Banking App Development – Dev Technosys Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates Wed, 18 Oct 2023 06:32:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Banking App Development – Dev Technosys 32 32 Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates Tarun Nagar false episodic Tarun Nagar podcast Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates c9c7bad3-4712-514e-9ebd-d1e208fa1b76 How Does AI in Banking Industry Impact the Future? Wed, 18 Oct 2023 06:20:25 +0000 “The convergence of AI and finance is not just a trend; it’s a necessity for staying competitive in the banking industry.”

– Henry Kravis


Artificial Intelligence has become a powerful force in the rapidly changing world of finance. It is reshaping banking’s contours. This blog explores the fascinating topic of “How Does AI in Banking Industry Impact the Future?” As we explore the intersection of technology, finance and more.

AI is more than a buzzword. It’s a dynamic technology that is revolutionizing banking practices. AI streamlines operations, enhancing efficiency and streamlining financial institutions’ operations.

Discover with us the many ways AI is shaping banking’s future. We will explore the impact of chatbots on customer interaction, the role of AI and machine learning in banking algorithms in risk management, and the implications of data-driven decisions.

What is AI in Banking Industry?

Artificial intelligence (AI) in banking refers to the automation and enhancement of different areas of financial services via the application of artificial intelligence technologies such as neural networks, natural language processing, and data analytics.

The use of chatbots for customer service, AI in banking fraud detection, credit assessment, personalized financial advice, and optimization of operational processes are all part of this.


What is AI in Banking


AI can help banks improve efficiency, reduce costs and offer better customer experiences through the analysis of vast amounts of data and data-driven decision making.

This tool is also a valuable asset for modern banking, as it helps to ensure compliance and security by identifying potential threats and anomalies in real time. So, if you are planning to invest in banking apps with AI technology, then you must consult with a mobile banking app development company.


AI in Banking Market Statistics 


AI in Banking Market Statistics


  • A third of respondents claimed to have fully integrated artificial intelligence technology into their business.
  • The global AI market in banking is expected to grow at a CAGR of 32.1% from $6.82 Billion in 2022 up to $9.00 Billion in 2023.
  • By 2030, AI will be used in banking to generate around US$99 billion in Asia Pacific.
  • Then, predictive analytics and virtual assistants were the next most popular technologies with 60 percent and 58 percent respectively.
  • North America will account for more than 37% share of revenues in 2022.
  • In 2019, Bank of Georgia launched a new retail banking system powered by AI.


AI development cta

How AI Is Transforming The Banking Sector?  

In a matured market, only a few things separate one institution from another. AI has thrown this race wide open. The banks are in an ideal position to use AI to gain a competitive edge, offer attractive products and increase their customer base. A survey found that 77% of respondents agreed that the ability of banks to harness the full potential of AI was key to their survival.

Banks can enhance their strategies through cloud infrastructure, security, and storage optimization. Artificial intelligence adoption, particularly with large-scale language models, improves customer experience.

For example, Deutsche Bank leverages AI in their app through a Banking mobile app development company to aid customers in portfolio management, providing valuable recommendations based on risk factors.

Top 5 Examples of AI Applications in Banking

There are multiple AI banking apps in the market that are doing great, but we have listed the top 5 best apps recommended by a mobile app development services provider. So let’s have a look:


AI Banking Apps

Available Platforms



Chime Android | iOS 10M+ 4.8
M1 Finance Android | iOS 1M+ 4.5
Ally Android | iOS 1M+ 3.5
Simple Android | iOS 1M+ 3.1
Qapital Android | iOS 500k+ 4.4

1. Chime:

Chime, an AI-powered Neobank, offers a wide range of banking products and services that are centered around financial wellness. The app analyzes users’ spending habits and gives them insights into their financial habits using AI.

The banking app like Chime offers round-up saving, which automatically saves or invests spare change after purchases are rounded to the nearest dollar.

2. M1 Finance:

M1 Finance, a robo advisory platform, uses AI to automate investment services. Users can create and manage portfolios according to their financial goals and tolerance for risk.

This is one of the best mobile banking apps that uses intelligent algorithms to automatically rebalance investment portfolios in order to maintain asset allocations. The app also offers Smart Transfers which automatically move excess cash to investments.

3. Ally:

Ally is a virtual assistant powered by AI developed by Ally Bank to improve customer interaction. This app uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand and answer customer queries.

Users can receive financial insights, ask questions, make transactions and get personalized answers. This artificial intelligence in finance makes it easier for customers to navigate the app, giving them a more intuitive and seamless experience.

4. Simple:

Simple uses AI to analyze spending patterns and provide personalized insights for users. ai in investment banking approach helps customers optimize their finances by making it easier for them to save money, budget and reach their financial goals.

However, you can Create an AI App like Simple with AI technology to expand your business. Simple’s ability to understand users’ behavior and provide tailored recommendations demonstrates AI’s power in improving financial wellbeing.

5. Qapital:

Qapital is an AI-driven saving app. Artificial intelligence and behavioral sciences are used to help users save money more efficiently. Qapital lets users set their own personal savings goals and rules.

It can, for example, round your daily transactions up to the nearest dollar automatically and save any spare change. It can also analyze your spending habits and suggest ways to save money more efficiently. So, if you want to develop an app like Qapital, then you must hire mobile app developers who are proficient in app development.


AI mobile app development cta

Challenges in Adopting AI in Banking Industry

Widespread implementation of high-end technologies like AI does not come without its challenges. There are many challenges for banks that use generative AI in banking industry technology, ranging from a lack of quality and credible data to security concerns.


Challenges in Adopting AI in Banking Industry


Let’s look at some of them now.


  • Data Security

To avoid breaches or violations, the amount of data collected by the banking industry must be adequately secured. It is therefore important to find a technology partner that is knowledgeable about AI and banking and can offer a variety of security options in order to protect your customer data.


  • Lack of Quality Data

Before businesses deploy AI solutions, they need to use structured and high-quality data for validation and training. To ensure that the algorithm is applicable to real-life scenarios, they need to use quality data.

It is vital to hire AI developers and is essential for organizations looking to address issues related to unstructured or non-machine-readable data. These experts play a critical role in ensuring data is properly processed and compliant with privacy policies, thereby mitigating potential AI model behavior risks and facilitating the accelerated adoption of AI technologies.


  • Lack of Explainability

AI-based systems can be used to make decisions as they reduce errors and save time. They may, however, adopt biases based on previous instances of poor judgment. Minor AI system inconsistencies can quickly escalate to large-scale issues, putting the bank’s reputation at risk.

Banks should provide a level of explanation that is appropriate for all AI model decisions and recommendations. This will help to avoid catastrophes. Banks must understand, validate and explain the decisions made by AI models.

Benefits of AI in Banking Industry

After integrating AI in their back-end and customer-facing processes, banks have already seen substantial benefits. They include:


  • Better decision-making:

AI-enabled insights help bankers, fund managers and other financial stakeholders make better decisions. They use AI to minimize risks and maximize opportunity in volatile market conditions.


  • Personalized Customer Experiences:

No longer do customers have to wait long for assistance or receive generic product offers. They are instead attended to quickly and have access to tailored information on all digital channels, including apps, websites, and websites.


Benefits of AI in Banking Industry


  • Improved Efficiency:

AI technology allows financial institutions to scale their operations and eliminate bottlenecks that hamper manual processes. AI development services systems automate repetitive and resource-intensive tasks. This allows the bank staff to provide more value to their customers.


  • More Robust Security:

AI helps financial institutions protect their customers’ data from risks. AI allows banks, simultaneously, to be agile in responding to online threats. It can spot and stop fraudulent activities instantly.


  • Improved Risk Management:

AI improves risk management by analyzing the wealth of financial data. Instead of rushing into a decision to protect assets, bankers use predictive insights to navigate challenges and take advantage of market opportunities.


  • AI-assisted Regulatory Compliance:

AI-assisted compliance with regulatory requirements: Banks continuously evaluate their commitment to meet regulatory requirements. AI systems automate the tasks that were previously performed by bank officers. This helps institutions to reduce costs and avoid heavy penalties.


  • Improved Privacy:

AI makes customers feel more secure and comfortable. Customers can opt to not divulge any personal information and ask for the removal of all conversational data.


Uses of AI in Banking Industry

You must be thinking how is AI used in banking? Well, Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing banking in many ways. It improves efficiency, security and customer experience. As per the Fintech App development company, below are the uses of AI in banking and finance and shed light on the impact of AI.


1. Personalized Customer Experiences

The AI chatbots in banking and virtual assistants have revolutionized the way banks interact with their customers. These smart technologies employ natural language processing to comprehend consumer inquiries and offer 24/7 individualized support.

AI can help banks recommend tailored financial services and products by analyzing customer data and historical behavior. This improves both customer satisfaction and cross-selling opportunities.

For robust implementations, businesses often collaborate with specialized entities, such as a Chatbot app development company, to create advanced and tailored solutions for their unique needs.


2. Fraud Detection and Prevention

AI algorithms are able to detect fraudulent activity by analyzing large amounts of transactional data in real time. Machine learning models can learn from past fraud patterns and enable banks to detect suspicious behavior quickly.

Fraud detection using AI in banking systems can flag up unusual transactions and help banks to prevent fraudulent activities and unauthorized access. They protect both the institution as well as its customers.


3. Credit Risk Assessment

In the past, creditworthiness assessment relied on manual processes. AI, aided by machine learning, has streamlined this by analyzing diverse data, including social media. A machine learning app development company created these models, enabling banks to swiftly and accurately evaluate credit risk, facilitating faster and well-informed lending decisions.


4. Algorithmic Trading

AI-driven algorithms have reshaped the trading landscape within banking. These algorithms assess AI trends and perform transactions at a pace and accuracy that is unattainable for human traders using market data, past transactions, and news. Trading systems with AI capabilities enhance portfolios, improve risk management, and maybe boost profits.


5. Robotic Process Automation

RPA bots automate repetitive, rule-based tasks in banking operations. These robots automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, reconciliation and report generation. This allows human employees to concentrate on more complex, value-added tasks. This reduces costs and minimizes errors. It also leads to greater accuracy and compliance.


6. Predictive Analytics for Customer Insights

AI-driven predictive analytics uses data to predict customer preferences and behavior. This information can be used by banks to create targeted marketing campaigns, and personalize product recommendations. Understanding the needs of customers allows banks to improve customer retention and satisfaction. This ultimately drives profitability.


7. Regulatory Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering

Banks are constantly challenged to meet stringent regulatory requirements. AI is essential for streamlining the audit process by looking for questionable trends in transactional data that might point to fraud or money laundering. These systems help banks not only stay compliant but also reduce false-positives, saving both time and resources.


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Future of AI in Banking Industry

Digital technology has a profound impact on almost all industries. It not only changes the industry but also how businesses are run. In this tech-driven environment, every industry is analyzing and implementing options.

Digitalization is a global phenomenon, and it is driving the growth of the banking industry. The question is now how can the banking industry assist more customers without increasing costs?

Industry must adapt to the changing needs of customers. Today’s customers have very high expectations. Customers today are digitally savvy and expect that industries will provide them a pleasant, comfortable experience. They also expect the same from the banking industry.


Future of AI in Banking Industry


In order to meet customer expectations, the banking industry has extended its reach in the retail, IT and telecom sectors, providing services such as mobile banking, real-time money transfers, and e-banking. The banking sector pays a price for these advanced features that allow customers to have banking at their fingertips.

It is more likely that confidential information will be transferred over virtual networks due to the involvement of IT, retail, and telecom. It can sometimes lead to cyber-attacks or fraud in the banking industry. This type of fraud affects not only the bank’s finances but also the trust of people.

Artificial intelligence in the banking sector is primarily used to help consumers make better choices by prioritizing them. Artificial Intelligence helps ensure that customers are satisfied with bank services. AI, or machine intelligence, helps the bank understand consumer expectations.


AI will revolutionize banking in the near future. Its impact is far-reaching and will enhance customer experiences, improve efficiency, as well as strengthen security. AI-driven personalized services, fraud detection and predictive analytics will allow banks to manage risks efficiently while providing tailored services.

Banking’s future holds the promise of innovation, simplified procedures, and a focus on the needs of the consumer. This will bring forth a new era of banking that is both technologically advanced and customer-friendly.

However, partnering with an Artificial Intelligence App Development Company can help financial institutions harness the full potential of AI to deliver cutting-edge services and personalized experiences to their customers.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. How Much Does Mobile Banking App Development Cost?

The Mobile Banking App Development Cost can vary widely based on features, complexity, platform, and location of development. A basic app may start at $10,000, while more advanced apps with security features and integrations can exceed $30,000 or more. So, to know the exact cost to develop a mobile app, it is vital to consult with professionals.


2. How to Create a Mobile App with AI technology?

To create a mobile app, you must follow the below steps:

  • Define your app’s purpose and AI use cases.
  • Choose the right AI frameworks and tools.
  • Collect and preprocess data.
  • Develop AI models using machine learning.
  • Integrate AI into your app’s code.
  • Test, refine, and optimize the AI features.

3. Can AI Help with Regulatory Compliance in the Banking Sector?

Yes, AI can automate compliance checks, monitor transactions for suspicious activities, and generate reports to ensure adherence to regulations.

4. What are Some Specific Applications of AI in banking?

AI is used for credit scoring, risk assessment, algorithmic trading, chatbots, virtual financial advisors, and fraud detection, among others.

What is the Future of Blockchain in Banking Industry? Thu, 12 Oct 2023 07:03:02 +0000 “Blockchain is not just a technological innovation, it is the future of the digital world.”

Arif Naseem


Blockchain technology has the ability to fundamentally alter the financial industry. This is not a mere buzzword; it’s an important force that is reshaping banking. What is the future of blockchain in banking industry?

