CMS Development – Dev Technosys Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates Tue, 04 Apr 2023 08:21:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CMS Development – Dev Technosys 32 32 Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates Tarun Nagar false episodic Tarun Nagar podcast Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates c9c7bad3-4712-514e-9ebd-d1e208fa1b76 What are the Advantages of Custom WordPress Development Wed, 01 Jul 2020 13:05:38 +0000 WordPress is not a blogging platform anymore. At present, it is the most popular content management system which allows the developers to create intuitive and comprehensive WordPress powered websites. It is not only quite flexible but also very easy to use.

Millions of websites are now powered by WordPress. From small businesses to enterprises and big companies, have adopted WordPress. Many e-commerce companies have utilized custom WordPress development for their online platform. Any web development company cannot ignore WordPress anyhow.

Advantages of Custom WordPress development

  1. First of all, it is quite easy to use as well as install. WordPress can essentially be set up quite easily. This actually means that it saves a lot of development time as well as money.
  2. It also comes with an intuitive interface that allows the developers to use it without any problem. Even the new developers can easily use this platform. It means one can easily add pages, content, images, videos, etc. quickly, neatly as well as easily.
  3. Another salient feature and advantage of WordPress are that it is highly customizable. The website development using WordPress can easily be personalized as per the requirements of the users.
  4. It has thousands of plug-ins using which one can create a website that gathers a lot of attention and offers improved brand visibility. Developers can easily build custom plugins that assist them to customize any website to any extent. This is among the most common reasons why developers are choosing custom WordPress development.
  5. Plugins assist the developers to easily add high-end features and functionalities to any given website such that the visitors have a great experience while browsing and navigating. So a business should hire WordPress expert who can make use of the customization feature to increase the brand visibility of the business.
  6. Every business wants to stand out in the competition, and this is why WordPress is best suited for web development. It provides a plethora of themes that can easily be integrated with any website to give it a unique and stylish look. Along with this, one can easily customize the themes in order to match the requirements.
  7. One can easily get free or paid themes, such that one can get the best theme that suits the needs. Creating a unique look for any website of a business is quite important in order to stay ahead of the competitive businesses, and here WordPress allows the business to create a unique looking website. That is why most of the small businesses that are new to the market hire WordPress developer and opt for custom WordPress development.
  8. It is an open-source platform which is one of its biggest advantages. The programming codes are readily available, and they provide a wide range of functions which assist the programmers to write code with more efficiency and speed. This means that any developer with minimal PHP knowledge can easily work on and modify the WordPress plugins, themes, etc. in order to create a unique experience for the website visitors.
  9. Custom WordPress development results in highly search-engine-friendly websites. It is the reason why you can easily find a large number of WordPress sites being listed in the top search engine result pages when you search for a particular keyword. The codes are quite simple and clean which makes it easier for the search engines to read and index them easily.
  10. It is recommended to hire WordPress developer who is well-versed with the search engine aspects of the WordPress site.WordPress also allows the developers to add Meta descriptions, titles, tags, etc. to every page along with images and posts which make them more search engine friendly. One can easily make use of the tags in order to improve the search engine friendliness of the website.
  11. Another major advantage of WordPress is that it is highly scalable. This essentially means that one can easily add more content, pages, features, and functionalities to the website as the business as well as the requirement grow. All this can be done without compromising on the performance.
  12. WordPress offers great security features. In case you are working with any pre-made plugin, there is certainly a constant concern whether it will be secure on not. In WordPress, one can get a customized plugin developed which is specific to a website that ensures that the website offers the utmost satisfaction as well as security against potential threats.
  13. WordPress offers seamless communication along with constant support. A web development company offers customized WordPress plugin along with consistent support and maintenance which eliminates any requirement to look for updates of plugins.

The Benefits Of Using Custom WordPress Theme

  1. Stand Out In The Crowd
  2. Safety And Security
  3. Speed
  4. SEO-Friendly

Stand Out In The Crowd

Since you have decided to make a website, you must be direly wishing to increase traffic. Custom WordPress theme development will design your website in a unique way.

It gives exactly what you have planned, even better. We all have a tendency to go for things which are new in the market.  This unique theme will definitely attract and leave an impact on the visitor’s mind.

Here you have gained a visitor! So, why not hire WordPress developers and increase visitors? This will definitely increase the reach of your site.

Safety And Security

Using custom WordPress theme development, you don’t have to worry about the security of your website. You must be busy with your idea of a start-up.

You might not get enough time to do its surveillance from time to time. So, it’s better to put this in a safe, skilled hand and be free of worrying about hackers.  Use website development services and your efforts will never go in vain!


Next what you want is a good speed of your website.  Custom WordPress theme development is faster. Technical and skilled people will maintain your website.

