Audio Podcast of Dev Technosys Audio Podcast of Dev Technosys Mon, 11 Dec 2023 06:11:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Audio Podcast of Dev Technosys 32 32 Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates Tarun Nagar false episodic Tarun Nagar podcast Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates ccb39356-3e12-5507-a6fc-41eea3c3e826 How Consumers Benefits from Loyalty App Features- Complete Guide Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:44:49 +0000 0 Loyal customers are an asset to any brand. There are many ways that brands and eCommerce websites are choosing to keep their customers attached to their applications They also keep providing offers so that people keep shopping. The time is changing and now people are smart. They do not stay with one option as they know that there are other... Loyal customers are an asset to any brand. There are many ways that brands and eCommerce websites are choosing to keep their customers attached to their applications They also keep providing offers so that people keep shopping. The time is changing and now people are smart. They do not stay with one option as they know that there are other websites that will also be providing offers on the same product hence, everyone does proper research. This is good for customers but not for the eCommerce website.


There is one more concept that is being highlighted for the past few years. This is something that not only keeps the customers connected to an eCommerce store but it also increases the sales. There are a lot of things that are also benefitted because of this. It is the loyalty app feature that is being integrated with most of the eCommerce applications. There are so many concepts among which the mobile app development companies and enterprises can decide. The important thing is that it should be relevant for the consumers of the application.


Table of Content

Loyalty App Features Integration To Increase The Sales

Loyalty Program Integration To Promote The Products And The Application

Importance of customer loyalty

Ideas For Keeping Customers Loyal



Loyalty App Features Integration To Increase The Sales

Loyalty programs increase the sales of any brand of an eCommerce store. The reason for this is simple, the customer gets either some points when they shop or do any other in the application or they are provided with a discount code. This is something that they can redeem only on that application and nowhere else and hence this is a way to improve the sale of the products on the application. This can also be done by specific brands.


By adding a feature of expiry date on coupons/points

One more way to increase regular sales is by adding a feature of expiry date on the coupons or the points that users can redeem for getting discounts. This is something that will push the users to use the points and shop for something before the points get expired. Many other ways can be used by enterprises to increase their online sales by including loyalty features in their app.


By providing some gifts/ goodies to the users

Another way of using loyalty app development for increasing sales is by providing some gifts to all the users who shop for a set limit. This has been tested and has been proven that people do most of the things like shopping or participating in a survey for getting something for free. Most important thing is to analyze the shopping behavior of the target customers.


Loyalty Program Integration To Promote The Products And The Application

This is something that is one of the most important reasons why eCommerce stores need to add loyalty features in their application. There is nothing that can promote the application like a well-created loyalty feature. Many applications created their customer base not just because of their designer products but because of their loyalty feature. No way can promote an application in a better way than loyalty app development.


When a user shares an application or a product, that leaves a better impact on others. This is something that can also be termed advocate marketing. This means that your customers become advocates if the services or products that you offer them are beneficial for them. There are two reasons one is because they will either get something for free or some type of discount method. There are many other ways in which these applications can be used for the promotion of the application or the products inside.


This is something that will save the marketing cost because customers and new members will increase by the efforts of loyal customers. This is something that will decrease the work of the marketing team and they will be able to work on a low-key level. There are other benefits like the reputation and the downloads of the applications and the per day visitors can increase. There is one more method that can call people back to the application every day and that is providing them points for daily check-in. This concept has been used by one application that is popular, especially for their apparel and they are faring really well because of this loyalty feature.


Importance of customer loyalty

Customer loyalty is one of the most important factors that all companies should focus on as it is the primary pillar for the existence of every company. The point of initiation of a for-profit organization is to attract more companies as well as to keep them happy. The reason behind this is that the customers are the only people who buy products to drive the revenue of any company.


When different brands are compared, it has always become evident that customers convert as well as spend more time and money on those brands on which they trust. They are loyal to only some of the brands among hundreds of similar companies. Loyal customer always tells their family, friends, and colleagues about those brands that drive major referral traffic and boost word-of-mouth marketing.


In addition to this, customer loyalty also helps in introducing a strong sense of trust between the brand and the customers.


A very well-known fact is that the money, effort, and ideas required to acquire a new customer are way more than that required to retain an existing customer. To attract new customers it is important to clear the prospect of mobilization and activation of loyal customers. This can be done by evangelizing the brand.