We’re faced with questions and possible solutions as we look into the crystal-ball of financial technology. These will redefine how banks operate, the way transactions are conducted, and the way customers interact with financial institutions.

Blockchain offers a glimpse of a world where financial services will be more accessible, with increased trust and security.

This guide will take you on a journey to the potential of Blockchain in banking industry. We’ll look at its advantages, difficulties, and applications. Buckle up as we explore the fascinating world of blockchain and its impending influence on the banking sector.

What is Blockchain in Banking?  

In banking, blockchain is a technology of decentralized ledgers that records and verifies all transactions in a secure manner. It increases trust and transparency through the creation of a chain of data blocks that is resistant to tampering, which prevents fraud and mistakes.


What is Blockchain in Banking


It streamlines banking processes such as payments, identity checks, and loan approvals. This reduces costs and settlement time. Blockchain for banking also enables smart contracts that automate agreements when certain conditions are met.

Blockchain app development offers significant security benefits and is a great way to improve efficiency, but its adoption by the banking industry has not yet reached its full potential. Regulators are still addressing privacy concerns, interoperability, scalability, and the expertise of a Blockchain app development services provider is crucial in navigating these challenges.

Market Stats of Blockchain in Financial Sector


Market Stats of Blockchain in Financial Sector


  • In the coming years, the banking app like Chime, Ally etc of blockchain technology to the financial sector will continue to grow. The market is estimated at approximately 22,5 billion U.S. Dollars in 2026.
  • Global blockchain market in banking and financial services reached nearly $2,034.1 in 2021. This is a growth of 62.7% annually since 2016. Market growth is projected to be 53.9%, from $2,034.1 in 2021, to $17.583.4 in 2026.
  • In the U.S., 158 practical examples of blockchain implementation in banking and financial service were recorded in 2019.
  • Banks were involved in 411 projects involving the implementation of blockchain technology in financial services.
  • In 2018, the global blockchain market was worth 1.57 billion U.S. Dollars. By 2027, it is expected to increase by more than 100 times.


Blockchain in Banking Industry CTA

Benefits of Blockchain in Banking Industry

As per the mobile banking app development company, below are the benefits of blockchain in the banking industry. So let’s have a look:


1. Security

The blockchain in banking provides a high degree of security. The encryption of the network and the fact that information can be edited are both factors. The high level of security that the enterprise blockchain offers to banks is a great benefit.

It is both about the client information that can be stored on a Blockchain and the internal processes which can be made easier. The banks using blockchain technology a network of this kind, they can be assured that sensitive data is protected.

2. Traceability

Blockchain transactions are anonymous. This means that if John Smith sent Jane Doe money, the names of both the sender and the recipient will not be recorded on the blockchain. Transactions can still be traced, despite this.

The integration of blockchain in the banking industry can offer significant advantages. Transactions on this network are transparent, with only wallet addresses visible. Therefore, in Fintech app development, using enterprise blockchain ensures precise tracking of all actions, down to the exact moment and address, enhancing security and accountability.


Benefits of Blockchain in Banking Industry

3. Cost Management

The blockchain can help reduce costs, both for institutions and customers. Many traditional bank operations cost a set amount, which can discourage clients. It is a grave threat to traditional banks, as cryptocurrency allows for the same operation at lower costs.

Banks can cut costs for users and reduce their internal expenditures by using an enterprise blockchain. This will make both in-office and online services more accessible.

4. Transaction Speed

We already knew that the speed of conventional transactions can be slow. The reason for this is that there are many operations. Some of them are not even performed by the bank, but rather by a third-party middleman.

Enterprise blockchain transactions are often much faster than traditional ones. In a traditional bank you might have to wait for several days before your money is transferred. This can be even longer if the transfer is overseas.

Some public blockchains allow you to send and receive payments in minutes, not hours. If banks can offer this to their customers, engagement will certainly increase by multiples.

5. International Transaction Facilitation

Blockchain in banking can also help overcome geographical barriers. Many clients and businesses suffer long processing times when sending or receiving payments from accounts in other countries.

Blockchain does not care where money is sent from or where it comes from. The network operates entirely on the Internet, so it does not need physical borders. The clients will benefit from cheaper transactions, and the banks can improve services by speeding things up.

Challenges of Using Blockchain in Banking Industry

Blockchain technology can provide many benefits to the banking industry, including increased security, transparency and efficiency. There are a few significant challenges banks will face when adopting Blockchain:

1. Regulatory Compliance

The regulatory environment is complex, and navigating it can be a challenge. Financial regulators have yet to adapt to this innovative technology. This may lead to uncertainty and possible legal issues.

While using blockchain to manage customer data and conduct transactions, banks must comply with anti-money laundering, Know Your Customer, and data privacy regulations. Blockchain adoption requires regulatory approval and industry standards.

2. Scalability

Due to their limited processing speed, blockchain networks such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have scalability problems. Existing blockchain solutions might not be able to meet the needs of blockchain in banking industry, which processes thousands of transactions per second. The challenge of a blockchain development platform that can handle high transaction volumes while maintaining security is a major one.

3. Interoperability

Banking relies on an ecosystem of networks, systems, and institutions. Interoperability is a challenge between legacy systems and the emerging blockchain networks. Blockchain’s potential can only be realized through seamless integration. This allows banks to exchange assets and data efficiently, while still maintaining compatibility with existing infrastructure.

4. Security Concerns

Blockchain technology, while renowned for the security it offers, is not immune from threats. Hackings and vulnerabilities within smart contracts could cause significant financial loss and damage to a bank’s reputation. To ensure the robustness of blockchain systems, ongoing security audits and bug fixes are required, as well as constant vigilance.

5. Privacy and Data protection

Blockchain transparency is beneficial for verifying transactions, but it also poses privacy issues in the banking industry. Customers’ sensitive data and transactional details are usually stored in a public ledger.

This could expose them to unauthorized access. To protect customer data, banks must find a balance between transparency while protecting their customers’ information. They can do this by exploring solutions such as zero-knowledge certificates and private blockchain networks.

6. Adoption and Culture Shift

To embrace blockchain technology, traditional banks must undergo a culture shift. The employees must be educated and trained about the capabilities of blockchain, and organization structures may have to change to accommodate decentralized processes. A lack of understanding, resistance to change and skepticism about blockchain could hinder its adoption in the banking industry.


blockchain developer cta

Use Cases of Blockchain in Banking Industry

Blockchain will revolutionize banking, so it is no surprise to see how it has changed the way customers conduct their transactions. It streamlines traditional banking with more efficient, transparent, secure and cost-effective approaches. Here are some ways blockchain is revolutionizing the digital banking industry that is given by a banking mobile app development company.


Use Cases of Blockchain in Banking Industry

1. Blockchain Accelerates International Transfers

Issues make up the capital markets, and investors are matched according to their risk and return profiles. The blockchain development company is not subject to strict monitoring and regulation practices, has high liquidity risks and interest rate volatility.

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the financial markets by removing operational risks that might result in fraud and human error, as well as by lowering counter party risk.

Digitization and tokenization of assets and financial products make it easier to trade. They also promote global inclusivity and connectivity.

2. Blockchains Create an Audit Trail

Blockchain technology can increase the security of bank transactions by eliminating fraud, data duplication and maintaining an audit trail. Blockchain in banks networks are protected by thousands of ledgers; data can’t be altered unless the network is approved by all users. Sensitive data is very tough to compromise for hackers and other bad actors, sparing the victims hundreds of thousands of dollars.

3. Blockchain Lowers Costs for Banks and Customers

Blockchain technology can automate bank processes. This means faster loan processing, payments and workflows. The costs of poor record-keeping, reconciliation and fraud are high.

Numerous parts of digital transactions may be automated via blockchain, boosting efficiency and lowering exposure to online dangers. Blockchain ledgers can help financial institutions address many of the issues associated with speed and cost.

By eliminating the traditional paperwork associated with banking, this technology reduces overheads as well as additional costs. No third party or intermediary is required.

4. Blockchain Ensures Compliance

Blockchain enhances network governance through standardizing processes and automating conformance. Financial institutions must ensure they remain compliant with complex regulatory changes. When they operate outside of national boundaries, this is very crucial.

Compliance with regulatory requirements is also crucial for trading and eCommerce. Blockchain streamlines transaction verification and reporting, and simplifies financial transactions in real time. The immutable ledgers of blockchain and the asset digitization reduce fraud risk and allow for faster settlements.

5. Blockchain Secures Private Messaging and Cyber-physical Infrastructures

Hackers are increasingly targeting social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to target users. Every year, millions of accounts are breached due to the information being intercepted and falling into wrong hands.

Blockchain technology can be used by enterprises to enhance their security and standardize communication across different messaging channels. Using it will prevent data from being intercepted by encrypting communication between parties.

It can be implemented to prevent unauthorized parties from interfering with digital transactions, stop identity fraud, and protect digital interactions.

Cyber-physical infrastructure leverages blockchain in the banking sector for authentication and security, streamlining payments, and thwarting fraud. Upholding credibility, it also safeguards against internal threats, ensuring data integrity. You must hire a mobile app developer for effective implementation of banking app development.    

Top 5 Examples of Banking Apps


Banking Apps

Available Platform



Chime Android | iOS 10M+ 4.8
Ally Android | iOS 1M+ 3.5
    Capital One Android | iOS 10M+ 4.6
Varo Android | iOS 1M+ 4.7
Chase Android   iOS 10M+ 4.4

1. Chime

The Chime app is a cutting-edge financial platform with seamless blockchain integration. It offers users secure and transparent transactions, real-time financial tracking, and decentralized management of digital assets.

With the help of a mobile app development company, you can easily create a Chime app with blockchain technology. Chime revolutionizes banking by providing a user-friendly interface that combines traditional banking services with the benefits of blockchain technology.

2. Ally

Ally is one of the best mobile banking apps offering online banking services. It provides a user-friendly platform for checking and savings accounts, as well as investment options. Ally stands out with competitive interest rates, no monthly fees, and 24/7 customer support. It’s a convenient choice for individuals seeking modern, accessible banking solutions.

3. Capital One

The Capital One app provides users with convenient and secure access to their financial accounts. It offers features like real-time transaction tracking, mobile check deposit, credit score monitoring, and personalized spending insights.

However, if you want to create an app like Capital One, then you must hire blockchain developers. The app prioritizes user-friendly navigation and robust security measures, enhancing the overall banking experience for Capital One customers.

4. Varo

The Varo app is a mobile banking application that offers a range of financial services. It allows users to open a bank account, manage their money, save, and even get access to early paycheck deposits. Varo aims to provide a convenient and accessible banking experience through its user-friendly app.

5. Chase

The Chase app offers a user-friendly mobile banking experience. Access your accounts, check balances, transfer funds, and deposit checks with ease. Enjoy features like QuickPay for effortless money transfers and real-time alerts for account activity. Secure and convenient, the Chase mobile application development simplifies managing your finances on the go.


Skilled Blockchain cta

How Will Blockchain Affect Banking in the Future?   

Blockchain has not yet been widely adopted in the banking sector, but it is on its way. Financial institutions, including banks, need to consider many processes when adopting blockchain.

Banks should ensure they have the necessary infrastructure to support blockchain, and that all banks adhere to the global standards for this technology. This is the only way to ensure that blockchain can be implemented in all parts of the world.

Blockchain will have many advantages when it becomes the global standard. This will result in more transparent banking, faster transaction processing, and lower processing costs. The future of blockchain technology in banking industry looks very promising.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Much Does it Cost To Hire A Blockchain Developer?

The cost to hire a Blockchain developer can vary widely depending on factors such as location, experience, and project complexity. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $15 to $25 per hour for a blockchain developer’s services.

2. How Much Does Mobile Banking App Development Cost?

The Mobile Banking App Development Cost can vary widely depending on factors like complexity, features, platforms, and location of the development team. On average, it can range from $10,000 to $25000.

High-end apps with advanced security and features may cost even more. However, when you integrate blockchain technology, the Blockchain Development Cost will be higher.


3. How Much Time Does it Take To Develop a Banking App?

The development time for a banking app can vary significantly depending on complexity and features. A basic app may take 3-6 months, while a more advanced one could take 9-12 months or longer.

Factors like security, compliance, and platform choice also impact development timelines. To know the exact time estimation, you must consult with a mobile app development services provider.   

Cost To Develop a Fintech App Like Wise Tue, 19 Sep 2023 09:43:29 +0000 “How much does it cost to develop a fintech app like Wise?” is one of the first concerns for entrepreneurs who want to create an app like Wise for finance. Read this blog to know the cost to develop a fintech app like wise.

In today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape, the emergence of fintech companies has revolutionized the way we manage money and make international transactions. One such groundbreaking player in the industry is Wise, formerly known as TransferWise.

This fintech giant has changed the game by offering cost-effective and efficient cross-border money transfers, making it a preferred choice for millions of individuals and businesses worldwide.

As you know the FinTech apps are a growing sector, and with the ongoing advancements in technology and lower app development costs. FinTech is expected to reach 699.50 billion by 2030. The number of digital bank users is also projected to grow from 197 million in 2021, 699 million by 2025.

In this blog, we will discuss the cost to develop a fintech app like Wise, its factors and the tips to reduce the fintech app development cost.

So let’s begin.

What is a Wise App?


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


Wise, a popular fintech platform, specializes in low-cost currency exchange and international money transfers. Users can send money overseas, receive money, store multiple currencies in their digital wallet and make international payments at competitive rates with minimal fees.

Wise is known for its transparent pricing and commitment to offering a cheaper alternative to traditional banks when it comes to cross-border transactions.

So, if you are planning to invest in fintech software, then you must hire dedicated software developers who have expertise in creating robust fintech software.


Why Should Businesses Invest in Fintech Apps?

