Chatbot Development – Dev Technosys Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates Tue, 27 Jun 2023 08:03:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chatbot Development – Dev Technosys 32 32 Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates Tarun Nagar false episodic Tarun Nagar podcast Dev Technosys Blog - Know about latest Trending Technology News and Updates c9c7bad3-4712-514e-9ebd-d1e208fa1b76 How ChatGPT Works: The Model Behind The Bot Tue, 28 Feb 2023 08:04:56 +0000 The world is advancing with new technologies and Artificial Intelligence. One such popular word that is ruling the internet—is ChatGPT. It is an AI language model that was launched in November.

It has set a record for fastest reaching the app to 100 million potential users within two months. Additionally, it was downloaded 3771 times from worldwide users within the first 10 days of January 2023. Looking at this fact, there is a huge demand for data on this AI model–ChatGPT.

There are beliefs that ChatGPT will supersede Google search and, more so, humans in the future. You must be amazed by this and interested to know how this amazing platform works. Then you have landed on the appropriate place. So let’s see the working and different models of ChatGPT.


What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence chatbot created by OpenAI in November 2022. ChatGPT is a large language model that utilizes machine learning to create text based on input offered to it.

Its objective is to generate more logical and human-like content with various prompts. Additionally, it has become the most utilized AI tool throughout the internet. One of the best things about ChatGPT is that users can find images, generate codes and get content.


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Essential Features of The ChatGPT

Here are some of the essential factors that you must take into consideration. So let’s have a look:


Features of The ChatGPT


● Natural Language Processing

ChatGPT is designed to understand and interpret natural language input from users, which means it can comprehend text-based input in various formats, such as text messages, emails, or voice commands.


● Large Vocabulary

ChatGPT has been trained on a massive dataset of text, which has allowed it to learn and store an extensive vocabulary of words and phrases, including idioms, slang, and technical jargon.


● Deep Learning

ChatGPT employs deep learning techniques, specifically the Transformer architecture, to generate responses based on input data. The model consists of many layers of artificial neurons, allowing it to understand complex patterns and relationships in the data.


● Personalization

ChatGPT is capable of learning from user interactions and tailoring its responses accordingly. It means that the model can improve its accuracy over time and provide more relevant and personalized responses to user input.


● Continuous Learning

ChatGPT is always learning from new data and feedback as a language model. It means that it can adapt to changes in language use, new terminology, and other trends over time, improving its accuracy and effectiveness.


● Integration

ChatGPT can be integrated into numerous apps and platforms, including messaging apps, voice assistants, and customer support chatbots. It makes it a versatile tool for a variety of use cases.

These are some of the essential attributes of the ChatGPT AI tool. However, multiple mobile app engagement models may assist in determining the scope of work, each party’s responsibilities, and the project’s cost structure if you are interested in mobile app development.


ChatGPT Vs Google Bard: Everything You Need to Know


How does ChatGPT Work?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) language model that is designed to simulate human conversation. It uses a type of AI called “deep learning” to understand natural language input, such as text or speech, and generate responses that are relevant and coherent.

To achieve this, ChatGPT was trained on a huge amount of textual information from the web, such as blogs, textbooks and sites. During this training, it learned to recognize patterns in language and develop a knowledge base that it can draw upon to generate responses.

When interacting with ChatGPT, they can type or speak a question or statement in natural language, just like they would in a conversation with a human. ChatGPT uses its knowledge base to know the aid and create a response that is relevant to the input.

To improve its accuracy and relevance, ChatGPT also uses a technique called “contextualization”, which means it considers the context of the conversation and the user’s previous input. For example, if someone asks a follow-up question related to a previous conversation, ChatGPT will use its memory of the previous conversation to generate an appropriate response.

Overall, ChatGPT works by using its vast knowledge base and contextual understanding to simulate human conversation and provide relevant and coherent responses.



Models behind The ChatGPT–Bot

As we have discussed above, ChatGPT is developed on the crest of OpenAI’s GPT framework. Various AI development services providers are also looking for these models. So, here are currently three versions of the GPT model, which are described below:

  • GPT-1: It was the first version launched in 2018. It was instructed on a dataset of 40 gigabyte. Additionally, it has 117 million parameters on the GPT model.
  • GPT-2: It is an progressive version of the GPT 1 model, which was launched in 2019. It was instructed on a dataset of 1.5 terabytes of data file with 1.5 billion parameters. It is considered to be the most (Artificial intelligence) powerful language model at the current time.
  • GPT-3: It is the updated and latest version, which was released in 2020.In addition to 570 gigabytes of text data, the GPT model has more than 175 billion parameters. It is the most powerful and quickest version of the GPT model. GPT-3 can generate responses that are almost identical to those human written content.

ChatGPT is developed on crest of the GPT-3 architecture, which authorizes it to create magnificent and advanced responses to user aid.



ChatGPT has emerged as an amazing AI tool that generates human-like responses to various user inputs. It is powered by OpenAI, which is a deep learning model. However, it may improve the machine learning development company operation and user satisfaction, from natural Artificial Intelligence to customer service.

As the world is enhanced with the advent of technology, we anticipate seeing even more advanced AI tools like ChatGPT that facilitate more amazing customer satisfaction.

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What is Chatbot and How Much Does It Cost To Develop a Chatbot? Wed, 18 May 2022 05:48:18 +0000 Today, business websites need to be interactive. The simple web pages are now integrated with some interactive tools which can give the right and instantaneous response to users increasing engagement and making apps or websites more interactive. Read this blog to know more about how much it costs to develop a chatbot.

Each web development company is utilizing the advantages of chatbots. Chatbots have entered the IT world across industries by increasing the user engagement count to play a major part in the lead conversion process. Interactive chatbots are equally popular among enterprise-level huge firms and small startups.

The technology helps the organization in increasing its customer base. Looking at the progress and popularity, every company is running behind Chatbots, regardless of the industry.

Here in this article, we will understand:

  • What is Chatbot?
  • How much does it cost to build a Chatbot?
  • Eagle view of the Chatbot development service.

Before understanding the technology, cost, and usable features of the Chatbot, it is better to look at the growing market.

Popularity Trend of Chatbot

Since the last decade, chatbots have been hugely popular. There are enormous numbers of Chatbot app projects handled by mobile app development companies, worldwide. The technology limited to eCommerce has now permeated every kind of digital identity of a business. Chatbot app development is gradually going hand in hand with AI, which makes them more marketable.

According to data, the Chatbot market size will expectedly increase to $134 billion, where growth figures are supported by AI and Machine learning infusion by mobile application development companies.  These chatbots are the chat system built to understand makes it engaging and the user intent and modify the set output per user behavior. These systems are highly lucrative for healthcare, automobile, e-commerce, finance, education, and other industries.


chatbot app


Chatbots are proven useful systems, which are expected to contribute $1250 million by the year 2025. Going to the growth of chatbots, it is pretty clear that chatbots are going to be the prominent business components and web development companies are promoting it to make a win-win situation for both clients and themselves.

