IoT Development – Dev Technosys Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates Tue, 03 Oct 2023 13:00:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 IoT Development – Dev Technosys 32 32 Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates Tarun Nagar false episodic Tarun Nagar podcast Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates c9c7bad3-4712-514e-9ebd-d1e208fa1b76 Cost and Features of IoT Solutions For Healthcare Mon, 07 Aug 2023 07:10:00 +0000 The Internet of Things is a component that many different businesses are starting to place more and more emphasis on as the world gets more digital. Healthcare is no different, and IoT’s influence in this sector is expanding quickly.

IoT applications in healthcare are widespread around the globe. They range from improved machine control to virtual medical help. IoT applications in healthcare are so futuristic that it is hard to imagine what IoT is or how it functions. Modern technology can save lives by allowing for a rapid diagnosis of disease and finding a cure.

In this blog, we will look at the cost and features of IoT solutions for healthcare. We will also go through some of the benefits and challenges of putting the technology into practice in the sector.

Let’s start now.


What is IoT in Healthcare?

Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare is the integration of smart interconnected devices with the healthcare industry. This enhances the management of healthcare and patient care. IoT in Healthcare involves the use of medical devices, wearable technology and sensors which can collect, transmit and analyze data about patients in real time.


What is IoT in Healthcare


These devices can test vital signs, monitor activity levels, track medication compliance, and aid with remote monitoring. IoT devices collect data that allows healthcare professionals to get valuable insights about patients’ health, detect issues early, and provide more personalized and timely treatment.

Additionally, IoT solutions for healthcare facilitate seamless communication and data sharing among different healthcare systems, improving the overall efficiency, accuracy, and coordination of medical services.


IoT Healthcare Market Statistics


IoT Healthcare Market Statistics


  • The worldwide IoT market for healthcare was valued at about 61 billion dollars in 2019. In 2027, the market is projected to expand by more than 260 billion dollars.
  • By 2023, the Healthcare IoT Market is projected to reach US$93.82 billion in sales.
  • By 2028, the market is projected to generate US$167.70 billion in sales at a CAGR of 12.32% each year (2023-2028).
  • Comparatively, the United States will produce the most income (US$8,283.00m by 2023) in the world.
  • The global IoT revenue for healthcare was 24 billion US dollars in 2016. By 2025, estimates project that this number will surpass 135 billion US.
  • It was anticipated that as time went on, there would be more active IoT connections in the healthcare industry. There were 0.87 million connections that were active in 2016. It is anticipated to rise to 10.34 million by 2025.


IoT in Healthcare CTA

Why is IoT Essential in Healthcare?

The Internet of Things is vital in the healthcare industry because it brings together the power of technology and data to significantly improve patient care and overall healthcare management. So as per healthcare application development company, below are some points that states why IoT solutions for healthcare is essential:


1. Enhanced Remote Monitoring:

IoT devices enable healthcare professionals to monitor the health status of patients remotely in real time. Patients can now be monitored from their own homes, which reduces the need for frequent visits to the hospital and allows more personalized care.


2. Early Detection of Health Problems:

IoT enabled devices can collect and analyze patient data continuously, helping to identify health issues at an early stage. Early detection allows doctors to intervene quickly, preventing complications, and improving treatment outcomes.


3. Improved Efficiency and Workflow:

IoT devices improve efficiency and workflow. They streamline healthcare processes, and allow for efficient data sharing between different medical devices and systems. It allows healthcare providers to make faster decisions, resulting in more effective treatment and shorter waiting times for their patients.


4. Medication Management:

IoT is a great tool for smart medication management. These systems remind patients to take medications at the correct time and can provide feedback to healthcare professionals if a person misses a dosage. This will ensure better adherence to the treatment plan and reduce medication errors.


5. Preventive Healthcare

With IoT, healthcare providers can gather data on a patient’s lifestyle, activity levels, and vital signs over time. This information may be utilized to build  personalized wellness plans, promoting preventive measures and encouraging healthier habits.

Benefits of IoT in Healthcare

IoT applications and smart devices in healthcare are designed to help three main user groups: medical specialists, patients, and medical institutions. Here are some IoT healthcare benefits given by an IoT development services provider.


Benefits of IoT in Healthcare


● Cost-Efficiency

IoT devices and apps for remote health monitoring & treatment can reduce costs. By allowing patients who are not in a critical condition to remain at home, it reduces hospitalizations and frequent doctor visits. Healthcare facilities can benefit from streamlining and automating many tasks & increasing their staff productivity.


● Better Treatment

Allows physicians to make educated judgments based on the available data and guarantees complete openness. IoT devices gather statistical data that enables medical care to be tailored to actual patient issues. Improved visibility for doctors helps in diagnosis and healthcare planning.


● Early Disease Diagnosis

IoT’s analytical skills aid in the early or even pre-symptomatic diagnosis of illnesses by physicians. Doctors may make proactive decisions with the support of ongoing patient monitoring, which gives them access to real-time information.


● Reduction in Errors

For more effective control of healthcare operations, IoT gathers data from devices. Reduced diagnostic mistakes, improved healthcare outcomes, and quicker are all benefits of automated data gathering and processing.

Additionally, you must begin with a specific Proof of Concept if you are developing IoT solutions for healthcare. You can pay an IoT app development company to implement a proof-of-concept (PoC) and verify technological viability if you lack IoT programming experience.


● Personalized Care

IoT devices and wearables are able to be programmed to remind patients of their doctor’s appointments, calories, level of exercise, etc. IoT is especially beneficial to elderly patients and people who live alone. It provides an alert system. It alerts family members and healthcare providers to the disruption in their daily routine.


Read More: Impact of IoT on The Business Sector


Top 5 Trending Healthcare Applications

There are multiple apps in the market but we have listed the top trending healthcare applications. So let’s have a look:


Healthcare Apps

Available Platforms




Android | iOS 1M+



Android | iOS 10M+



Android | iOS 100K+



Android | iOS 100K+ 4.7
Teladoc Android | iOS 1M+


1. HealthTap

PEPID, one of the top mhealth app examples for patients and pharmacies, allows users to connect and understand their medication better with pharmacists.

This is one of many clinical application examples which makes medical information accessible with a digital storage system. So if you want to develop an app like HealthTap for your healthcare venture, then you must consult with a mhealth app development company.


2. WebMD

WebMD offers convenient healthcare information. It also has a symptom-checker and medical reminders. WebMD also provides information on drug interactions, diagnosis, and research. It is used by more and more users to find accurate information on different medical issues.



One of the most successful mHealth application platforms is PEPID. This application provides answers to millions of questions that real doctors have asked on a wide range of topics.

Posting it on the platform will allow you to use the app. Within 24 hours, a doctor will reply. The system also allows for scheduled live consultations between doctors, psychologists, and dentists to review your lab results, manage your prescriptions and view them.


4. PocketRx

To effectively manage medicine and healthcare needs, PocketRx is a user-friendly smartphone application. The app’s user-friendly design enables users to maintain dose regimens, create medication reminders, and get timely refill alerts. It provides consumers with access to a thorough pharmaceutical database where they may find out specifics about their medications.


5. Teladoc

Teladoc, an application which provides specialists for specific ailments and diseases. The application allows users to schedule an appointment, and then conduct the meeting through an online call.

Teladoc provides users with a 24×7 application that allows them to receive a second view. They can also add and update their medical records so that they receive personalized recommendations.


IoT in Healthcare Solution CTA


Key Features of IoT Solutions for Healthcare

By using IoT, it is possible to track patients’ health in real-time. So, doctors can measure their progress and monitor the health of the patients. You can track a number of health factors with smart devices that work with smartphones. So let’s check out the key features of IoT solutions for healthcare that are recommended by an Android app development company.


● Health Monitoring

IoT has helped establish a stable network between patients and doctors. Hospitals can now track patients remotely and provide quick health advice. The hospitals can now offer the necessary assistance and set reminders for their patients based on what they need.

Also, the health of patients has improved significantly as they no longer have to visit hospitals frequently for check-ups or stay in bed for long periods for treatment. The patients may continue to receive treatment while taking in the benefits of the open air.


● Smart Hospital Space

Cloud-connected sensors, such as window contacts and door contacts, light switches, ambient sensors, such as noise sensors and hydrometers, allow patients to customize their hospital stay according to their preferences. So if you also want to integrate such sensor features in your app, then you must consult with an iot app development company.


● Better Medicine Delivery

IoT has revolutionized the delivery of medicines. It is now very simple to deliver medicine at the preferred location by the user. The system will not be affected by any delays or health problems when delivering drugs. Using nanobots and a combination of IoT, smart devices and a wireless network, it’s now possible to deliver medicines to remote parts of the body for diagnosis and treatment.


● Track Medication’s Impact

Businesses prefer to hire healthcare app developers because they want each feature, including the tracking of medication integration in the app. IoT-based medication tracking allows doctors to monitor the effects of prescribed medicine dosages on patient condition.

Patients can also benefit from these apps. They can track their medication intake by using the in-app reminders and noticing symptoms after taking the medication. This app is compatible with smart devices and can be used to manage different medications.


● Tackling Emergencies

Hospitals are now taking emergency care to the next level after achieving a comprehensive health monitoring system in a stable environment. The real-time tracking of health and location sharing features have been combined to provide the patient with any needed assistance on time.


Read More: How to Build an App for The Internet of Things


What Are The Challenges of Using IoT in Healthcare?

IoT challenges exist in healthcare, despite the fact that there are many advantages to employing the technology there. Healthcare institutions must be aware of any potential challenges they may encounter, when integrating IoT solutions for healthcare contexts.


●   Security    

Strict privacy and security regulations must be followed by hospitals, clinics, and other facilities. Many healthcare organizations, and especially large networks of hospitals, have to manage security for multiple facilities as well as large data repositories.

The use of IoT to improve security in the medical environment makes it easier to manage. To keep staff and patients safe, automated security programs can be used. The Nexos protocol, which uses power over Ethernet, is one of the most secure ones now in use. It’s a great choice for healthcare establishments with strict security requirements.


● Adoption

Adopting a new IoT Framework is one of the main IoT issues facing the healthcare industry. It can take a long time to change the entire facility, and initial costs and installation are a major barrier for rural clinics and smaller facilities.

IoT benefits in healthcare are far greater than the investment of time and money. IoT ecosystems in healthcare result in improved care, streamlined processes, savings, and other benefits.


● Integration

As there are so many distinct devices and protocols, integration may be a difficult undertaking. To get the most out of IoT, devices must be easily automated and controlled. IoT for medical care is not effective if all devices aren’t connected to an IoT platform.

PoE is a simple solution that connects various systems in a single platform. The users get a simple and streamlined experience, with a single dashboard to control all devices in the medical IoT ecosystem.


● Data    

One of the most challenging healthcare IoT issues is data collecting. But it also has the most room for development. IoT systems produce a significant quantity of data. The architecture of an IoT system in a healthcare setting, as well as its data collecting priorities, must be discussed.

After you’ve identified your priorities and discussed the possible outcomes, it is easy to create actionable reports using an IoT ecosystem. This type of data can be used in many different ways to improve healthcare.




Cost of IoT Healthcare App Development

The IoT app development costs for healthcare can vary significantly based on several factors, such as the app’s complexity, features, platform compatibility, development team’s location, and more. Typically, IoT solutions for healthcare app development require specialized expertise in both healthcare and IoT technology.

On average, a basic IoT healthcare app with essential features could cost anywhere from $8,000 to $15,000. This would include functionalities like data collection from IoT devices, patient monitoring, basic analytics, and secure data storage.

However, more complex applications with advanced features like real-time data analysis, machine learning integration, custom IoT device integration, HIPAA compliance, and a user-friendly interface could cost upwards of $25,000 or even more.

It’s crucial to work with a reliable and experienced mobile app development company that understands the unique challenges and requirements of healthcare app development. Additionally, ongoing maintenance and support may incur additional costs after the initial development phase.

Future Scope of IoT in the Healthcare

The potential for IoT Solutions for Healthcare sector is intriguing, and its future potential is considerable. IoT will be a key factor in determining the future scope of IoT in the healthcare sector as it gets more and more digital.


Future Scope of IoT in the Healthcare


Here are a few IoT predictions for the future of healthcare:


1. Personalized Healthcare:

IoT devices make it possible to gather real-time health data, which is then utilized to develop individualized treatment regimens for each patient. The patients will have better outcomes and more successful therapies as a consequence.


2. Remote Patient Monitoring:

IoT allows healthcare providers to monitor patients remotely. This allows them to track their condition and intervene if necessary. Healthcare expenditures will be decreased since there will be fewer hospitalizations and readmissions. It is vital to know that a healthcare app development services provider works around remote patient monitoring.


3. Predictive Maintenance:

IoT devices can help healthcare providers to predict equipment failures, and the need for maintenance. This will allow them to provide uninterrupted care.