Read the blog- How Loyalty Program Help Other Apps And Business For Regular Sales During COVID-19 Period


The brand and its endorsement must excite marketers, salespeople, customer success managers, and most importantly, the customers. There are many ideas that can be implemented for the same purpose. Companies nowadays are availing these ideas to establish strong relationships with their consumers and to attract more and more people from a variety of platforms.


Ideas For Keeping Customers Loyal


Usage Of The Simple Point-Based System

This is no doubt that the most common loyalty program methodology exists in the world of marketing. The customers who avail products or services on a regular basis earn points that translate into some type of rewards such as discount coupons, cash discounts, freebies, and many more. While putting a points-based reward program, it is important to keep the conversions simple, intuitive, and transparent to the customer.


Also, the point system is not suitable for every type of business. While it can do wonders for short-term and frequent purchases, it is of new use in large purchases like electronic goods, vehicles, and so on. On-demand app development companies must also choose a point-wise system wisely for their usage.


Usage Of A Tier System For Rewarding The Customers

It has become essential for loyalty app developers to find a balance between attainable and desirable rewards for companies that aspire to design loyalty programs. One powerful way to find out is to implement a level or tier system for customers. Here, initial rewards are less than that of superior levels. This encourages more purchases and helps the customers to stay loyal for a long time to attain maximum levels.


One must present small but useful rewards at the base level for being part of the program. Then the rewards must be increased for encouraging repeat customers. As they will move up the loyalty ladder, the rewards will continue getting bigger. This solves the problems related to online presence and visitors to the app. A major difference between the points system and the tiered system is that the point system is for short-term purchases. On the other hand, the tier system can be availed for long-term purchases too because the time between purchase and gratification is long.


Making Wise Decisions

The loyalty feature should not be something that keeps the user for one cycle and then switch to another one. The main thing to pay attention to while making a plan for the loyalty feature is that it should customers come back to the app. That can happen if the customers think that the makers of the application really care about them.




The loyalty app developers must show them that they are also getting benefitted. Loyalty programs are very much about creating loyal customers. Loyal customers are people who keep coming back to the online store. It is only the loyal customers that keep a brand or a store alive.


Keeping The Business Generous To The Customers

When a customer or any other third-person looks at the loyalty feature of an app they know it is just a scheme to earn more. There are very few applications that genuinely care about what customers want and what can actually benefit them. If the enterprises who are planning to add loyalty features in their app can do something for their users, it will help them. Something that genuinely helps their customers, with this they will have them forever.


Scratching The Program Completely

What does scratching a program completely mean? It means to cancel the normal offer-related loyalty program that everyone is doing. This is something that is important, especially for the companies that sell products or services that are unique. They do not need to sell their products at the lowest price as their products will not be available at any other place and there is no replacement for their quality or features. This is something that will work when the eCommerce company introduces a loyalty program in which they offer something with each purchase.


This should be something related to the brand, offering discounts should not be included in this loyalty program. It should be more like connecting the customer with the brand in an emotional way. That is something that will make them remember the website and the product for a long. Unique companies do not need to cut down on their profit because they don’t have as much competition. The thing that will help them more is being unique with the loyalty program as well.


Read the blog- Why Go Mobile for Building Restaurant Customer Loyalty App?


Charging An Upfront Fee For VIP Benefits

There are situations when a one-time fee can be taken from the customers to get them enrolled in the VIP program. The program should consist of some exclusive benefits so that users get attracted and avail of this benefit. Also, the fee should be kept minimal which is affordable by maximum customers.


Exclusive Partnership With Other Companies

Doing partnerships with other companies that are related to the customers and providing them offers for it. This can help brands retain their customers. This will need a lot of research and analysis to figure out which companies can be related to their customers. Then it is important to offer them things that are also helpful for them. Without relevance, the partnership will help in no way.


Building An Impactful Community For Customers

These days the market is not as stable as it was before. People see even the smallest of the problems and because of social media and various review sites, they can express what they feel. This is something that can ruin a business like nothing else. There have been many examples where eCommerce platforms, as well as on-demand app development companies, had to face a lot of loss because of their mistakes. This is the reason why it is important to keep the customers happy and connected to the app.


