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Do you know How To Create A Website From Scratch?  Creating a website from scratch is quite stressful for website development company providers but with the right tools and components, it is easy to create an excellent website without any hassle.

Most importantly you do not require a bunch of coding skills or high-end technical expertise for this purpose. You would not even be required to invest a chunk of your budget to hire dedicated developers.

In short, you do not have to have anything fancy besides a strong internet connection, a couple of hours, and a reliable system to create a website.

In this article, we will take you through a step-by-step guide for creating a website from scratch, and by the end of this guide, you will be equipped with all of the necessary web development skills.


Creating A Website From Scratch: But What Does It Mean?

‘Creating a website from scratch’ sounds like a fancy term but it is extremely important to understand its dynamic approach. Building websites from scratch refers to building a hand-coded and custom-designed application solution.

It simply means that a website that is built from scratch is meticulously constructed or developed as per the client’s requirements or in order to fulfill their specific business purposes. At present, with the advent of technology, websites have evolved from just being a simple marketing tool for companies globally.


Build Website from Scratch


Hand-coded websites are also recommended for startups or business owners who are willing to create outstanding websites for their business or their specific requirements. They have plenty of advantages and some are listed below-

  • This type of website can be tweaked in order to reap and harness the advantages of search engine optimization
  • They possess the ability to be easily edited or modified as per the new content strategy
  • They can be easily optimized to get better search engine rankings and speed up the page loading process
  • No advertisements will clutter the website
  • This website has its own custom design and codes

The Fundamentals of A Website

Apparently, users can access anything virtually ranging from basic social pages to passing data, teaching, trading, and many more. There are multiple website builders available through which it is extremely convenient to build simple and learning websites.

However, the ever-increasing demand for these solutions has also encouraged companies to hire dedicated developers who can create attractive yet efficient solutions for them.

Also, the shortcomings of website builders have persuaded people to develop websites from scratch that are CMS-based. Every website that we come across in a day requires two major aspects to function properly. They are-


website fundamentals


  • Web Host– It refers to the location of the website, i.e. servers where you collect the information on your website
  • Domain Name– A domain name is the particular URL of your website which is typically followed by terms like .com, .net, .org, etc.

An established web development company uses a combination of these two aspects to make the existence of the websites sustaining on the internet. You can also consider hiring a website builder as they will help you with creating interesting posts, pages, or other essentials.

Learn How To Create A Website From Scratch

Developing a website from scratch is not a daunting task and with the help of relevant tools and technology, you can get it done in a couple of days.

If you are unsure about your approach then soon after the initial without the website you can continue to upgrade and expand your platform as per your desires. Let us walk you through a step-by-step guide for creating a website from scratch.


1. Select A Host And A Domain

Selecting a hosting service and domain name is the first step towards building a website irrespective of the approach you have chosen. A web host refers to the platform offering server, storage space, and other essentials for your website along with giving global access to your platform.

On the other hand domain name refers to the specific URL that the visitors will use to navigate to your platform directly. Web hosting refers to the act of hosting and storing the content of the website on a secure platform that is always up and running.




Without web hosting, a website will not remain accessible to anyone for reading or browsing. You can get reliable and affordable web hosting services for your website that will cost you around $5 to $15 per month. Whichever company you are signing up with, make sure to get the following features integrated into your website-

  • Custom email accounts
  • One-click install for the tech stack
  • Free domain name having an SSL security measure
  • Customer support
  • Unlimited bandwidth

Similarly registering for a supreme quality domain name is extremely important as It helps visitors to remember your brand. The web hosting services offered by a web development company provide complimentary domain name registration usually for the first few months or years of the services. As you have almost completed the first step it is important to consider a few tips-

  • Keep the domain name short, crisp, and memorable
  • Only use helpful and relevant keywords
  • Keep resourcing on the domain names
  • Choose appropriate domain name extensions

2. Select A Website Builder

As soon as you have a domain name and a hosting platform you are good to go. All you need now is to select or install a web building platform preferably known as the CMS method. There are three main ways of creating a website-

  • If you are a newbie, the easiest method is to create and launch the website using a website builder offered by your web host itself
  • If you have the knowledge about web development then you can choose WordPress or any content management system like Joomla or Drupal
  • If you are well versed with web coding or are internet savvy then you can start development from scratch with the help Of HTML

Developing from scratch will give you the essential tools for creating and customizing the website so as to make it according to your expectations.