4. Telemedicine:

Telemedicine will be enabled through IoT devices. This allows patients to consult doctors remotely. Patients with mobility problems and those who live in rural places will benefit the most from it.


The integration of IoT into the healthcare ecosystem offers immense opportunities to transform healthcare delivery. IoT has the ability to transform healthcare by resolving issues that providers encounter. Additionally, it can promote operational effectiveness and patient outcomes.

Therefore, consult with a healthcare app development company that excels at offering a wide variety of services, including IoT app development, to fully realize the promise of IoT in healthcare.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is Smart Technology for Healthcare?

Smart technology, or smart healthcare, is a modern technology method of improving patient workflow. Wearable devices and IoT can provide access to a wealth of information, with automated responses. They also make it easier for parties to communicate. Healthcare now runs more quickly and accurately thanks to technology.


2. What Are the Technology Trends In The Healthcare Industry?

Below are the Technology Trends In Healthcare Industry that you must check out:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare
  • Integrating Data and Predictive Analysis
  • Technology in Mental Health
  • Remote Patient Monitoring & Virtual Care
  • Digital Therapeutics


3. How Long Does it Typically Take to Develop an IoT Healthcare Solution?

The time to develop an IoT healthcare solution varies based on complexity, features, and team size. Generally, it can take 4-8 months or more. So it is recommended to consult a professional app development company who can provide you exact time estimation.

Benefits of IoT in Education Industry Mon, 27 Mar 2023 12:36:56 +0000 Looking at the mammoth ocean of developments, it interprets modern-day computing. There are major intertwined efforts that come in waves. From the rhetorical arrival of mainframe computers to personal computers, everything transfigured. Read this blog to know more about IoT in education industry.

Today, computers have been embedded into routine objects all around us. Undoubtedly, As technology kept evolving, It meticulously targeted the individual’s routine aspect.

In 1988, Mark Weiser coined it ubiquitous computing. The ubiquity of these computers extended its reach to education sectors as well. with the continuous exploration in the educational field, it kept on becoming mandatory for children.

At the same time, Internet access, and especially wireless Internet connectivity, has elevated ordinary communication with students. Here, IoT (the Internet of Things) comes into a gigantic frame of innovation and improvisation.

IoT has been doing great things in various industries. some of the great examples are smart home automation, connected cars, and laptops. Smartphones, distance learning etc. Now it has morphed into a mainstream term.

The significance of its contribution to the educational sector can be vividly seen. In between competitive educational app development, every tool that assists students to activate and deploy information is a part of IoT. It has been a part of a sound pedagogics praxis.

Why Internet of Things a game-changer in The Education Industry?

The Internet of things ( IoT) network connects various types of devices like tablets, smartphones, personal computers, laptops, and all other hand-held embedded devices. Today, IoT is exclusively preferred as an intuitive means of teaching and research in education.

The Iot app development in an expeditiously changing environment has been more conductive than using conventional techniques. It facilitates the interaction between people and objects.

Now, It is a highly attractive and adaptable platform. IoT technology has played an impressive role in the potential improvement of education at all levels.

From school to university teaching, it extended a smart environment for reasoning, learning, and predicting. So, it’s imperative to have a glimpse of IoT in education.


1. Smart Classroom Management

As the name implies, it’s an approach or a way a teacher applies to manage or control the classroom. With the rapid progression of smart devices, it has become quite easy for them to manage their classrooms.

They can compressively foster the quality of class management. Indeed the extensive use of IoT devices garnered the need for of innovative and effectual approach to education.

There are plenty of tools that are already yielding effective results. Some of the prominently preferred IoT devices by IoT Development Companies are Interactive whiteboards, eBooks, Tablets and mobile devices, student ID cards, attendance tracking systems, etc.


2. Smart Classroom Attendance System

It is always a time-consuming responsibility to take attendance in a class. Marking the presence and absence of the students are more mind-boggling than a rational process to hire mobile app developer. But the use of IoT has enabled you to save your time and effort.

Today there are SCRCS (smart classroom roll caller system) that collects students’ attendance at equal time intervals accurately. Students Id cards are attached to RFID tags. The SCRCS is ready to be installed and read the students’ IDs collectively.


Impact of IoT On App Development in Recent Years


It not only shows the total attendance of the students on an LED display but also shows their ID cards on multiple SCRCS slots. Furthermore, there may be a web-based attendance system for the student. It is used by their Android smart devices utilizing NFC technology. The students are to tap the matric card toward it. Their attendance will be saved automatically on the server.

3. Interactive Learning

In the present era of modernization, education has been leveraged to new heights. The process of learning is not restricted only to the monotonous composition of images and texts. It extends beyond all compact and old techniques of learning and development.


IoT in Education


Today, many textbooks cast different roadmaps of the learning process. These are joined to websites that extensively incorporate additional videos, assessments, animations, and other relevant materials.

The educational app development has introduced a new perspective that knits a broader vision. Now students are flooded with a range of interactive educational content. It probably caters to the need for real-world problems.


4. Security

Although technology has taken off for another kinetic exploration in galaxies, still security irks. Yes, even in a field like education, it keeps gathering deliberations. Today, it’s quite challenging to monitor the whereabouts and every activity of every student in a class.

Furthermore, the students are now a day more exposed to unprecedented dangerous events. So, it becomes now important to encircle them with dedicated security mediums apart from the process of teaching and learning. Undoubtedly, the role of IoT mobile app development has been more centralized in education.

5. Educational Apps

The high proliferation of smartphones has augmented the value of mobile applications. The development of education apps is leveraged with updated IoT advancements. It encompasses effective and powerful tools to deliver a creative pattern of learning.

In other words, it seamlessly transformed the pattern in which the process of teaching and learning is executed. Undoubtedly, the role of educational apps has more centralized to deliver quality education.


 Know the best IoT Platform in 2019-20


The teachers and students can create graphics textbooks. Educational apps also offer numerous games that provide potent resources for teaching and learning. It has defined education as more appealing and embracing than ever before.


6. Wearable Devices

As smart wearable devices are embroidered in the market, it also explains their utility for some specific niche. The use of wearable devices is more frequent in education. The demand to hire an app developer to integrate these devices with IoT keeps on increasing.

In schools, wearable devices are issued to the students for monitoring their movements. The central digital platform is connected to all wearable devices.


Dedicated App Developers


An effective part of these devices is the detection of whether a student is present or not. It also nullifies the need to take attendance. The devices are leveraged with multiple features. The parents can be intimated about the child’s whereabouts

The role of IoT application development has been witnessed to be transformative and comprehensive for all students and teachers. It ratchets up an interactive, inclusive and valuable pattern of learning as well as teaching. Indeed, it is coded to coordinate the learning process with greater flexibility and efficiency. It will bring an appealing, engaging, flexible, and quantifiable education system shortly.

Applications of IoT in Education

Some of the many applications of IoT in education include:

1. Tracking Devices

It’s important to monitor your students’ whereabouts to avoid risks. Since there could be a large number of students, you can’t possibly monitor each one of them separately by manual means. It’s where you can leverage IoT solutions for education. Tracking systems such as smart ID cards, school bus trackers, attendance trackers, parking sensors, etc. can help you there.


2. Smart Boards and Textbooks

Interactive digital media such as smart whiteboards, AR, VR, etc. help educators make learning engaging and immersive. Using these systems will also help you collect and analyze data in the classroom or outside at any time you want.

They may identify the holes in their educational method and discover solutions to enhance both the learning process and the outcomes by analyzing this data. They can even use this information to customize lessons.

Comparably, digital notebooks give students quick access to a huge collection of knowledge that is often updated to meet evolving demands. This saves money for both parents and students while also being a more environmentally responsible option.


3. Security Systems

Maintaining security in your institutional premises is undoubtedly necessary. Although you could keep security personnel, digital security systems are still necessary to be safe from advanced threats. You may improve security for children, instructors, and staff by using IoT-enabled security equipment like wireless door locks, facial recognition technology, surveillance cameras, etc.


4. Research and Study Programs

Institutions can leverage automated and advanced IoT systems in their research and study programs dedicated to fields such as engineering, medicine, etc. It will not only provide the students the opportunity to learn the concepts with advanced technologies but also empower the instructors. To speed up innovation, they may also make use of the capabilities of AI and ML to link databases, acquire understanding, and examine collected data.


5. Operations

Educational institutions require a significant amount of energy in their premises to fuel their infrastructure and operations. They will be able to reduce their energy use while automating processes to save money, time, and effort using IoT solutions like smart heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems, temperature sensors, and more.


6. Accommodating With Disability

IoT in education can be helpful for students with certain disabilities such as difficulty in seeing or hearing. For instance, deaf pupils using tablets and linked gloves may convert sound into text and sign language into speech. Similar to this, visually impaired students may use IoT tools for education like a smart stick, a headset, and a smartphone app to recognise things and safely cross the street.


7. Remote Learning

The pandemic has taught us to cope with unprecedented changes. Whether working from home or learning from home, everything is now possible because of technology. IoT makes self-learning and distance learning possible using tablets and mobile applications.


8. Task-Based Learning

Task-based learning in the classroom enables the students to grasp the topic completely. With the use of IoT in education, students can share knowledge and collaborate easily to complete tasks better. With connected devices, they can also reach out to teachers quickly and seek help wherever in need.


9. Foreign Language Training

Real-time feedback is crucial for polishing your language skills when studying a foreign language. Let’s say you are studying Spanish. Staying in Spain or a place where Spanish is the native tongue makes it simpler to accept real-time criticism and advance your abilities. However, it gets more difficult to learn it if you are not in your original country.

With the use of virtual surroundings and an IoT device, students may check whether or not they are using the correct grammar or pronouncing words the way a native would.

This way, educators can provide real-time feedback and monitor progress so the students can learn the language quickly and effectively.


IoT EdTech: Use Cases and Examples

The IoT enables education to be connected with digital infrastructure. This improves student learning. Technology has transformed traditional lessons into interactive and engaging learning. Let’s take a look at how IoT solutions have changed the game.


1. Learn Productivity

The transition to digitalization in education is only beginning. Many educational institutions cannot afford complete digitization. Schools still use textbooks, chalkboards, and printed learning materials.

Students’ productivity is affected by out-of-date supplies. This means that students spend more time reading the content. Technology could help to speed up this process.

C-PEN is an IoT device that increases learners’ productivity. C-PEN looks just like a pen, and it has sensors that allow for text recognition. The device can be swiped over a book to see text and transform it into audio.

C-PEN allows students the ability to switch between reading and listening. This improves content perception. C-PEN is also a great tool for students who are visually impaired or have dyslexia.



2. Connected Classroom

A connected classroom is a way for educators to create an interactive learning environment using mobile and portable devices. Smart boards, touchscreen tables, tablets, and computers are all part of an interconnected classroom system.

Teachers can use electronic devices to create interactive lessons in their classrooms. Students are able to participate in the learning process, make wiser choices, and maintain attention because to this.

Promethean offers interactive displays and lesson delivery software that make it easy for students and teachers to learn. Promethean’s ActivPanel is compatible with any computer. It uses an application suite that simplifies interaction. The ActivPanel screen can detect whether the user uses ActivPen or a finger to write.

Screen division is one of the most valuable features of Promethean tech. Teachers can present assignments on one side of the screen and freeze them there while the pupils work on the issues on the other. This is possible without having to open multiple windows or wipe the screen. Promethean ActivPanel can also record the screen during a lesson so that students and teachers may revise it later.

3. Remote Learning

The Internet opened up the possibility of remote learning and teaching. Distance education is possible thanks to elearning solutions that provide amazing elearning apps.

While learners and educators can communicate online, access to learning is limited. Teachers lack the necessary tools and learning materials to teach a lesson. They must spend extra time adapting content to remote lessons.

IoT devices are useful in these circumstances. A document camera from IPEVO is a powerful tool that can be used remotely to demonstrate anything, including math formulas and lab experiments. Teachers can quickly create and transmit learning content in high resolution with the recording capabilities.

4. Accessible Learning

People with disabilities can benefit from the IoT in education. Smart devices allow seamless communication between people with speech, visual, and hearing impairments.

Students and teachers can learn more with the help of inclusive apps, microphones, text and speech interpreters, and other IoT devices. IoT devices are used by schools to create a learning environment that is supportive and comfortable for students. Students can access the knowledge base and keep up to date with academic curricula.

Snap Core First is an example. People with speech or language disorders can communicate more easily with the help of Snap Core First. It enables individuals to express themselves through symbols and visuals. Through its user-friendly interface, extensive symbols library and rich symbol collection, it facilitates engagement and language skill development.

5. Learning Facility Security

Parents and schools are concerned about the safety of their students before, during and after school. In the US K-12 schools, more than 3000 incidents and threats of violence were reported during the 2018-2019 school year.

Students’ safety could be improved by using IoT systems. This system uses sensors, cameras, GPS, mobile phones, and other devices to track students’ movements. IoT security systems allow for quick response to emergencies, attendance control, real-time reporting on students’ movements, and real time reporting.