They can also share what they feel within the app with all the other customers. This can be easily done by adding a feature where people can communicate with each other. This can be made like a forum or a feedback page. The customers should be able to express whatever they feel and all the fellow customers should be allowed to read this. This is one way in which enterprises can turn their weakness into their strength. They can assure the customers there that all their problems will be solved. It is not just about saying, it is mainly about registering the feedback and working on it.


web app development


There is no other way to make your customers satisfied than solving even the smallest problems they have. Solving a problem starts with knowing it, but it is better if only you know it. This is so because when the world knows, the market value falls down and that is not good in any way.



With changing times it is important that marketing and sales strategies also change. People are getting smart and now they have so many options. To keep customers attracted and connected to an app the enterprises require a lot of effort and hard work. One of the best ways to keep the customers connected and also increase sales at some time is the loyalty program. All the benefits of this feature are described above. The importance section will make it clear why is it necessary that enterprises include the feature of loyalty in eCommerce mobile app development.

Loyal customers are an asset to any brand. There are many ways that brands and eCommerce websites are choosing to keep their customers attached to their applications They also keep providing offers so that people keep shopping. Loyal customers are an asset to any brand. There are many ways that brands and eCommerce websites are choosing to keep their customers attached to their applications They also keep providing offers so that people keep shopping. The time is changing and now people are smart. They do not stay with one option as they know that there are other... Tarun Nagar full false
List Of Multiple Cost Components For The Custom Development Of A Loyalty App Development Mon, 08 Jun 2020 13:01:32 +0000 0 The time is changing and so is the technology. App development for enterprises is also changing. Earlier applications were just made to promote or sell the services but now things have changed. The market is changing and so are the ways of treating the customers and giving them something that keeps them connected with a brand. This is the reason... The time is changing and so is the technology. App development for enterprises is also changing. Earlier applications were just made to promote or sell the services but now things have changed. The market is changing and so are the ways of treating the customers and giving them something that keeps them connected with a brand. This is the reason why loyalty programs were integrated into applications. They are somewhat different from the normal approach to application development.

There are replacements like web portal solutions and PWA that can help even the smallest enterprises to get these features at affordable prices. The basic concept behind making loyalty applications is simple, give the customers something in return when they show loyalty towards the brand. How do customers show loyalty towards your brand, it is by shopping for different things from your brand. There are a lot of brands that have opted for this and all of them have seen a positive effect on this.


The Need For Loyalty App Development & Programs

There are various ways in which loyalty programs can opt and that basically depends on the brands or the companies. There can be free rewards when the customer shops for an amount that is decided, or points for logging into the app daily or maybe for sharing the link of the products on the different social media platforms. Loyalty programs are not just a way of connecting the customers to the brand and increasing the sales but they are something that can improve the reach of the application. It is a marketing strategy that improves the reach of the application.

The loyalty programs in which customers get points or rewards when they share the link of the application or the product with people and get them to open or sign up, they are promoting the application. This is something that is more powerful than any other marketing campaign, there is no better marketing strategy like the customers advocating an application. This can also be compared with the word of mouth marketing. This is something that people might be doing for selfish reasons but when they will get points, then they will redeem them to buy something at a cheaper price. When they will like the product, this will eventually convert into the word of mouth marketing.

This was all about how word of mouth marketing is something that not only improves direct sales but also increases the users on the website. This is something that is less expensive than a normal marketing plan and gives a great output.


Cost Components For Customized Development Of A Loyalty App

Below are some factors that make the total cost of a Loyalty application.


Choice Of Platform On Which You Want To Deploy The App

After the decision of building a loyalty application, the next step is to select the app platform that suits the needs of users as well as developers. Any platform can be picked for cross-platform loyalty app development. Companies mostly opt for android or iOS according to their target customers. Though Android app development is costlier than that of iOS, developers focus on Android development because of its deployment due to its large usage all around the world.

When web and native apps are compared, it becomes evident that web apps are cheaper to build as well as deploy than native apps. Hybrid apps have the combined functionalities of web and native applications. Many hybrid app development frameworks are available such as PhoneGap, Ionic, and Sencha Touch that help in developing great customer loyalty apps.