Let’s understand some prominent facts:

Finance, healthcare, travel, and education are the most profitable industries from Chatbot

  • More than 70 percent of businesses have integrated chatbots by 2021.
  • A capable Chatbot system can save around 30 percent of the cost of customer support.
  • In 2016, the cost of market value for Chatbot was $703 million.
  • An efficient Chatbot can let users feel that the business is open for 24 hours, where the percentage of such users goes around 50%.
  • In 2018, there are 300000 active chatbots on Facebook.

Benefits of Chatbots Development Services For Your Business

Around 35 percent of the users want businesses to use chatbots. This is why more and more businesses are looking to integrate the Chatbot into the process of offering superior customer service. Chatbots work as virtual assistants, who can engage the customer and improve the experience regardless of the number of visits and timings. A Chatbot system is accessible, scalable, and boosts satisfaction.


benefits of chatbots


A good Chatbot system helps forge customer relations and is known as a proven tool for a strong connection. This happens through engagement, interaction, and proper answers using AI for website visitors. Here are 10 benefits for businesses:

1. Increase Customer Engagement

Chatbot increases customer engagement using personalizing the windows and offering real-time one-to-one responses. AI-enabled Chatbot understands the user’s behavior and responds to him in the most desired manner.

2. Lead Generation

Ecommerce sites like eBay are making business on chatbots. These services are routing the customer to the sales team or proceeding orders online. The most prominent reason for getting huge queries to website development service providers.

3. Reduce The Cost of Customer Services

While integrating the chatbots, you need not deploy the sales or customer support executive. For large businesses, companies spend the amount on outsourcing customer support. Chatbot reduces the overload considerably.

4. Consumer Data Monitoring

Using chatbots, it is easier to monitor the leads and customer data. IT companies recommend these chatbots for letting you understand which customers are interested and can offer options to engage.

5. Conversational Marketing Strategy

By engaging the customers in conversation, it is easier to bring them into the loop. Chatbots are an effective medium to share product details, offers, and discounts, and give a raw tour of the project.

6. Balance Automation Level

Everything cannot be automated even by the mobile application development company. Chatbots are an effective way to take the lead and route them to the respective departments. This balances the automation level.

7. Meet User Expectations

The user wants a business to respond and stay present at his available time. Manually it is not always possible and even with a big team, sometimes the line is not free and the user has to wait. Chatbots respond instantaneously and solve this problem.

8. Streamline Onboarding

Customers can easily find the way to their desired service using chatbots. Chatbot systems can take customer queries and provide active links for the same.

9. Smooth Customer Journey

With the proper mentor, quick responses, and real-time answers, chatbots offer a smooth journey.

Along with the benefits of 24/7 availability, Chatbot development services come with many advantages. It helps you in grabbing the lost deals and initiating new leads, changing the story of business growth.


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According to the reports published by Juniper Research, the cost of building the Chatbot is significantly low than the cost incurred by loss of leads, low response quality, and delay in communication.


Types of Chatbot

Not every chatbot is the same. Every organization may need some exclusive features for specific needs from the chatbot development service. Therefore, there are several kinds of chatbots, according to demarcation on superset and subset.

From superset, two kinds of chatbots can invest in:

1. Bots in Own App

The chatbots working inside the mobile apps come under this category and are widely used by website development services. These apps perform a certain task for the automation of consumer interaction with the app. This saves cost and reduces the size of the team.

2. Bots Functioning With Messenger

These chatbots stay in messenger supporting the bot–user interaction, most prevalent among android app development companies. These bots are best recommended by software development company for businesses, which does not have any standalone apps and uses social media as the communication medium of the whole business.

Under the primary categories of the chatbot, which works with or without the dedicated app, there are other numbers of chatbots. Before you hire an iOS developer, let’s understand the types of chatbots:

  • FAQ Chatbot: Every user wants to know some things from your website and it’s completely natural to get some doubts. To better answer the questions of the user, FAQ chatbots are built. FAQ chatbots give an automated response to the usually asked questions. Intuitive chatbots provide the best interaction with the user and keep him engaged in the loop.
  • Conversational Chatbot: These chatbots are automated replacements for the customer support executive. It is not always possible to answer the question of users or communicate to them adhoc. Therefore, these chatbots take basic information about the user and keep him engaged till the executive is free.
  • Transactional Chatbot: These chatbots are most frequently used by eCommerce websites or apps which sell something. Here, users interact with the chatbot and purchase things using the chatbot. This eliminates the need for an hour-long conversation with the customer support executive.
  • Predictive Chatbots: These chatbots are advanced among mobile application development companies and are the most popular one of them all the time. These chatbots are designed for a specific purpose. Most of the time, the predictive chatbots are integrated with machine learning, for reading the user behavior and analyzing how the user reacts to certain situations.

However, the chatbots are structured the same, and the features are integrated for specific purposes. According to the survey by Oracle, around 80 percent of respondents said, that they had used chatbots already or planning to use them by 2020. For hiring a mobile app Development Company, you need to answer several questions to get the perfect chatbot:

  • What are the things you need to do before building a chatbot?
  • What are the processes involved in chatbot development by a web development company?
  • What is the cost of chatbot development?

Here, let’s read next to the cost efficiency and the approximate estimate of the chatbot app development phases.

The Process of Chatbot App Development

Here in this article, we have traveled through the definition of a chatbot, the types of chatbots and now we have come to the process of development. Before determining the cost of development, the chatbot app development process is necessary to understand.


The development process is categorized into several phases. Knowing the development process helps you in estimating the cost of the chatbot. Here is a roadmap for chatbot app development.

1. Discovery Phase

Discovery phases are the primary and essential steps for the development process of any website development service. Here, the task is to determine the project purpose. Getting the proper understanding of the chatbot features and cost-affecting factors, it is easier to understand the development strategy. Here the target of the app, metrics, and expectations are set.

Here you need to sum up all the requirement-generating factors of a chatbot. List the points out, and what you want from chatbot integration. This helps in ascertaining the development strategy. Also, the technology stack can be decided, whether you are an android app development company or an iOS development service provider.

The following things are focused on in this phase:  

  • Describe the size of the business.
  • Are you building a chatbot for entertaining the clients or for replacing customer support?
  • Which processes do you want to be automated such as customer support; post-sales request handling or any other?
  • How many messaging platforms are you providing support for? What are those platforms?

The above questions are truly simple but extremely important to answer for an in-depth understanding of the phase and go through advanced stages.

This phase of chatbot app development is all about identifying the requirements and functional chatbots features such as:

  • Flow of conversation
  • Control panel
  • Interaction channel
  • NLP
  • Backend

You also need to decide whether you want a

  1. Custom-built solution: These bots are built by web development companies with customized preferences, plans, and needs. These chatbots are perfect for custom requirements but they also come with the responsibility of support and maintenance.
  2. Build the app over another platform: This is a cost-effective solution. These services are available on a subscription basis along with the additional customization fee. Here, you need not worry about support and maintenance.