Implementing an ID card for every student is one way to create a school security system. Magicard offers a variety of cards that can be used to protect schools. The cards include photo ID, attendance and physical access cards.

Logical access and data cards contain all information about students’ location, medical information, attendance and other pertinent information. These records allow school administrators to provide timely assistance.


Final Thoughts

The role of IoT application development has been witnessed to be transformative and comprehensive for all students and teachers. It ratchets up an interactive, inclusive and valuable pattern of learning as well as teaching. Indeed, it is coded to coordinate the learning process with greater flexibility and efficiency. It will bring an appealing, engaging, flexible, and quantifiable education system shortly.

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What Are the Benefits of IoT In The Construction Industry? Thu, 09 Feb 2023 07:57:33 +0000 The construction industry is much bigger than expected and progressing at a fast pace. There is massive involvement of technology for developing the infra. IoT in construction is one of the biggest and best examples.

For any country’s growth, construction is one of the backbone elements. Only that can invest in it who have good financial growth. But do you think – is developing infra enough? The answer may be partial from all readers; some will say yes, and some will say no. The correct answer is yes but with technology such as IoT.

IoT development companies are helping construction businesses to overcome existing challenges and have the better operational capability. This blog is created with the intention of sharing valuable information with users that what are the benefits of IoT in construction, key stats, the future of IoT in the construction industry, challenges, solutions, and more.

As a construction business owner, the complete information will help you make the right decision about IoT application development for your business. So, let’s start exploring the blog with some valuable basic information.


What is IoT?


What is IoT


The term IoT is an abbreviation for the Internet of Things technology. It combines the potential of software and hardware in a single unit where software, sensors, devices, and storage remain connected to perform any specific task. The operation takes place basis on activities like exchanging, generating, and operating data.

IoT applies to all industries, such as education, healthcare, manufacturing, and others. Including other industries, construction is one of the industries that leverage IoT in real-time for growth.


IoT in Construction

Do you have a question:


How is IoT used in construction?


What does IoT mean in construction?

To understand the role of IoT in construction, you must go through all practical use cases. So here are some of the best examples of use cases of IoT in construction.


IoT in Construction

1. Supply Monitoring

IoT can work great for supply monitoring. You can easily monitor supplies with the help of RFID tags and sensors. The key term is JIT provisioning, aka Just In Time provisioning.

For example, suppose you have tagged all your supplies with RFID tags and set certain conditions with the stock. So, whenever supply goes low, it immediately triggers the request for ordering new supplies.



2. Site Monitoring

Another use case is site monitoring. The construction work can’t be done with fewer resources and manpower. Conversely, there is always a safety threat hovering over construction sites. For monitoring the site, wearables and on-site sensors are the best.

The wearables are for labor (measuring health conditions, finding movement in the danger zone ) and construction professionals and on-site sensors to monitor the premise for finding potential threats.


3. Tools & Equipment Tracking

On any construction site, there are multiple tools and machinery works. Some of the tools and machinery need regular maintenance. Without any maintenance, the conditions can be gruesome.

In this condition, IoT sensors can help monitor the tools and equipment for better maintenance. Keeping an eye on performance is an extra advantage.


4. Building Information Modelling

Building information modeling stands for the process that allows the development of an intelligent building model so it can be mapped with the physical structure.

The IoT-enabled sensors can help to develop the construction site as per the model. BIM remains connected with IoT devices; in case any discrepancy occurs, the problem can be diagnosed immediately.

The above are key use cases of IoT in construction. The point is you can also leverage the IoT Technology for real estate app development by implementing any of the use cases or, based on the requirements; you can include all.

In addition to the above information, let’s proceed to the next section, which is about key stats of IoT in the construction industry. It will give insight into the involvement of technology in the construction sector.


IoT App Development Cost – An Analysis For 2023


Key Stats of IoT in The Construction Industry


Key Stats of IoT in The Construction Industry


The following key stats have been adopted from trusted markets research sites such as Statista, Alliedmarket Research, MarketandMarkets, and others.

  • The global IoT in construction market size was $12.3 billion and will reach $26.5 billion by 2027 with a CAGR of 16.5%.
  • North America holds the largest market share of IoT in construction. Its share percentage is 40.4%.
  • By 2031, the global IoT construction market will cross $34 billion by the end of the year.
  • The major key factors driving IoT in construction are safety and productivity for the forecast period of 2022-2030.


The Key Benefits of IoT In The Construction Industry

IoT has multiple benefits that make it one of the promising technology for the construction industry. Construction companies can leverage the advantages like increased connectivity, machine-to-machine connectivity, data collection from sensors, data analytics, and more.

Here is the list of key advantages of IoT in the construction Industry.


1. Safety

It is one of the biggest concerns of any construction company to ensure the safety of workers and save them from any man-made disaster. Although most construction sites follow all safety measures, accidents can happen.

The IoT sensors help in reducing the risk. If workers wear wearable sensors with their uniform, then the management is notified instantly in any alarming situation.


2. Resource Management

For any industry, resource management is a must for improving productivity. On a real-time basis results of using IoT in construction offers better results. The simplest example is the attendance of employees. With IoT, it is easy to take attendance of the resources.

Even with the help of sensors, it can be observed that a particular person is present at a particular section for how much time. Directly or indirectly, it can reduce the idleness of the employees.


Hire dedicated developers


3. Remote Management

With the help of  IoT technology  in the construction industry handling sites and the workforce is very easy. The best and simple example is Drone surveillance which facilitates responsible persons to surveillance of the site.

If RFID tags are used, then drones can also identify them. The Internet of things also helps monitor areas where a person can’t go before completion of the site.


4. Concrete Curing

Cement and concrete are the sole elements of any construction site. Concrete curing sensors can help in speeding up the construction process. Does it fetch the temperature of concrete? Yes, it helps in temperature probing. The embedded sensors track the curing while casting. Based on the received data on clouds, you can plan for the next phase.

The mentioned -above are key benefits of IoT in the construction industry and make a solid base for the use of IoT-powered construction management software.


Future Aspects of IoT In the Construction Industry

Although there is the early stage of using IoT in the construction industry future is bright will multiple possibilities as research in IoT sensors and technology is rapidly progressing. The decade 2022-2030 will involve IoT, AI, and ML.

There is tough competition in the real estate market, and new technologies are introduced overnight. So, as a business owner, it is your responsibility to equip your workforce with new devices and power technologies such as IoT.

For advancing your business, it will be advantageous to leverage digital practices. You can hire a mobile app developer and develop an IoT app to offer a new experience to the workforce. The whole game of business growth depends on better resource utilization.

For the same, Iot in construction can help you the best.

IoT is the best technology for the construction industry. It is useful for –

  • Monitoring
  • Survey
  • Data capturing from sensors
  • Reducing delays in site development
  • Resource management
  • Safety & Security

And more.

Due to the advantages, most real estate businesses are eager to adopt the IoT technology.

Additionally, the stats are also indicating ample growth in the upcoming time. The IoT in the construction market will be $26.5 billion by 2027. It is more compared to the previous year, 2022 ( $12.3 billion).


How IoT Affects The Future of Mobile App Development?


IoT in The Construction Industry: Challenges & Solutions

With the rise in demand for better accommodation in the population, the construction industry is on the rise, but certain challenges are also associated with it. The IoT can help to overcome challenges in the best way.


Challenges & Solutions


Here are some of the challenges IoT in construction helps construction/real-estate businesses overcome.

  • On-time Project Completion

The on-time delivery of the construction project is one of the biggest challenges for a real-estate business owner. The Internet of Things can help you to deliver the project on time, including better resource management.


  • Waste Management

Waste management is also a big concern for the real estate industry. While developing the site, waste happens every day in terms of cement, concrete, ceramic tiles, plumbing materials, and other waste. It can disrupt the environment. Here IoT Sensors can help you to watch over the waste quantity and also helps in recycling it.


  • Safety Concerns

Any accidents can happen during construction, such as protective gear failure, electric shock, fall from height, injuries from equipment, any collapse, or others. By implementing a good network of sensors, you can prevent disaster.


  • Site Administration

Poor project management can lead to delay or failure to project development. Especially when the project is large-sized, then administering the site is one of the big concerns in which IoT technology can help.

If there is an effective use of sensors, then a site administrator can look over all things via his screen. He can monitor the performance of the workforce, look over the machinery, do task scheduling, and more.



The Fantastic Combination of Blockchain, AI, and IoT in the Construction Industry

You might be surprised that the blog’s central theme is the benefits of IoT in the construction industry, so here is the section that showcases that Blockchain, AI, and IoT can disrupt the current trends in the construction industry.

In combination, these three can do a wonderful job, and businesses can leverage them with real-time results. First of all, you need to remember the core qualities of all these three technologies, which are:

  • IoT: for real-time monitoring
  • AI: process automation
  • Blockchain: decentralize and secure network

When we use IoT for implementation, several devices remain connected and communicate with each other, and with the help of AI development with IoT, we can automate tasks. It is okay that you have implemented a combination of AI & IoT, but is it enough? Have you ever thought about data and network security?

What if someone has unauthorized access to the IoT Network? It can create a big disaster even more than our thoughts. If we implement blockchain development with the combination of AI and IoT in Construction, the results will be fantastic.

How to Implement IoT In Construction?

For implementing IoT in your current business practices, it would be best to know how to implement IoT in construction. The best idea is to consult with an IoT development company; they can guide you the best. But yes, the only condition is they must possess ample experience in developing IoT applications.


How to Implement IoT In Construction


You can leverage IoT development services for:

  • Site Monitoring
  • Machine Control
  • Real-estate Site Safety
  • Human Resources such as Labor, Supervisor management
  • Project Management
  • Data Collection( from devices, sensors, wearables for construction workers)

And more.

It will be advantageous to develop the application for any of the mentioned use cases above, and the best idea would be to hire dedicated developers.

The Final Thoughts

Internet of Things technology is a fantastic technology that offers multiple advantages to all industries. It supports use cases of almost all industries, such as construction, education, healthcare, manufacturing, and more.

Especially if we talk about IoT in construction, it contains more advantages such as seamless workflow and on-time construction site project completion. Suppose you are looking to develop an IoT app or software for construction.

In that case, it is recommended to consult with an experienced IoT development company with a proven track record in providing real-time IoT solutions. They can assist you the best to develop a solution in a well-defined way  as per your requirements.

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How IoT Affects The Future of Mobile App Development? Wed, 04 Jan 2023 06:36:55 +0000 Are you ready to learn how IoT affects the future of mobile app development? No wonder mobile applications are playing the most important role in industry success. Whenever someone thinks of success or growth, getting help from mobile applications is the most prominent way.

With the help of mobile applications, several businesses easily connect with their customers to get feedback that enhances their business growth pattern. However, are our mobile apps the only revolution we need? You only think of maximum revenue generation with impressive brand visibility if you have a business.

The internet of things is known as the future of mobile app development. It helped many businesses in increasing their productivity and enhance revenue generation.

All this was possible due to IoT, which helps connect customers to gadgets to interact with virtual business reality. But still, there are numerous people unsure how IoT is the future of mobile app development.

Thus, if you’re one of them, then stop worrying cause this blog has something exclusively for you. This blog has covered how IoT in Healthcare, manufacturing, agriculture, logistics, and many more results are increasing the growth of mobile applications.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog to understand the influence of IoT on mobile applications.

Current Market Stats to Look At!

To help you further understand how IoT affects the future of mobile app development, we have gathered some market stats data to help you learn better.


Current Market Stats to Look


  • According to projections, there will be nearly three times as many Internet of Things (IoT) devices on the planet by the end of 2030 compared to the 9.7 billion that will exist in 2020. However, China will have about 5 billion end-user IoT devices by 2030, making it the country with the most of them.
  • In 2020, the customer base will represent over 60% of all IoT-connected technologies, employing IoT devices across a wide range of business sectors and market segments. Over the following ten years, this share is expected to remain at this level.
  • AI Development devices are expected to reach over 17 billion units by 2030, with internet services and media gadgets such as smartphones serving as the most significant use case. Over one billion IoT devices will be connected to linked (autonomous) vehicles, IT infrastructure, asset tracking, and smart grids by 2030.


Number of connected device


  • By the end of 2025, it is predicted that 30.9 billion Internet of Things (IoT) AI Development will be deployed globally, a significant increase from 13.8 billion units anticipated in 2021.


iot revenue


  • The worldwide economy for IoT technology (IoT) was estimated to be worth approximately 182 billion U.S. dollars in 2020. It is anticipated to reach over 621 billion dollars in 2030, triple its current size. Additionally, it is anticipated that at the same time, the amount of Internet of Things (IoT) digital technologies will triple globally.


How to Build an App for The Internet of Things (IoT)


What is IoT (Internet of Things)?


what is iot


The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to connecting devices (other than traditional computers and smartphones) to the internet, allowing them to send and receive data.

IoT devices can include anything from thermostats and appliances to cars and wearable devices. These devices can be connected through various technologies, including WiFi, Bluetooth, and cellular data.