Fintech apps have changed the way businesses do business. Fintech companies can use traditional business models to provide benefits for businesses who invest in Fintech mobile app development in 2023 and beyond.

Fintech apps are a good investment for businesses because they offer a faster and more automated service. They also have fewer costs and an easier payment process. Take a look at current statistics on fintech apps.

Develop a Fintech App Like Wise

  • Digital Investment will be the largest market in 2023, with an AUM of US$112,90bn.
  • In 2023, the average AUM per digital investor is expected to be US$439.80.
  • The cost of sales for the London-based Fintech company in 2023 was 308,2 million British Pounds, or approximately 115 million British Pounds more than the previous fiscal period.
  • Digital Assets is expected to grow by 33.6% between now and 2024.
  • By 2027, there will be 5.48 billion users on the Digital Payments Market.
  • The total AUM of the Digital Investment Market is expected to reach US$112,90bn by 2023.
  • Since each FinTech KPI is distinct, it is impossible to create a single figure that sums up the whole FinTech market.

Cost To Develop a Fintech App Like Wise

Costs for a Finance App are estimated to range from $10,000 up to $25,000. The cost is dependent on the project complexity and the technology. The fintech app development cost is also heavily influenced by the platform and hourly rate you choose, as well as the complexity of your project.


Types of FinTech App

Approximate Budget

Time Duration

Basic $10,000 to $15,000 2-4 Months
Average $16,000 to $20,000 5-7 Months
Complex Above $25,000 9 Months


As a result, we developed a formula to help you estimate the cost to develop a fintech app like wise.


Estimated development hours * Developer’s hourly cost = Total mobile app development costs


The cost to create an app is highly variable and depends on many factors. These include the complexity of the application, the experience of your custom fintech app development services team as well as the location of where you are developing the app.

However, if you create an MVP, the cost will be lower. It takes less time to develop a full-featured social media app. You’ll need to hire a fintech software development services provider that has expertise building social networking applications or photo-sharing apps.

You are now aware of the cost of creating a fintech app. It’s crucial to comprehend the variables that affect how much it costs to create an app.


Factors Affecting the Cost To Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


As per the custom software development services provider, below are the crucial factors that you must take into consideration before you develop a fintech app like wise.


1. App Requirements

Fintech app costs are determined by the requirements of the app. Consider factors such as the scope of work performed, security provided, app complexity level, etc. A number of elements are taken into account when estimating the cost to develop a fintech app like Wise. The features, services, and capabilities required to fulfill user needs are only a few of the many variables that make up this aspect.


2. App Platform Types

It is crucial to select the platform for which you will develop your app before you hire mobile app developers. If you choose a single platform, such as Android or iOS, you will save money. However, if you opt for cross-platform fintech app development, you may have to pay more. It is recommended that you develop an app that can be used on multiple platforms. This will allow you to reach a larger audience.


3. Design UI/UX

Fintech app developers focus first on the app design because they know that it’s the only way to get the target audience’s attention in the beginning. Did you know that the UI/UX of an app can have a significant impact on its cost? The UI/UX of an application directly affects how it looks and feels for users.

App design involves creating and testing multiple design concepts in order to determine which works best. All apps, whether they are for mobile banking, cash advance, insurance or other services, need an intuitive user interface.


4. Development Team Location

It is important to know the location of the developers you have chosen to help you determine the cost. Location of the team is a major factor in determining the cost to develop a fintech application. Developers from different regions will have varying costs to develop a fintech app like wise. Don’t forget the location and size of your team when building a fintech application to keep the cost down.


5. App Maintenance

You should prioritize app maintenance because it is an important factor in mobile banking application development. Bug patches and security updates are only two of the crucial aspects of app maintenance.

It also covers server and infrastructure costs, regulatory requirements, API updates, third-party integration updates, and performance optimization.

This can lead to a high-budget app, a bad user experience, security flaws, and more. You can maintain the cost by hiring mobile app developers that invest in systematic maintenance.


6. Numbers of Features

You must also have considered the features you need after you’ve finished juggling multiple fintech ideas. The cost is also affected by the number of features, so it’s important to prioritize the features.

The cost to Build an app like Wise can be increased by adding advanced features like data encryption, payment processing and user authentication. Real-time analytics as well as third-party integrations will also increase.


7. Third-Party Integration

The mobile banking app development cost often requires the integration of third-party services such as payment gateways, banking APIs or security providers. These services require additional development resources and time. Pay attention to the complexity of these integrations, as it can increase costs.

Choose the most advanced programming languages to make integrations and Wise mobile app development easier. To keep the Wise app development cost down, limit the number of integrations.


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


Top 5 Most Popular Fintech Apps Like Wise

There are multiple fintech apps in the market that are doing well and have an immense user base. However, we have compiled a list of top 5 popular apps which are recommended by an ewallet app development services provider. So let’s have a look:


Fintech apps

Available Platforms


MoneyLion Android | iOS 1M+
Robinhood Android | iOS 10M+
Chime Android | iOS 10M+
Nubank Android | iOS 100M+
Mint Android | iOS 10M+


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


This FinTech app is among the best in the USA. It offers its users financial advice as well as access to loans. This six-year old startup offers personal finance management, but also functions as a lending, savings and wealth management app. In addition, they have widened their distribution network and made it simpler for customers to obtain financing.


2. Robinhood

Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


You may trade stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies with no fee using the Robinhood app. Users can invest in public firms listed on US stock exchanges as well as exchange-traded funds.

The app offers its own clearing system, and there are no commissions for investing in stocks, ETFs or cryptocurrencies. Crunchbase reports that the trading app raised $5.6 billion over 28 funding rounds.


3. Chime

Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


The Chime App is one of many financial apps that are growing rapidly in the USA. It is a mobile only bank. The Chime app allows users to manage both their savings and spending accounts without any hidden transaction fees.

This is one of the most effective budgeting tools, as it offers a wide range of automatic savings options. Chime is one of the best FinTech banking applications in the country because it has a large network of ATMs.


4.   Nubank

Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


Nubank is one of the top FinTech apps in Brazil and one of its best FinTech startups. Nubank has been a leading FinTech app for instant money transfers and access to invoices. It also tracks spending by category, and allows users to delete purchases using Nubank rewards points.

It is an instant fintech app like wise app that provides real-time data about credit cards and saving balances. The company has raised $650m in a post-IPO debt round. Announcement date for the round is April 11, 2020.


5.   Mint

Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


The Mint app is one of the most popular FinTech mobile applications in the USA. It collects relevant information such as user cards, accounts and transactions. You can use an app like Mint to pay your bills, track transactions, create a budget, and manage your spending. The alerts will remind you of the bills that need to be paid and provide advice based on your spending habits.



How to Reduce the Cost To Develop a Fintech App Like Wise?

Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


You now know the cost to develop a fintech app like wise. It’s time to look at ways to reduce the price. So let’s have a look:

●    Identify the Indispensable Features and Skip the Rest

Each feature you add to your app will increase the cost of development. To stay within your initial budget, it is best to reduce the features to the essentials.

Focus on the key features of the app and not the tools that don’t add anything to the user experience. This will give you more information on the key features that make money apps like Wise future-ready.

●    Use a White-label Solution

When developing a wise mobile banking app, choose a white label solution like the SaaS Platform to save time and money. This white-label platform also adheres to all the compliance standards needed when developing a fintech application. You can also get the source code license to modify the code according to your business needs.

●    Select the Right Development Partner

Saving money by outsourcing your fintech on-demand business app development solutions to a company that has experience in the field will save you time and money. These companies have an experienced team with fintech app building experience. You will have the opportunity to choose a model of cooperation that best suits your fintech application budget.


●    Use the Right Development Approach

Agile is the preferred methodology for fintech teams because it allows continuous iterations. You need a project manager who has experience with Agile, SCRUM and Lean methodologies to reduce the risk of errors in the product and meet deadlines.


Are you prepared to revolutionize the fintech sector by creating a fully-functional fintech app with advanced features like Wise? Great! Fintech apps are in high demand, and this brings significant opportunities to organizations.

This blog has everything you need to know before starting the process. It includes the cost of development, the features that are desired for a fintech application, and the technologies used.

However, it is advisable to hire dedicated developers that develop custom fintech applications like Wise with your expectations and needs in mind. You can run your Fintech intelligently with the right development team.


Fintech app development


Frequently Ask Questions


1.   How Long Does it Usually Take to Develop an App Like Wise?

A simple FinTech application can take between 3-6 months to build. The complexity of the project, your needs and the FinTech solutions that you select will all influence the time it takes to build a FinTech App. This can take up to 12-18 months.


2.   How Can a FinTech Application Like Wise Generate Revenue?

FinTech apps monetize services by showing ads within their app. This is the most popular and effective way to do so. App owners are paid by third-party advertising networks when their users click on the ads. Subscriptions and in-app purchase may be other sources of revenue.


3.   Is the Cost to Build An App Like Myfawry Standardized?

FinTech apps cannot be priced based on a set price because every project is different. The price to build an app like Myfawry can vary greatly depending on its objectives and requirements.


4.   How Can I Get a Precise Price Quote For Fintech App Project?

To get an accurate price estimate, work with reputable Fintech software development companies in USA or hire a team of skilled developers. Send a detailed project brief that outlines your app’s goals and specifications. They will assess the project’s scope and complexity, and then provide you with a customized cost estimate that is based on both your requirements and industry standards.


5.   How to Create a Money Transfer App Like Wise?

To develop a fintech app like Wise, you need to follow the below steps:

  • Research the market and target audience.
  • Secure necessary licenses and comply with regulations.
  • Develop a user-friendly interface and robust security features.
  • Integrate global payment systems.
  • Offer competitive exchange rates.
  • Launch and promote your app.

Continuously update and improve based on user feedback.

A Guide To Build A Neobank : Features and Development Process Thu, 06 Jul 2023 10:01:05 +0000 The banking industry is rapidly progressing, and new ways have been introduced in the form of digital banking to the market where users can leverage it for their needs. There are multiple apps in the market available over the internet. One of the trending concepts these days is – Neobank. The main advantage of Neobank is that customers do not need to invest time in communicating with the bank employees for any banking activity. They can manage the task within a Neobanking app.

From the business point of view, launching a Neobanking app is beneficial, but still, there is the question of how to develop a Neobank in 2023. A guide to develop a Neobank is provided in this blog to answer the above question. From the development point of view, it is one of the segments of banking app development and trending.

So, let’s start with the basic information!


What is Neobank?

The Neobanks are digital banks and work digitally instead of working like conventional banks. Fintech companies handle these banks, and they do not have any branches. However, these banks are not licensed but have a long user base.

Neobanks offers services from mobile apps that every user can install and use. To better understand how to develop a Neobank app, it would be best to know what Neobank is.


What Is a Neobank? How They Work (Plus Benefits, Examples)


The interesting point is that they charge fewer fees than conventional banks as overhead costs are less. Flexibility and easy usability make Neobanks popular among users.

More surprising info about neo banks is their type. There are three types of neo banks exist-

  • Independent Neobanks: These startups have developed from scratch and launched for business.
  • Big Tech Neobanks: big neo banks are owned by big financial brands; the best examples are Chime(13.1 million), Current(4.0 million), and Aspiration(3.0 million).
  • Traditional Neobank: neo banking services launched by traditional banks to achieve competencies are called traditional neo-banks.

The showcased basic information in this blog will help you decide about Neobank app development. You might also be interested in finding the benefits to develop a Neobank so let’s proceed to the upcoming section of this blog depicting the advantages of Neobanking.


What Are The Benefits of Neobanking?

There are multiple benefits of Neobanking, not only for customers and businesses. Instead of going to the physical location, users can perform banking operations with a single click. One of the biggest advantages to the customers is the high-interest rate on savings accounts, and to the businesses, there are more customers.

You may need clarification with net banking. But Neo banking is different from ordinary banking apps. For account opening, there is no need to go anywhere else; you can directly open your account on the app. There is no opening fee, low maintenance cost, minimum balance required, hidden fee, or any kind of fee.


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


So, here is the list of benefits of Neobanking.

  • Low Cost: The low operational cost makes Neobanking favorable rather than traditional banking. Users get more interest in saving accounts.
  • Convenience: The Neobanks do not have Brick & Mortar Branches but have a digital or virtual presence and operate the same as the other banks do. Users have access to banking via a mobile app, so they can use it at any time.
  • Agility: The Neobanks can move faster to the new technologies compared to the traditional banks. The agility gives an extra edge to it.
  • Streamlined Experience: The services remain streamlined, and users have a seamless banking experience. Additionally, user onboarding is fast.
  • The limitless: The Neobanks are limitless means they are not bound to the regulations as local banks follow.


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise

Some Key Neobank Stats That You Need To Watch For 2023


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


Here are some exciting key stats that you need to watch for 2023.

  • The transaction value in 2022 is $3.25 trillion, and it is expected to reach $8.97 trillion by 2027 with a CAGR of 22.49% (2022-2027).
  • In 2022, the average transaction value(per user) is $17.28K.
  • By 2027, the number of users will be 376.89 million.
  • The user penetration is expected to hit 4.8% by 2027.
  • Neobanks’ global market size in 2021 was $47 billion and is expected to be $2.05 trillion by 2030.
  • The largest Neobank is Nubank, headquartered in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  • By 2025, the number of Neobank users will be 39.1 million.

The stats mentioned in this guide to developing a Neobank are both motivational and valuable for developing or making a strategy to launch a fintech app based on Neobank’s concept.


How To Develop A Neobank From Scratch?

People search over the internet like:

  • How to start Neobank?
  • How to develop a Neobank App?
  • How to set up a Neobank in 2023?
  • How to make own neobank app?
  • How do I start a Neobank in 90 days?

Some key steps can help you transform your Neobank idea into a mobile app. So, here are these that you can follow to set up a Neobank from scratch.