Choosing between two is your choice, as both are perfect for specific use cases. The final consideration is to determine the timeline, budget, and team ability on documentation.

 Cost To Hire A Blockchain Developer


2. Prototype and Evaluation

A prototype is a model which can be called the skeleton of the actual product. The prototype model tells what the product will look like. It can be functioning using code, or may mockups with the specific design. Here, designs, functions, and conversational routes are verified.

Every prototype is discussed with the client, for validating the requirement, making changes, outlining alternate options, and assessing the cost and risk. The idea is to catch the sense of risk and loss associated with the product and solve it at the early stages. The early stages of the development are less complex and it is easy to solve the issues here.

However, here at this stage, you can hire dedicated developers to make things smoother. Here the actual cost of the product development starts for website development companies. Usually, the cost of chatbot prototype development goes between $3000 and $5000.

3. Minimum Viable Product

Sometimes the prototype is wrongly considered to be the same as the prototype. Here it is worth knowing that the prototype is just a simple mockup with the least possible functionality, built for reading the cash flow and making changes as per user interference. Whereas Minimum Viable Product is a product with limited features, usually essential ones.

An MVP product contains the basic functionality, which can be said to be the lighter version of the chatbot. MVP product is ready to launch, is saleable, and marketable. It works with actual data and is exposed to user feedback, critics, and market responses.

The cost for building the minimum viable product by a good website development company could be between $10000 and $20000.

4. Software Release

The product with the list of competed set of features is launched in the market. The customer feedback is attained with the software MVP, and the respective changes are made. We elicit the risks and bugs in the early stages and therefore it is easier to launch the final product with the lowest possible risk.

The cost of this phase is determined in the early stages.

5. Continuous Development

Every product becomes better with time and experience. The effectiveness of the chatbot depends upon knowledge and training. Machine learning and Artificial intelligence are like a small kid, whose knowledge increases with experience and teaching and he gradually becomes a learned, knowledgeable guy.

Similarly, Continuous development makes the AI-powered chatbot more capable, intelligent, faster, intuitive, and communicate with a human. Overall it could be a good replacement for primary customer support.

How Much Does It Cost To Develop a Chatbot?

The AI-enabled chatbots are considered expensive and not affordable for small enterprises and ventures. With the help of various libraries, frameworks, and affordable technology, today, chatbot app development is easier and quite low cost.

The final cost estimation of a chatbot from a good mobile app development company goes between $8000 and $14000.




If your chatbot requirement is complex, while requiring a high level of computation and machine learning, it can go between $13000 and $23000. Often these kinds of chatbots handle a full range of business solutions.

You can start with the simple chatbot software and then automate the flow. A simple chatbot may also go between $5000 and $15000.

Summing it up

Hardly anyone will refuse the capabilities of any app integrated with the chatbot.  No user today wants to queue up in calls to customer care. Spending time over a phone call is the talk of the past today. The chatbot is not just a conversational flow for a website; instead, it expands the customer base, lets you collect data, and leads to better business terms. IT companies appreciate the ease of the self-serving tool and use it to correspond with customers anytime.

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Chatbots In Healthcare- Benefits, Types, Risks and FAQ Wed, 08 Dec 2021 05:09:05 +0000 With the increasing demand for mobile app development services, AI chatbot development is also raised. There is always a doubt that what a chatbot is and the answer is very simple, a chatbot is an AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) program that can do conversations or what we term a chat with any user in a very natural and understandable manner and language via messaging applications, websites, mobile applications or even via phone.

Artificial Intelligence is impacting every sector and is working towards the betterment of sectors. The health sector is equally impacted by AI and especially by Chatbots. Many organizations are gaining profits because of these AL-enabled virtual representatives and agents. These AI-enabled helpers provide 24×7 attention to the clients and help the organization out in areas of marketing, client services, and also payments.

AI did not make an impact on the healthcare industry until the year 2021. Since last year the health care sector noticed a compound annual growth rate of around forty percent. Unlike any other application, these chatbots do not need any kind of downloading and thus they do not take up much space on phones.

In the general world, Chatbots are often described as one of the most advanced ways to do an interaction that is not human-to-human interaction. A chatbot is software that is specially designed to do automated tasks that are already specified.

It is a conversational user interface, and the information provided by the chatbot is well researched as it is connected to the data sources. Many Industries were using AI chatbots unlike health care but now AI has come as a savior in the industry as well. These Chatbots can detect any disease, can tell the user how to operate a life-saving machine, etc. AI chatbots are useful in the industry. On-demand app development companies are getting profits because of the sudden use of chatbots.

Mobile App Service

Types Of Chatbots

According to the case of usage, chatbots are divided into two types, open and closed. Open chatbots are the ones that use AI for processing the language and also learn from the interaction being done with the previous users.

A closed chatbot is one that executes a conversation in a particular flow, that is they already have a script. They do not use artificial intelligence every time while evaluating the answers by the users. An experienced Chatbot development company will always let its customers choose which one they want.

Types Of Chatbots

Artificial Chatbots In Healthcare Industry

In the medical industry, with the help of On-demand app development services, Artificial chatbots help in prioritizing patients and help them in getting the assistance they want. Chatbots are considered more trustworthy and reliable substitutes for the online search. These online searches are done when the patient finds some uncomfortable symptoms of any disease.

As we all are aware, online research will give a list of diseases we might be having even if we type that we have a sore throat and that is why it is believed that chatbots will assist patients who are unsure of what they are suffering from and if they should contact a doctor or not.

This is needed because not every discomfort is a sign to visit a doctor but then people have no idea when they should visit the doctor, and many lose their lives because of this confusion.

Common people do not understand the severity of their situations timely, which leads to various issues in the future. These chatbots will help them in keeping a check if they need to visit a doctor or not. These chatbots will be helpful as they collect data from patients and depending on the inputs of patients, these chatbots will recommend to them the things they should do next.

An End-to-End Guide To Hire Healthcare App Developers in 2022

Types Of Healthcare Chatbots

It will be very foolish to say that healthcare chatbots are of the same kind where there is a whole list of different chatbots that can be developed by any healthcare CMS development company used in the Healthcare industry. Building unique chatbots is also required for the healthcare industry. Health app developers have to keep in mind the purpose of these chatbots and what purpose a particular chatbot will serve. For now, primarily, there are three kinds of healthcare chatbots:

  1. Prescriptive Chatbots
  2. Conversational Chatbots
  3. Informative Chatbots

We will discuss them one by one.

1. Prescriptive Chatbots:

Prescriptive Chatbots are designed to do conversations with the user. These chatbots are developed to provide direction, answers, and awareness based on the input done by the user. These chatbots are also known for their therapeutic solutions whenever needed.