The goal of the IoT is to allow devices to be connected and controlled remotely, enabling them to communicate and share data with central servers. IoT is the future of mobile app development as it can provide several benefits, including increased efficiency, improved accuracy, and the ability to gather and analyze data in new ways.

Hence after knowing the advanced technology evolution, several businesses want to invest in IoT app development services to get maximum benefit.


web solution cta

How Is IoT Shaping The Mobile App Development Future?


How Is IoT Shaping The Mobile App Development Future


Now the time has come when you should go through the ideal five reasons that will make you understand the impact of IoT and the future of mobile app development. In this section, we have tried and compiled a list of the top five prominent reasons that impact the growth of mobile application development.


1. Increased Connectivity

One of the main reasons the Internet of Things (IoT) is shaping the future of mobile app development is the increased connectivity of devices. As more and more devices are connected to the internet, there is a growing demand for mobile apps that can interact with and control these devices.

For example, with the proliferation of smart home devices such as thermostats, security systems, and appliances, there is a need for mobile apps that can connect to these devices and allow users to control them remotely.


Benefits of IoT in Smart Home Automation


Similarly, there is a demand for mobile apps that can monitor and control industrial equipment and systems in the industrial sector, which made them hire IoT app development services.

The increased connectivity of devices has created a huge opportunity for web app development company to create innovative and useful apps that can connect to and control these devices.

It resulted in providing a powerful impact of IoT on mobile applications that have led to the development of a new type of mobile app, known as an IoT mobile app, specifically designed for this purpose.


2. Improved Functionality

Another reason the Internet of Things (IoT) is shaping the future of mobile app development is the improved functionality that IoT mobile apps can offer. With traditional mobile apps, users can perform a limited range of tasks, such as sending messages, making phone calls, and accessing the internet.

However, with IoT mobile apps, users can perform a much wider range of tasks, such as controlling smart home devices, monitoring and managing industrial equipment, and tracking and analyzing data from connected devices.

For example, an IoT Mobile app development might allow a user to remotely control the temperature of their home, view the security camera footage, or monitor the status of their appliances.

An IoT mobile app development process might allow users to monitor and control factory equipment, track inventory levels, or analyze production data in the industrial sector.

However, the improved functionality of IoT mobile apps has made them an increasingly valuable tool for many users, contributing to their growing importance in the mobile app industry.


mobile application development CTA

3. Greater Convenience

One of the key advantages of the Internet of Things (IoT) that resulted in becoming the future of mobile app development is the increased convenience it offers users.

With IoT mobile apps, users can easily and conveniently control and monitor their devices from anywhere, using their smartphones or tablets. It is particularly useful for controlling smart home devices, which can be difficult to access when a user is not at home.

An IoT mobile app development process will allow users to turn off the lights or adjust the thermostat while away from home. It can save energy and reduce the user’s utility bills. In the industrial sector, an IoT mobile app might allow users to monitor and control factory equipment remotely, saving time and improving efficiency.

It is vital to know that the increased convenience offered by IoT mobile apps has made them an attractive and valuable tool for a wide range of users. The Internet of Things (IoT) has contributed to its growing importance in the mobile app industry.


IoT App Development Cost

4. New Business Opportunities

Another reason the Internet of Things (IoT) is shaping the future of mobile app development is the new business opportunities it has created. The development of IoT mobile apps has opened up new avenues for web app development company, as well as for companies in a variety of industries.

For IoT Development Company, the demand for IoT mobile apps has created new opportunities for creating and selling innovative apps. Companies in various industries, such as retail, healthcare, and transportation, are also using IoT mobile apps to improve their operations and create new products and services.

For instance, a retail company might use an IoT mobile app to track the location and availability of its products in real-time, which can improve customer satisfaction and sales.

So if you’re one of the people looking for new opportunities to expand their business, you must hire an IoT development company to create impressive mobile applications. A healthcare organization might use an IoT mobile app to monitor the health of its patients remotely, which can help to reduce costs and improve patient outcomes.


5. Increased Efficiency

Another reason why the Internet of Things (IoT) is shaping the future of mobile app development is the increased efficiency that IoT mobile apps can provide. By automating tasks and processes and by providing real-time data and insights, IoT mobile apps can help organizations increase their efficiency and productivity.

For instance, an IoT open-source development helps the business to track the location and status of its delivery trucks in real-time, which can help to optimize routes and reduce fuel costs.

In the industrial sector, an IoT open-source development allows users to monitor the performance of factory equipment in real-time, which can help to identify and resolve problems more quickly.

However, you must know that the increased efficiency of IoT mobile apps has made them an attractive and valuable tool for many organizations. The Internet of Things (IoT) has contributed to its growing importance in the mobile app industry.


How to Build an IoT-Based Smart Parking System Mobile App?


In A Nutshell!

So this was it! We did our best to provide you with information on how IoT affects the future of mobile app development through this blog. It has been shown that IoT is designed to fundamentally alter the current method for creating mobile applications.

By leveraging the advantages of IoT, professional mobile applications can increase the productivity and effectiveness of a challenging business process. However, now you can have complete management over the IoT network right from your office.

Additionally, if you’re one of the businesses that want to invest in IoT gadgets after acknowledging the market growth and acceptance, in that case, it is important to get in touch with the best react native app development company.

Moreover, it is time to hire one of the promising hybrid app development companies which can accurately understand the business requirement & the evolution of mobile application development that will lead to better alternatives.


CTA Strip

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Hire Dedicated Developers to Build Mobile Apps?

To create a mobile application, hiring developers is an important stage. So to hire dedicated developers, you must follow the guide mentioned below.

  • App Development Goals.
  • Decide the Type of App and Platform for Development
  • Finalizing the App Development Budget.
  • Calculating the App Development Resources
  • Selecting one Between a Dedicated Resource and a Freelance Developer
  • Hire a Developer or a Company.

How Much Does It Cost to Build an IoT App?

If you want to Build an IoT App, it is vital to know its cost. The cost to build an IoT app is somewhere around 20,000 to 40,000. However, it is also important to keep in mind that the cost may vary depending on several factors involved in development processes like the size of the app, complexity, and many more.

How To Create an IoT-Based Web Application?

It is important to follow the step-by-step guide for building a mobile application. In this section below, we have compiled the guide to help you build it more effectively.

  • Defines goals
  • Perform market and competitor research
  • Decide on UI/UX
  • Create a list of Features
  • Hire Android App Development services
  • Development phase
  • Testing & Launch
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How to Build an IoT-Based Smart Parking System Mobile App? Mon, 26 Dec 2022 12:00:03 +0000 Have you heard of smart parking systems? You must be aware of this software if you visit malls, movie theatres, stadiums, and crowded places. Countless entrepreneurs want to invest in smart parking systems. The demand for this software has increased extensively after the pandemic outbreak.

Everybody wants to enjoy themselves in malls, stadiums, and theatres. But the struggle for parking slots is real in metro cities. Due to this, the development of smart parking systems became a savior. If you want to know how you can create a smart parking system to help individuals and generate revenue, this blog is for you.

In this blog, we have covered everything that will help you build an IoT app, so read this blog until the end.


Current Growth Pattern & Market Analysis of Smart Parking System

If you want to know the market analysis of smart parking systems using IoT app development, then carefully read the information mentioned below.




  • According to this statistic, the smart parking market in Europe is expected to grow between 2014 and 2025.
  • Around 19 billion U.S. dollars will be generated from the smart parking market in Europe by 2025.
  • In 2018, the global smart parking market was $8.2 billion, with a forecast for $20.23 billion by 2023.
  • A CAGR of 14 percent is expected to make the global smart parking market reach about 3.8 billion U.S. dollars by 2023.
  • In North America, the Impact of IoT shows how big the smart parking market will be from 2014 to 2025.
  • Approximately 24 billion U.S. dollars will generate revenue from the North American smart parking market by 2025.




  • From 9.7 billion IoT devices in 2020 to more than 29 billion in 2030, the number of IoT devices is expected to nearly triple.
  • By the end of 2030, China will have the most user of IoT devices, with about 5 billion of them.
  • Consumer markets and other business verticals employ IoT devices, with the consumer market expected to account for over 60% of all IoT-connected devices by 2020.
  • In 2022, it’s expected that revenue from IoT app development will total US$19.59 billion.
  • The market’s largest sector, dubbed “Smart Home Technologies,” is anticipated to generate US$19.01 billion in revenue by 2022.
  • Market volume is projected to reach US$33.74 billion by 2027, with revenue predicted to rise at 11.49% per year (CAGR 2022-2027).
  • In contrast to other countries, the United States will create the majority of revenue ($4,761.00m in 2022).


What is a Smart Parking System?


What is a Smart Parking System


A smart parking system is a technology that helps drivers find available parking spaces more easily and efficiently. Best mobile app developers focus on creating software through various methods, such as sensors that detect when a parking space is occupied.

The smart parking app shows drivers where available parking spaces are located, and automatic guidance systems can guide drivers directly to an open spot. The goal of a smart parking system is to make it easier and faster for drivers to find a place to park, reducing traffic congestion and improving the overall flow of traffic.


Features of Smart Parking System

Every smart parking system has three panels: User, Admin, and Parker. In this section, we have compiled a list of essential features of the smart parking system which you should remember. Discuss these features with the best mobile app developers for creating similar functions. Help you in the process of developing this software.


User Panel

Admin Panel Parker Panel
User Registration & Login User Control

Registration & Login

Navigation & Search for Parking Spaces

Revenue Management Parker Dashboard
Make Booking Booking Management

Add Contact Information

View Parking History

Reward & Offer Management Contact Details of Customer
Payment Gateway Integration New Location Add ons

Receivable Payment from Customer

Update Account Information

Rejected & Approved Driver Profiles Accepted & Rejected Parking Request
Contact Customer Support Stats & Analytics

Check Review & Ratings

Waiting List on Booking

Notification Alert

Rating & Review

Notification Alerts

Available Cities List


A smart parking solution is incomplete without these functions. It is essential to know that developing these functions is not easy at all. Only a web development company can create the functions mentioned above with its massive development team.

So, without a doubt, hire a web development company with years of experience to get your advanced parking application.


Smart parking cta

How To Build Smart Parking System Mobile Applications?

Now that you have a list of essential features of smart parking systems, it is time for you to learn the development steps of smart parking systems. This section will provide a step-by-step of building a smart parking system that may help you thoroughly.

1. Audience Research

It is the initial stage of creating a parking application; you must ensure that you are performing audience research. To perform audience research and understand the market growth pattern and user base.

Research search engines thoroughly about smart parking systems, which will provide you with their demand, supply, and growth pattern data. Based on this, you can analyze whether you’re investing in the right technology to create a car parking app.


2. Competition Study

Secondly, it is the step where you need to conduct market research based on your application type. In this step, you must finalize which platform you want to launch your app. There are two types of platforms; android & iOS.

When you decide on the platform, you should perform competitor research to learn the strategies, methods, and advanced new technologies they use to enhance their application.


3. Planning to Designing

Here comes another step in which you need to create a list of functions & features you want in your applications. To finalize the functions and UX/UI, study competitors and market study thoroughly, as it will provide you with countless ideas to make your app out of the box.

Hence, if you can still decide on the function, it is recommended to hire dedicated developer who will assist in finalizing the outstanding design for your parking solutions. 

4. Programming

It is the stage where it is necessary to hire a dedicated developer to start programming the backend and front of your application. Regarding development, it’s suggested to hire the best mobile app development firm to get better results. It is vital to know that mobile app development firms have years of experience creating mobile web applications.

So, if you want your parking application to stand out from all the hiring, the firm isn’t challenging. The mobile app development company has a team of skilled and talented developers that work on building your desired application with modern technologies.

5. Testing & QA

Till here, you must have had your smart parking app with you. Few people know about this stage, as numerous people think development is the last stage of building a smart parking system. However, it isn’t true.

After the stage of development, it is vital to test the application by the quality assurance team of web development services providers. It is an essential responsibility of a mobile app company or developer to ensure after completing the development of an app as it is not filled with glitches. Testing and quality assurance will hand over the error-free- glitch-free mobile app, which is ready to launch.


6. Deployment & Maintenance

Now the time has come when you’re ready to get on board. After testing and quality assurance, the smart parking system is ready to launch on the desired platform. This step is crucial as it comes with a few challenges of the google play store & apple app store.

The software development company handles your mobile application’s launch from start to end. However, here comes last but not least, maintenance. Make sure you’re getting regular application maintenance and support to avoid maximum error and app glitches.


Smart Parking App CTA

Cost Analysis of Smart Parking System

Numerous business entrepreneurs, who want to invest in this market have the most important question: how much does it cost to develop mobile app for parking?