They know how to use clean code and speed up. It will help your website to work faster and hence is handy to use. So, why not a hire WordPress developer and make the website visitor-friendly?!


What is the use of building a website, if you are not ranking at the top? This will ensure you a high number of visitors. Custom WordPress theme developers are experienced in their fields.

You must choose the website development services. They know efficient management. They will ensure which layout, plugins, and features should be used to rank your website.




Regular theme development never gives these unique facilities – you have to put extra effort, which will kill your time. Website development services are available to take care of your website. They have to create themes that will be in demand so they will be knowing that part of the market better.

Hence, you might have got an idea of some of the significant benefits. In order to increase the success rate of your idea, it’s best to use a custom WordPress theme development.

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What is the Average Cost of Developing a Custom CMS? Wed, 18 Dec 2019 12:14:16 +0000 Over the years, content management systems or CMSs have become an essential part of businesses. However, one of the things which most CMS development services encounter is the lack of understanding and foresight among the clients about what a CMS actually is and what is the actual costs of implementing a CMS. However, it is pretty understandable since it is quite an advanced technology in a particular area that hasn’t been explored and understood by most of the businesses in the first place.

Table of Content

1. Introduction

2. How to Choose CMS

3. Configuration of a CMS

4. Training CMS Support Staff

5. Consistent Maintenance

6. Cost of a CMS

7. Conclusion

Also, there are different issues which need to be considered whenever selecting to implement a CMS, especially which particular system to use, keeping a staff whose only job is to keep the website updated as well as supporting that staff with the proper training which is involved in learning how the CMS actually works. It also includes selecting the right CMS development company to implement and maintain your own CMS. So, let’s discuss what the costs associated with the development of custom CMS along with its average cost are.

How to Choose CMS

Now, when you have to choose a CMS, the things which you have to look at are the myriads of capabilities of the CMS and finding out whether it is perfectly appropriate for your business’s existing and future requirements and whether you can easily find a CMS development company to configure a CMS for you easily.

If you are wondering whether you will need a vendor or not, then, of course, you require one who can set up and configure the system to start easily. CMSs are often designed to easily make updating of the entire content manageable by your own staff, but it isn’t a cakewalk. Whenever you install a custom CMS, every platform makes few assumptions about what you will actually be using it for.

Few platforms have their own pre-built “profiles” for different use cases, but it is quite sure that most of the businesses will have requirements that don’t mesh with the actual default setup of the CMS. The thing that you need earlier in the process is someone who is quite familiar with the entire capabilities of the system in order to help map your current content structure to how the present CMS actually “perceives” about the content and to ensure that your entire content strategy is certainly making best utilization of the tools which are available via the CMS.

Related Blog: Complete Guide On CMS: Present, Publish & Edit Content

Configuration of a CMS

Obtaining the right CMS is just the first step of the entire process. After you have created the website, you have to duly understand the characteristics of the entire content you actually manage and then translate that to a particular configuration which the CMS understands as well as can work with.

For instance, if you choose from web development solutions like a WordPress site for a business, and then you wish to showcase a wide range of products along with demonstrations regarding the materials that business work with as well as particular feature brands, then you need to know how to configure CMS to leverage its capabilities. You can set up a much more robust and intuitive configuration which can make each content type pretty unique, also tailoring the input to the particular content type, and this, in turn, made updating the entire site much more intuitive.

Training CMS Support Staff

Only because you can easily update the website doesn’t mean you can maintain the entire CMS. There are numerous small business owners who have a certain tendency to think that they can easily do all by themselves, and they do perform such things which works out quite a lot of time. However, your web presence isn’t one of the places where you should be actually doing all by yourself.

Even though a customer creates good content, he or she might not be great at writing that type of content that is required on a website. Hence, having a content strategy is quite an important step to what to actually put on the website. Also, if you jump right in without actually learning the entire system, you will most probably face trouble with things such as posting images in the right size and scale, proper text formatting, properly organizing the pages with the overall site’s context. So, having someone who is well-versed with the know-how of how to do these things certainly make your life a whole lot easier and makes your website much more appealing.

Consistent Maintenance

Content management systems are complex software. The most popular ones are often the targets of hackers because one particular hacker can easily write one script which targets millions of different websites. But this shouldn’t change your decision to have a popular CMS as long as any of the full stack web development services from where you have taken the CMS, know how to secure it easily, and you should be willing to invest some resources to keep it updated and patched.

It means that along with the one-time expense of setting up your own CMS, there will certainly be ongoing costs to both patches as well as upgrade it. Also, depending on the nature of the entire project, you may require to keep the core code along with one or two extra modules or plugins updates.

Web development

Cost of a CMS

There are three major open-source CMSs that are quite good and have large communities that support them, which are, Joomla, WordPress, and Drupal. Unless you are going for custom CMS from CMS development services, one of these three systems will certainly work well for your own website. However, it comes down to your choice of going for open source versus propriety software or custom CMS. Whenever people consider going for open source software, they think of it has a free one.