Development Of The Concept

The first thing that decides the cost of loyalty app development is the concept of the loyalty program. Some concepts have been described in brief in the introduction. These things are either for the purpose of increasing direct sales or for promoting the application or both. There are some subscription-based loyalty programs as well that are only for the people who subscribe to the special loyalty program where they get special access to offers, best prices, and other benefits. There are companies that ask for a subscription fee from their users, it might be one time or might be periodic, it all depends on the brand or the application. This article will mainly focus on the factors that make up the total cost for making a loyalty application it is important to consider that these concepts will also be unique to the companies that want them in their applications.


Loyalty App Development


There are point-based loyalty programs, coupon-based loyalty programs, and then there are some in which the companies give free things with the orders to their loyal customers. The concept is one of the major factors that decide the cost and it is also something that becomes the plan of the further development life cycle. There are applications that are just going for the integration of loyalty programs and there are applications that are being made as loyalty apps. The companies that give subscription-based loyalty membership can also make another application where only the members are allowed and they can redeem their points on various things that they want. This might be expensive and hence not a lot of people go for this option.


User Interface

User interface plays a major role in gaining a large number of users. If the loyalty application is not suitable for the users or seems uninteresting or dull, then users will eventually lack interest no matter how many features it may have. A friendly and attractive user interface draws the attention of large numbers of users and helps the company to get a reputation in the market.


Read the blog- How Loyalty Program Help Other Apps And Business For Regular Sales During COVID-19 Period


The fonts and the color combination must be at the right places in order to make the interface user-friendly. It must not be loaded with tools because it makes the app look crowded and complicated. The layout must be kept simple, minimal, and updated with regular trends so that more and more users connect with it and be able to use it properly. Additionally, the user interface must be suitable for people of all age groups and geographical locations.



The developers that are hired for the development of the loyalty applications are also one of the biggest factors that make up for the cost of these applications. Fresher programmers have to be paid less and experienced will demand a lot. Developers who know all about the trending technology will have to be paid more than the one who just knows about some specific things, they will have to be paid less. There are many other factors that can change the cost of the amount that is to be paid to the developers. There can be temporary developers and there can be permanent ones, companies can find temporary employees at less cost and even if they ask for more, it will just be for the duration of the project and after that, it will get eliminated and can be recovered through the application.

Companies can also hire a third-party development company that can help them with the development of the loyalty application. Hiring a company has some benefits like there will be less stress in managing the development process. They also have the best developers and hence the quality will be ensured, the cost might be a bit high but it will also increase the ROI. The hiring process, then a briefing, planning, development, testing all of that might get out of hand if the in-office team is not experienced and is not well managed. There are many such applications that were made without many efforts and this is one of the reasons why no one remembers them. It is better to hire a company that develops loyalty and an on-demand solution.


The Features And Functions Used

The features that are used and the functionality of the application adds up a lot into the total cost of the on-demand app development done by custom app development companies. There are many extra features that have to be added in an application when a loyalty program is integrated with it, that is why the cost of making a loyalty application is more than making a normal mobile application.

There are many features that are compulsory and then because of custom application development, there are some that have to be added to make it more attractive to the users. There are features that are in trend and are preferred by the users, they have to be added in it too and then there is something that some big companies go for and it is the development of a unique feature.

A unique feature can be either very profitable or something that is just an extra part of the applications. There are many applications that tried to provide their users with a new feature but because it was not actually related to the application it was never used as the developers thought it will. There are some companies that want to go for web apps or web portal solutions as they are cheaper than native app development. These types of solutions are also cross-platform and the developers do not have to develop a different application for different platforms. The features that are to be added in these are also very basic and they do not take up a lot of effort.


User Experience

This factor has become really important in the mobile app development industry. It is very important that users are attracted to the template and the transitions of the application and also that UX provides ease of access to the users. No one in this world wants to use an application either with a basic UX or a UX that looks and feels very complex.


Read the blog- App development process


The color combinations, the way the buttons and content are placed, the way the animations happen, everything is important. The UX designers need to put in a lot of effort in order to make a design that can depict the company’s main motive and also liked by their customers. It takes a lot of brainstorming, planning analysis, and then so many attempts to get one final design and there are still chances that it can fail after the deployment if the design it properly unique. There is nothing that can analyze the mind of the consumers properly and that is why there is always some risk in introducing new things. This is something that really affects the cost of custom on-demand solutions (loyalty apps).