However, to help those individuals in this section, we have covered some essential data which you must read on to know the cost analysis of smart parking systems. however, it is vital to know that the cost to develop a mobile app may depend on various factors involved in the development, such as

  • Project Complexity
  • Add-on Features
  • Location of the development company
  • Per Hour Development Charges
  • Development Method
  • Technology Stack
  • API Integration
  • Any Additional Services Required

Moreover, after reading about these factors that influence the cost of mobile apps, you must understand the cost analysis. With the estimation of a few factors, the IoT app development cost will range somewhere around $20,000 to $50,000.

Also, hiring a mobile app development company is necessary if you want accurate cost estimation on your smart parking system.

Why Are Investing in IoT-Based Smart Parking System Development Beneficial?

Many entrepreneurs want to invest in parking apps due to several reasons. As you read everything that will help you create a mobile app, it is time to look at why investing in an IoT-based smart car parking app is beneficial.

1. Improved Convenience For Drivers

A smart parking system can help drivers easily find available parking spaces, reducing the time and effort spent searching for a parking spot. It can improve the overall convenience of Parking, making it easier for people to visit businesses, shops, and other destinations.

2. Increased Parking Capacity

Smart parking systems often utilize advanced technologies, such as sensors and real-time data analysis, to maximize the use of existing parking spaces. It can help increase the overall parking capacity of a given area, making it easier for more cars to park in a smaller space.

3. Reduced Traffic Congestion

A smart parking system can help reduce traffic congestion in busy areas by making it easier for drivers to find Parking. It can improve traffic flow and make roads safer and more efficient for all users. So, if you want to get this function in your app, ensure that you hire web development services to get maximum output.

Expert solution cta

4. Increased Revenue For Businesses

A smart parking system can help businesses and parking operators improve the efficiency of their parking operations. It can lead to increased revenue, as more cars can be accommodated in a given space, and parking fees can be optimized based on demand.

5. Improved Sustainability

Smart parking systems can reduce the environmental impact of cars by reducing the fuel wasted while searching for a parking spot. It can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants, making it a more sustainable option for Parking.

In a Nutshell!

Hopefully, you liked this blog and now know how to create a mobile app for parking support. The development of parking apps is growing with immense popularity due to the impact of IoT. Hence, if you want to build an IoT app for the parking segment, you must know hiring the best IoT development company is the best choice.

It is important to know that behind the front and back end of parking solutions are the talented IoT development company. Get in touch with the best mobile app development company if you want to build unique parking software.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Advantage of Smart Parking Services?

It takes less time for vehicles to be manually parked when they are parked using smart parking systems. It also minimizes the chances of accidents and lessens the traffic time spent on IoT vehicles.

What Technologies Used in The Development of Smart Parking Systems?

The latest technologies are used in car parking apps, including ultrasonics, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), RFID, and others. The combination of such advanced technologies has eased the parking industry’s pain points.

Where Is the Smart Parking System Used?

Smart Parking makes parking hassle-free and time-efficient, whether in private parking lots, hospitals, hotels, commercial parking garages, offices, etc.

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Top 15 New Technology Trends in [2022] – Dev Technosys Thu, 21 Jul 2022 08:57:08 +0000 Currently, technology is evolving rapidly, enabling change and business progress that causes acceleration. As per research, the global digital population has grown five billion stronger, which is around 60% of the world population. Hence, new technology and trends are emerging and hold more importance than ever in the world. In fact, advances in hardware and software development, security considerations, medical emergencies, connectivity, and more have inspired the new era of technology trends.


Today, a myriad of new technology in 2022 are there that businesses should know to achieve business success in the coming era. Also, the unexpected switch to remote working has fuelled progress in the IT industry. But, all this wouldn’t have been possible without the invention of new lightning technology. If you are also a business owner looking forward to increased growth, you shouldn’t miss reading this blog. It sheds light on the top 15 new technology trends ruling 2022 and beyond. So, let’s discover the technologies one by one.


Technology trends


List of Trending New Technologies In 2022


  1. AI-Powered Cybersecurity


The tremendous increase in cyberattacks, ransomware, and email phishing is forcing cybersecurity organizations to find modern and advanced tech solutions to address the vulnerabilities. Today, criminals are hacking individuals’ accounts, organizations’ infrastructure, and all-scale businesses, causing millions of losses.

As a result, businesses are adopting new Cybersecurity technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence development (AI), to safeguard and monitor their organization’s network against hackers. Moreover, cloud-storage firms are implementing end-to-end encryptions for data transfer and online storage.


  1. Edge Computing 


Cloud computing, once a cutting-edge innovation to keep an eye on, has now entered the mainstream, with market leaders like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. As more organizations are switching to cloud solutions, the adoption of cloud computing solutions is continually expanding. This new technology is designed to solve business problems and bypass the latency caused by cloud computing.

Experts predict that by 2022, the global edge computing market will reach $6.72 billion. The figure is clearly indicating the ever-growing demand for edge computing in the coming time.




  1. Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality


Coming to the amazing new technology 2022, i.e., VR & AR. These two technologies are also dominating the current market. Virtual Reality immerses the user in an environment while Augmented Reality improves their environment. Although these technologies are majorly used in the gaming industry, they have also been utilized for training software developed for US Navy and more.

Professionals state that AR and VR have tremendous potential in education, marketing, training, and entertainment. Around 14 million AR and VR devices were sold in 2019, which is expected to rise to $209.2 billion by 2022. These trending solutions create more opportunities and welcome all-scale businesses to prepare for this game-changing field.


  1. Blockchain


Although most businesses consider blockchain technology only useful for Cryptocurrency, blockchain offers security more than that. Blockchain is consensus-driven, and no other entity can take control of the data. The best part about this new era of technology is businesses don’t need any third party to oversee or validate transactions.

Today, ample industries are implementing blockchain technology to take their business to the heights of success. It has also raised the demand to hire a blockchain developer. Whether you are a developer or a business planning to make a great career, stepping into this new technology trend would be advantageous.

robotic process automation

  1. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)


Unlike AI and ML, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) helps enable job automation. It is software that automates manual business processes, including application interpretation, data handling, and transaction processing. Incorporating RPA solutions into business process automates repetitive tasks and reduce manual efforts. All this further results in business productivity and efficiency.

Besides benefitting today’s businesses, introducing RPA has also created new job opportunities for beginners or job seekers while altering existing jobs. This new battery technology is undoubtedly replacing humans but helping businesses achieve perfection and productivity.


  1. 5G Technology


Another new technology following the Internet of Things is 5G technology. Where the introduction of 3G and 4G technologies have enabled us to browse the internet and increased the bandwidths for streaming on Spotify, 5G services are revolutionizing our lives. The technology has enabled services relying on modern-age technologies like AR & VR with cloud-based gaming services like Google Stadia.

Now, the 5G technology is expected to utilize in factories in the form of HD cameras that helps to improve safety and traffic management. This cool new technology is replacing traditional methods with advanced ones and helping businesses improve their work.


  1. Internet of Things (IoT)


IoT, or the Internet of Things, is another promising new technology, especially for fitness app development. Currently, almost every device is built with WiFi connectivity which means the devices can be connected to the internet and with each other. Therefore, IoT applications and solutions are the future. This new era of technology has already enabled devices, home appliances, cars, etc., to connect and exchange data over the internet.

The world is already experiencing the significant benefits of IoT. For instance, now the doors can easily be locked and unlocked via smartphones, and all the activities can be tracked on devices. Credit goes to IoT app development. The forecast suggests that by 2030, around 50 million IoT devices will be there worldwide, and the global IoT app spend is forecasted to reach $1.1 trillion by the end of 2022. What else could be a better proof reflecting the bright future for organizations implementing IoT in their systems?


metaverse development


  1. Metaverse


Facebook, now recognized as Meta, put a spotlight on the Metaverse and is described as the bright new technology 2022. Metaverse is a 3D space that people can log into as avatars to work, socialize, collaborate, or play games together. Currently, organizations are spending on hi-tech technologies to bring Metaverse to life, such as AR and VR.

According to experts, Metaverse real estate sales reached $501 million in 2021 and are expected to increase tremendously in the coming time. For instance, VR headphones enable people to explore things, get immersed in the digital world, and share their experiences. Thanks to this cool new technology, people can now own virtual assets and experience the amazing benefits of Metaverse in 2022 and beyond.


  1. Edtech


The era of COVID-19 has taught the importance of online services and learning. The education sector has also grown from that time, and as a result, many educational technologies were introduced. Now, educational technology or edtech organizations have emerged to offer high-end solutions via digital platforms for remote learning. Therefore, investment in this sector is increasing, and even startups and institutes have started using online education software and in video conferencing application development.

Also, businesses keep searching ‘How much does it cost to develop a video conferencing app?‘ or education software. Overall, edtech professionals can take advantage of this new technology and build a better career by developing the best education applications.


  1. Telehealth


Another new era of technology ruling 2022 is the telehealth industry transforming medical app development. Today, there are ample technologies available in the healthcare sector, such as new knee replacement technology, new hip replacement technology, new hearing aid technology, etc. Now, patients with any type of medical concern can avail of online healthcare services from the comfort of their homes. With the help of telecare health monitoring devices, businesses can track lifestyle changes and internal body states.

Businesses can also incorporate AI in telehealth to scan data to select patients enrolling in telehealth programs and send alerts if a patient’s health metrics exceed the defined criteria in the healthcare app.




  1. Cyber Security


Cyber security might not seem like new technology, and it has been for quite a while, but this technology is also evolving with time. Sometimes, hackers try to access the data illegally and continue to find ways to get through even the toughest security measures. That’s why implementing cybersecurity solutions has become mandatory in today’s time.

Gartner predicts that by 2025 60% of organizations will use cybersecurity risk as a major determinant in promoting business engagements and third-party transactions. So, if you also have business risk, it is advisable to incorporate the best cybersecurity solutions into your organization’s infrastructure and save it from malicious attackers.


  1. Quantum Computing


Coming to another great new technology, i.e., quantum computing, takes advantage of quantum phenomena like entanglement and superposition. Such new technology gadgets were also helpful at the time of COVID. It helped prevent the spread of coronavirus and create vaccines as the technology can monitor, analyze, and act on data, regardless of the source.

Today, big brands like Microsoft, Google, Honeywell, and more are now involved in making tremendous innovations in quantum computing. Even quantum computers are 10x times faster than traditional computers. Also, its revenue is expected to surpass $2.5 billion by 2025.


mobile app cta


  1. Collaborative Technologies


Organizations basically used collaborative technologies at the time of COVID to recreate the office environment at home. To accommodate the new and unforeseen demand for shared online workplaces, organizations creating collaborative tools went back to the drawing board and upgraded their offerings.

Google Workspace and Microsoft Teams are the most popular collaborative tool providers. The main advantages of collaborative technologies are real-time employee communication and document synchronization, which ensure that work can be done effectively. So, you can also use collaborative tools to offer an office-like environment to your employees virtually and achieve more business productivity.


  1. Cleantech


With the advancements in modern-age tools and technologies, people are getting desired for sustainable living, and this is where cleantech or clean technologies come into the picture. This new solar technology reduces the environmental impact of products while optimizing the usage of natural resources.

The most popular cleantech trends are electric vehicles, solar panels, rechargeable batteries, and biofuel-powered turbo generators. Businesses planning to set up their business in current times can think of investing in clean technologies and remain assured of success and growth in the coming time.


  1. Internet of Behaviors (IoB)


Service providers use IoT devices to capture a lot of user data. Businesses are evaluating the value of the data using analytics and big data approaches, known as the Internet of Behaviors (IoB). This new technology 2022 helps businesses customize their services, sell their products, and enhance a client’s relationship by examining consumer information.

While customized solutions are crucial, businesses must battle to persuade customers to contribute their personal data to create them. The technology works on the same concept as IoT.


latest startup


Top 3 Startups In the Tech Industry 2022

The era of tech trends has been going on for a while. As a result, many entrepreneurs have already stepped into the advancement and achieved success. Here is a glimpse of the top 3 startups achieving growth in the tech industry in 2022.


  1. Confluera


Founded in: 2018

Tech Industry: Cybersecurity


The increasing cyberattacks are enforcing organizations to opt for Cybersecurity trends. Years back, a tech startup Confluera set up in 2018 to help businesses from cyberattacks. Startups such as Confluera come under technologies changing Human life. The secret sauce of Confluera might be its integration of threat analytics, threat detection, and cloud security solutions, which are frequently siloed off as separate fixes.


  1. QuEra


Founded in: 2019

Tech Industry: Quantum Computing


Trending technologies like Quantum computing boomed at the time of COVID-19. The ever-rising demand for computing has given rise to an amazing tech startup named QuEra Computing. The firm works on a unique quantum architecture and laser techniques to arrange the tiny qubits, or quantum bits, in its 256-qubit system.


  1. MoonPay


Founded in: 2018

Tech Industry: Cryptocurrency


The rising demand for blockchain and Crypto has gained millions of new entrepreneurs’ attention, so they started investing in the crypto industry. One of the well-known tech startups, MoonPay, operates a crypto trading platform and allows people to buy different cryptocurrencies in one place. You can also build other cryptocurrency or mobile wallet app development with Dev Technosys


cta mental health app development


Summing Up!