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise

Step1. Find Target Audience

Do you have any idea who your target audience is? If you still need to, then the first step you must follow is finding your target audience. Neobank is different from traditional banks, so its users and customers are different. Here you need to specify what your Neobank will offer and what users are searching about. It would help if you had an in-depth understanding of your target audience.

Step2. Identify The Existing Needs of Users

After identifying the target audience, the next step is to identify the existing needs of users and what features they need to improve their Neo banking experience. The motive must be to resolve the existing issues with the Neobank app and build customer trust.

Step3. Hire Fintech Mobile App Developers

Once you have done step 1 and step 2 now, it’s time to develop the app, but how? The best idea is to hire fintech app developers having experience in developing banking & financial apps, including knowledge of neo-banking. You need to follow this step to create the best user experience.

Step4. Develop Neobank Fintech Mobile App

Step 4 belongs to the development stage, where fintech mobile app developers will develop the UI/UX, backend, and frontend of the fintech chase mobile app. Here they will implement the features also to make the Neobank app complete.

It would be best if you asked a question while developing the app:

  • What features do I need to include in my Neo bank app?

So here are things like quick signup, user verification, profile creation, investment, transaction history, money deposit, and more. To understand the basic functionality, you can take reference to mobile payment apps like Cash App.

Step5. Core and Back-end Infra

To develop a Neobank app, a robust backend is required, and it must be powerful enough to carry out all the activities. There are three main components of it, i.e., API for connecting payment gateways to the neo banking app, Card Processing app for transactions related to the debit or credit cards, and Back office tools for managing back office tasks. The right fintech app development company can assist you in implementing it best.

Step6. Compliance & Security

For a banking services provider, whether Neobank or conventional, maintaining customers’ data safe and secure is the prime concern. So, here you need to establish a strong infrastructure that can provide security to the Neobank app and activities.

Step7. Testing

Once implementing the security infra, put your application under the test to find out the loopholes in execution and security. Testing the application based on real-time use will ensure that there will be no issues in the future.

Step8. Promotion and User Onboarding

The final step is promoting the app so that people will know about your app. A perfect promotion can help you onboard more customers on your Neobanking app. Ensure that user onboarding must be smooth.


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise



Features To Include In Neobanking App

Features will be the soul of your Neobanking app, so choose accordingly. Including basic features, you can also implement some basic features like:


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


● Account Creation

One of the most important features of Neobank is account creation. Manage the account creation feature, like users must put their first and last name, Social security number (SSN), Email, and password.


● Single Screen Transfers

The success of any banking app depends on how it facilitates the users for money transfers. So, it would be fantastic to implement a single-screen transfer facility. It ensures improved user experience.


● Multiple Payment Options

Third-party API integration is the simplest way to implement multiple payment options. You can include channels like P2P, A2A, ACH, and more.


● Streamlined Processes

Do you think Neobanks are trending? The only reason is these are more seamless in the process compared to traditional banking apps. The best example is account opening with no fee or synchronization of global networks ATMs.


● ATM Map

It will be such a fantastic feature to add to the Neobanking app. The users can view all the ATMs in their proximity, so whenever they need, they can reach the ATM. Additionally, you should know that these features are almost same as app like PayZapp which you can consider adding in it.


● Transaction Tracking

At a single window, users must be able to track all the transactions, including history. They can add the recipient’s name, bank account, transaction account, currency, and more.


● Customized UX

It is okay that you will implement the app, but the user experience is more than anything. While using the app, users interact with it, so with your app, they must have a fantastic experience.


● Gamification

Gamification is a technique that employs processes in an interesting way. Here gamification means users can personalize their accounts. It is beneficial for your Neobanking app to improve customer engagement and loyalty.


● Biometrics

Most of the new-gen apps have biometrics verification and validation features that reduce cyber threats. Most of the Neobanking users are youth, and they prefer easy methods for login or signup in which fingerprints or face recognition technology is on the top. It will be beneficial to include it in your account.


● Real-time Fraud Detection

The fraud detection mechanism is essential for all types of banking apps. Although Neobank app development is a new concept, it is crucial for it also. It will help in identifying genuine users and detect any fraudulent activity.


● E-wallet

The fintech apps and e-wallets have a strong connection. E-wallets facilitate users’ seamless payment. From a safety point of view, it is a fantastic option to implement in your Neobank app. Here you can combine e-wallet app development and Neo banking to leverage business.


 Develop a Fintech App Like Wise

Why Should You Invest In a Neobank For Business?

A Neobank is an online bank. It is different from a traditional bank because it doesn’t have a physical branch. A Neobank offers banking services and products over the internet and has no physical locations.

The benefits of using a neo bank for business are numerous. For one, it doesn’t require any capital to start up, and there are no branches to maintain either. Another benefit is that they offer digital products like mobile apps, online account management platforms, and online loans.

The advantages of the Neobank app are:

  • Smoother UI
  • Automation
  • faster response times
  • Lower processing cost
  • High Security
  • Better user experience

And more.

Due to its tech-driven nature, customers find it easy to use Neobank apps for personal banking use.


Cost To Build A Neobank Mobile App

How much does it cost to set up a Neobank? It is an important question when you are interested in launching a Neobank app for business. The cost to develop a Neobank app depends on the features, UX/UI, backend & frontend development, testing, and third-party payment gateway integration.

Usually, the cost is proportional to the version of the app, such as essential Neobank app development can cost you $8,000-$20,000, but if you need an advanced Neobanking app for business, it may cost you $15K-$30k.This is because of the many factors in building a Neobank mobile app. The more complex your app is and the more features you want it to have, the more expensive it will be.



Read More: Mobile Banking App Development Cost & Features

The Final Thoughts

The introduction of Neobanks has been a hot trend in the banking industry for the past few years. They are considered an alternative to traditional banks, with their focus on digitalization, customer experience, and convenience. The development process of a Neobank is complex and needs to be handled with care.

The first step to develop a neobank is to analyze the market situation and conduct research about the potential customers’ requirements. After that, you need to identify your competitors who have already started operating in this market segment and create your own unique selling point. Once you develop and launch the Neobanking app, then focus on its promotion. It will help you to connect with your desired audience.

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How to Develop Mobile Banking App Like Chime? Thu, 06 Jul 2023 01:40:37 +0000 As per Stats, approximately 2.043 million people use online banking services worldwide, and the number is expected to rise to 2.55 million by the end of 2024. It signifies that banks should focus on creating mobile banking app like Chime that meets the needs and demands of modern-age clients and transfer offline bank services online.

With a well-developed and feature-rich banking and finance application, your organization can increase customer loyalty & income and greatly reduce expenses. Well, there is much more banking app development can bring to your business. Read this blog to learn about the step-by-step process to build banking apps like Chime.


Current Market Stats of Mobile Banking App Like Chime

Statista states that by the end of 2022, around 80% of millennials in the US will become regular users of banking applications. The newer generation cannot imagine their life without online apps like Chime and other digital solutions. As a business owner, you can profit tremendously as the banking app capitalization is growing every year.

In 2015, there were around $0.6 billion in banking app users, which reached $3.6 billion by the end of 2020. These increasing numbers signify the importance of banking application development in today’s time.

So, rather than waiting for long, it is high time for businesses to step into the banking app development process.


What is Mobile Banking App?


Chime: UX Research + Android UI — Geronimo Carlo Ramos III


A mobile banking app is a software application that allows bank customers to access their account information and perform transactions using a smartphone or tablet. These apps typically include features such as account balance inquiries, fund transfers, and bill payment ability.

Some applications allow customers to deposit checks by taking a picture of the check. Mobile banking apps offer a convenient way for customers to manage their bank accounts and perform financial transactions. To build a perfect application, businesses can hire banking app developers who can craft a growth-driven application as per their needs and demands.


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise

What Are the Different Types of Mobile Banking Apps?

Formerly, four major types of mobile banking app like Chime are helping businesses gain enormous profit while allowing users to experience the best-ever mobile banking services.


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise

1. NFC (Near Field Communication)

This newest banking app trend enables users to make contactless payments via mobile devices.


2. Internet Payments

Mobile banking applications are connected with online internet payment services like PayPal or Stripe that help users pay with just a tap.


3. Digital Wallets

Digital wallets save the user’s bank card information, negating the need to use physical copies of those cards. They frequently incorporate NFC solutions.


4. Mobile Transactions Management

This virtual banking app offers users end-to-end control over all transactions that are carried through the bank card. In that case, users need not visit the bank for any banking-related activity.

These are some of the different mobile banking applications that businesses can opt for banking and FinTech mobile apps.


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise

How To Develop Mobile Banking App Like Chime?

Creating a banking application like Chime requires immense effort and careful planning of the banking app development process. Agree or not? To help you with the same, here is a step-by-step process of building a feature-rich banking app.


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise

Step 1 – Conduct Market Research

Research is the key to developing successful banking applications or any other mobile application. Once you build a banking app like Chime, you can’t simply jump into the development process. Right? So, conduct enough research about the popular mobile banking apps like Chime available in the market. It will help you understand how to create a successful banking app.

While researching banking apps, write down all the important information, as such data will help you at the time of development.

Step 2 – Identify Target Audience & Know Your Competitors

The next step is identifying “Who is your banking app target audience?” It is a crucial step that will help you develop an app that best fits your audience’s needs. Know the location, age, gender, preferences, and everything about your audience. It will help you develop an exact banking and fintech application for your business.

Besides this, businesses should also focus on knowing the top competitors in the banking industry. Analyzing the competitor’s market activity is a must to understand what made their mobile banking apps successful and how you can also achieve success with a mobile app.

Step 3 – Decide the Features of Banking App

Every mobile application is unique, and online banking applications are no exception. So, decide on the unique features and functionalities you can include in your mobile banking app like Chime. The final features will depend on multiple factors, such as – banking services, market, target audience, budget, etc.

Whatever feature or functionalities you include, make sure to keep the app simple yet effective. The more features you will include, the more complex it will get and the higher its price will be. So, first set a banking mobile app development cost in mind and then plan accordingly.


Read More: A Guide To Develop A Neobank

Step 4 – Design Effective UX/UI

Once you decide on all the features of a banking app, design an effective UX/UI. A design holds the power to grab the users’ attention at a glance. So, besides development, focus on the application’s design as well. The process begins with creating a user experience where the main goal is to offer a seamless experience to the users. On the other hand, the UI of the banking mobile app supports the application’s functionality.

If you find difficulty in this step, hiring financial app developers who can help you with intriguing banking app design and development is advisable.


Step 5 – Finalize Banking App, Tech Stacks

Deciding on the latest tech stacks is a must to create successful banking apps like cash app. Here comes the major question, i.e., “Which tech stacks should be used during banking app development?”

Here’s the table highlighting the latest technologies to use during banking and the fintech mobile app. However, you must know that the below tech stack is almost similar to an app like PayZapp So let’s check out the below tech stack


Tech Stacks



Programming Languages

Kotlin, Java

Swift-5, Objective-C

Platform SDK

Android SDK latest version iOS SDK, Cocoa Touch


Android Studio (latest version)

Xcode 11, App Code

Push Notifications

Firebase Cloud Messages User Notifications Framework


PostgreSQL, MySQL

PostgreSQL, MySQL

Location Services

Google Maps Google Maps

Web Server

Nginx, Apache

Nginx, Apache


Hotjar, Google Analytics Hotjar, Google Analytics

Cloud Storage

Amazon services, Heroku

Amazon services, Heroku

Step 6 – Develop Banking Mobile App

Finally comes the major step of banking mobile app development, i.e., building mobile banking apps like Chime. You must utilize all the major information or data gathered in the previous stages of banking application development. In this step, the application’s source code is created, and all the features and functionalities of the banking app will be tested before its launch.

If you don’t have the desired team to build a mobile banking app, you should consult mobile banking app developers. The professionals will understand your requirements well and help you develop a perfect business application like Chase mobile app.


Step 7 – Test & Launch Your Banking Application

When you complete all the six steps mentioned above, test your mobile application carefully to eliminate all the errors and bugs before its launch. None of the users will use your banking app if it works too slowly or contains any error or bug. So, ensure to conduct the testing properly and launch the application on the desired platform (Android, iOS, or both).

It is a simple seven-step process to build mobile banking app like Chime. Now that you have an overview of the entire development process start following it and come up with a perfect mobile banking application in less time.

Get your fintech application developed by a team of professionals for better results and output. Simply consult the best on-demand app development company,  share your requirements, and the experts will deliver a custom banking app.


Mobile Banking App Development Cost & Features 2022

Key Features of Mobile Banking App Like Chime

Businesses planning to build banking applications should make sure to live up to the customers’ expectations. Here is a list of the key features of mobile banking apps like Chime that can help you deliver a growth-driven business application.


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise

1. Transactions & Balance

The basic activities performed by users while surfing a banking application are checking their balance and recent transactions. Isn’t it? So, this is one of the mandatory features of mobile banking applications. So, don’t forget to include this feature in your banking app.


2. Check Deposit

Another great feature of a banking app is that it can save the customers time & effort to visit the bank, i.e., check Deposit. With the help of this feature, users can click a photo of the check from both sides and upload it using the banking application.


3. Manage Cards

This feature enables users to block credit or debit cards and assign them to different accounts. Also, the users can set limits, change PIN codes, and perform other activities supported by their bank. The managing card is essential to experience a seamless online banking experience, so don’t forget to include this feature.


4. Custom Push Notifications

It is a very basic feature that every mobile application and website possesses. Notifications may also request authorization for a planned transaction to provide account status updates, which users can grant with a simple tap. That is the ideal method for encouraging someone to sign up for automatic pre-scheduled payments.


5. Expense Tracking

Keeping track of expenses becomes hectic when it comes to offline banking services. Agree or not? This feature of a mobile banking app like Chime comes in handy to resolve such problems. It helps the users to track their expenses in just a tap and make financial plans accordingly.