2. Conversational Chatbots:

These chatbots are developed for being contextual tools. These chatbots offer responses that depend on the user’s input and purpose. The Intensity of the conversation varies according to the maturity levels a conversational chatbot has.

Conversational chatbots that are on a higher level of intelligence are successful in offering a pre-built answer on the inputs and also have the capability to understand the context in a better manner. This is because these chatbots do conversations as a whole rather than processing the sentences in privacy. More personal responses are there when the intelligence of a chat box is higher.

The level can get so high that these chatbots start mimicking normal human interactions. Conversational chatbots have natural Language Understanding, Natural Language Processing, and applications of Artificial Intelligence, these all boost the understanding of human interactions in these chatbots.

3. Informative Chatbots:

Informative Chatbots, just like their name, offer informative outputs to users. These are done in the form of notifications, stories, and pop-ups. These Chatbots have automated client support. Mental Health Websites and new sites related to healthcare use these chatbots to help them in accessing more details about a particular topic.

Use of Chatbots In The Healthcare Industry

Use of Chatbots In The Healthcare Industry

Chatbots in the health care industry are a new addition and thus cannot be given all the responsibilities, especially when it comes to patient engagement that has to be done by a specialist only. But even after this, these chatbots are very useful and are a real help to the industry.  Contacting a chatbot development company will be beneficial in seeing what the usage of Chatbots precisely is. Here is some usage of Chatbots in the industry:

  • Administration and Client Services

We all have seen those chatbot icons on the websites we visit just for taking out some information. These chatbots help in solving all the minor issues and also help in the navigation to the healthcare services.

  • Health Tracking

Many patients need health care support regularly and these patients will have the benefit of chatbots. How? Medical providers can simply utilize these bots to make connections and conversations between the patient and the doctor, in this way both will have a detailed health record that can be analyzed daily.

  • Mental Health

This might not seem real but many bots can provide humanized conversations that help humans to be sure that they are talking with a human only. These chatbots are useful for people who struggle in expressing themselves for a number of reasons and are also useful for people who have anxiety and depression issues. These chatbots can create an environment for people where they can expand themselves and get positivity.

  • Involvement of Patients

Some people are fond of technology and in a tech-savvy world, it is easier to attract patients to attend their calls and queries if it is done on an interesting AI software. This will also make a bond between patient and doctor even stronger and that is needed for patients to follow the instructions given by the health provider. Many healthcare businesses hire a professional Healthcare app development company to get their hands on these chatbots.

  • Helps in answering frequently asked questions

The FAQs people have regarding the system, disease, symptoms, and other medical-related things can be solved by conversing with these chatbots. These chatbots successfully will provide information about a particular organization and can also answer the queries related to insurance covers as well. All in all, these chatbots are useful in giving the right answers to the FAQs.


Benefits of Healthcare Application Development: Usage of AI Chatbots

With no doubt in mind, we can say that AI Chatbots support clinical groups by shedding some load from their shoulders. These AI chatbots analyze the data of patients and are also capable of suggesting solutions and these chatbots also refer patients to contact the doctor via chat rather than visiting them personally. This is relevant for the situation that the world is facing since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the world.

From an experiment or a fun thing, these AI Chatbots are more like a need for the healthcare industry. The chatbots that are developed by custom mobile app development services providing companies offer many benefits to the healthcare industry like:

  • These chatbots are capable to give better patient pathways they should follow
  • They also help well in emergencies like guiding the user on how to do the dressing properly
  • They also help well in medical management
  • If the medical issue is as simple as flu then these chatbots can give a solution that will be assisted by the doctors as well.
  • Chatbots also help in billing and insurance claims
  • They help in doing automated data developing
  • Chatbots are also scalable
  • Chatbots remind patients about their appointments

How To Develop A Healthcare App- Modules, Features, and Cost

Risks Involved in Chatbots

There are always two sides to everything then and using chatbots can be filled with all the good things. These chatbots also have drawbacks such as:

  • Wrong Medical Data

Imagine getting diagnosed wrongly just because the software had the wrong information and now one patient decides not to visit a doctor because the chatbot suggested that it will go away. These wrong provisions and data are harmful to everyone involved. Financial loss will be there and patients can also sue because of the small mistakes.

  • No Face to Face interactions

We talked about the good it is for people who are not able to express themselves but we forgot how some people do need to see the human realm in real to interact properly. This emotional compatibility can not be provided by a chatbot in any manner. The requirements of a patient might not even meet in such cases.

  • Privacy concerns

Users can be afraid of sharing their health information. Even after doing everything to secure these chatbots, there is always a risk that someone can easily peek and manipulate the patients easily.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are top healthcare Chatbots?

There are many well-known healthcare chatbots in the healthcare industry. Some names are mentioned below:

  1. Babylon Health
  2. Ada Health
  3. YourMd
  4. Buoy Health CancerChatbot
  5. Safedrugbot
  6. Safedrugbot

2. How chatbots can help in the Covid-19 pandemic?

Chatbots will be very useful in Covid-19 because many patients panic because they do not get one correct diagnosis or even better information about their symptoms.

In such cases, these chatbots will be very useful and they will provide the most accurate and balanced information. Chatbots will also help in making the screening process very efficient and fast.

3. How much does it cost to build a healthcare chatbot?

The cost of the app development will depend on various factors like:

  1. Platform
  2. Complexity of chatbot
  3. Complexity of design
  4. Structure complexity
  5. Features required
  6. Use of technology



Healthcare App Maintenance Services- An Ultimate Guide

Few Final Words

The demand for healthcare CMS development companies results in an increasing demand for Healthcare Chatbots. These Chatbots are useful for the industry because they will help in solving minor discomforts a person might have regarding their health.

These chatbots are better than search engines that are preferred by patients when they feel something unusual going on in their bodies, these chatbots will give the most accurate solutions to the problems. These AI-regulated chatbots are reliable because they learn from every interaction and increase their efficiency if designed in that manner.

These chatbots are also useful in times of emergency when many people panic because they are not under the supervision of a doctor. Usage of Chatbots can also be done to provide some general information regarding an organization in the healthcare industry and they are also useful in different platforms like billing and accounting. These chatbots can also be used as a way to contact doctors more efficiently in times of emergency.

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How to develop a chatbot from scratch and what are the cost to develop a chatbot? Wed, 05 Feb 2020 13:29:01 +0000 Wherever we see, chatbots are around us. They not only help us in getting groceries to get delivered to our homes easily but also search and find for the cheapest flights, provide medical advice based on the received symptoms and even grab a taxi for us.

Essentially, before we knew how far they have actually come into our lives, we see them into our smartphones, and they have duly become our own personal pocket assistants.

Although, it is not just the consumers who have been benefitted a lot from this advancement in artificial intelligence. A lot of brands as well as businesses now recognize chatbots as the latest disruptive way to easily communicate with their own target audiences. So let’s find out how to develop a chatbot from scratch.

Also, messaging platforms now express an extreme willingness to take over as the go-betweens easily and even serve as the major hubs for the chatbot Custom Web Development as well as their integration.