With the rapid advancements in new technology trends in the last couple of years, businesses can expect a faster and foreseeable future. Innovating new technologies has also raised the bar, and the competition has increased tremendously. So, businesses planning to surpass their competitors in the coming time need to stay updated about the popular new era technologies. Overall, IT professionals have become the sole necessity to keep an eye on emerging technological trends on time.

We hope that the trends mentioned in this blog will be helpful per your organization’s domain and will help your business climb the ladder of success in no time. So, if you are planning for mobile app development, web development, or other professional assistance, Dev Technosys would love to serve you. With a team of dedicated developers, we help all-scale businesses by providing hi-tech business solutions. Drop your business requirements now.

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What is the Role of Edge Computing In IoT? Fri, 10 Jun 2022 07:33:46 +0000 Do you know What is the Role of Edge Computing In IoT?

In this modernized era, the Internet of Things (IoT) is developing fast and advancing towards the Internet of Everything (IOE).

The surge in the number of device connections and IoT data has increased the importance of edge computing development.

The invention of IoT edge computing has resolved latency issues associated with the cloud as it produces data close to its point of origin.

As per research, there will be around 42 billion connected IoT devices by 2025, generating 79.4 zettabytes of data. Edge computing is one of the reasons behind this, as IoT edge architecture brings enhanced safety and a smoother end-user experience.


IoT Edge Computing Architecture


Cloud Modules

Legacy Cloud Apps

Edge Run time


Edge Modules

Gateway Services


IoT and edge computing together, when combined, act as powerful assets to analyze data rapidly in real-time. As a result, it has raised the demand for IoT development company in today’s time, and ultimately businesses are incorporating IoT in edge computing.

However, some aren’t even aware of the role of IoT in edge computing. If you are one of them, this blog is for you. So, let’s start with the basics of edge computing and its role in IoT.


What Is Edge Computing?

Gartner defines edge computing as – A part of distributed computing topology where processed information is located near the edge that people consume.


IoT app development company


In other words, edge computing is processing and analyzing data at the network edge closest to the point of action. Edge computing devices apply an on-device approach to information/data, which is stored locally rather than sending endless data streams to the cloud.


Role of Edge Computing In IoT: An Overview

Edge computing serves multiple business purposes in the world of the IoT landscape. The distributed computing paradigm untethers IoT devices from connectivity and latency issues while resolving the impossible IoT use cases.

This essential technology forms the backbone of IoT application development, including low-latency decision making, real-time data requirement, data classification, and more.

As per the industrial IoT scenario, edge computing devices help reduce the risk of data breaches and downtimes while effectively managing all the data and information.

Moreover, as per the IoT application development services professionals, manufacturers using edge computing consider workers’ safety a major advantage.

Overall, IoT enabled edge computing platforms to analyze the data from IoT devices at the local network edge and transmit it to the cloud for faster and redundant IoT processing that is readily scalable.


IoT & Edge Computing: How It Works?

IoT sensors generate a wide range of data that can instantly be transferred, processed, and stored using cloud computing.

Whenever businesses require data, the cloud analyses the data received before sending its response to the device. The entire process generally takes a few seconds, but there might be a possibility of delay or interruption.

When different types of edge computing are used with IoT devices, it is not required to send data from the sensors anywhere.

Instead, the nearest network node is responsible for data processing and immediate response whenever an action is taken. As a result, the devices are no longer dependent on the internet connection and can use function as standalone network nodes.


Read also: How to Build an App for The Internet of Things (IoT)


Majorly, edge computing and IoT are used together to meet the following requirements –

• Enables fast internet connectivity with IoT terminals by adapting to various physical interfaces & protocols.

• Manages a huge number of terminal devices in a centralized manner.

• Promotes quick response and allows the processing of local traffic on a local level.

• Allows for industry collaboration by opening up systems.

This is how edge computing works with IoT and brings work efficiency and smooth performance. Well, there are other reasons too, why edge computing devices and IoT are becoming the talk of the town.

Benefits of Edge Computing in IoT for Businesses


Benefits of Edge Computing in IoT for Businesses


Edge computing solutions bring a list of numerous benefits to the IoT. Reduced latency, lower costs, local data storage, improved resiliency, and availability are a few. Let’s look at the major benefits of using edge computing solutions in IoT for businesses.

1. Reduce Operational Costs

Edge computing enables organizations to reduce bandwidth costs with the data processing before it crosses the WAN. For instance, a single city-deployed video camera generates 1,296GB/month, further increasing the cost.

Here, adding edge computing to pre-aggregate the data reduces those costs significantly.

Even the manufacturers use cloud computing for preventive maintenance of remote machinery. It filters the data, and only threshold violations and anomalies are sent to the cloud.

2. Improved Data Security

In today’s world, there is a huge risk for businesses with enterprise mobility solutions and continuous data transmission from the device to the cloud.

Edge computing decentralizes and distributes data among multiple devices, making it difficult for hackers to take down the whole network with a single attack. This, in turn, improves data security to a great extent, which would benefit businesses.

3. Reduced Latency

Many business applications have strict latency requirements, but latency could be a matter of concern when it comes to application safety.

This is where edge computing comes in handy, as it can speed up communication between the cloud and edge devices. In addition, edge computing platforms help bring the processing power closer to the devices, significantly reducing the strain and latency.


Read also: What is The Impact of IoT on The Business Sector in 2022?

4. Better Cybersecurity

Implementing IoT edge computing solutions helps businesses improve Cybersecurity while keeping IoT devices safe from attack.

Cloud data are more vulnerable to attacks due to their centralized nature, and even hackers try to break the information into a single network.

This is where distributing information to multiple devices or networks using edge computing will result in improved Cybersecurity. Keeping business data secure is more important for success, and maybe this is why businesses are availing of IoT app development services from well-known organizations.


5. Advanced Scalability

Rapid business scalability is a must in the IoT era, and distributed edge nodes are more scalable than large data centers. Unlike the cloud, incorporating edge computing allows businesses to scale up their IoT networking without any reference to the available storage.

Undoubtedly, it is difficult for businesses to scale up physical infrastructure in less time, but with edge computing architecture, businesses can make it possible. In addition, this approach offers businesses more scalability and understanding of their network.

5 Edge Computing Use Case Examples

Edge computing devices bring storage capabilities and computing closer to where it is required. To date, edge computing IoT has benefitted multiple sectors.

Here are a glimpse of the edge computing use case examples that will give you a clear overview of sectors reaping the benefits of IoT-enabled edge computing solutions in today’s time.


5 Edge Computing Use Case Examples

1. Healthcare

When it comes to the healthcare sector, ample monitoring software is available that gathers enormous data that is unprocessed and needs to be stored on a third-party cloud.


Top Trending Healthcare Applications


As a result, it has become a serious concern for healthcare professionals. To resolve this, businesses have started incorporating IoT edge computing devices during healthcare software development that maintains data privacy and provide real-time notifications to practitioners.

2. Transportation & Logistics

Manual transportation and logistics services increase fuel, drivers, and costs. To reduce such expenses, autonomous vehicles come in handy.

They not only save fuel costs but also decreases congestion. With edge computing solutions, now it is possible to remove drivers and turn vehicles completely autonomous.

3. Predictive Maintenance

Almost every business wants to detect bugs and errors before affecting them and their applications. Edge computing could be a savior in such a situation as it brings processes and data storage closer to the equipment.

In addition, it will enable IoT sensors to monitor machine health and perform real-time analytics. So, when you implement mobile app maintenance, add edge computing solutions with it.

4. Smart Homes

With the advancement in tools and technologies, people are switching to a smart home with IoT-enabled devices that quickly gather and process data from in and around the house.


Benefits of IoT in Smart Home Automation


The data is further sent to the centralized remote server, where it is stored. So, businesses offering similar services or IoT app development can think of implementing edge computing and the Internet of Things.


5. Oil & Gas

Oil & gas is a vast industry, and the demand for online oil and gas fuel delivery is increasing every passing day. As a result, businesses are incorporating edge computing IoT solutions to make their oil and gas software more efficient and successful.

These are some real-life examples of business success after incorporating edge computing IoT solutions. Each of the sectors mentioned above avails tremendous business benefits with edge computing, so businesses can think of it and take their business to the heights of success.

Final Thoughts!

The Internet of Things has become a critical component of modern industrialization and business operations. Today, smart building infrastructure, real-time monitoring operations, and autonomous robotics are all aided by IoT solutions.

However, with the rise in IoT solutions, internet access will become even more important. This is where edge computing can incorporate the Internet of Things (IoT) to reduce latency, improve connectivity, and facilitate scalability.

Edge computing solutions aid businesses in securing their networks and safeguarding their data from the growing threat of cybercrime.

So, what are you waiting for? Avail IoT development services from professionals and leverage IoT-enabled edge computing solutions to generate desired sales and profit.

At Dev Technosys, we have a team of dedicated developers who can help you with IoT application development. Just drop your business requirements and leave the rest to us.

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IoT App Development Cost – An Analysis For 2023 Tue, 22 Feb 2022 10:21:04 +0000 The Internet of Things has gained immense popularity in the last few decades. It has transformed the machines into life-like assets, and the impact is growing every passing day. Today, the ratio of communication devices is higher than humans, and they are making our lives more convenient and smarter than ever before. So, if you are also planning to develop an IoT app and wondering about IoT app development costs, this blog is right for you.

Also, research predicts that by 2025 we will have around 21 billion connected devices. However, this isn’t the only reason that is grabbing the attention; there are many more reasons why IoT app development is gaining immense popularity. It highlights everything about the cost of developing an IoT app.

Market Statistics of IoT App Development

Currently, IoT app development services are growing at a speed that we haven’t even thought of. The following market stats will help you get a better insight into the same. 


The State of IOT


  • 65% of marketers believe that organizations that do not have IoT-based applications will lack behind in the coming years.
  • As per Gartner’s report, in 2020, there will be around 20 billion connected devices, which will double up by 2024-25.
  • Approximately 95% of the decision-makers expect their businesses to leverage IoT applications by the end of 2025.
  • The 5G IoT endpoints base installment was at 3.5 billion in 2020 and will reach 49 billion by 2024.
  • The number of online connected devices is forecasted to touch 28 billion by 2025.

These numbers indicate the ever-growing demand for top-notch IoT applications and their importance in driving business growth and productivity. So now that the reasons to step into IoT mobile app development are clear to you let’s start with the process to build an IoT app.

Impact of IoT on Mobile App Development

IoT mobile app development primarily focuses on customers and can be used in day-to-day life activities. It has left a massive impact on people’s lifestyles by making it easier and hassle-free. However, even the IoT development company professionals are aware that their applications lag as every new IoT framework takes place with much wider functionality and development possibilities.


Impact of IoT on Mobile App Development


As a result, such a situation left them wondering, ‘How to build a successful IoT app?’ or ‘How much does IoT app development cost?’ To ease the process, here is a complete process to develop an IoT app along with the impact of IoT on mobile app development.

1. Concentrated Human Effort

IoT Development offers compatibility over multiple devices and apps. It allows you to maximize your functionality and manage them all in one go. For this, IoT technology has become the one-point solution for all. IoT App development in recent few years allows you to switch on the light, track cab, ensure the security of your homes and offices.

The innovation allows developers to build a single app that works out perfectly for building multiple apps without any obstructions. Moreover, significantly reduced efforts provide an integrated user experience with the internet on various devices.

2. Shifted Focus On IoT-Based Apps

With IoT, more and more enterprises are on the verge to hire mobile app developers for creating apps that are much more efficient in providing a better user experience on mobile apps.

To get the most of it, every mobile app development company is trying hard to cross the competition threshold and provide more advanced solutions by using IoT development. For which trends are being adopted, the end-user experience is prioritized, and apps are more in sync with keeping IoT at its core.

3. Centralized App

It has started a whole new segment in our lives. The focus is to provide integrated rather segregated experiences on multiple devices. One platform manages all your needs, and with mobile apps, it is just improvising to great lengths.

Enhanced productivity, great visibility, and transparency in operations enhanced user experience and its cost-effectiveness, and low management cost has made enterprises convert to hire app developers with knowledge of IoT embedded technology development.


cost to create a mobile app cta

4. Welcome Hybrid Apps

And why not Hybrid Apps? It is a whole new idea. Hybrid mobile apps are just going to allow top app development companies to revolutionize the way we interact with inanimate things today. Technology is an integral part of our lives; we are looking eye in the eye in the future where everything, every aspect of our lives, business, or person, will be tech-driven. So blending Hybrid apps with IoT development is just going to grow.

The Tech domain will be using technology to build more profound UX/UI experiences by using advanced codes and coming up with more cost-efficient solutions like hybrid mobile app development.