6. Payments

Digital payment is something that everyone prefers to use online banking applications. Integrate with as many service providers as you can. It will allow your consumers to settle loans and mortgages, pay for daily expenses, and send money to friends and family.


7. Bio Authentication

Security is everything, particularly when it comes to personal finances or developing a peer-to-peer payment app. Making your consumers feel safe and at ease at the same time by introducing support for fingerprint and FaceID sign-in. Such features will enable everyone to tap or quickly scan their phone to sign in.


Examples of Popular Mobile Banking Apps Like Chime

Now that you have made up your mind to develop a banking app, here is a list of popular banking applications you can refer to before developing an app.




Available On

Capital One

Card Management

Lock and Review the Card

Android | iOS

Ally Bank

Bill Payment

ATM Search

Transaction History

Android | iOS

Bank of America

Track and Budget

Custom Alert to Track Balance

Pay and Transfers Money

Android | iOS

Wells Fargo

Free online budgeting tools

Book appointment from the app

Check the latest bank rates

Android | iOS

What Is the Banking App Development Cost?

On average, banking app development cost lies somewhere between $8,000 – $20,000+ and more depending on several factors, including –

  • App Complexity
  • Features, Functionalities, & Tech Stacks
  • Number of Targeted OS
  • Outsourcing Location
  • Type of Application
  • Developers’ Location
  • App Size

The cost of banking applications varies depending on these factors and might increase or decrease from the price mentioned above. To get an exact cost estimation, you can hire banking app developers who can analyze your application requirements well and offer you the exact banking app cost.


Mobile Banking App Development Cost & Features 2022

Begin the Process to Develop Mobile Banking App Like Chime!

The banking sector has a huge demand for digital solutions like mobile banking applications. Today, everyone wants quick and seamless services online and always want quick solutions. In that case, developing mobile banking app like Chime is the best solution that helps businesses gain enormous profit while allowing users to get the best-ever banking experience.

After reading this blog, we hope businesses have an idea of “How to develop a banking application?” it is time to implement the process and get a perfect business application. Hire dedicated developers or consult the best banking app development company for better results. It is time to win your customers’ trust and build a long-term relationship with them.


Frequently Asked Questions on Banking App Development


Q1. How Long Does It Takes to Develop A Banking App?

The time required for banking application development lies somewhere between 10 months to 1 year and more, depending on the type of app developed. So, we cannot commit to the exact time required as it varies.


Q2.What Are the Advantages of Mobile Banking App Development?

Banking apps are more secure, convenient, and efficient and have tons of useful features and functionalities that can benefit businesses and users simultaneously. Developing a mobile app like Chime results in lower staff expenses, reduced operation costs, and a paperless process.


Q3.What Are the Latest Mobile Banking Trends?

Many trending tools and technologies are gaining traction in today’s time and changing banking app trends every passing day. Here are the latest mobile banking app trends.

  • Touchless transactions & ATM connectivity
  • Voice command
  • Chatbots
  • Biometrics
  • Personalization
]]> 0 What to Expect from Mobile Banking App Development | Dev Technosys | Banking App Development Service nonadult
Mobile Banking App Development Cost & Features! Thu, 06 Jul 2023 01:32:11 +0000 Banks have been around the globe since money appeared. Just like the changing technology, money is changing too. Gone are the days when people had to visit the bank to make transactions, pay bills, or accomplish any bank-related activity. But not anymore! Technological advancements, including banking app development, have made everything easier and more accessible than ever before.

The massive switch to mobile banking app development has boosted the fintech sector and has made the banking process more seamless and efficient. As a result, banking sectors have started developing mobile banking apps development to reap the benefits for years to come. But, those who aren’t aware of the process keep thinking, ‘How to develop a banking app?’

‘How much does mobile banking app development cost?’ ‘What are the features of a banking app?’ etc.

You have reached the right place if you are also looking for the same. This blog will guide you with everything about mobile banking app development costs, features, etc.

What is A Mobile Banking App?

A mobile banking app offers an online platform where customers can access online banking services from their smartphones. Be it about getting bank-related information, paying bills, or making a transaction, banking app development has made everything possible in just a click.


What is A Mobile Banking App


As per the survey conducted in 2018, it has been claimed that mobile app banking overtook the majority of the banking processes and will shift completely digital in the coming time.

In short, a mobile banking app is useful for –

  • Authorization
  • Paying bills
  • Viewing account information
  • Initiating transfers
  • Availing other bank services

Read More: Build Mobile Banking App Like Chime

Banking App Development Market Size & Stats

Here is the list of some amazing banking app development statistics that indicates the importance of having a fintech app in today’s time. 


Banking App Development Market Size & Stats


  • As per research, people within the age group of 25-34 use banking applications most frequently. The app usage percentage for people under 35-45 years is 22%, and for people over 65 years is 9%.
  • Reports suggest that the global mobile banking market stood at $716 million in 2018 and is expected to rise to $1825 by 2026 with a CAGR of 12.5%.
  • The rise for online mobile app development services increased after COVID-19 when social distancing was a must. Since then, the demand for online banking apps has increased, which will continue to be involved in the coming time.

So, this is all about the rising popularity of mobile banking application development in today’s time. The figure clearly indicates why businesses should have a banking app today. Now that the numbers convince you, so let’s dive into the crucial features that make an app successful.


Hire Dedicated App Developer CTA

Essential Features of Mobile Banking App Development

Are you planning to develop a mobile banking app and don’t know what features to include or not? Here is the list of essential features to create a mobile application.


1. Quick Registration

Your banking application must have a simple and quick registration process. To access your mobile banking app like PayZapp, ask the users to provide a bank account number, SSN, and personal information. After entering the information, the users must accept the terms and conditions to access the banking application.


2. Secure Authorization

Like every mobile application starts with registration and authorization, the banking app is no different. So, when you create a mobile application for banking, make sure it should meet security standards like passwords or biometrics such as touch-ID or face-ID. To make your banking app more secure, implement multi-factor authorization by sending a code via SMS and asking users to enter the code.


3. Check Account Balance

One of the major benefits of mobile banking app development is quick access to account balances from any corner of the world. This amazing feature helps the users know how much balance is left before making the next purchase. To make your banking app stand out and unique, you can enable users to view account balances without logging into your account.

This will further save your mobile banking app development cost on other additional features and make your application more unique and reliable.


4. Access Card Details

In previous times, users had to refer to banking documents for accessing information like card details. But, banking applications have resolved this problem.

With this banking app feature, users can quickly access card numbers, owner’s name, balance, payment system, and other account details online. Moreover, this mobile app feature includes other card-related services, such as card re-issuing.


Banking app features

5. Account Management

Like any other feature, this is also one of the essential features of a mobile banking application. It helps the users access the information quickly while managing their multiple bank accounts hassle-free. While referring to these features, users can add or remove accounts, see transaction history, or view balance in one place.

6. Push Notifications

Coming to another crucial feature of mobile banking apps like the insurance mobile app. This feature keeps the users updated and informed about their ongoing account activities while reminding them about their pending bills or automatic money transfers.

Push notifications increase security features while allowing the users to get better control over their money. Later on, users can set up the preferences to choose the type of notifications they want to receive.

7. Money Transfer

Undoubtedly, this is one of the mandatory features that enable users to make local and international payments. The mobile banking app should also include the traditional methods of UPI payment, QR scanner payment, NFC payment, and more. Unlike any other feature, this one should be seamless to let the users get a better online banking experience.

So, these are some must-have online banking app features that you shouldn’t miss incorporating while you create a mobile application. But, simply knowing the features doesn’t make your banking app successful until you follow the right mobile app development process. Here we have mentioned the step-by-step process to develop a mobile banking app.

How to Develop A Mobile Banking App? 7 Step Process

Looking for the process to develop a mobile banking app? Follow these mobile app development steps to get started. 


Process of banking app development


Step 1 – Make a Plan & Conduct Research

You won’t be able to create a successful banking mobile app unless you conduct enough research or have a proper plan in hand. This is what the first step is all about. So, first of all, make a proper plan to identify the need for android banking app development or any other platform.

Once you have a plan in hand, you can start conducting research for the same. Just study your competitors, and know their digital solutions, their preferences, or target audience to get a better insight.

It will help you find the loopholes in the existing banking applications and develop an application that will overcome them. This is one of the best ways to add more worth and value to your mobile application while making it stand out.


Step 2 – Create a Prototype

Banking mobile app development cost is high compared to developing any other application. So, it is always advisable to create a detailed prototype to get an idea of what your product will look like.

You can also use your app’s wireframe and hi-fi prototype while validating the concept to get better feedback. Then, discuss the test interface, required toolkit, and prototype’s functionality with your focused group to get better output.


Step 3 – Prepare a Security Base

This step differentiates mobile banking app development from that of others. While you create a mobile banking application, you are working on sensitive user data, so you need to prepare a security base. For that, incorporate the following functions –


  • Auto Logout

If the user isn’t active on the banking app for more than 15 minutes, he/she will get automatically logged out from the system on the front-end and back-end.


  • Secure Password

Ensure that all the passwords are hashed and stored in a database to keep more security.


  • Proper Authentication

Secure authentication is required to avoid any fraudulent activity on your application. To ensure the same, set up and use fingerprint security for android fintech app development and Apple KeyChain for iOS banking app development.


  • Secure Card Information

None of the customers wants their information to get leaked or misused while using any online banking services. So, to ensure this, implement a VGS system to keep the card information safe and secure.

Step 4 – Design Appealing UX/UI

As per the mobile banking app development company professionals, an appealing design of an application holds great importance in deciding its success. So, spend some time on mobile app designing to create an amazing user interface.

If you do not have a desired team for the same, hire dedicated developers who can craft a better banking app for you. This will also save your mobile banking app development cost while increasing business profit.


Read More: Guide To Develop A Neobank

Step 5 – Develop A Mobile Banking App

Finally, when you have an idea, prototype, and all other requirements, it is time to begin the insurance mobile app development process. So, now is the right time to pick the best suitable framework for your banking app. For instance, if you create an Android or iOS application, native app development will work best for you.


Tech Stacks for Banking Mobile App



Android Studio




Android SDK


hire developer

Step 6 – Include Third-Party Integrations

Third-party integrations are also a part of the mobile app development process. They are among the most crucial elements of an application, irrespective of the domain. Integrating third-party integrations will make your online banking app more user-friendly and also help to retain the customer’s attention.

But, make sure that the more integrations you will include in your mobile application, the higher the mobile banking app development cost. So, keep your budget into consideration while developing a banking app.

Step 7 – Test & Maintain Your Banking App

Finally, when you are done with all the development process steps, the final step is to test and maintain your mobile banking application. The last yet crucial step is to ensure that your mobile application is launched 100% error-free. Another best way is to perform timely app maintenance so that you can resolve major application bugs and errors on time.

So, never miss this crucial step when working on online fintech software development. You can also hire a mobile app developer to assist you throughout the development process and help you come up with a better banking application in hand.

To create a successful banking application, you must follow some crucial banking app development steps. Now that the complete development process is revealed to you, it is time to get involved. Along with this, keeping a check on the mobile banking app development cost is also crucial.

How Much Does Mobile Banking App Development Cost?

Although there is no fixed price to develop a mobile banking app, an estimated mobile banking app development cost lies around $8,000 – $20,000. Besides this, multiple factors affect the cost to develop a mobile app, such as –



  • Features
  • Functionalities
  • Tech stack
  • Development platform
  • Location
  • UX/UI

If we talk about time, a mobile banking app takes around 640 – 650 hours for an MVP version and 1250 – 1280 hours for a scaled product.


Development Phases

Development Time

Development Cost

Project Analysis

80 – 100 hours

$3500 – $4500


2 – 2.5 hours

$5,000 – $15,000

App Development

9 – 10 hours

$10,000 – $25,000

Mobile Implementation

4- 5 hours

$55,000 – $80,000

Post-Launch Support


$15 – $20/hour


This is an overview of the development phases, time, and cost to develop a banking mobile app. We hope now you know the estimated price required during the mobile app development process. So, plan your development process accordingly.




Banks are no longer limited to brick-and-mortar branches in this highly advanced and digital world. Online banking app development has made it easier for businesses to offer seamless banking services while keeping their customers happy and satisfied.

All this wouldn’t have been possible without the support of a mobile banking application development company. Also, as per the experts, the competition in the fintech industry will be going to rise, so businesses have to work hard to develop a unique mobile app.

Businesses that will create mobile banking applications must have a well-created plan in hand with a set of essential features and the right tech stacks. If you lack the expertise, it is advisable to hire dedicated developers at reasonable mobile banking app development costs. The professionals will help you create an amazing application under your budget. So, without delaying further, hire experts and begin the process right away.

]]> 0 What to Expect from Mobile Banking App Development | Dev Technosys | Banking App Development Service nonadult
How Much Does it Cost to Develop Personal Finance Management Apps? Thu, 04 May 2023 07:43:04 +0000 How much does personal finance management app development cost? This is the foremost question that strikes every business owner’s mind when they think of developing a personal finance app like Mint. Knowing the cost is the most basic yet very crucial component of personal fintech app development and others. Hence, businesses keep wondering about the cost to build a personal finance app.

Over the last decade, personal finance app development has grown tremendously, and the maximum growth accelerated during the pandemic. From that time, investment in fintech app development took a leap, and almost every business owner is moving towards it.

So, if you are planning for personal finance management app development and want to get an idea of cost estimation, read this blog. Let’s begin!


What Is Personal Finance Management App Development?


Personal Finance Management App Development


As the name implies, a personal finance management app refers to the process of creating a mobile application that helps individuals manage their personal finances. Personal finance management apps allow users to track their monthly expenses, create budgets, and set financial goals.

