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Looking to build a dating app like Tinder?

The invention of modern tools and technologies has impacted man-machine relations and has also changed interpersonal relations. With the introduction of online dating apps like Tinder, people now prefer to meet new people online. The demand increased at the time of the pandemic, where everyone was staying at their home and looking for options to interact with new people. Since then, the demand for custom dating software has increased, and the trend isn’t going to fade anytime soon.

As per Statista, around 46% of people in the USA use online dating applications, and the surprising part is 20% of the relations started with online communication and dating. As said, modern technologies have completely changed the way people used to live in previous times.

The following statistics reflect the impact of software on online dating –

  • Around 40 million people use dating apps & websites worldwide
  • Total worth of Tinder is estimated at around $1.6 billion
  • Over 27% of committed relations started online
  • Annual revenue of all dating apps is around $2 billion
  • Out of 50 million Tinder users, 60% are from the US

This is how dating on-demand applications are gaining popularity every passing day. So, if you are also planning to develop a dating app, don’t think twice and go for it. Here’s a short glimpse of dating apps like Tinder, features, and cost required.

Infographic Representation to Build a Dating App Like Tinder


Build A Dating App Like Tinder

Determining the accurate cost for developing an education app was never easy, as multiple factors influence the cost of educational mobile apps. Besides this, developing a feature-rich and appealing education app requires professional assistance. So, it is better to hire professional mobile app developers on a part-time, full-time, or hourly basis to develop an educational app. This will not only help you get a well-structured and feature-rich app in hand but will also assure business success.