What is Chatbot?

Basically, chatbots are software programs that a user can easily communicate through a chat interface utilizing text messages or voice. The key feature of all of the chatbots is that they utilize the power of NLP or natural language processing so that the overall interaction with them feels quite natural for the people. Also, chatbots can easily live inside apps, website or messengers and are widely utilized for different purposes.

There are two basic approaches to make a chatbot:

  1. Rule-based Approach
  2. AI-based Approach

Rule-based Approach

It implies that the chatbot is essentially developer as per certain rules under which and simply only under which it is allowed to operate.

These chatbots generally reply to the keywords in the user inquiry and then respond accordingly or simply suggest the user choose from given predefined answering options.

In case a user message doesn’t essentially contain any of the keywords, the chatbots can easily “get lost” as they can’t simply understand the overall context of the conversation.

For example, The H&M bot is a perfect example of a rule-based bot. Essentially, it acts and performs as a virtual sales assistant which suggests outfits for the users based on their particular preferences as well as styles.

Read More:- Does Your 2020 Marketing Strategy Include Chatbot Services

Also, the bot works within the given predefined scenarios. Basically, it asks the users different questions and suggests the particular answering options, then shows the pictures of different outfits and asks the users to duly choose which one they actually like the most or even enable the users to easily create the outfits all by themselves by means of picking items from the given suggested options. In case a user types any random message, the bot readily replies in a manner as “I’m sorry, I’m lost”.

Even though the overall abilities of the rule-based bots are quite limited to the entire programmed scenarios, but they can still handle different tasks.

In this regard, the H&M bot assists the company to sell the stock in a much more engaging as well as entertaining way. hire dedicated developers who are well-versed on the rule-based approach for such chatbot development.


AI-based Approach

When it comes to chatbots that are powered by artificial intelligence as well as machine learning, they don’t need any keywords actually to count on.

Also, unlike the rule-based counterparts, they are quite able to understand the overall context of the conversation. But their conversation abilities are generally limited to the topics which they are actually trained in- the times when chatbots will actually understand anything that people tell them are still quite far away.

But the good news is that in the case of AI-based chatbots, they can be upgraded and even trained to recognize new user intent and hence be further improved as essentially talk partners.


Why develop a Chatbot?

Essentially, there are two basic reasons why chatbots are achieving a leading role. First is the trend aiming towards conversational commerce, and second is the continuous rise of messaging websites and platforms.

Also, it turned out that essentially most of the online services are essentially a source of constant dissatisfaction, right from poor designs to the issue of impersonality.

Also, it seems that chatbots are quite able to cover most of the pains of the customers. It opens new avenues for chatbot development services


These chatbots are able to achieve a lot more below points are mentioned to prove the above statement:

  • Chatbots essentially perform boring tasks for the customers
  • Chatbots offer instant information
  • Chatbots easily make the entire customer experience much more personal
  • Chatbots don’t have any interface
  • Chatbots don’t require smartphone storage


Chatbots can Perform boring tasks

Right from browsing the stock or even searching for the contact details of the company, chatbots do it for the customers. These different microtasks can be quite time-consuming and very frustrating, also taking into account that users need to basically interact with a wide range of unknown websites as well as apps on quite a daily basis.

1) Offer instant information

It is one of the main vital reasons why customers prefer chatbots rather than other ways of reaching out to the businesses, generally when they need or require a quick solution.

2) Easy customer experience

It may sound quite funny as we are essentially talking about software, but basically, chatbots can easily give businesses a definite personal voice.

They use natural language to easily communicate with people and the actual way they essentially “talk” easily influences how consumers actually feel about the given brand.

3) Interface

Utilizing a chatbot is simply utilizing language. Essentially, people can easily jump on chatting with a particular bot virtually while on the go without actually have to learn how to utilize it.

4) Smartphone storage

Even though applications require smartphone storage, chatbots don’t. Hence, that’s the reason why people aren’t actually willing to install the app of each and every business they essentially interact with.

Also, chatbots are quite cheaper to create as well as support than apps. Hence, it isn’t reasonable for a few brands, generally small ones, to actually develop their own mobile app when a particular chatbot can easily suffice.


How to create a Chatbot?

In case you have decided to develop a chatbot from scratch, then you need first to select and choose a proper tool for the development. However, there are no universal ready-made solutions that you can essentially use for anything.

However, if you are wondering how to develop a chatbot from scratch utilizing already available tools and software, then there are some options. However, the choice primarily depends on whether you are essentially able to code, what type and level of customization you require, and what particular platform you wish your chatbot to run on essentially.

In case you wish your chatbot to live as well as operate inside a particular messenger, there are some of the bot starter kits of the most popular messaging apps such as Slack, Facebook Messenger, Telegram and Kik.


how to create chatbot


In order to create a chatbot for Facebook Messenger, then you can easily consider Chatfuel-among different other features, it has a wide range of bot templates which you can easily make use of, or you can use OctaneAI- which is chatbot building platform for particular Shopify stores.

In case you require integration with your own app or website, then you can try Google’s Botsify and DialogFlow. They easily enable you to create much more intelligent as well as feature-rich chatbots without even writing a single line of code.

However, if you require a complete custom solution, you can then try to build a chatbot right from scratch.

How to Build Chatbot from Scratch?

In order to explain how to develop a chatbot from scratch, we are going to take an example of a chatbot created for a mobile banking app that is meant to save the customers from trouble whenever they are paying for the services online.

Essentially, the procedure of paying for the different government services slightly differs depending on the place of residence of the user and most of the time it is really quite an ordeal to find and search the necessary and required transaction manually. Hence, the chatbot is able to complete this in an instant.


Essentially, it starts with a user starting the conversation, by typing something, and the chatbot extracts the necessary information from the user intent and finds the required transaction and sends the necessary payment form to the user in the form of response.

Hence, the main task is to train the chatbot in order to derive the required data from the actual user intent. Also, the process of extracting data is known as named entity recognition. In this case, the named entities are basically the names of locations as well as transactions.


How to handle the task during chatbot development?

  1. Parsing
  2. Division of entities into different groups
  3. Creation of Intents


In order to train the chatbot, it is necessary to compile an entire dictionary of the named entities which are the names of all of the populated areas as well as all kinds of transactions which can be made through a mobile bank along with their variations.

As there is quite a finite number of popular areas well as transactions, a language like Python script can be used to parse them all.

Division of entities

The obtained entities are broken down into different categories or tags such that they could be further recognized easily by the particular chatbot. In order to do this, a parser which obtains structured data from the particular unstructured texts by certain rules is used.

Creation of Intents

On the basis of generated categories, it creates a list of different user intents as well as chatbot responses to them. Also, the chatbot responses are quite straightforward and even aimed at getting the necessary information from the given user- such as the location as well as transaction names.

Once the user intent is covered, the chatbot essentially makes an inquiry that contains the transaction name as well as the user location to a particular database, and it also returns the given transactions which match the particular inquiry the best.