However, in the case of proprietary software, it can cost around a few hundreds of dollars. But some companies choose for custom CMS. The average cost of these software ranges from $10,000 to $50,000 for the overall package, which includes design, development of custom features, configuration, and so on. You can add a couple of thousands of dollars for training your support staff.


Ever since the dawn of the internet, websites have become the face of businesses. However, managing the content of the website can be quite a tedious task. Here, content management systems ease the process and help the businesses to maintain the content according to a content strategy easily. There are various CMSs available in the market. CMS development companies provide custom CMS along with proprietary CMS for the businesses. Then there are open-source CMS such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

However, choosing a custom CMS is considered to be the best choice, as supported by the points mentioned above. Also, the cost of development of custom CMS depends on configuration, design, custom features that the business wants along with the training of the support staff. A rough estimate of the average cost of developing a custom CMS has been duly explained above. As a business, choose the CMS which suits your requirements, whether an open-source CMS, a proprietary CMS or last but not the least, a custom CMS.

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Comparison of JAMstack vs. LAMP Stack vs. MEAN vs .NET: Tech Stacks Thu, 31 Oct 2019 11:30:38 +0000 Every professional developer has its own comfortable technology stack which the person considers as per their respective needs and requirements. These stacks help them with the required benefits in the form of getting connected to the masses and being easy to use with the help of different types of programming languages. But, it is very important that the developer must understand important differences between the respective technology stacks so that they can choose the right one for their respective needs of mean stack development services or CMS development services. So, to make very easy for you, we will help you understand the different aspects related to the best technology stacks in the form of JAMstack, .Net, LAMP, and MEAN.




When it comes to web development, this stacking technology has exclusively become one of the most popular names in the business. It is basically a very general design in the process of modern web development service as per the needs of the business. With the help of this technology, the developers will be able to work upon single-page applications, static site generator, CDN, and more. To make it easy for you, we will help you with some of the pros and cons of this technology stack, take a look:



It is considered to be the best technology stack if you are looking forward to working upon continuous delivery services. Yes, you can use it for your needs of a front-end development service as it will help you with the use of third party API. Not only this, with the help of it, you will be also benefited in terms of posting, increased security, cache invalidation, and more. The best part about it is that not only it gives you quick assistance but also proves to be quite cost-effective in terms of your development needs. So, for your needs for rapid content delivery, there is no one better than this technology stack.



Technology stack is not good for anything dynamic and heavy and as it is very much dependent upon third-party API, if they falter, your application will also falter so, it can cause a lot of issues to your scalability.




When it comes to choosing a technology stack then there is nothing better than going for the oldest in the business. Yes, you might find a CMS development company always asking you to consider the oldest technology stack for your respective development needs and urgent requirements. This technology stack basically a Linux based service. It comes with a specific form of libraries, frameworks, and databases which need to be taken into consideration when it comes to developing a web application. It is older than MEAN technology stack and is exclusively connected with the dynamic HTML



This technology stack has been around for years and has been tried and tested by professional web application developers all around the world. It has been considered highly secure for the ones who are looking for a dynamic web application. Not only it helps them have their needs covered as per their limited budget but also give them the required results they are looking forward to having.



It is not easy for one to get all the components of this technology stack to work together in a proper manner. So, this is the reason why it can bring up a wide range of performance issues in your respective web application development.




This technology stack is taken into consideration for the development of JavaScript web applications. It is exclusively comprised of MongoDB and Express JS which is perfect for the development of backend web applications. This is the reason why you must get yourself connected to a professional AngularJS development company that can help you have the right benefit of the respective Technologies stack.



With the help of the respective Technology stack, JavaScript application developers will be able to draft both the client-side and server-side coding at the same time. The respective technology stack was developed with the use of MVC structure which brings in scalability features as well.



If you are not having any sort of understanding with JavaScript then, you will certainly find it difficult to when it comes to understanding the respective technology stack.


If you thinking about choosing between MEAN and LAMP then, they are both considered to be as open-source technology stacks so, it will completely depend upon the type of project you are working upon and databases you are considering to use for making a decision of which technology stack will help you the most.


Read the blog- Things to Know before Hire Full Stack Developer




This technology is basically taken into consideration as a development tool and technology which was created by Microsoft in the year of 2004. It is taken into consideration by professional application developers for working upon the requirements of enterprise, web and mobile application development.



As LAMP and MEAN are taken into consideration for startup projects, .NET is strongly considered for Enterprises development needs. But, as .Net started moving towards open source Technology, difference got very low between the respective technology stacks. It is perfectly fitted for enterprise application development needs and will always help you with highly secured and organized applications as per your business needs and requirements. .Net will also help you when it comes to getting your application development server needs covered quickly.



