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Summary: Unlock the limitless potential of technology and embark on a journey of innovation. In this ultimate guide for AI app development 2023, discover the steps to create an AI app, turning imagination into intelligent reality.


“Artificial Intelligence is the Future, And the Future is Here”

Dave Waters


There is no denying that all of us have heard of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning. Today, there is a huge boom for AI and ML-based solutions as the world is moving towards digitization.

With the increased demand and interest for AI-based solutions, more and more businesses are planning for AI app development to take business to the next level and give a boost to their business. In 2022, the global Artificial Intelligence market size was estimated at $119.78 billion in 2022 and is predicted to be $1,597.1 billion by 2030.

As we navigate 2024, there are will be a need for AI and ML-based solutions. As AI-powered applications are offering seamless experiences that are much smarter and personalized than ever before. From smart assistants to self-driving cars, Artificial Intelligence integration has revolutionized the way we access things and run businesses.

So, either you are new to the business domain or looking forward to beat your competitors in the coming time, you will find this guide helpful. It will help you with everything about AI app development, from ‘How to create an AI app?’ to ‘What are AI app features?’ and ‘How much does AI app development cost?’ So, let’s begin!


What is AI App Development?

Alan Turing, a pioneering computer scientist and mathematician, asked, “Can machines think?” in his 1950 paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence. So, the answer is yes, as AI and ML-based solutions or applications think and make life-changing decisions in 2023 and beyond.

Regarding AI app development, it is the process to develop a mobile app or any web application incorporating the trending AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology. Such applications use AI algorithms to enhance functionality, improve user experiences, and provide smart AI solutions to business challenges and problems.


What is AI App Development


Artificial Intelligence incorporates learning, speech recognition, problem-solving, planning, etc. So, businesses can use AI to take care of repetitive tasks that let employees focus on other important tasks.

Hence, going for AI app development could be smart in 2023 as the coming time will rely solely on technically advanced solutions. So, create an AI app today and leave your competitors behind tomorrow!


How AI is Used in Mobile App Development?

AI app integration during mobile app development has opened up limitless opportunities, making mobile applications more user-friendly, intuitive, and efficient. AI in mobile apps enhances functionality and offers intelligent solutions while improving user experience greatly.

Let’s dive deep into how AI reshapes today’s mobile app landscape.


AI is Used in Mobile App Development


1. Chatbots & Virtual Assistants

Today, customer service and user engagement have been changed drastically by the emergence of AI-driven Chatbots and virtual assistants. So, mobile applications with built-in Chatbots instantly answer user queries and schedule appointments.

Besides this, users can integrate voice commands to create reminders, operate smart home devices, or even get answers with the help of virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa. Even the top Chatbots software are leveraging AI and ML to increase the user experience and business efficiency.


2. AI in Gaming

Artificial Intelligence plays a significant role in enhancing the gaming experience in mobile apps. Game developers utilize AI to create more engaging and challenging gameplay, improve graphics and animations, while personalizing gaming experiences.

Artificial Intelligence app also enable intelligent opponents, realistic simulations, and adaptive difficulty levels. AI can also be used for procedural content generation in game design. Overall, AI in gaming has become a boom in today’s time and are completely transforming gaming industry.


3. Personalization & Recommendation

Personalization is one of the most well-known applications of AI in mobile apps. AI apps offer personalized content suggestions by examining user behavior, preferences, and previous interactions. As an illustration, streaming services like Spotify and Netflix use AI to suggest music, shows, or movies based on a user’s prior viewing or listening behavior.

Users will constantly find information that appeals to them thanks to this, increasing their pleasure and engagement.


4. Image & Voice Recognition

AI-driven tools for recognizing images and processing voice commands have ushered in revolutionary transformations within mobile applications. For instance, apps like Shazam can discern songs from brief audio segments, whereas platforms like Google Photos utilize image recognition to classify and label images.

Within the healthcare sector, specific AI-empowered apps harness image recognition to scrutinize medical imagery. The Artificial Intelligence app also assists in promptly identifying ailments and formulating treatment suggestions.


5. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Today, NLP-capable mobile applications can interpret and analyze text input with a click. It is helpful for chat applications, sentiment analysis, and language translation. Integrating AI-powered tools and Natural Language Processing in mobile apps makes understanding, processing, and generating human language easy.

AI technology has broad applications across various types of mobile apps. Whether it is about text summarization, language learning, or any other, AI implementation could benefit if done correctly!


6. Predictive Analysis

AI’s capacity to process extensive datasets and anticipate forthcoming patterns proves indispensable across various applications. For example, in the realm of finance applications, it can forecast trends in the stock market, while health-oriented applications may predict potential health concerns using user data.

Likewise, e-commerce platforms harness predictive analytics to project product demand, thereby aiding businesses in optimizing their inventory management.


7. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Although AR and VR are distinct technological realms, their fusion with AI has ushered in a new era of immersive encounters. A prime illustration of this synergy can be found in shopping applications, where users can employ AR to virtually “test” clothing and accessories. AI plays a crucial role in this process, ensuring that the virtual products conform convincingly to the user’s physique and move naturally.

You can leverage Artificial Intelligence during mobile app development in these different ways. All you need to do is connect with a leading machine learning app development company or hire artificial intelligence app developer to get started.


Artificial app cta


Major Industries Benefitting From AI App Development

AI app development holds the potential to benefit extensive industries by improving work efficiency, automating repetitive tasks, and enhancing decision-making processes. As per the Artificial Intelligence development company experts, the market for AI is projected to soar to around $309.6 billion by 2026.


Major Industries Benefitting From AI App Development


Whether you run a healthcare business or an e-commerce store, you can avail significant benefits when you make AI app. Here’s how major industries can benefit from AI app development –


  • Healthcare

The healthcare industry has always been at the top list regarding reaping AI app benefits. AI has been instrumental in modernizing medical practices, contributing significantly to tasks like streamlining administrative processes and improving patient care.

For Example – Healthcare app like Ada Health employs Artificial Intelligence to help users understand their symptoms, assess their health conditions, and provide personalized health advice.


  • Education

The widespread integration of technology into education is reshaping the teaching and online learning experience. Artificial Intelligence stands out as a disruptive technology with the potential to customize the learning journey for diverse groups of learners, educators, and mentors.

For Example – An E-learning app like Duolingo uses AI to provide a personalized learning experience. It adapts lessons based on a user’s progress and performance.


  • Finance

Like any other sector, AI is also revolutionizing the finance industry. AI-powered tools automate tasks, including algorithmic trading, fraud detection, and customer service. Chatbots and AI help monitor and prevent financial fraud by identifying unusual patterns and transactions.

For Example – Robinhood is one of the popular finance applications that uses AI & ML to offer personalized investment recommendations and insights.


  • E-commerce

AI implementation proves to be useful when it comes to improving customer experience via personalized product recommendations. AI in web development optimizes inventory management and supply chain operations via predictive analytics, reducing costs and enhancing efficiency.

For Example – A popular E-commerce app like Amazon uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in multiple ways to enhance its customers’ shopping experience.


  • Real Estate

The Real Estate sector is also integrating AI to provide detailed insights into market trends along with making the property buying experience transparent. Currently, all the best AI apps in USA are reaping amazing benefits and have seen improvement within the work process. So, if you plan to develop a real estate app, consider using AI technology.

For Example – A real estate app like Zillow integrates AI and machine learning to provide exclusive features to homebuyers, sellers, and renters.

This isn’t it. There is a huge list of industries using Artificial Intelligence, but the industries mentioned above are the major ones. So, whatever your business domain, you can use AI solutions to take your business to the next level.

Now that you are planning to move ahead, the next question that will strike your mind will be, ‘How to build an AI app?’ Right? Well, refer to the following step-by-step process of AI app development.


Read More: Develop An AI Art Generator App Like Midjourney


7 Simple Steps to Create An AI App

Are you planning to create an AI app? If yes, then refer to the following AI mobile app development process to ensure a smooth experience.