It is admitted that it is certainly not a one-size-fits-all list on how to actually write chatbot. Every project is quite unique and needs a bit of teamwork in order to become successful.


How much does it cost to develop a chatbot from scratch?

In case you have the budget and wish to offer the customer with top-quality services, then you should provide customized chatbot solution. Such solutions have an initial cost involved, and they can easily be designed as per the target audience requirements.

However, in case you are not proficient with the coding as well as development then you can hire a chatbot app development company that can develop a chatbot for your own enterprise.

When it comes to the cost of development and development cycle, mentioned below are the estimated cost as well as the different phases.

  1. Development Phase
  2. Implementation of Prototype
  3. Release of Minimum Viable Product

Development Phase

In this particular phase, it is more than the ideation phase where the businesses as well as the entire teamwork in complete synergy to easily identify the actual objective of the chatbot.

Hence, during this phase, questions like the need or requirements for the chatbot, applications to integrate, functions to automate, etc. are duly answered.

Read More:- List Of Leading Use-case Trends We See For AI In 2020

After this, the entire method of development is duly followed and timeline etc. is essentially decided. In case things go well, and all the data is present, then the entire ideation phase essentially requires nearly 4-5 days.

Implementation of  Prototype

Essentially a prototype allows the business to check the most basic functionality of a chatbot and basically is a feasibility test that is intended to easily verify the design as well working of different critical features and functions.

Also, this particular phase allows for complete risk reduction and easily helps the businesses to implement as well as check if the chatbot they are essentially developing is properly in line with their actual business plan.

Basically, this phase can easily cost nearly $3000-$4000, which can vary from one company to another.


Release of Minimum Viable Product

Basically, the MVP phase is the time when the businesses are required to launch a much lighter version of the application to the entire general populace for obtaining their feedback.

It helps in identifying bugs as well as errors in the bot and also allows us to fix this before the overall integration as well as deployment. Also, after the launch of MVP, the best test results are finally obtained, and the developers can correct the errors and then finally launch the chatbot.

Creating and launching an MVP often cost around $10,000-$12000, which depends on the company you hire as well as features that you incorporate.

Hence, depending upon the development company you approach, the chatbot app development cost is around $13000-$16000.



Essentially, chatbots are currently disrupting the entire way the businesses and their customers communicate. Basically, they took over the tasks performed by humans, saving their time and also making them engaged as well as loyal to the brand.

Not only they talk our language, and even handle our inquiries but also make the customer experience much more automated as well as fast simultaneously and even more personalized along with human-like.

They are keeping us on the edge of a completely new era where every brand will have its own personal voice that will make the customer-brand relations much stronger and closer.They are keeping us on the edge of a completely new era where every brand will have its own personal voice that will make the customer-brand relations much stronger and closer.


How long does it take to build a chatbot from scratch?

To develop a chatbot from scratchtakes 4 to 12 weeks, depending on the bot’s scope, the time required to build your knowledge base and its technical complexity.


Can we build chatbot without AI?

Without Artificial Intelligence, we won’t be able to create a bot. As a result, it is incorrect. To make the bot adapt to the information and examples, we’ll require machine learning. The bot’s ability to deduce specific probability on which can be decided must then be tested in the real world.


Which technique is used in chatbot?

Artificial intelligence chatbots employ AI and natural language processing (NLP) technology to recognize sentence structure, interpret the knowledge, and improve their ability to answer questions. Instead of relying on a pre-programmed response, AI chatbots first determine what the customer or user is saying.

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Top Technological Trends That Will Transform World and Impact Business in 2022 Wed, 22 Jan 2020 12:20:13 +0000 Technological Trends- At present technology is evolving in all dimensions and considering the exciting development in the segment we can expect a lot to see in the coming years. And looking forward to future technology and expecting the possibilities in the present age, AI software development seems to be more exciting.

It is always fascinating to see the future possibilities and there is no further question with the basic or ideal functioning digital transformation growing at a tremendous rate.

Read More:- How to develop a chatbot from scratch and what are the cost to develop a chatbot?

It is to be marked here that a large number of Technology-based industries are not shifting at the same pace but they are making certain growth factors with the help of IT professionals.

Individuals associated with such platforms understand that the IT workers at present must be adaptive and consistent with the technology every now and then.


In short, it means staying up to date with the advancements in technology, keeping a close eye on the future predictions, and essential skills to be developed considering them.

Over the last few years, the digital transformation has remained a hot topic to discuss among various platforms where the trends are also a bit repetitive.

Technological Giants like cloud computing, IoT, AI, ML, edge computing, and others seem to like the same tables rearranged in the old room. Under such instances, we can say that 2020 is the year to move on and have a departure from the past.

It is obvious that the core technologies are dominating and will remain foundational in the collective digital transformation of the instances.

A large number of enterprise mobility solutions are experimenting with the advancements made in the core technologies which are ultimately beneficial.

List of Arti trends

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Internet of things
  • 5G
  • Fast Wi-Fi
  • Multi experience
  • Cybersecurity
  • Automation
  • Blockchain

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

In the field of technological development, artificial intelligence trends always had a greater impact. In the last few years, it has surprisingly replaced all the odds and found a mark in the forecast of the recent Technology.

AI Trends necessary apply to the systems which are programmed to respond to mimic human intelligence involving tasks like speech, image recognition, decision making, or other patterns.

The Artificial intelligence development company is certain with technology because it provides accurate and faster results compared to humans.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning provide an unprecedented inside in the industrial landscape to the organizations along with improving the performance and allocation of resources.

In the big picture marketing professionals can easily visualize these insights to improvise their performance along with other factors.

Adding more Microsoft has also announced that previous adopters of AI and ML have already gained nearly a 5% increase in their efficiency, business results, and quality as compared to those platforms that have not adopted the technology. In 2020 marketing professionals must be obsessed with AI Trends and ML for plenty of reasons.

Internet of things

In the world of technology and Enterprise mobility solutions, it is obvious that business platforms choose the internet as a mode of communication and provide development services globally.

IoT will secure a stable foothold for a variety of segments approaching in the future transforming the lives of millions of people. It is also predicted that IoT will connect every object to the Internet in one way or the other where its sensors will instantly calculate and sent the updates to the cloud.

Its other utility can be seen in turning the skills and technology together to make educational tools more effective. It will offer much better acceptance to the community of learners having better effects and performance. It can be referred to as a path-breaking but an everlasting service that can be considered.


In 2020 various Nations all across or better say the whole world is under the spell of instant internet connection adding more to it we cannot avoid the benefits which are associated with it.

It leads to the obvious fact that the 5G network is all set to find its recognition in the technology. Adding more to the AI software development drinks plenty of benefits like high-speed internet, lower latency, and capacity.