Personalization According To Brand

One of the most important things that have to be done by the mobile app development companies, is the personalization of the application according to the profile of the company for which it is being developed. There needs to be proper requirement analysis and then the analysis of the target audience and then the type and category of content or products that will be on the application. After these things too there are many points that are considered so that the application can look properly personal for the customers and the enterprise.

Custom On-demand app development is something that needs personalization to be properly successful. People tend to get attracted to the applications that look different, no one wants to use an application that looks or feels like the application that they have used before. This is something that can make the application connect with the users in a better way. This is one of the final major cost factors in the development of a loyalty application. There are many other parts that also add up in the total cost but all of it can be recovered if the concept of the application and all other parts are made in the way that can attract the target customers. It is important to analyze the customers and take a survey to make an application that can be popular among them.


web app development



It is important to pay attention to the major factors that add up and make the total cost of loyalty app development. The main reason behind this is to make sure that the development is done under the budget and to know where to spend more and which is the area in which the enterprise can do some cut on the budget. It can be different for all the companies and that is why proper analysis of requirements of the app and customers is important.

The time is changing and so is the technology. App development for enterprises is also changing. Earlier applications were just made to promote or sell the services but now things have changed. The market is changing and so are the ways of treating the... The time is changing and so is the technology. App development for enterprises is also changing. Earlier applications were just made to promote or sell the services but now things have changed. The market is changing and so are the ways of treating the customers and giving them something that keeps them connected with a brand. This is the reason... Tarun Nagar full false
If you want to create custom software, use this evaluation checklist Fri, 20 Dec 2019 10:49:01 +0000 0 The emerging demand for a business software system isn’t a newfound issue. In case you are running a business, you require software to improve productivity, decrease costs, increase efficiencies, and streamlining business processes. Hence, your business may need custom software. Also, software automation assists businesses of all sizes as well as stature. Running a business comprises of different aspects like... The emerging demand for a business software system isn’t a newfound issue. In case you are running a business, you require software to improve productivity, decrease costs, increase efficiencies, and streamlining business processes. Hence, your business may need custom software. Also, software automation assists businesses of all sizes as well as stature.

Running a business comprises of different aspects like operations, supply chain, customer relation, administration, and analytics. Hence, all of this together without any particular technology leads to chaos as well as mismanagement. Even when your competitors are in the same domain or niche actually decide to micromanage all of these aspects with technology, essentially meaning, custom software, then it means they have a competitive advantage which you need to have too. Hence, best web development services are hired to develop such solutions for these businesses.


Most of the time, people are in a dilemma to whether to buy an off-the-shelf software or go for custom software development. Yes, you can easily go for readymade software in case you think the software completely fits your requirement. Also, the cost incurred will be quite less. However, with such software, flexibility and scalability is always under question. Seamless integration of such software with any other enterprise system will need extra added development. Also, since many businesses will be using the same software in your niche, then you won’t have a competitive advantage.


Table of Content

  1. Introduction

  2. Evaluation Checklist

  3. Custom Software Development

  4. Value of Project Development Planning of Custom Software

  5. Checklist

  6. Conclusion


So, let’s go through a checklist to evaluate if you are looking to develop custom software.


Evaluation Checklist 

Overwhelming Manual Processes and Paperwork leading to Decrease in Efficiency

Among the basic objectives of a business is to increase its own revenue. Also, the chances of obtaining higher revenue increase by drastic proportion whenever there is much higher productivity. However, you will often find that your employees were struggling and overwhelmed with too much manual work or always busy in entering endless data into the spreadsheets that result in an increased amount of time in order to complete their work and increases human error too.

Here, a custom software developed by a custom software developer as per your requirements is a seemingly perfect solution. Collaboration software will essentially offer you a comprehensive environment for all of the employees with the particular permission to easily plan as well as execute different workflows and even communicate seamlessly along with access them at any time and from anywhere.

For instance, a real estate company can develop a custom software where the backend mobile app and software are built to massively inculcate automation of indoor as well as outdoor field inspections, even reducing the manual errors and finally bring down the entire delivery time in drastic proportion without actually compromising the quality as well as improving the reliability and efficiency of the process.