They may also offer features such as bill payment reminders, investment tracking, and credit score monitoring. The goal of personal finance management app development is to provide users with a convenient and effective way to take control of their finances and achieve their financial objectives.


Personal Finance Management App Market Overview


Personal Finance Management App Market Overview


As per Statista – The global revenue from personal finance applications is expected to reach $1.5 billion by 2023. The personal finance app market is growing at a CAGR of 5.7% and will reach $1.49 billion by 2026. The report cites factors such as the increasing need for financial management tools, the rise in digital payments, and the growing adoption of mobile devices as drivers of market growth.

The increasing popularity of mobile banking, budgeting, and investment apps coupled with the growth of fintech startups. It has contributed the growth of the personal finance app market.


Personal Finance Management App


List of Top 6 Personal Finance Management Apps in 2023

Planning to build a personal finance app? Looking for the right references to get started? Here is the list of the 5 most popular personal finance management apps.


1. Mint

Finance and money budgeting app like Mint enable users to track their spending, budget, and financial goals in a go.


2. AWSM Bank 

It is a Neobank app for kids that help parents track and control their kids’ transactions remotely.


3. Mvelopes 

This personal finance management app will help users monitor their household and personal budget.


4. YNAB 

You Need A Budget (YNAB) is a personal finance management app that helps users create a budget, track spending, and achieve their financial goals.


5. PocketGuard

With PocketGuard, a personal finance management app, users can link their bank accounts, credit cards, and investments all in one place.


6. Wally 

Wally app enables users to manage their money by tracking expenses, monitoring financial goals, and setting budgets.


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise

How to Develop A Personal Finance Management App Within Your Budget?

Developing a robust and budget-friendly personal finance management app requires careful planning and plotting. Also, you must consider the major key factors during personal finance management app development to create an app within your budget.


How to Develop A Personal Finance Management App


Here is what you should follow to ensure reasonable personal finance app development costs.

1. Define the Project Scope Well

Before beginning the fintech app development process, define your project scope well. It will help you decide on your personal finance app features and functionalities while giving you a rough cost estimation.

2. Choose Dedicated Developers

Hiring skilled and dedicated developers for mobile app development will greatly impact your personal finance app development process. So, connect with a leading bank app development company or hire experts.

It will save a lot of your personal finance app development costs and help you get the right assistance within your budget.


Read More: How To Build Mobile Payment Apps Like Cash App?


3. Include Open-source Technologies

Open-source technologies can save a lot of money on development costs. So, consider using open-source tools and frameworks for personal finance mobile app development. It will result in affordable banking app development costs and ensure seamless finance app performance.


4. Select the Right Platforms

Different businesses have different target audiences and use different platforms to access the applications. Right? So, choose the right platforms to build a personal finance management app. Decide which platform you want to build your app for, i.e., iOS, Android, or both. Going for a single platform is advisable if you have a low budget, as it can save you development costs.

5. Use Pre-built Modules

Every business owner wants to speed up the mobile app development process without spending much cost. Isn’t it? In that case, you should use pre-built modules. It will increase your fintech app development speed 2x times more while cutting down the cost to develop a personal finance management app greatly.


6. Conduct In-depth Testing

Extensive testing is a must to ensure that the application works correctly and is free of all bugs and errors. So, conduct thorough testing to avoid all the mistakes that might cost you later. It is advisable to seek assistance from a well-known personal finance app development company for better assistance.


7. Add Monetization Strategies

Decide the right monetization strategies to ensure you can recoup your development costs. For increased profit and growth from your personal finance management app, include options including in-app purchases, subscription models, and advertising.


Major Factors Affecting Personal Finance Management App Development Cost


Major Factors Affecting Personal Finance Management App Development Cost


Do you need personal finance management a Must Have Features of Grocery App Development for your business and want to know how much it costs? Here are some of the major factors affecting the cost to develop a mobile app for the fintech industry.


  • App Complexity

The complexity of your fintech application will greatly impact its development cost. Comparatively, a basic application with simple features and functionalities requires less development cost. So, when you create a personal finance management app, decide on the app’s features and functionalities accordingly.


  • Development Platform

The development platform on which the finance app will be developed, such as iOS or Android, will also affect the development cost. Developing multiple platforms will increase the cost greatly. So, choose the platform to build a personal finance app accordingly.


  • Application’s Design

The design of your personal finance management app will also impact the cost. A tailor-made application with unique features and graphics will cost more than a template-based fintech application.


  • Finance Development Team

Your development team’s size and location will impact the cost to create a personal finance management app. So, rather than adding an in-house team of experts for a project, it is advisable to hire finance developers from a reputed firm. It will definitely cut costs and help you get professional assistance within your budget.


  • App Maintenance & Support

The cost of personal finance management app development isn’t restricted to its development process. There is a lot more that needs to be taken care of. For instance, mobile app support and management will also define the cost of any mobile application or software. So, if you keep timely maintenance, you will have to spend less cost.


  • App Security & Integrations

Every business owner needs a completely safe and secure application. For that, integrations and SSL certificates are required, which will add some cost to your personal finance application. So, to manage the cost, you can go for third-party integrations as it requires lest cost compared to creating your own integrations.

While carefully considering all the factors mentioned above, you can ensure outstanding business outcomes within reasonable finance mobile app development costs.


How to Create eWallet App and Know the Cost!


Tips for Monetizing A Personal Finance Management App


Tips to Monetizing A Personal Finance Management App


Managing finance management app cost isn’t only about cutting down things during app development. You can also add features or strategies to generate profit from your fintech application. Yes, you read it right! While incorporating the best monetization strategies, you can generate enormous profit from your personal finance management app. They are –


  • In-app Purchases

A common method to generate revenue from a personal finance app is offering additional features or tools such as in-app purchases. You can offer users free access to the basic features of the personal finance app while keeping the premium features in a paid version.

Premium features may consist of advanced versions of the basic features. So, adding in-app purchases into fintech app development will help you boost your business profit in less time.


  • Affiliate Marketing

One of the outstanding monetization tips for a personal finance app is to explore affiliate marketing opportunities. It involves partnering with the best fintech app development company to offer their products or services in exchange for a commission on each successful referral.


  • Subscription Model

Another viable monetization technique to generate revenue from a personal finance app is through a subscription model. Here, users can pay a periodic fee to access exclusive features or tools. This approach is particularly effective if your app provides continual financial guidance or customized investment suggestions.


  • Data Monetization

Unlike any other strategy, it is possible to monetize user data. But, it is essential to be transparent about data collection and protect user privacy. Some potential strategies for monetizing data include selling aggregated user data to financial institutions. However, it is crucial to obtain explicit user consent before using their data for any purpose.


fintech app cta images 2022

Begin Your Personal Finance Management App Development Journey!

Now that you know ‘How much personal finance management app development costs?’ use this blog as a guide to kickstart your business journey. Creating a successful finance app is a daunting task due to the high competition, and undoubtedly the process requires huge costs.

But, if you are well-versed with the major factors affecting the personal finance management app development cost, you will smoothly build a personal finance management app without burning a hole in your pocket.

Dev Technosys is a reliable and experienced personal finance app development company that can make your process easier and cost-effective. Bring your project requirements to us and leave the rest to our professionals. We can help you craft an outstanding application leveraging all the latest features, functionalities, and technologies that will add to its worth greatly.


Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Benefits of Personal Finance Management App Development?

A personal finance management app offers several benefits to its users, including:

  • Expense and budget tracking
  • Bill Payment Reminders
  • Credit Score Monitoring
  • Investment Tracking
  • Time-Saving
  • Increased Financial Literacy


What Are the Essential Features of A Personal Finance App?

Here is the list of the major features to include during personal finance management app development.

  • Budget Tracking
  • Goal Setting
  • Account Aggregation
  • Reports & Analytics
  • Bill Reminders
  • Personalized Recommendations

How Long Does It Takes to Develop A Finance App?

Developing a personal finance app in the finance sector generally requires around 450 hours, but it can vary from 250 to 800 hours based on the app’s complexity. You will only be able to know the exact time when you have the requirements in hand.

What Is the Minimum Cost to Develop A Personal Finance Management App?

The average cost to build a personal finance management app ranges between $25,000 to $50,000 and more. The cost keeps increasing depending on the requirements of the fintech application.

What Is A Personal Finance Management App?

A personal finance management app is a mobile application that helps users manage their finances, track expenses, and plan their financial goals ahead. Finance apps like Mint often include features such as bill reminders, investment tracking, and financial advice, all in one place.

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How to Find Mobile App Investors for Your Business? Wed, 08 Mar 2023 12:55:53 +0000 Mobile apps are a lucrative market, and every person with an idea for an app is interested in getting a piece. Is an idea enough? Well, NO! You need substantial funds to create a mobile application that is highly customizable and unique. Financial investments are required for market research, product development, marketing activities, and all other stages of app development.

However, getting funding for your app can be difficult. You need mobile app investors to fund your business. Before presenting your app or business idea to investors, research. Investors will invest if your idea is innovative.

It is crucial to present a minimal MVP that is a good idea and allows investors to test and use the product in real-time. Investors will notice that you care about your product and will be more inclined to invest in it.

To assure mobile app investors, making an excellent first impression is essential. Let’s now discuss how to win the trust of your investors and what types of investors you might find.


Different Types of Investors

You need to be familiar with the types of investors available in today’s funding market before you start looking for investors to get funding for app development. At any stage of business development, investors can be needed.

Below are seven of the most sought-after investor categories, with some suggestions on when to consider them. You can contact the following potential investors to fund your mobile business app.


Types of Investors


1. Personal Investors for App Development

In the early stages of a startup, most Mobile App Investors are family and friends. In the initial stages of a startup, it is possible to rely on friends, family, and close acquaintances for investment.

These personal Mobile App Investors might ask for equity in return for their investment. They may also put their money into your company plan if they believe in you.

Due to legal restrictions, certain limits apply to how many people from your network can invest in a startup. It is crucial to have detailed documentation, even though convincing your network to invest in your startup might not be difficult.


2. Banks as App Investors

Bank loans have been a great source of financing startup ventures for many years. A bank loan can be arranged for small businesses. This will give you more authority over your startup’s financial decisions. The banking app development will assist you in lending money in an easier way.

Several banks and financial organizations provide low-interest loans for new businesses. Prior to a loan being accepted, you might need to provide evidence of collateral or income.

Although the amount of money you are able to borrow is not as significant as the angel investment, it can still be an excellent place to start if your startup has a high operating profit and you need to get more money from angel investors.


3. Peer-to-Peer Lenders

Peer-to-peer lenders are people or organizations who give money to startups. Crowdlending is another name for this method of seeking investment funding. These lenders can be contacted online by entrepreneurs to help them obtain loans.

You must apply to peer-to-peer financing to raise money for your firm. This may be a terrific choice if you need money for your business but are unable to obtain a bank loan.


4. Angel Investors in Mobile Apps

Seed funders are also known by the name angel Mobile App Investors. These wealthy individuals invest in startups early in their iPhone app development in return for equity shares. Angel investors can be found in almost every industry. An angel investor can also be found for app development.

Angel investors invest primarily to make a profit when the company grows and increases in value. Angel investors provide invaluable advice, networking opportunities, and financial support to early-stage companies.

Angel investing is a good option if you have an app startup that has reached the seed stage but aren’t ready to invest in venture capital funds. Angel investors are attracted to a startup’s clear business plan, a helpful idea, and a perfect pitch.

Angel investors can be reached online by email, Linkedin messages, and other social media platforms. You can also reach them offline at angel investor networking events or through your personal network.


5. Incubators & Accelerators

Incubators and accelerators can be crucial in raising substantial funds for your startup. Non-profit business incubators can help you incubate an app idea. These non-profit organizations can help you build the foundation for your startup’s success by offering support in areas such as infrastructure, networking, and training.

Even though it isn’t a compelling argument to consider business incubators as mobile app investors, their contributions will save you money, particularly for startups in the early stages.

Contrarily, accelerators are for-profit businesses that provide mentorship-focused, limited-time programmes. These include seed-stage funding, networking, and training. In exchange for their services, accelerators receive a portion of the startup’s equity.

Seed accelerators are preferred by many entrepreneurs to angel investors, as they offer much more than seed-stage funding.


mobile app development cost cta images

6. Venture Capitalists

Venture capitalists and venture capital firms can only be contacted if a mobile app startup has made a substantial amount of income. These Mobile App Investors are crucial because they often provide significant mobile app funding.

Venture capitalists, also known as venture capital firms, are high-net-worth individuals or corporations that invest in startups at the early stages in return for a portion of their ownership. Venture capital financing is for entrepreneurs who have proven their business ideas and need for existence.

Venture capitalists or venture capital firms can actively engage in decision-making as well as offer suggestions and assistance to tech firms they invest in.

Venture capitalists and venture capital firms may not be able to fund all tech startups. Venture capital funding is a lengthy process that involves many evaluations by Mobile App Investors.


7. App Contests

You may need to look for alternative sources of funding to help you bring your mobile app idea to life. You can raise awareness by entering pitch deck funding contests.

Fundraising contests and app contests can help you raise funds for your mobile startup app. These contests could also help you get access to investors for your app development.

You will get the opportunity to pitch potential Mobile App Investors about your idea and gain necessary exposure. You will also have the chance to network with other mobile app startups and potential investors, but perhaps most importantly, get funding for app.


8. Crowdfunding App Startups

Crowdfunding, a relatively new way for entrepreneurs to raise funds for their startups, is among the most popular. Crowdfunding sites allow you to raise money from large numbers of people through an app funding campaign. You don’t have to reduce your ownership equity, which is a plus.

Investors that fund your business may receive something in exchange, usually early accessibility to your application before it launches. You may also publish a minimum viable edition of your application and ask users for input.

You can set the minimum investment amount and benefits for investors.