5. High-End Security

IoT is inevitable; it is time to embrace the trend and just grow in various aspects of it. For the past year, there have been discussions in the technology domain regarding the security aspect of IoT App development. That was the first thing you would find if you googled IoT.

Let’s look deeply; it is true, it is highly prone to security threats. IoT allows unprecedented access from multiple points, making it open to any security breach. And one thing that this year is more focused on is security, and due to this, IoT has become the biggest trend ever. Unfortunately, data security is thus one of the major concerns that are yet to be resolved concerning this godly technology.

However, technology such as Blockchain is the Messiah. It has come to our rescue. Therefore, there is no need to introduce what Blockchain is. It has become one with the word technology in the past year. But there is still a long way to go; we must focus on building IoT-powered mobile app solutions that are just perfect from a security point of view.

It has not stopped enterprises from integrating IoT development in most complex business operations. For now, an extra layer of security is just helping them perform well and landing them more productivity for time. But it is still the key discussion for IoT app development.

So, this is all about the major impact that IoT applications are creating on the mobile app industry. Who doesn’t want to develop IoT applications with so much to offer? Don’t you? So, what are you waiting for? Let’s know the process to create successful IoT applications.

Step-by-Step Process To IoT Application Development

The following are detailed descriptions of the steps involved in developing an IoT app. 


Process To IoT Application Development

Step 1 – Get A Unique App Idea

Before investing in mobile app development, or IoT Software development, find out what makes your product unique and useful to the end-users. Also, you can compare the features and functionalities of your product with the competitors to ensure that your product is different. So, do some brainstorming to develop a unique IoT app development idea.

Step 2 – Choose A Suitable Platform

The list of platforms available to develop an IoT app is unlimited. So, before choosing any of the platforms, pay attention to the technologies they support and the cost to develop a mobile app using that platform. Some of the proven platforms you can choose from are –

  • Oracle IoT
  • HomeKit
  • Android Things
  • Ubidots
  • IBM Watson
  • Kaa

Step 3 – Pick A Hardware

If you don’t have the desired budget to produce your hardware for the IoT app, you can choose hardware from other device makers. Make sure the hardware should adhere to your project’s needs and must be reliable enough to utilize in your mobile app development project.

Step 4 – Focus On App’s Performance

Besides focusing on application development, designing, and hardware selection, make sure your IoT applications are extremely fast. The price reaches high when it comes to data sharing and controlling devices remotely.

But, this is mandatory because the IoT applications are completely dependent on connections. So, focus on performance and speedy connections while working on an IoT app.


Internet of Things (IoT): A game-changer in education industry

Step 5 – Keep Security On Priority

Finally, the last yet one of the crucial factors to consider during IoT app development should be security. An application with security concerns can never earn you success and profit. Here are a few points to consider for developing a secure mobile app.

  • Use suitable IoT platforms
  • Choose the hardware providers wisely
  • Apply the best development practice
  • Implement protected networks
  • Take care of both network & physical attacks

These are some crucial steps that businesses have to take special care of while developing an IoT application. Adhering to these steps will help businesses develop an application that isn’t only secure but appealing enough to grab users’ attention at first glance. Talking about the cost, ample factors affect the cost of building an IoT app.



Major Factors Affecting IoT App Development Cost

Now that the step-by-step process to create an IoT mobile app is discussed let’s move to the crucial factors that affect the development process. Generally, the cost to develop an IoT app with basic features lies around $10,000 and $23,000 and keeps on varying depending on the following factors.


Factors Affecting IoT App Development Cost

1. Design & Features

An application’s features play a major role in defining the success of mobile app development. So, the type of design and feature you choose greatly influence its costs.

Moreover, customer experience also matters, so keep the UX/UI simple yet intriguing enough to grab users’ attention. Along with this, including the right features in your IoT app. So, if you have a low budget, add basic features to an application.

2. Infrastructure

Like hardware, the IoT applications’ infrastructure consists of three major aspects. Each of them contributes to the cost of mobile app development.

#1. Network

Your IoT application will not be useful at all until it is connected to a secure and error-free network. So, make sure to invest in secure networking while developing an IoT app. Also, remember that good application are always connected to short-range wireless networks and LPWAN, so focus on it.

#2. Middleware

There is no denying that third-party integrations have become one of the crucial aspects of mobile applications. Also, the middleware components act as an interface between IoT devices & third-party integrations. So, if you want to increase the stability of your IoT mobile and web apps, you need to integrate third-party integrations.


Cost & Time To Develop A Web Application


#3. Cloud-Based Storage

When it comes to data security, cloud-based systems are the right choice. So, investing in cloud-based IoT applications is one of the best decisions you can make.

3. Size & Complexity

Application size and complexity are also major factors affecting the IoT app development cost. For instance, if you incorporate some advanced features into your IoT, it will take more time to develop, and hence, the cost to develop a mobile app will increase.

Besides this, if you invest in IoT in smart home automation, it may cost less than developing an IoT app. So, the more complex the app will be, the bigger its size and the higher its cost.


4. Hardware

As per the mobile app development company experts, the cost to build a mobile app also gets affected by the hardware components included. There are multiple hardware stages in IoT app development, and each of them contributes little to increase the cost of a mobile app. The stage comprises four stages, as highlighted below.


Stage 1 – App’s Analysis

In this stage, the IoT application development company experts started analyzing the scope and features of a particular IoT application.

Stage 2 – App’s Modelling

Next, the team of IoT app developers and designers will create a model or infrastructure of an IoT app so that the clients can have an idea of what their application will look like.

Stage 3 – App’s Prototyping

To get a final design layout of an IoT application, both the designers and developers have to craft multiple sprints, which fall under prototyping. This stage adds a little to the IoT app development cost.

Stage 4 – App’s Testing

Finally, the last yet one of the crucial stages is the application’s testing and maintenance. Once everything is finalized from both the professionals’ and the clients’ end, testing is conducted to deliver a 100% error-free application.


Mobile App Development CTA

5. Development Team

Besides development, the mobile and web app development company professionals you also choose greatly affect the cost. So, you can lessen the cost by choosing the right hiring model for your IoT applications.

Generally, there are three ways you can hire web developers, i.e., part-time, full-time, or hourly basis. Whatever model you choose, just make sure to avail yourself of assistance from a leading mobile app development company in the USA or any other area.

Remember that the development location will also affect the cost to build an IoT app, so you have to keep this factor in mind.


6. Testing & Launching

Once your IoT application is completely designed and developed, it is time to test your app completely before launching it. Now, this factor will also influence your development cost.

Generally, there are two different types of testing available, i.e., manual and automated. If the mobile app development company incorporates manual testing, the prices won’t be that high, but the cost will rise if some tools and technologies are utilized for testing.

So, one of the best ways is to ask the IoT application developers regarding the testing process they will follow during development.

7. Maintenance

Simply developing an application doesn’t make any sense unless it is maintained properly. Generally, mobile app development professionals offer free app maintenance and support service for the first few weeks after IoT application development. Still, you need to pay additional bucks if you need post-development support and maintenance.

These are some major factors affecting the IoT mobile app development cost. Now that you are well-versed with the things that can increase or decrease the cost to build an IoT app, it is time to get started with the app development process.

Remember that every great thing comes from a list of queries, and IoT applications are no different. The following is the list of the common FAQs that people have while developing an app, along with the answers.

Let’s Get Started with IoT App Development Process!

The demand for IoT applications is increasing at the moment. Now, every user wants access to modern applications for a hassle-free lifestyle. So, in this ever-rising era of IoT mobile app development, let your business outshine by developing an amazing mobile application.

Now that you already have an idea of IoT app development costs, it is time to get started. Just get in touch with an IoT or wearable app development company professionals, and they will craft a top-notch IoT application for you.


Frequently Asked Questions

How IoT Application Is Beneficial for Businesses?

Nowadays, the Internet of Things has become a crucial aspect of our day-to-day lives. If developed professionally, smart IoT applications can transform your business to a whole new level. Some of the benefits you can experience with IoT app development are –

  • Increased productivity & profit
  • Cost reduction
  • Improved customer experience
  • Secure business applications
  • New business strategies

How Much Does IoT App Development Cost?

On average, IoT app development costs around $10,000 to $250,000 depending on the project’s needs, size, features, complexity, etc. So, to get the exact cost of your IoT app, you need to consult the IoT app development company professionals. They will help you get an idea of mobile app development costs.

What Are the Applications of IoT?

There are multiple technologies utilized to develop an IoT application as it can adjust will all the technologies. Some of the common applications of IoT are –

  • Wearable
  • Agriculture
  • Fleet Management
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality

How to Develop An IoT App?

This is one of the most common questions asked by the majority of businesses who are planning to create an IoT application. To build an IoT app, you need to follow a five-step process which includes.

Step 1 – Choosing a platform

Step 2 – Finalizing the hardware

Step 3 – Selecting app development platform

Step 4 – Starting design & development

Step 5 – Testing, Maintaining, & Launching an application

What Is IoT App Development?

IoT or the Internet of Things connects sensors and mobile devices to transform the data into useful information. IoT-based applications enable clients to get a better insight into a particular product or service with real-time data analytics. Such applications help businesses generate more revenue and improve customer experiences.

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How to Build an App for The Internet of Things (IoT) Wed, 22 Sep 2021 13:19:02 +0000 Technology has crossed the boundaries of imagination. Mind blogging innovation and impressive implementations are building lives better. The interesting thing is the integration of innovative ideas into the existing system. The traditional technical advantages are streamlined with interconnected devices, where the reach of the network increases.

Interconnecting devices and maintaining interdependencies brings a huge revolution. If you are curious about how to build an IoT app, this blog will be helpful intake the right decision.


iot app


The 21st century has brought the Internet of Things to the forefront. People are enjoying automation with the help of several devices and their networks. Such as Alexa has impressively entered into the general lives. Users can accomplish small tasks with the help of Alexa.

Talking about the IT industry, there is a huge demand for IT products, and it tops mobile app development trends. But not all mobile app developers are familiar with the development. Businesses entering into the IoT app development need to hire a large team and proper guidance for future maintenance. IoT is evolving and so is its market.

Here is a quick knowledge of the things you need to consider for developing the app for the Internet of Things.


What is The Internet of Things?


what is iot


Internet of Things refers to the process, where sensors, electric gadgets, and other similar devices are interconnected through wireless. The data is shared between the devices through a wireless medium that makes the real-world objects behave accordingly. You can turn on/off any device through IoT.

As per the reports made available by Marina research, IoT is estimated to accrue around $3 trillion by the year 2025. Online investment is heading towards IoT and every industry is looking at IoT (Internet of Things) as a great opportunity to rebuild customer infra.

IoT market is gaining the highest growth in smart home premises because it is changing the way people live their lives, drive cars, work and amuse themselves. The number of connected devices is growing and all require an app. You can hire IoT developers and enjoy seamless growth.


Components of IoT

IoT is a unified technology that comprises multiple components. Here are some important components of IoT.



1. Cloud

While talking about the Internet of Things, it’s indifferent to ask about the cloud and its advantages. Business owners who have less tech experience and have limited tech knowledge find it difficult to understand, what is cloud and what is the relevance of the cloud with the Internet of Things.


How does the cloud work?

Cloud collects the data in real-time and processes it for relaying over the network. The platform is usable when the data needs are high and scalable. For the huge transmission of data, the cloud is preferable. More requirement of cloud emerges from the requirement of huge data and limited space on the physical infrastructures.

Data is constantly rising and to handle that data multiple data centers are used in cloud infrastructure. Cloud is therefore considered the replacement for traditional hosting spaces.

2. Network

The network is the bridge component of the IoT.  It is a link between the physical components, where the gadgets are gathered data from varying components and send it over the network. The network untangles the messed-up data and systematically arranges.

3. Things in Themselves

Things are the activities in the platform.  Forgiving any instruction to devices such as TV, music player, or other electronic devices, you need to install the specific software and operating system.


Impact of IoT on App development in recent years


IoT devices are generally operated using the mobile app. People prefer to keep access through mobile phones, therefore it is preferable to integrate the device control into the apps. Due to successful apps, IoT is achieving high popularity.


Looking at the popularity of smart home devices, the world is favoring the integrated solution:

  • In the year 2018, it was reported to make $4.6 billion in sales of smart home devices, which was figured at $1.3 billion in the year 2016. A similar pace is keeping up with the wearable app industry.
  • Not only home devices but also other industries are joining the race. The high growth in the sales of wearable devices to more than 80 million units was recorded between the years 2016 and 2020.
  • The number of installed devices is rising faster and is expected to reach above 75 billion by 2025.
  • There is more than $212 billion in revenue from IoT.
  • Google Homes is aimed to secure half of the market share in the next few years.
  • According to Statista, there will be more than 38.5 billion IoT devices worldwide.
  • As per Data port interpretation, there will be around 3.5 billion cellular-based IoT connections in 2023.

Consumers Receive The Best of Class Automation In

  • Automobiles
  • Healthcare
  • Agriculture
  • Child care
  • Education and many more.

How to Build an IoT App?