All of them together contribute to making one of the major technological trends at present and approaching years. The rise in new networks will consistently light up various industries globally connecting more devices in the wide network where the business platforms will be able to demonstrate medical, automotive, industrial, educational or other use cases. The latest prediction in 2020 is the total integration of a 5G network to reach the market and provide unimaginable coverage.

Fast Wi-Fi

It is better to know that 5G and Wi-Fi 6 are two different shores of the same Technology drinking a lot in wireless connection and speed in the year 2020. They are also working in the frame to create a perfect end-to-end combination of some supreme and ultra-fast connectivity for the workplace.

They are expected to offer a speed three times faster than the achievable speed at present. Its real value refers to the ability to extend faster connection and data speed to more devices compared to the capability of Wi-Fi 5.

It is important for two different reasons one is that the number of interconnected devices on any network is expected to grow significantly from 10 to 40 in the coming years and it will require a faster, smarter, and more efficient Wi-Fi capability.

Second is the quality and volume of consuming the data through the networks are also increasing and why fire is not capable to handle the entire load on its own. Hence to eliminate such drawbacks Wi-Fi 6 is in the bigger picture.

Multi experience

The efficiency of multi-experience tackles a massive shift of a two-dimensional display and keyboard interface to a much better, multimodal, and dynamic interface.

At present, it is focusing on immersive experiences that utilize extended reality, multichannel human-machine interfaces, sensing technologies, and a lot more. Various other versions have made the Artificial intelligence development company opt for such solutions.

The platforms that are artificial intelligence-enabled have changed the Dynamics in which users interact in the digital world.

it can be said that this combined shift in perception, as well as interaction, will lead to a better multi-sensory or multimodal experience. Over the next few years, it will become a popular trend which will be known by the term “ambient experience”.


The threats associated with cybercrime are always demotivating for the companies where it becomes essential to consider a proactive approach for the measures.

Cyber hunting refers to the combined functioning of high-security algorithms to detect stealth breaches and prevent attacks or other malicious activities that are initiated by them.

One of the most significant benefits offered by AI integrated technology is that by employing such algorithms and learning it will get easy to detect foreign elements and prevent security breaches.

Adding more, hyper-automation mentions the sources of digital transformation in the ever-changing business world. They also create some security vulnerabilities with certain points of attack where AI has main perspectives including-

  • Protection of the AI power systems, machine learning models
  • leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance the defense and utilizing them to understand the patterns of breaches and other attacks
  • Anticipating the misuse of AI by the attackers and identifying them


Considering the fact that the market is flooded with numerous emerging technologies like big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, robotics, and so on heading for a high scale growth in the industries.

Hence it is no surprise that automation is at its peak at present and a large number of Chatbot development services providers or firms manage the automation deployment structure right from accounting to the software.


The top emerging technology in today’s world is Blockchain which is a decentralized digital ledger that withholds the transactions of numerous systems globally.

They are also registered in such a manner to inhibit subsequent modification increasing the security and exchanges of information to make them cost-effective and transparent.

Blockchain technology is around for the last few years but it has been slow to be fully developed or commercially deployed as it has some technical challenges.

Blockchain also has the potential to reshape the industry by investing transparency and value exchange across the business segments. It is capable to reduce the transaction settlement times, decrease the cost, improving cash flow, movement of materials, and so on.

Blockchain also dispenses which third-party application providers whose main aim is to offer an element of trust and authentication in all the possible transactions.

Also, the corporations providing Artificial intelligence solutions are mainly looking at blockchain platforms to build a top-level business solution with absolute ease.

The demand for Blockchain developers is also on the rise who are consequently working on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other similar protocols creating applications for the real world and learning the essential dynamics.

What else to cover?

It is also expected that everything as a service will gain a higher momentum this year as compared to the same it did in the year 2019. It is seen that it has been building up in the previous years but in 2020 it will be mainstream transforming the digital successions.

The digital transformation is also associated with the immediate bonds of user and customer experience emphasizing the continuous drive with business investment.

It is obvious for the organization that is increasingly transitioning from developing the internal competencies and efficiency to executing its vision.

On the contrary modifications in connectivity, smart automation, compute capabilities, intuitive user interfaces, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and so on will contribute to making a point of inflection for the users. It will also give coverage to industries ranging from hospitality to retail and healthcare to transportation.

Read More:- Does Your 2020 Marketing Strategy Include Chatbot Services

We must also give concern to the privacy offered by Chatbot development services that impose essential controls over the technology. At present more and more companies are getting serious with data security and other privacy issues and adopting transparency as the major brand differentiator.

This supports the user to opt-in or out of the data source schemes with absolute awareness and ease from their previous experience. It will be exciting in 2020 to see the tech giants stepping up to drive security and privacy with the collected data.

Further Add-Ons

It makes sense when we say that we are in an age of major industrial revolution technology is evolving faster than ever before. The companies or individuals that don’t keep up with the advancements in the tech sector will risk a lot on their own.

Understanding the essential trends will allow business platforms to prepare for the opportunities and grasp them whenever it is time. We have considered some incredible trends before but have a look at some of the most imminent trends that you can brush off in 2020.

  • Autonomous driving
  • Personalized and predictive healthcare
  • Computer vision
  • Extended reality

Autonomous driving

We have not made a progression in the field of autonomous vehicles but it is for sure that the future is full of such possibilities. A large number of autonomous vehicles having automatic braking or lane changing systems is gaining better insights.

It is not just limited to cars for bikes but also involves shipping and trucking. The technology associated with autonomous driving is measuring which gives concern to the measures taken to regulate it.

Personalized and predictive healthcare

At an unprecedented rate, technology is transforming the healthcare sector where the capability to capture data from wearable devices offers the ability to predict and treat health issues among people even before they get to experience any other symptoms.

Also when it comes to providing the treatment they might provide personalized approaches with it which can also be referred to as medicine precision allowing the doctors to precisely provide medicines and treatments.

We must be thankful for the data-driven understanding and the effectiveness of their association. Even in the fields of genomics and artificial intelligence several breakthroughs are witnessed giving a better understanding of the concept of diseases and their prevention.

In 2020 we will get to see newer healthcare applications that will be capable to provide predictive healthcare solutions introducing a personalized and effective treatment.

Computer vision

In terms of computers, vision refers to the systems which are involved in the identification of items, places, images, people, and other instances collected by a sensor or camera.

Technology is also responsible for the allowance given to the camera of the Smartphone to recognize the facial image capturing and powers more technology like Google image search.

In 2020 we will see a better insight into computer vision technology that will be rolled out for an increase in user base. It is also empowering facial recognition which we will get to hear a lot in the coming years.

We have already witnessed the utility of technology in controlling access to smartphones in a variety of cases. As the technology is growing it is raising concern for Artificial intelligence solutions because of its potential to erode security.

Extended reality

Extended reality refers to the catch-all term covering various new or emerging technologies that are being used to develop a more immersive digital user experience.

In more specific terms it refers to augmented, virtual, or mixed reality. Virtual reality offers a completely digital immersive experience where the user can enter a computer-generated world with the help of headsets to blend out the real world.