How to Find Investors For Mobile App Projects

Due to investors’ failure to fund all initiatives, around 75% of businesses fail. Investors must think the money is worthwhile. By meeting prospective investors, you can raise your chances of success.

Now let’s see how to find investors for an app:


1. Choose The Type

Determine your strategy for luring investors to your mobile app idea first. Venture funds are a viable option. What about angel investors? Is a contest a viable option? These questions and others are important.

Before approaching investors, determine the estimated cost of mobile app development. Only a successful business founder will pitch Mobile App Investors if they have a budget for the app.


2. Analyze The Situation Carefully

You get a new idea for an app and immediately recognize the potential. The investor isn’t convinced. You can convince him by presenting the project statistics. Examine your competition’s products and determine why they are not suitable for success. It is much easier to show why your solution is superior to the others.


3. Manage your Brand

Mobile App Investors look for companies with a constructive image. A strong brand is vital. Your company’s identity should include the logo, color scheme, and even your philosophy. Your brand should be able to flow seamlessly into a product. Your branding will help investors visualize your idea better.


4. Participate in Marketing Activities

When will you start marketing? After your product launch? This tactic is dangerous. For the following reasons, it’s a good idea to start your promotion as soon as possible:

  • Test your idea with potential users
  • Look for potential clients
  • Reach out to interested investors


Funding Stages For Startups


Funding for Mobile App

1. Pre-Seed

Private networks can fund a startup in a typical case of bootstrapping. At the start of your startup, you are still developing and evaluating your ideas. This stage is where a portion of funding goes towards market research prior to the pitch presentation.

Developing a prototype in the pre-seed stage is convenient if there is enough funding. Many startups are like mushrooms and require funding to develop mobile apps.

This has resulted in a marketplace with intense competition. It increases your chances of getting investors to invest in a startup if you have more than an idea or initial calculations.


2. Seed

First, funding must come from significant sources. Your network can help you get the money that is beyond your savings. Angel investors can be attracted to the pre-seed stage, but most often, they show up during the seed stage.

Recent reports also indicate the existence of venture capital firms. At the minimum, you should allocate funds at the seed stage to help grow your app development team by hiring more experienced mobile app development service providers.

After creating a minimally viable product, a seed-stage idea is valid. Once the MVP is complete, you can make it available for Mobile App Investors and the general public. Your opinion is most likely to generate revenue at the seed stage.


  • Series A
    Series A funding is essential for startups to grow. An excellent choice at this point is venture money. Moreover, venture capitalists frequently invest in startups with huge development potential. Venture capital’s first stage, Series A, is where investors are most vulnerable. This stage will be most successful if you have a strong elevator pitch. It will be more likely to succeed once it has passed this stage.


  • Series B
    The most affected series is Series A. Your app is more likely to reach Series B if it has already reached this level. But mistakes can happen, so don’t assume everything will be perfect. Series B funding can help you grow your business more quickly. This allows you to sell fewer shares to venture capitalists as the value of your shares rises. You also retain ownership of the company.


  • Series C
    If your business is still in operation, it is most likely alive. This means you have enough income from your business to pay your expenses without additional funding. After Series B funding is complete, each stage focuses on large-scale expansion and substantial improvements.


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What are The Top Things Investors Look For Before Funding an App idea?

This is a list of things an investor should look for before investing his money.


1. Knowledge of The Industry and Domain

If you’re looking for funding for your company, Mobile App Investors will also look for the right company. You can look at their previous investments in the market to determine if it’s right to pitch them. Venture capital investors will go through a detailed checklist to screen your company and ensure you match its criteria.

They won’t invest in companies whose founders have little industry knowledge and experience. To ensure you’re well informed about the market, you will need to prepare a persuasive pitch for yourself and your team.

2. Find The Unique App Idea

You may believe that your app idea is different. If the app isn’t unique, the app investors may have seen the idea elsewhere. These questions will assist you in presenting your idea to investors.

  • Are there potential benefits to your app idea?
  • Can it help the intended audience’s problems?
  • Is the app going to bring new inventions or innovations?

Your app must be unique from your competitors. This is your USP and will help you stand out from the rest.

3. Understanding Market Data

You must show your investor that your product has enough demand to be able to convince them. It should be reasonable to request capital. Mobile App Investors should ensure that there is enough market capital if they ask for a million dollars. You must provide the data necessary to show a considerable user base and marketplace.

4. The Effective Business Model

Present the current business model. Demonstrate that your business plan will allow you to make profits. Investors have varied preferences when it comes to features and strategies. You must tailor your pitch and plan to suit the needs of each potential investor if you’re looking for investors.

For example, venture capital investors and angel investors emphasize market issues and finance. When presenting a business proposal, be sure to focus on these areas.


Mobile App Development CTA

Tips For Getting Funds From Investors to Support Your App

Raising finance ranks among the most challenging aspects of launching a business. It won’t be easy to raise money without solid financial support. Investors are looking for more than great app ideas.

Below is a list of the most critical things Mobile App Investors look for when investing in startups to help you raise funds.


1. A Solid Business Plan

Investors will be impressed by a solid business plan that shows you are serious about your startup idea and have given it serious thought. Investors would like to see key elements in the business plan, such as:

  • Target market
  • Revenue model and business
  • Competitive analysis
  • Financial projections
  • Marketing goals and plans
  • How will you handle potential risks, obstacles, and challenges


2. A Differentiator App Idea

Do you want to create a rideshare app similar to Uber? Do you want to build a rideshare app like Uber?

The world needs an Uber. You have to know why. Investors want to know how your product stands out from the rest and evidence that you can beat them.

3. Fit Product-Market

CB Insights found that 35% of startups fail because there is insufficient market demand. Unsurprisingly, Mobile App Investors place a high value on product-market fit when investing in mobile app startups.

These are the indicators of a product-market match that is good:

  • Customers who are already customers know the product’s worth
  • They share their incredible experience with the product with others
  • Increasing user base
  • You need to hire mobile app developers to increase your team’s ability to meet the demand
  • Reportage by the press

4. Market Size

Market size is the number of customers your product could sell in a given market. Market sizing is an essential aspect of investors’ assessment. This helps them determine how much profit they could make from their product.

5. A Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

MVP is the first version of a product that has the minimum features. It is helpful in many ways, including testing market demand and building a customer-centric product. An MVP is a great way to present your idea to investors. Investors can see your app in action and can even use it. This approach is proven to work with many MVPs.

Working with experienced experts in MVP development is crucial to ensure a successful MVP. As a result, you will have a better chance of obtaining funding for mobile app development.


What to do When your App is Funded?

What’s the next step after you have received funds from investors? Your work does not stop there. Your app requires constant improvement and maintenance. After your app launches, you should continue to improve it and get feedback from Mobile App Investors and users.

Your business will be granted funding as you progress through the stages of startup funding. This money may be used to enhance the design and expand the app’s functionality.

Your app must constantly change due to the constant introduction of modern technologies and iOS updates. You should hire an experienced mobile app development company to ensure your app runs smoothly for many years.


Any time is possible to improve. Apps are a good example of this saying. Even after receiving funding, your effort continues. You should launch new features to make the app more interesting and expand your investment opportunities.

Now that you know everything about how to find Mobile App Investors for your business. An experienced android app development company can help you build a compelling app. They can offer a range of services, such as the creation of mobile apps and specialized software.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is inventing a mobile app a better idea?

Yes, investing can be a great idea. Here are some of the perks.

  • Reach a global audience
  • Every day, millions of people download apps
  • Increase brand awareness locally as well as globally
  • Customer engagement can be increased
  • Increase sales and revenue

Are you looking for investors to help you start your app?

Mobile App Investors can help you realize your vision. Without funding, your app idea will be a mere idea. Here are some benefits of investing in an app startup.

  • Customer service and support that is better
  • Reputation and networking are key to a brand’s success
  • Easy payments and high market value

What is the cost of building a mobile app?

A mobile app can run anywhere from $25,000 to $50000 depending on its requirements and idea of a wide range of factors. For example, app complexity, features and functionalities, location of developers, UI/UX design, maintenance and updates etc.

How can you find investors for your mobile app?

You should consider the following options to find app investors for your mobile app:

  • Bootstrap your way up with co-founders
  • Start a Crowdfunding campaign
  • Spend Donations on Your Site
  • Participate in Funding Contests
  • Angel Investors and Strategic Partners
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How To Build A Money Budgeting App Like Mint In 2023 Wed, 25 Jan 2023 10:55:37 +0000                 “It’s not about having lots of money; it’s knowing how to manage it.”

In our day-to-day lives, finance has played a crucial role. It is impossible to run a business or live an everyday life without planning for the future. Also, there is no room for error when it comes to money.  

Thankfully, the internet has enabled us to access a money budgeting and money management app like Mint that assists us with managing our money and supports us in making informed decisions regarding our finances. However, the process of managing finances has never been easy. Today, things appear to have completely flipped.  

With plenty of money budgeting applications, money management apps, and finance management apps, handling your finances becomes quite simple. In addition, many options are available to businesses, making it difficult to decide which one to choose. After all, financial data management is crucial and shouldn’t be taken lightly.  

However, various large enterprises seek profitable opportunities in this sector. Are you one of those who want to build a money-budgeting app like Mint and make a critical move approaching a constantly expanding marketplace? Then you should go through this blog to learn about the money budgeting of Mint eWallet Software Development procedures, features, and cost.  

So let’s start the blog. 


What Is Mint App?


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


Mint is a personal finance management app that assists users to track their spending, budget, and financial goals. It connects to users’ bank accounts, credit cards, and other financial accounts. Also, it automatically categorizes transactions, helping users to see where their money is going and identify areas where they can save. 

Mint also offers tools to help users create a budget and track their progress toward financial goals, as well as alerts to help them stay on track. However, some features of a fintech mobile app like Mint may vary depending on the country where it is used. 


Market Stats of Money Budgeting Apps like Mint 

Here are the current market stats of money budgeting apps that are essential to know when developing an app like mint. So let’s have a look at them. 


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


  • The market for budget apps was valued at USD 199.70 million in 2021 and is anticipated to grow to USD 288.60 million by 2028 at a CAGR of 5.40 percent.
  • With a US$9,683.00bn total transaction value in 2023, digital payments will dominate the market.
  • In 2018, about 61 percent of Americans used mobile banking solutions, which will increase to 65.3 percent by 2022.
  • In the digital payments sector, the total transaction value is anticipated to reach US$9,683.00 billion in 2023.
  • By 2027, 5,480.33 million users will be anticipated in the digital payments market.


List of Top 5 Money Budgeting App like Mint 

Here we have compiled a list of the top 5 money budgeting apps like Mint that you must check. 


Top 5 Money Budgeting Apps  Available platform  Downloads  Ratings 
You Need a Budget   Android | iOS 1M+  4.6 
Prism   Android | iOS 1M+  2.7 
Spendee  Android | iOS 1M+  3.9 
Every Dollar   Android | iOS 1M+  3.5 
Personal Capital   Android | iOS 500K+  4.3 


Money budgeting App CTa image


Features of a Money Budgeting App like Mint 

Mint is a personal finance app that helps users manage their financial lives. There are many features that a personal finance app might include, but some common ones are:


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


Sign in 

Sign-in allows users to register their accounts with different social media platforms. They allow you to put all the mandatory information like contact details, email id, etc. within the application. 


Budgeting Tools

These allow users to track their income and expenses, set budgets for different spending categories, and see how their spending compares to their budget over time. To integrate this feature into your app, you must take assistance from finance App Developers


Bill tracking and Payment Reminders

Users can input their bills and due dates, and the app will send reminders when a bill is coming due. Some apps also allow users to pay bills directly through the app. 


Transaction Tracking

Users can input their financial transactions manually or by linking their bank and credit card accounts to the app. The app will then categorize the transactions and allow the user to see where their money is going.


Investment Tracking

If the user has investments, the app can track the performance of their portfolio and provide information about individual holdings. 


Credit Score Tracking

Using this feature, users can track their credit score and receive alerts when there are changes to their score. If you want to add a feature to your app like Mint, hiring the best eWallet App Development Services is important. 


Debt Tracking and Management

Users can input their debts, including student loans, mortgages, and credit card balances, and the app can help them create a plan to pay off their debts.


Savings Goals

Users can set savings goals, such as saving for a down payment on a house or building an emergency fund, and the app can help them track their progress and suggest ways to save more.


Financial Planning and Advice

Some apps provide financial planning tools, such as retirement calculators, and offer personalized advice based on the user’s financial situation. However, to integrate this feature in your application, hire mobile app developers.



Personal finance apps should prioritize security to protect users’ financial information. This might include measures such as encryption, secure login, and two-factor authentication. 


Ease of Use

A good personal finance app should be intuitive and easy to navigate, with a clean and user-friendly interface.


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


How to Build a Money Budgeting App like Mint?

Now that you are familiar with features of a money budgeting app like Mint that are a must to include, it is time to create a top-notch app even better. So, let’s have a look at them. 


Develop a Fintech App Like Wise


Step 1. Define the Problem and Target Audience

The first step in developing a money budgeting app like Mint is to clearly define the problem that the app will solve and the target audience it will serve. For example, the app may be designed to help people track their expenses and stay within a budget, or it may be geared towards people who need to save for a specific financial goal, such as buying a house or paying off debt. However, hiring experts from a fintech app development company would be best. 


Step 2. Research and Analyze the Market 

Once you know the problem and target audience, it’s important to research and analyzes the market to ensure app demand and identify competitors. It can involve reviewing industry reports, surveying potential users, and analyzing the features and pricing of competing apps. Thus, researching will help you to know about the competitors and their strategies. 