3. Start Customizing The Website’s Structure And Design

Now that you have a web hosting platform and a domain name and you have also chosen the building method you can start developing a website from scratch and look at the content and the design of the same.

You can integrate the required templates, standard themes, and other components to make your website. You can also pick premade templates or frameworks for your web development requirement.




But remember that whichever platform you have chosen ensures having an extensive range of web development templates to choose from. You can customize the template design as required such as-

  • You can add many pages to the navigation
  • You can change the colors, size, or fonts of the buttons
  • You can edit the images on your gallery
  • You can choose different colors from the color palette
  • You can embed social media links
  • You can add new elements to the website like menu or contact form

4. Add Content Pages To The Website

Content pages are the actual essence of a website and it is almost impossible to imagine a website without it. Even from a technical perspective, a website is more than just a web document. Most of the websites have-

  • Homepage- It is usually the first page that is visible to the users/visitors when they visit your website
  • About Us Page- This page elaborates about your brand
  • Contact Us Page- It allows visitors or users to contact you via email, mobile number, or address
  • Blog Page- The blog page has a list of recent blocks about your company’s announcement or launches
  • Our Services Page- If your website is business-centric then this page displays its services
  • Shop Page- This page is for the businesses that are about to launch their e-commerce store

5. Setting Up Navigation

With the range of excellent-looking web pages, the next step in the whole quest is to set the website up for navigation. A navigation menu allows visitors to go from one page to another on a website.

You can start this by adding the title, adding a menu, and displaying them on the location. This step will make sure to display the menu in all its glory on your homepage.

6. All Done: Add Content And Online Store

With the help of available technology, it is now easier than ever to build a website from scratch and to create a visually appealing product for users.

The most important aspect to consider now for a website is to integrate the content that can draw potential users to the website frequently. You can prioritize the services offered by your website and target your audience at first.

Consider the basic aspects of your web development purpose and its direction. As soon as you have a concrete plan and content integration ideas you can start adding them to the website.


Read More:- How To Start A Web Development Business


The last thing to keep in mind is that you have developed the website for your business and if you are willing to incorporate an eCommerce store into the newly created website then do not hesitate to take the step.

Most companies or professionals even hire dedicated developers to fulfill this objective. However, you can also skip this step if the online store is not on your list.

How Long Does It Take To Create A Website From Scratch?

Developing an eye-catching website from scratch is a laborious process and it is often recommended to businesses to entrust a top web development agency or professional to create a pleasant website and fulfill the intended aim.

Now let’s assume that everything is on track i.e. you have skilled developers working on your website and the technology stack is already at the helm of your project.

But for how long you will have to wait until you get your brand new website? It is extremely important to know this aspect because every developer has his own style of working and timeline.



Typically the project may require more than two weeks. Conducting efficient web development is a step-by-step process in which clients are usually very much involved. The model timeline for the same aspect is as follows-

  • The Discovery Phase– The discovery phase is marked with in-depth and intense marketing research and planning. It might take 3 or 4 days.
  • Client Revision– The developer’s research from the aforementioned phase is presented to the client for revisions or changes. It might take one or two days.
  • The Designing Phase– This includes creating a website from scratch where both \development and design are included. It may take 3 or 4 days.
  • Testing And Launching– This phase involves shifting the website to hosting servers and making it live. It may take two to four days.

You Are All Set To Launch

Last but not the least, as you have a website ready and you are all set to launch, you have to keep improving and polishing the content and the look of the website to stay ahead of your contemporaries.

As the website gets ready, the priority keeps changing, and driving traffic and monetizing the website becomes a crucial factor. You can make the final checks with the help of any web development agency or professional.


In this article, we have taken you through the step-by-step process of building a website from scratch. If you have followed the guide completely then you might have gotten an idea to create a feature-rich and high-end website without investing too much effort or money in it. If you are looking for this development you can hire web developers.

Custom-made web solutions are ideal for any business as they have essential features to promote business growth and are easy to maintain. The ideal way to create one such solution is to make it from scratch.

Developing a website from scratch is a rewarding task for companies where they can learn about its content, design, coding, and other components. Having a structured framework for a website will allow you to keep its components in a manageable manner. Hope you find your answer on how to create a website from scratch.