1. Choose The Platform

Many platforms are reliable for building IoT applications. You can choose any platform them which are in mobile app development trends, but you also need to pay attention to the underlying technologies. You need to know what they cost and how much support the platform needs.

Here are a few proven platforms:

  • Xively
  • Azure IoT Suite
  • HomeKit
  • Oracle IoT
  • Things Worx
  • Ubidots
  • IBM Watson
  • Android Things

The majority of the platforms work for solving the inconsistency and are therefore favored by mobile app development companies. IoT developers can connect devices coming from different vendors, and speaks different protocols, with a unified system. Android Things is an IoT platform by Google. It supports devices from different manufacturers and connects.

On the other hand, Home Kit is backed by Apple, which gives a list of devices approved by Apple along with the guidelines for creating IoT software. Also, Home Kit and Android Things offer APIs for giving developers reach to devices that are out of the ecosystem provided by Google and Apple.

2. Choice of Hardware

The businesses that are not willing to launch their products need to choose from the available hardware in the market. The device needs to correspond with your requirements. Also, the device needs to be reliable, capable, and durable. It is worth choosing the sensors bubuilty a reliable device maker.



3. Opt Scalability

When you launch your app, it will transact a large amount of data. Website development company needs to plan the functionality of the app and ensure that the device stays scalable. Cloud technology is best suitable for IoT data transactions.


4. Ensure The Optimum Speed

IoT app needs to be fast. In IoT devices, all actions are majorly required in real-time, otherwise, it can cause damage. The performance of the devices and corresponding apps needs to be optimum.


5. Keep Security at a High Rate

An IoT app needs to ensure great security. When an app is connected to a device it shares the data that can be reached out for some bad purpose. IoT is vulnerable to the infringement of data, and security is now a greater concern because data is usually related to homes, health care, and vehicle. You need to ensure the use of secured devices for building the Internet of Things app.


6. Choose The Vendors Carefully

Not all vendors offer devices that are perfect for IoT apps. In other words, we can say, that every device cannot be considered reliable for IoT.  Make sure that you choose any credible hardware.


IoT Development trends 


7. Proven IT Platforms are Best

IT platforms are famous for their capability of developing suitable applications and modifying complex things into easier ones. Always ensure the choice of a reliable platform for testing and updating.


8. Look for The Physical Attack

Always there is a threat of network attacks. But you need to ensure the physical security of the device. It should not be easy to remove the storage.


9. Protected Networks

The data transacted between the devices can be interrupted. The networks need to be secure and encrypted over the cloud.


10. Best Practices For Security

There are some best security practices in the wearable app industry, which save data from trespassing. Encryption, two-factor authentication, obfuscation, and several other techniques ensure IoT apps to barbered.


Challenged Associated With the IoT


Challenged associated with the IoT:


Mobile app developers are associating with IoT projects for building better products and enjoy the power of IoT. But before starting any IoT app, you need to understand the challenges associated with IoT apps:

1. Security

Security is the biggest threat to IoT apps. As per the data released by Brain, the majority of the users stay concerned about security while using the device and implementing the solution.

For IoT consumers, the number of devices is many. Where lack of security protocols and the traditional poorly lack of standard development techniques may compromise the data.

An IoT network is open for multiple tasks and therefore it is too vulnerable over each point.  A hacker can gain access to all your fat data using home devices and can control the whole system.

2. Inconsistency

One major challenge for IoT app development is the incompatibility of the devices.  The issues have not been solved yet. If you are creating an IoT app for home appliance automation, you need to ensure the app is connected to devices. Here the glitch comes. All smart devices cannot connect unless those devices are made by your company.

If your customer buys a smart bulb from a company and the thermostat from any other company, major chances are that they won’t work together. Therefore consumers are limited to only one manufacturer. This technological inconsistency makes fragments the whole IoT industry. Each company has its own set of standards, its , and specific security standards.

Although there are many mobile app development companies in the market, which offer a platform for IoT development. Hopefully, it can make a unified system.

How to Approach IoT Development?

IoT is not a single technology. The full-stack IoT is many times more  vast than the ordinary Full-stack. The complex technology requires a specific set of skills, which sometimes makes it a hard choice to find a good IoT mobile app developer. Also, IoT needs to be secure, therefore the developer you hire needs to be an expert in security mechanisms and network knowledge.

How Much Does IoT App Development Cost?

How Much Does it Costs to Develop IoT Application

1. Feature List

The cost is directly proportional to the features included in the app. More the number of features, the higher the cost of the app.

2. Third-party Services

An app needs to include third-party tools for several operations. If too many third-party tools are included the cost of the app goes higher.

3. Hourly Development Rate The most

Most comprehensive cost varying factor is the app development cost. The hourly rate of developers in the tier1 countries are higher compared to the other part of the world. An app costing $90000 in Ukraine may cost around $30000 in the South East Asia market.

When you hire a dedicated app developer from mid-level countries, the cost of an app can be estimated between $15000 and $30000, whereas the complex app may cost more than $30000 and below $80000, which depends on the number of features and above-mentioned factors.


mobile app ctaas

Wrap Up: 

IoT mobile apps are booming high and the technology has taken its inseparable place in the common lives through the wearable app industry.  The integration of technology to the local chores and petty household tasks make it more futuristic.

While developing an app, you need to take care of Security, speed, network stability and several other factors. After reading the above blog you are damn sure how can you build an iot app?

A secure app is trusted by user and the loyalty of the market take time to grow. If users are satisfied, they leave a good review. Therefore always ensure the optimum data security, amazing speed and ease of features before launching the app. Further, you can hire dedicated app developers for sophisticated knowledge of app development.

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How Voice Technology Is Going To Change The Software Development Market Mon, 10 Aug 2020 12:16:21 +0000 Software development companies are now responsible for making customer-facing products as well as services to be more vocal. They have to enable voice technology in software development.

It means voice technology actually plays a key role in the growing role of how exactly people are finding and using different software, and it is time for any software product development company to leverage this technology.

Voice technology isn’t limited to Google Assistant or Apple’s Siri that people ask for their own queries. There is a rapid adopting of various voice-assisted devices in the workspace and at homes, from voice-enabled car apps to Alexa from Amazon.

This means that voice as a user interface channel no longer needs a phone of any type.

voice tech

Voice is actually an original user interface. People grew up learning how, and the most preferred method of any communication is a voice. From emails to IMs, texting and then type-to-search, we are now heading back to voice.

Voice technology has taken a massive surge in technology-driven apps. Speech recognition has become a vital technology when it comes to interacting with apps.

The Voice industry is constantly growing. The world is rapidly approaching an entire ecosystem of technology where mobile phones, laptops, car, TV and other home devices can easily communicate with each other through IoT or Internet of Things.

Applications of Voice Technology

In the coming years, voice technology will be enabling intelligent products such as Spark Assistant in order to participate in different meetings, making suggestions and even answering questions.

The assistant can easily record meetings with a particular command, and this particular product will be quite capable of taking action items as well as send meeting summaries and even help in planning future meetings.

Even Mozilla is currently creating a voice-activated web browser known as Scout.


Everyone knows that these products will appear in the near future. It is expected to make a huge impact on software development. However, one of the key aspects that need to be addressed is voice search which is the best benefit of voice-enabled technology.

web development company has to work on this feature to make their software more usable to the users.

Read the BlogHow Custom Software Development can benefit your business

The Problem of Voice Search

The current unresolved problem associated with a voice-activated search that is a major part of how people actually use virtual assistants is the result of one single answer instead of an entire list of different ranked options.

Even though this seems like a particularly minor issue, but it is a huge problem that hasn’t been solved by any custom software development company.

Search result rankings are currently highly contentious, and the major investigations have revealed that companies like Google are now favoring their own results in an unfair fashion. Such issues are brought by competitors of Google who often feel that the entire order of the first page of search results in quite unfair.

problem of voice search

These complaints will continue to grow when it comes to virtual assistant based replies which represent that not all of the results are ranked properly but a single result currently chosen by companies such as Google.

It is where the new paradigm of voice search optimization will come into play.

Businesses are quite uneasy with the power of search engine companies such as Google as their search algorithms actually determine the order or rank of search results.

With the assistance of voice search, these companies will choose only one particular result.

When voice search is becoming the topmost application when it comes to voice technology today, the entire future will be hampered by the one-result problem.

In the case of non-search tasks, voice technology will remain to more transformative than it is expected. A software product development company has to take this aspect into account when developing software.

Future of Voice Technology

We are currently moving towards the notion of ambient assistance where the smart devices are becoming omnipresent, and they are ready to help the people with their needs as well as answer their questions.

There are various systems in place that help the users in their queries.

A voice assistant can provide a recommendation to the user and even provide other related information pertaining to the tasks to be followed to achieve the end goal.

future voice tech

For instance, a person can ask voice assistant for the healthcare professional. It can provide a recommendation along with the directions to reach the concerned person. The voice assistant can even set up an appointment for the user.

Voice search optimization is a particular way for businesses to get involved in is entirely seamless voice integration that helps the customers to live their own lives in the much more efficient way while gaining insight about the user personality too that provide more relevant products or content that ultimately leads to more revenues.

If it is done correctly, then both personal users, as well as businesses, will benefit from the voice technology.

Read the BlogTips to Cut Down Cost of Custom Software Development

The Statistics

After the internet became a new means of communication, voice technologies have been the world’s most powerful players. More than 20% of all scans today are vocally-performed.

By 2025, more than 50% of customers should be using voice-activated software every day. Since the launch of Siri in 2011, as voice assistants started to appear, nobody could have expected that this development would become a catalyst for software innovation for a custom software development company.

Approximately ten years later, one in six respondents has predicted that nearly 100 million mobile users will use voice assistants by 2020.

Increasing user expectations are the key catalyst of change for voice user interfaces. There is an overall growth in understanding and a higher quality of community life exhibited by millennial consumers in particular.

This ever-evolving virtual era constantly optimizes tempo, performance, and comfort. The wide use of artificial intelligence in the daily lives of consumers is also fuelling the move to voice communication.

The percentage of IoT devices such as smart light bulbs, gadgets, and speakers in a connected user’s life gives voice assistants more usefulness.

Industries Or Sectors Which Are Witnessing The Most Development Due To The Emergence Of Voice Technology

The industrial influence of this revolutionary technology is tremendous, which is why it is freely adopted by multiple platforms and endless promotion is provided by software development services.

While voice-powered applications are aimed at increasing productivity in operation, reducing operating costs, and simplifying processes, there are several industry-specific advantages to different verticals:

  1. Healthcare Facilities
  2. Education Sector
  3. Banking And Finance
  4. eCommerce
  5. CRM Software Industry

1. Healthcare Facilities

Physicians can use voice technology to gather information from patients and maintain e-records more efficiently and easily. Using this technology in the healthcare industry they can easily also access data from such documents later, without needing to scan thousands of them visually or textually.

voice healthcare

The innovation also improves the safety of the e-records as it will only be available to authorized persons.

2. Education Sector

Another sector that witnessed the voice transition is education since this technology has changed rapidly how things are learned and educated. The future-oriented speech recognition program helps teachers to easily build online teaching materials and tutorial videos.


This also allows students to have easy and efficient access to these tutorials by education industry.

3. Banking And Finance

Voice-activated technologies provided the financial and banking sector with all new possibilities. Voiced word recognition also improves financial and banking activity confidentiality, as it helps to validate legitimate users in terms of biometrics.

banking voice tech

The bots’ function of mobile app development services is requested by most banking and finance industry to leverage voice recognition. Chatbots also provide consumers with a chat interface and customer service that is equivalent to what a human helper does.

Consumers can place voice commands, such as credit checks, transaction data, and receipts to perform tasks.

4. eCommerce

You don’t need to look across the aisles in a shopping mall or browse through numerous retail sites with eCommerce stores. Since the introduction of voice recognition, the retail and eCommerce industry has undergone a dramatic transformation.

ecommerce voice search

Although voice operators such as Alexa and Siri have reinvented retail experiences, online shopping has been streamlined with the advent of voice activation tools.

All customers need to do now is say the name of a product or similar words and they will be directed to the best matching page.

5. CRM Software Industry

Speech is about to influence consumer engagement and marketing in great ways and let’s not forget a CRM development company. Sales of spoken apps amounted to 1 billion in 2018. More than 40% of users create price comparisons.

voice software

Nearly half of them use spoken apps for searching and testing items. Simply put, voice engagement must be part of the customer connection strategy of any organization.

This would also require a deep relationship between the marketing department, the entire sales department, and the IT department.


Voice technology is quite useful in a plethora of ways. It can also be used a great predictive tool in order to assist the user to reorder their household items through a simple voice command.

This technology allows you even to order coffee at any coffee shop or can help you in your travel through voice AI system present in the car.

A custom software development company can find different applications of voice technology to develop innovative software and apps.

The opportunities for businesses are quite immense but only if they can actually optimize for voice search and keep it as a trusted foundation.

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