Step 3. Define the Features and Functionality

Based on the problem being solved and the target audience, the next step is to define the features and functionality of the application. It includes tracking expenses, creating budgets, setting financial goals, and generating reports and insights. Additionally, it’s important to strike a balance between providing useful features and keeping the app simple and easy to use. Besides, you must look for a banking application development company with outstanding skills and vision to add these features to your app that will benefit your business.  


Step 4. Design the User Interface and User Experience

Once the app’s features and functionality have been defined, the next step is to design the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). It includes creating wireframes and mockups to visualize how the app will look and work, as well as defining the navigation and flow of the app. The visual appearance of the application helps in attracting users. 

However, you can hire designers from an experienced mobile app development company who can help design your application. Consider how you’ll convey information to your clients and develop an appealing, simple-to-navigate UX flow. 


Step 5. Develop the App

Now that you have designed your application, the next step is to start developing the app. It is the essential step of development. Additionally, it typically involves building the front end (the part of the app that users interact with) using a programming language like Java or Swift and the back end (the part of the app that handles data and logic) using a language like Python or Ruby. It is vital to hire the best mobile banking app developers to perform all the necessary technical development tasks. 


Step 6. Test and Debug the App

Now that you have built an application, it’s important to test and debug it to ensure it is functioning correctly and free of errors. It can involve manual testing as well as automated testing using tools like Selenium. It is essential to know that before you launch the application on the platforms, reviewing with testers and quality analysts will help you in knowing its usability, security, compatibility, and performance. 


Step 7. Launch the App 

Once the app is fully developed and tested, it’s time to launch it to the public. It typically involves submitting the app-to-app stores like Google Play and the App Store and promoting it through marketing and advertising efforts.  Besides, if you want to develop a Peer-to-Peer payment app, taking assistance from dedicated developers will be the best option.  


Step 8. Monitor and Update the App

The process does not stop here; it’s important to continuously monitor the application for any issues or bugs and make updates and improvements as needed. However, it can involve releasing new app versions, adding new features, and responding to user feedback. 


How To Build Mobile Payment Apps Like Cash App?


Technologies Used in a Money Budgeting App like Mint 

To develop an app like Mint, you require the essential tech stack to develop an effective and high-quality application. So here is the list of the tech stack you will need:


1. Tech Stack For an iOS-Based App

  • Toolkit-Apple Xcode
  • Programming Language-Swift
  • SDK- iOS SDK


2. Tech Stack For an Android-Based App

  • Programming Language-Kotlin
  • SDK-Android SDK
  • Toolkit-Android Studio and Android Developer Tools


3. Tech Stack For a Hybrid App

  • Programming Language-JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Dart, C#


4. Frameworks

  • Ionic, React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, Apache Cordova


Cost to Build a Money Budgeting App like Mint

Cost is the most crucial thing that comes to mind when you decide to build a money-budgeting app like Mint. However, the banking app development cost depends on numerous factors. Below are the essential factors that influence the cost of a money-budgeting app:  

  • Business model 
  • App complexity and type 
  • Team expertise 
  • Features and functionalities  
  • Location of the development team 
  • Hiring model 
  • App design 
  • Technology stack 
  • Maintenance and support 

Based on the abovementioned factors, the cost estimation of a mobile wallet development app like Mint with simple features will be around $25000-$40000. But, if you want advanced features to be integrated into your application, the development cost will increase to $50000 and more.


How Much Does it Cost to Build an Enterprise Mobile App 2023?


Final Thoughts 

A Money budgeting app like Mint is in huge demand these days. These apps facilitate an all-in-one solution for your finance handling concern. Additionally, it helps users to make smart budgets. Thanks to amazing features and functionalities utilized in money budgeting applications, users get notifications about necessary payments and unforeseen expenditures. However, the success of a money budgeting app like Mint will depend on its ability to effectively help users manage their finances and achieve their financial goals.  

Now that we have provided you with all the necessary information regarding an app like Mint, it is your turn to implement your ideas into action. Thus, get in touch with a leading mobile app development company or hire fintech app developers who will provide you with an outstanding money-budgeting app. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What Are The Benefits of Using A Money Budgeting App Like Mint?

Using a money budgeting app like Mint can provide several benefits. It can help you track your spending, create a budget, and stick to it. A budgeting app can also help you identify areas where you may be able to cut back on your spending, such as by canceling subscription services or eating out less frequently. In addition, a budgeting app can allow you to set financial goals and track your progress toward achieving them. 

How to Monetize Your Money Budgeting App like Mint?

There are several ways to monetize a money-budgeting app like Mint: 

  • Offer a basic version for free and charge for premium features
  • Charge a subscription fee for access to the app
  • Sell in-app purchases or add-ons
  • Offer sponsored content or partnerships
  • Use the app to promote your products or services
  • Use the app to collect user data and sell it to third parties
  • Display ads within the app.

Hence to know more, ensure to get in touch with Our Dedicated Developers now!

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Hire Dedicated Developers to Create App Like Dave Fri, 13 May 2022 07:03:51 +0000 In 2021, when the world was in turmoil, the world economy took a great hit. That time, multiple investment projects got canceled, but now is the right time to invest those funds.

Wondering how? 🙂

Well, money lending is the answer! With a money lending app like Dave, businesses today can lend money to small startups or businesses in need. The process is known as ‘Peer-to-Peer’ money lending.

P2P lending apps like Dave connect with people who want to borrow money from businesses or people who want to lend money.

There are many more money lending applications that you will discover while reading this blog. So, let’s start with the introduction of money lending applications.

What Is Peer-to-Peer Money Lending App?

What Is Peer-to-Peer Money Lending App?

A money lending app, also known as P2P or Peer-to-Peer money lending app is used to issue or receive money directly by individuals.

While using this money lender app, people get cash directly without using conventional financial institutions such as an intermediary.

Generally, the process of money or loan lending is performed by private individuals, but in some cases, organizations can also participate in the money lending process.


An Overview of Dave – Best Money Lending App

An Overview of Dave – Best Money Lending App
Source: pinterest

Dave is a personal finance app available on both Android & iOS devices. People who require money can borrow or even budget their finance from Dave.

Founded in 2016, this lending money app has become one of the well-known Fintech startups in North America. It generates profit via membership fees, referral fees, interchange fees, and user donations.

The ever-rising popularity and simple interface have urged thousands of businesses to develop a money lending app like Dave.


How Does Money Lending App Like Dave Work?

The working procedure of money lending apps is very simple and easy.

Want to know how a money lending app like Dave works?

Here you go!

  1. Users download the money borrowing app and register on it.
  2. Next, they sign in to the application to access apps like Dave.
  3. When the application starts, users have to enter their bank details and link debit cards
  4. Once all the details are verified, your account will open, and then you will get a payday advance of 96 €per pay period from the next paycheck.
  5. The application keeps sending notifications for an upcoming bill, low account balance, or negative balance.
  6. The advance balance gets auto-debited from the next paycheck. Users can also set manual payback if they need it.
  7. Lastly, users can decide the tip they want to offer to a money lending app like Dave after their advance pay period.

This is how the money lending app development process works and makes it easier for people to lend and borrow money in need. Now that the entire process is revealed to you, let’s start with developing an app like Dave.


Step-by-Step Process to Develop A Money Lending App Like Dave

Are you planning for a money lending app development but don’t know where to start? Don’t panic! The money lending app developers have highlighted some simple steps to craft an amazing loan lending app like Dave. Let’s understand the process one by one.


1. Understand Business Requirements & Think of Unique App Ideas

Start the money lending app development process with an amazing business app idea. Think of everything required to create an app like Dave.

For instance, decide what kind of installment loans your app will offer. It will help you know the cost and features to develop a money lending mobile app.

It is a crucial step of money loan app development that will help you smoothen the development process later.

So, brainstorm more, think of a unique idea, and understand the business requirements before developing a money lending app.

2. Finalize the App Development Tech Stack 

It is another crucial step to developing a money lending application like Dave, i.e., choosing a suitable tech stack. It plays a crucial role in developing scalable loan lending applications.

With the advancement in tools and technologies, the loan lending or money lending process has become way simpler and more reliable than it was years ago.


Tech Stacks
Front End Back End Databases UX/UI





jQuery UI














Mongo DB



Maria DB


Berkley DB




Adobe After Effects



Adobe Illustrator



Adobe Photoshop


3. Include Best Suitable App Features

An application’s features play a huge behind making an app successful, so do not take this mobile app development step for granted.

First, make a list of all the essential features you want to include in your money lenders app. You need to conduct extensive research on your competitors’ apps like Dave to get an idea of the essential features and major loopholes.

Deciding on the cost and features of the money lending app before development would help you.

4. Hire Experienced & Dedicated App Developers

Hiring an experienced team of money lending app developers is crucial if you plan to develop a unique and result-driven business app.

Only experienced developers can understand your requirements well and craft a better app adhering to all your business needs.

So, along with focusing on app development, spend enough time to find the right team of professionals for your project whether you are looking for full stack development company or any other. It will help you remain assured of getting a perfect app in hand within the deadline.


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5. Build An MVP for Your Loan Lending App

Minimum Viable Product or MVP offers you an outline of the product with basic features and functionalities. As per the professionals of custom angular.js development, building an MVP before developing a mobile app wholly might be a safe move for your application. It will also help you get user feedback based on the application experience.

After that, you can take a step toward creating an app. It will also help you know the cost to develop a mobile app and ultimately prepare you for the future.

6. Conduct In-depth App Testing

Finally, test your app when you are done with everything, including money lending app designing, development, etc. Testing your mobile application properly before launch will help you eliminate all the errors and faults that users might encounter and, in turn, results in better app success.

As we all know that none of the business applications is developed 100% error-free, testing is a crucial step. So, whether you are availing assistance from a Laravel development company expert or any other, ask the professionals to go through the process of extensive testing.

Developing an app that loans you money isn’t a complicated process, as you can see from the app development steps mentioned above. Agree or not?

Now that you are well-versed with the money lending app development process consider them for your next project. Also, make sure to incorporate the following features.

Must-Have Features of A Successful Money Lending App Like Dave

Many people develop an app carefully but still fail to gain desired profit & success. The major reason behind this is insufficient app features. An application might fail to grab users’ attention if it does not contain the right features.

So, to ensure that you develop a perfect money lending app like Dave, the mobile app development company experts have highlighted a list of some essential features that you shouldn’t miss.

  • Sign-up or Registration

We all know that it is a very lengthy and difficult process to request and get approvals for a payday loan. Right? So, make sure that your application sign-up or registration process should be completely hassle-free and simple. It should quickly connect the users’ account to the app in just a snap of fingers.

A quick and easy sign-up process will increase your money lending application’s worth and user interaction in no time.

  • Borrow & Lend Money On-demand

One of the unique features of an app like Dave could make your business app different from the rest of money borrowing apps. Sometimes, individuals need money urgently, and at that time, your money lending app can come in handy.

This on-demand app feature will enable users to borrow money with just a tap. The requested money gets directly transferred to the user’s bank account, and the user can further obtain it from the assigned store.

  • Push Notifications

Reminding users about their pending payments, upcoming installment, and more is crucial to keep them engaged with the application and make them satisfied with the services.

It is where the push notification feature comes in handy. It offers quick alerts to the users and ensures smooth in-app processing.

Push notifications are one of the basic features of any mobile application, whether you are offering enterprise mobility solutions or any other. So, make sure to insert this feature while creating a money-lending app.

  • Loan Calculator

When it comes to money lender apps like Dave, this feature cannot be missed at any cost. A loan calculator offers an exact calculation of the sum owned after interest to the customers.

Such features are mandatory to include, allowing users to make better decisions. Also, this money loan app will prevent users from going through lengthy and boring calculations.

  • Money Repayment

Another interesting feature that can make your money lending app stand out is money repayment. When the paycheck gets credited to the user’s account, the loan amount is immediately debited from the user’s account. Due to such a feature, it becomes convenient for consumers to keep track of their refunds.

To make this feature more usable or interesting, you can offer users the possibility of repaying the sum faster than required. It will become easier for the money lending app user to clear the debt hassle-free.

These mandatory loan lending app features could take your small business application to the heights of success. Including each of these features in your app, like Dave, could be the best bet for your money lending app. The more features and functionalities you will include in your application, the higher its cost will be.

How to Develop Loan Lending Mobile App? – A Complete Guide

How Much Does It Cost to Develop Money Lending App Like Dave?

Generally, one cannot determine the exact cost to develop money lending app like Dave. So, we can take an average money lending app development cost estimation, i.e., 24000€ to 33,000€, depending on the type of borrow money app you are creating.

Also, the region from where you are availing money lending app development services also matters, as highlighted in the table below.


Region Development Cost/Hour
North America €48 – € 240
South America € 19 – € 72
Western Europe € 48 – € 192
Eastern Europe € 19 – € 96
Australia € 38 – € 163
Asia € 9 – € 48


It is just an idea of the cost of money lending app development per hour. Now that you know the cost per region, it is time to make an informed decision based on your project budget and requirements.

Make sure to hire dedicated developers for your project to get the expected business output within the given deadline.

Cost And Features To Develop e-Wallet Mobile App Like Google Pay

Hiring Dedicated Money Lending App Developers!

Finalized your money lending app development requirements? Want to hire mobile app developers at a cost-effective price? We can help!

Here, we have mentioned the average of hiring developers for different regions. Take a look and then choose a suitable mobile app development company.


Location Average cost, €
United States 144127.50€
Australia 76868.00€
United Kingdom 115302.00€
Western Europe 96085.00€
Eastern Europe 48042.50€
South Asia 33629.75€


The money lending app development business idea is doing really well these days, and as a result, it has opened up a myriad of business opportunities for all-scale businesses.

Those who are planning to create an app like Dave will surely get benefit from this blog and can grab a chance to outshine competitors.

Now that you already know the process well, it is time to search for android app developers for hire or iOS developers, discuss your project requirements and get a well-developed loan lending app in hand.

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