Augmented reality has the power to overlay digital objects with the help of Smartphone screens in the real world. At last mixed reality can be said as an extension of augmented reality which means that users can interact easily with the digital objects placed in the real world.

All of these technologies have been around for the last few years but recently they have been confined to the sector of entertainment. In the year 2020, we can expect everything to change considering extended reality and business platforms will hold better crab with its exciting possibilities.

For the fields of training or simulation augmented and virtual reality will become more prevalent offering innovative ways to interact with people.

The Bottom line

In the year 2020, the core technologies for mature foundational technologies will remain in the business and continue to place themselves in the hub of digital transformation initiatives.

It will get recognition at the enterprise level where the above-mentioned trend will dominate and update the trajectory of a potential digital transformation program. It is marking heights in the Custom software development company as well.

In 2020, artificial intelligence, Blockchain technology, machine learning, extended reality will continue to flourish and grow near a certain point where a large number of marketing professionals will not be able to hold anything for long.

It will also involve the brands excelling in the customer experience with the reign of supreme marketing strategies.

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Does Your 2020 Marketing Strategy Include Chatbot Services Fri, 06 Dec 2019 13:01:04 +0000 This is the age of Artificial Intelligence and most of the business organizations are turning their favour towards automated business processing and Marketing Strategy.

The innovative technology has brought another development to bring ease in the functioning of business organizations. A chatbot developer can develop chatbot services to help you maintain close transparency with customers.

Augmented reality that creates an enhanced picture of the real world and Virtual Reality provides a complete immersion into the world that is quite different from our physical world outside.

A custom software development company can produce another efficient service software for your company. The chatbot is a kind of software model that is based on a customer’s conversation simulation.

Snapchat is an example of augmented reality. The term bot means robot and chatbot thus imply robotic conversation. They reflect on how a human being would choose to behave during a conversation.

Read More:- How to develop a chatbot from scratch and what are the cost to develop a chatbot?

We can see such examples regularly at various web pages wherein the chatbot appears as soon as we open the site and it interacts with us as an attendant and answers many of our queries through text or through auditory methods.

Most modern businesses use chatbot services to produce answers as per the user’s reference depending upon the analysis of their earlier behaviors. It is required to stay connected with reality in order to grow the business in a uniform manner.

Streamlining with the customer processes turns easier and the interactions turn more exciting and engaging. A chatbot is now used as a part of new marketing strategies and you can get the same through a web development services provider.

Related Blog: Tips to Develop Modern Enterprise Chatbot

Personalized Content Offering for Marketing Strategy

The decision making, compilation, analyzation of the data turn rich in nature when it gets on the chatbot form where Artificial Intelligence keeps a track of the previous and present streamline. The chatbot functioning is based on such a smart technology that whenever a chatbot interacts with the customer it suggests them the content on the basis of their previous purchasing history, conversations, the trends. On top of that their suggestions are completely unique for each customer. Content personalization provides a great customer response because it saves a lot of time while browsing the products.



The services, products and user experience are personalized with the help of chatbots. This is the best reason for you to include chatbot services in your marketing strategy of 2020. Take an instance where you message a chatbot to inquire about a product and its availability. The chatbot might give you a straight answer to your inquired question or it might first suggest you about some similar products. Most of the online retailers do that all the time. The chatbot now provides a new set of recommendations when you revisit the website after some time. The message can be in the form of a written or auditory message.

Choose a nice software development company that can provide the best software to enhance your company’s customary support.

The chatbot talks about the recommended products and not just talk about it in real-time. The customers need opinions regarding the product choices and the chatbot becomes their companion by providing composite content. The customers can ask the chatbot to recommend them something on the basis of present reviews. The chatbot would answer your customers with successful results if they ask it to compare multiple items and their potential differences like their quality, prices, and durability.

Now each individual gets its own personal attendant in the form of a chatbot that is well aware of its customer’s taste and preferences. There cannot be anything better than chatbot shoppers. They are therefore potentially the most efficient marketing strategy that is helpful for not just the customers but for your business. You can accomplish this under the assistance of a top web development services provider.


Digital World needs a digital solution

Digital means like chatbots are channelized in such a manner that the businesses can get such technologies developed by the chatbot development services provider to produce maximum benefits to the company. The results are really important to drive the company’s product sales such it gets maximum Return on Investment. The driving vehicle must be well-equipped with perfect technology and the businesses must be able to cope up with the same without any technological barriers. The connectivity between the customers and your company needs to have a strong foundation that does not merely stay on a surface level. The company might be having various tools to drive the automated personalized experience for the customers but a chatbot is something that is required to add to the volume of fruitful interactions.

Read More:- List Of Leading Use-case Trends We See For AI In 2020

The first impression is the last impression because it lasts forever. Your introductory services to the customers should be such that they wish to join you back in the future as well. They should see such a presentation that can attract them towards your service and they can expect more from you. It is called the middle funnel and we will learn more about it in the paragraphs below. Chatbots keep a record of the customer’s interests and it keeps on sending them notifications related to their desired items and products. That chatbot can be employed for sending order updates. The chatbot can up-sell products that are similar to that order. The technology can provide logistics support in the form of live tracking and shipment details. You can talk to your chatbot developer if you want to add such features in your chatbot.

Web and App development

Let’s see where does the bot come into play

Top Of The Funnel

In this phase, the bot can be used to engage customers towards your business services. There are various means of doing the same:

  • Through email campaigning
  • Homepage engagements that help when the customers arrive on your homepage
  • Popups on

You can engage the customers on the top of the funnel with many such ideas as we have mentioned above.

Middle Of The Funnel

This contains transactions, purchases, services, exchanges, etc. Here your bot can do the maximum to ensure a smooth process. The chatbot can be deployed to solve various concerns of the customers related to their purchase and company’s services and terms and policies. In the end, the customers must be satisfied with your services. The bot can diagnose the futuristic issues for the customers in advance in order to keep them aware at the right time and mitigate the risks of losing customers due to any uncertainties. With this, the bot can suggest solutions to each user for their issues. The chatbot development services provider can add these features to your chatbot software.

Bottom Of The Funnel

The bot in the bottom funnel provides support to the customers to help them and provide information related to their purchasing like shipment details. If they have left your website without making a purchase then the bot can notify them to buy the shortlisted items in the form of messages or using other different methodologies.  It can give some discount notifications, coupons or recommendations to buy similar items from your site. It can provide complete tracking of the purchased product until the time it gets handed to the customer.



The bot hence acts as a responsible companion for your company that does not forget about the user’s experience and acts accordingly to provide the best sales response. You can learn to add a chatbot to your company’s website in merely 7 minutes. You can try .BOT if you endeavor to provide your valuable customer’s live support. Here you get to register your bot domain and they integrate well with your business. Start with the BOT domain. A chatbot developer can help you a lot more with the development of a chatbot.

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