Need to Sort Daily Recurring Problems

It is a common problem for small businesses as well as start-ups. Often times, they tend to manage more than a couple of clients at one time, all by themselves. Hence, it means organizing email addresses along with contact information, sending an email, assignment of similar tasks, sending important notifications, meeting scheduling, creating invoices, etc., all day long, every day. Hence, the investment made in custom software development will allow you to easily automate all of these different repetitive tasks without any type of hassle, automatically. You can easily scale your own business is quite an error-free manner. Also, it assists you and your team to achieve better visibility along with improved business insights as well as scalability, which is immensely required.

Read the blog- Online Business To Invest


Manual Tracking and Analysis of Data

Most of the business spend a major portion of their time in collection and monitoring as well as analyzing along with reporting data. Most of this work is done on spreadsheets as entire businesses are run on it. It takes a significant amount of time to enter the data manually and even more when it comes to maintaining it. It doesn’t even offer any information quickly and immediately, and nothing positive can be said about analytics.

Custom software is a one-stop solution for these issues as with analytics duly integrated within it, a business can easily monitor all of the necessary metrics as well as KPIs or key performance indicators right at one place and even share specific details regarding the business with team members which keep the confidentiality intact.

One of the real-time instances of custom software development is an analytics tool that is custom-built such that data on different link visits from across the world can easily be collected and different decision-makers can obtain valuable insights and make informed decisions backed by data. Hence, you need a web development company to provide you with such a solution which analyze the data. Also, the implementation of the latest technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning with Big Data helps in gaining insights from a large volume of data. A custom software enabled with these technologies can certainly reduce the decision overload on the business owners and provide them valuable information and insights which can certainly improve their decision making and addressing the key pain points which are gathered through data.

Difficulty in reaching to customers and managing them

For a business, custom relations is quite essential. But in recent times, it seems like businesses can’t keep up with their customer base and it is duly subjected to numerous customer complaints along with escalation mails as well as poor customer response in company surveys. This means its time for a swift technological switch.

In case you are out of ideas on how to keep up with different social media channels that your customers are actually present then a custom software solution will easily and efficiently manage all of the customer information along with their project flow information as well as team responsible for the entire project and certainly maintain constant collaboration between clients as well as the people that are involved in the project.

It can even integrate email along with customer support as well as social media engagement tools which you allow you to easily look for information at the moment of crisis.

Expansion of business

Constant growth and consistent expansion are on the mind of any business owner from the very first moment of establishment of the business. In case your business is consistently expanding in terms of employees, location or customers, you certainly require business process management custom software in place.

It will assist in managing workflow, which can easily be changed on-the-fly. Also, it assists in integrating all of the information which is accessible at all of the locations such that your team can easily work with customers as well as another team all over the globe, without any constraint, and hence increasing efficiency and saving costs.

Once you have evaluated the need to develop custom software, let’s discuss a checklist to evaluate for custom software development.


Custom Software Product Development

When it comes down to custom software development, most of the process includes distinct parts other than developing the software itself. Coding is just a small segment of development as well as the release of the software product. Along with it, brainstorming, administrative tasks as well as testing combinedly overtake the total amount of time spent on designing, developing and coding the software product.

The entire software development process is multi-faceted. Although projects may certainly differ in terms of size as well as complexity, all of them actually go through some types of stage. A custom software development company has to consider this aspect at all times.


Read the blog- How Custom Software Development Enhance Your Business?


It involves designing a particular software for a certain user, an entire group of a specific audience, or organization, and it is certainly not packaged for the purpose of reselling. Custom software is essentially designed to specifically address the requirements of the target organization instead of more prevalent and traditional off-the-shelf software. Custom software is generally developed by a custom software development company or a team of developers of the organization itself.


Value of Project Development Planning of Custom Software

It is essential to put massive advanced planning in order to get the better part of your investment in the development of custom software.

Project planning assists you in accounting different features of the software that the business requires, such that you don’t have to ask for new features in the future. You have to ensure that you completely address all security features along with key integrations in the entire project scope such that you don’t actually have to drift over the entire defined budget and timeline.


Web and App development


In case you fail to plan well, infamous “scope creep” can occur. It occurs whenever the client actually comes up with a specific new requirement between the project development, which causes delays as well as cost overruns.

Also, by covering all of your bases before the beginning of the development, you can easily prevent scope creep and achieve a finely polished final software product soon. Also, key subject matter experts and players, within the organization needs to be involved too in the entire planning process. Inform your custom software developer about the suggestions made by these people.