Simple Steps to Create An AI App


Step 1 – Define AI App Objective

Before you directly jump to develop an AI app, clearly define the purpose and goals of your business application. Additionally, determine the major problems resolved with your AI application and its value for the users.

While defining app objectives, pinpoint all the major challenges or gaps you want to address. It is one of the major AI app development steps, so spend more time on it and note down everything.


Step 2 – Choose A Suitable AI Model

Next, select the best-suitable Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning or Deep Learning Model aligning with your AI app’s objective. During this step, consider major factors like the type of data, problem complexity, and the available resources. Before you go for full-scale integration, create AI model prototype to test its viability and efficiency.

You can connect with a leading AI app development company if you don’t know how to choose the right AI model for your business application.


Step 3 – Begin Research & Gather Data

Collect and prepare all the essential information required to train and test your AI app model. Remember that high-quality, diverse, and relevant data is crucial for the success of your AI application. So, spend more time doing in-depth research about the AI application you are planning to develop.

You can also refer to the competitors to gather all the essential information for better outcomes. Later, refine all the data to ensure consistency and relevance.


Step 4 – Design & Create An AI App

Develop the AI app, including the user interface and integration with the AI model. This AI app development step involves coding, designing user interfaces, and implementing the necessary features. Given the unique AI app capabilities, ensure the design incorporates all the major AI functionalities, and the users should find it appealing.

The more complicated the AI app design will be, the higher the AI app development cost will be. So, set your budget accordingly. Once everything is finalized, step into the process to create an AI app. If you have a team, well and good; if not, hire an Artificial intelligence developer from a leading firm.


Step 5 – Test Your AI App

When you successfully develop an AI app, test it thoroughly to ensure it functions correctly while meeting the users’ needs and expectations. Make sure to remove all the errors and bugs before finally launching the application on the desired platform.

So, if you have a team of QAs, well and good; if not, hire experienced quality analysts who can help you test your AI app and make it completely error-free.


Step 6 – Deploy the App

Finally, you can deploy your AI application on the desired platform. But, the job isn’t done here. Use some of the useful analytics tools to constantly monitor AI app performance, user engagement, and AI app accuracy. It is an additional step which requires extra cost to create an AI app.


Step 7 – AI App Support & Maintenance

If you want your AI app should run lifelong, do not skip the mobile app support and maintenance process. It will help increase the lifespan of any business application; your AI app is no exception. Undoubtedly, it will require additional costs, but the decision will be worth it. Continuously monitor for errors, update the AI model as new data becomes available, and address user feedback on time.

These are the seven simple steps required to create an AI app. While following the step-by-step AI app development process mentioned above, you can draft a successful business application. So, either hire AI developers or do it with your team.




Examples of Top AI Applications in 2023

AI implementation in mobile applications has completely transformed how we interact with technologies. From language learning applications to personal assistance like Siri, AI-driven mobile apps have made our lives hassle-free.


Examples of Top AI Applications


Here are the top examples of AI applications in 2023.


1. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI. This AI-powered tool generates human-like text based on the input received. It has applications in natural language understanding and Chatbots.


2. Replica

Replica is a Chatbot focused on offering a virtual friend or companion. Chatbot app like Replica simulate conversations and can be used for companionship or as a therapeutic tool.


3. Grammarly

Google’s AI-powered virtual assistant employs artificial intelligence to carry out voice-activated commands, manage connected smart home gadgets, and deliver tailored suggestions.


4. Youper

Youper is a mental health application leveraging AI that provides users emotional support and therapy. An App like Youper offers mood tracking and Chatbot-based therapy sessions.


5. FaceApp

FaceApp is a very popular application using Artificial Intelligence to apply various filters and effects to photos of faces. It can also change your appearance, age, or gender in photos.

These applications exemplify the extensive capabilities of AI in elevating user experiences. Their achievements in the AI sphere can be attributed to a blend of user involvement, technological advancements, and acknowledgement from industry experts.


