with perfect integration with caching backends for optimum performance. It supports popular cache backends such as Redis and Memcached.
  3. Secure: Security always goes hand in hand with development. Laravel frees you from the security concern when you hire PHP developer by protecting the application against SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and cross-site request forgery.
  4. Testing: Laravel has powered the testing with similar support for PHP unit, which is included out of the box. Alongside Phpunit.xml is also set up already. It also ships with the helper method along with the easier simulating behavior of users for better testing.

Laravel is one of the most appreciated frameworks where a developer can start the application within a few minutes.

Read the BlogWhich is the Best PHP Web Development Framework?

3. Zend Framework

It is the open-source object-oriented application development framework, which is also known as Component library. Zend is loved by developers and stakeholders for faster web application development, user-friendly drag and drop editor, instant online debugging tools, powerful architecture with minimum interdependencies, and loosely coupled components.

Features of Zend Framework 

  • The framework is the extremely extensible object-oriented framework and provides fast interfaces and abstract classes along with rich libraries.
  • The huge support for multiple database systems is there such as MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQLServer, Postgre SQL etc.
  • Truly follow MVC pattern, which leverages the separation of business logic from the presentation layer and enhances the clarity and speed of the application development.
  • It owns the flexible caching subsystem with enough support for many types of back ends and a high level of customization.

PHP Development CTA



The technology keeps generating the newer platforms for accomplishing the ever-changing requirement of users. Is Framework has its pros and cons and it is dependent over the coding style of a particular developer. Today the custom website development services are in high demand and they require the seamless integration, scalability, and flexibility with the fastest space.

You can always hire a developer as per your requirements because the Technology selection for Enterprises generally depends over the non-functional requirement as well such as existing infrastructure, in-house support capabilities and budget constraints. The best way is to look for the performance where any application can show the performance issues regardless of the framework. Choosing the platform is the one time but a crucial task; go wisely.


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