When it comes to developers who are not very much familiar when it comes to object-oriented programming then, they might find trouble when it comes to working with .Net Technology stack.


JAMstack vs. LAMP Stack vs. MEAN vs .NET




This will make you are clear about the four Technology stacks which can be useful in so many ways for your business application development needs and requirements. You can always get yourself connected to a reliable full stack development services providers with which you will get a proper understanding of which technology stack will work wonders for you and give you the result you are looking forward to having. Every technology stack comes with its own set of pros and cons but, it is very important for you to choose the right one according to your business needs and requirements. Hopefully, this information will help you make the right decision.


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Complete Guide On CMS: Present, Publish & Edit Content With Ease Mon, 19 Aug 2019 11:08:50 +0000 Content management systems are one of the most significant tools for any webmaster, especially if one needs to maximize productivity while trying to keep everything organized in the management of the site. To your surprise, most of the cms are free, open-source software that is included automatically within your web hosting plan. Well creating a custom content management system is often the best option for website owners who are in need of a more robust solution.

The benefits that come with custom CMS are

1) Easily updatable/editable

With a CMS development company for one’s website,  one can log in easily and can comfortably make any sort of updates, changes, or additions to your site whenever required or whenever one wants to. The best part is that you do not have to depend on third-party web designers for your work to be done. Everything can be done according to your convenience and not at the convenience of any third-party webmaster.

2) Assurance

With custom CMS, one can be assured as custom CMS do not attract much attention of the mainstream hackers whereas in the case of big content management systems they become the main target for hackers. So with custom CMS, one can be relaxed with no worries.

3) Ease in adding a new page

With CMS development services one can easily add a new page or section to one’s website, unlike the old fashioned way of hand-coding the new pages for the section where one needed to modify the entire navigation structure.

Read the blog:- Benefits of Customer Relationship Management

4) Simpler updating process

One can make an easy update with no need for specialized software. With custom CMS, it’s just a matter of logging in your browser through your name, password and various details and you can see that your edits will be live in not more than 30 seconds.

When you’re in control and you see that new content can be added to your website on a regular, ongoing basis, you’ll find that your web strategy will start to change in a very positive way.

One can use CMS to update any kind of multimedia files. With cms, it is as easy as adding or editing the written content.

A custom CMS is designed for our needs. With a custom content management system our web developer can take our exact needs into consideration and then simultaneously develop a strategic solution to make the complete process very simple and effective.

Read the blog:- The Future Of Content Management Systems: Understanding Headless CMS


There is no way to guarantee complete website security, but a quality CMS has the best feature that it is frequently updated to deal with all sorts of security issues. The developers of the CMS, along with the community of users will always have an eye on any kind of vulnerability being faced and easily the problems will be dealt with. No risk of security failure.

Some important things one must know about  a custom cms platform are

  • A custom cms do not always symbolize proprietary.
  • Depending on one’s exact needs it can be recommended to using cms or not.
  • A custom cm is not advised to be used for basic websites.
  • Only if developed properly, a customized cm runs quicker.

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Advantages of custom CMS

  • Multiple Site Management

The most important feature of any custom CMS is its ability in managing several web sites simultaneously.

  • Unique Site Design

Having custom cms gives the ability to create websites that are unparalleled and also with unique navigation concepts.

  • Client Satisfaction and Requirements

Whenever a client will come to you with any sort of requirement related to cms you’ll no longer have to spend your much time and energy for finding solutions to his problem because then you’ll be able to amend their CMS to include features that will fulfill all of their needs and preferences. Custom Plugins have been by far the best aspect of CMS as they help in improving the functionality of the software in many cases.

Search engine optimization is perhaps the biggest contributor to any website’s success, so thinking about a better SEO strategy before selecting a CMS is really very important as well as advantageous. Some CMS are built with certain URL structures that have plug-ins facilities and may be preferred for some websites and also prove to be good for one type of website, but it may happen that it might not be capable of handling another type of website well.

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Custom-built functionality helps in accomplishing your goals without the need for any type of compromise in order to build the site around the plugin. When anyone custom develops a new feature, then he/she can perhaps remain confident that it will continue to work.

Open source content management system has come a long way through an evolution of improvements and achievements. With this array of success, now one doesn’t need to hire a website designer to create a website. You alone as an individual are quite enough to make and publish any news or content website without even knowing any coding skills.

So basically the benefits of custom CMS can be summarized as

  • Insights about one’s own business
  • Improving your security
  • Strategic business solutions
  • Flexibility in design
  • Multi-site management facility
  • A simple workflow with a chain of responsibility


So basically an effective and efficient custom web development aims to provide you and your business golden opportunities in making your presence to be felt in the digital realm of experienced people and professionals.

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