Read More: Cost To Build Artificial Intelligence Project


Benefits to Create An AI App for Businesses in 2023

Have you decided to develop an AI app and wondered whether it could benefit your business? If you are getting double thoughts about AI app development, look at the benefits of creating an AI app for businesses in 2023 and beyond.


Benefits to Create An AI App for Businesses

  • Improved Business Efficiency

AI-powered mobile apps automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. It allows businesses to operate more efficiently, which further increases business productivity.


  • Enhanced Customer Experience

Virtual assistants and AI chatbot apps provide 24/7 customer support while resolving queries instantly. All this improves the overall customer experience.


  • Data-driven Decision Making

With AI mobile apps, businesses can get data-driven insights that support decision-making at various organizational levels. From strategic planning to day-to-day business operations, everything can run smoothly.


  • Cost-Saving

AI automation leads to significant cost savings by reducing the need for manual labour and minimizing errors. AI optimize business processes, manage inventory, and streamline operations.


  • Fraud Detection & Security

Algorithms integrated into AI-enabled mobile apps help detect and prevent fraudulent activities, enhancing security and protecting businesses and customers from Cyber threats.



AI mobile app development cta

How Much Does It Cost to Create An AI App?

The average cost to develop an AI app lies between $10,000 to $30,000 and more, depending on the AI application requirements. It is just an AI app development cost estimation for a basic version.

The cost keeps increasing along with the advanced features, functionalities, and tech stacks. Here is an overview of AI app cost in a tabular format –


Project Complexity

Total Cost Range

Simple AI App $10,000 – $25,000
Moderate AI App $25,000 – $60,000
Complex AI App $60,000 – $100,000+


Besides this, there are some factors impacting the cost of AI mobile app development, such as –

  • Development Team
  • Software & Tools
  • Data Gathering
  • Maintenance & Updates
  • AI App Infrastructure
  • Testing & Quality Assurance
  • Miscellaneous Cost


How to Build An AI App – The Final Outcome!

AI implementation during mobile app development is undoubtedly one of the major transformations in this technically advanced world. As you can see, developing an AI app is a complex process requiring expertise, time, and effort.

But, we hope that after reading this blog, you have a clear idea of how to create an AI app and the benefits of AI app development for businesses. So, take the next step towards development and be the next leader in the AI-driven market.

If you doubt whether you can do it or not, it is advisable to consult a well-known AI app development company or hire dedicated developers. The professionals will help you build AI app adhering to all the given requirements and within the desired budget.

At Dev Technosys, we specialize in creating trending AI applications, so share your requirements with our experts and let them craft a revenue-generating AI app for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q1. What Are the Top Industries Using Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is applied across various industries and domains. Some top applications of AI include:

  • Healthcare: For disease diagnosis and personalized treatment.
  • Finance: For fraud detection and algorithmic trading.
  • Retail: For recommendation systems and inventory management.
  • Manufacturing: For predictive maintenance and quality control.
  • Entertainment: In content recommendation and video game AI.
  • Agriculture: For precision farming and crop management.


Q2. How Can I Make An AI App for My Business?

To create an AI app, you need to follow a streamlined AI app development process –

  • Define your app’s purpose
  • Collect high-quality data
  • Choose appropriate AI algorithms and tools
  • Develop the AI model
  • Design a user-friendly interface
  • Test the app
  • Launch the app
  • Continuously update the AI app


Q3. What is the Estimated Cost to Develop An AI App?

The cost to develop an AI app varies widely based on complexity. Simple AI apps may cost $10,000 – $25,000, moderately, while highly complex AI applications may exceed $1,000,000.


Q4. What Are the Benefits of AI App Development?

If developed with perfection and accuracy, AI applications offer tremendous business benefits, including Improved user experience, business productivity, enhanced decision-making, potential for new revenue streams, and scalability to handle large datasets and user loads.


Q5. Which is the Best Artificial Intelligence App Development Company?

Established in 2010, Dev Technosys is a leading Artificial Intelligence app development company that has been running for decades. We have a team of dedicated AI developers, creative designers, and experienced quality analysts who work as a team to deliver profit-driven business applications. Feel free to share your AI app development requirements and leave the rest to us.