Let’s have a detailed overview of the checklist of steps that you need to follow:




Step 1 – Goals Determination

The key question to answer whenever you are thinking for a custom development project is what exactly the software has to accomplish for the business.

  1. Do you wish to expand the productivity of the company without even hiring new employees?
  2. Do you wish to reduce or simply eliminate errors in the business processes via automation?
  3. Do you wish to streamline the business processes by means of getting rid of inefficiencies?
  4. Do you wish to increase the sales figures or achieve better and improved customer satisfaction?

While moving to the next step, it is better to identify the key top priorities for the project first along with metrics and different KPIs or key performance indicators that you will be actually used to measure the success of the project in achieving them.


Step 2- Mapping Business Processes

Whenever you are mapping business processes, the essential trick is to have all of the key players duly involved without crowding the team. You need to speak with relevant people who know the daily operations as well as the pain points which the employees are currently facing.

Through listening to these varieties of suggestions and issues, you can easily propose different solutions like custom integrations as well as reports which can easily make the employees much better informed as well as more productive. However, failing to understand the requirements of the business will certainly result in a final custom software product which isn’t useful to anyone at all.


Step 3- Establish Necessary and Additional Features

Even if there are numerous things that are possible with custom software, that doesn’t mean that every one of them should be included in the project. Moreover, if you have a grand vision of the custom software, still, you need to be quite realistic and then prioritize features in terms of actual value that those features bring to the organization, whether the features are internal or customer-facing.

The necessary features are the ones that directly benefit the business. For instance, reduction of errors, cost savings, improved output. The additional features are those which are desirable but finally optional, like better reporting features or an appealing and attractive user interface.


Step 4- Keep Space for Business-Specific Features

Since you know about your business better than anyone, hence you have to proactively consider the various industry laws as well as regulations that you need to deal with. The development company might be familiar with a few of these standards and might have worked with different other businesses in the same industry, but they won’t actually know the specific requirements and rules much better than you. Hence, it is quite crucial that you let your custom software development company know about these at the earliest. Various industry regulations often need the software that you use to be completely updated and free from different security vulnerabilities. Hence, your custom website development company needs to perform a security check of the software once a year, at least. With hackers becoming highly-capable and more intrusive, you need to ensure the security of the software. Otherwise, you risk losing valuable business and customer data which can be disastrous to the business.


Step 5- Establish Budget 

The key aspect of custom software is that they can fit all budgets of different sizes. Also, the entire scale of the project along with the addition of different custom features like integrations as well as reporting can play a key role in the final price figure. Hence, before you speak to a custom software product development company, create your own estimate of the entire project budget. It will certainly help that company to understand better what you are expecting out of your money. Also, it will allow you to inculcate the necessary features and give you a leeway to add extra features if the budget allows. It also helps in deciding the most crucial features as cost of development leads to prioritization of the features that need to be included.




The key rule of any technology utilized in a business is that complete automation applied to quite an effective operation will certainly magnify the entire efficiency. Also, the automation applied to an inefficient operation will certainly magnify the inefficiency. Custom software development for a business is quite a big step as it will completely integrate the essential and key aspects of the functioning of the company and also play a key part in the operations of the company and its success. Also, it will certainly result in a boost in productivity as well as an increase in revenue. That’s why successful businesses often hire the best web development services for such solutions.

If you follow the above-mentioned checklist, then you can know your business requires a good technological boost. Consider taking a leap of faith on the basis of due diligence and ensure that you completely understand the entire processes that you are actually looking to automate.

So, evaluate all the processes, make the list of the objectives, find out the requirements and hire best custom software development company which will assist you to develop your own custom software which will offer a return of investment or ROI of multiple times the entire investment in terms of cost-effectiveness, time-saving and risk reduction via a scalable, structured, and comprehensive custom software.

The emerging demand for a business software system isn’t a newfound issue. In case you are running a business, you require software to improve productivity, decrease costs, increase efficiencies, and streamlining business processes. Hence, The emerging demand for a business software system isn’t a newfound issue. In case you are running a business, you require software to improve productivity, decrease costs, increase efficiencies, and streamlining business processes. Hence, your business may need custom software. Also, software automation assists businesses of all sizes as well as stature. Running a business comprises of different aspects like... Tarun Nagar full false 7 Checklist to evaluate if you are looking to develop custom software nonadult