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PHP is one of the most pervasive programming languages of the time. The past 20 years have seen PHP growing in various directions. The number of frameworks and impressive developer community have given it the advantage to permeate all through the technology upgrades.

Be it AI or ML, PHP is everywhere and a powerful contender for its opponent. The esteemed PHP is widely used. PHP Development Services are widely popular for static, and dynamic applications and for high-level apps that induce complex calculations.

There are multiple PHP frameworks available in the market and IT companies dealing with these types of development can hire dedicated Laravel developers from there.


Laravel developer


Among the frameworks, Laravel is a well-known, free, and open-source web framework developed for leveraging web app development using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern. Before going deeper into other components, let’s understand why Laravel is preferred for use.

Laravel was developed in 2011 by Taylor Otwell, with security as its most important feature. Laravel inhibits the complex functionality using easy-to-implement methods that work best for you. MVC puts the code logic and presentation logic separately, which also eases the management of security. The features make Laravel applications more responsive.


What is Laravel Developer? 


laravel developer


Laravel Developer is a coding expert, who can create a professional, secure, and highly intuitive Laravel Website and app for future requirements. Over the years, there has been a steep rise in the demand for Laravel due to its loaded features and contemporary approach to the world. The high popularity also increases the chance of a great pool of developers.


Benefits of  Hire Dedicated Laravel Developer


Benefits of hiring Laravel Development


  • High level of security
  • Easy authentication process
  • Better performance
  • Artisan
  • Predefined template engine
  • Model-View-Controller architecture
  • Unit testing
  • Developer-friendly
  • Database migration system
  • Efficient libraries
  • Intuitive syntax
  • Eloquent ORM
  • RESTful routing
  • Caching system
  • Better API development resources


Hire Dedicated Laravel Developers

Laravel development services are the profitable choice for scalable development and futuristic projects.  Laravel is deeper than it seems to be. Hiring a skilled and professional Laravel developer is equally important. For hiring the right candidate there are many things to keep in mind.

Though you need not understand the internal components of the framework you need to understand the criteria to hire the right candidate.

Laravel developers are high in demand and hiring skilled candidates is a great challenge. Hiring any developer upfront is not a prudent step. Here, the process is necessary to be followed with several criteria.

Next 5 minutes, we will discuss the aspects of hiring Laravel developers.


Reasons for Hiring Dedicated Laravel Developers

For different technologies, you may find high-quality developers. Then why looking Laravel developers for hire is a preferable choice. Here are some legitimate reasons, why Laravel is good to go with:

  • Hiring a Laravel Web Development Company can give you a robust solution. Moreover, the development also does not take much time.
  • Laravel can offer solutions with the best level of integration and customization. Delivering highly reliable web applications is easier in Laravel.
  • Laravel can give support for different languages in app development.
  • Laravel reduces redundant tasks with the command-line tool Artisan.
  • Laravel comprises many templates for creating dynamic layouts and UI.
  • Developers can build database tables, indices, and columns using the Laravel schema builder.
  • Developers can integrate fantastic features using built-in libraries. Object-oriented libraries facilitate premium features.
  • Implementing the authentication process and configuring the security is easy with Laravel.


Kind of Laravel Development Services


1. Laravel Web Development:

Laravel web development is meant to develop a competent and credible web app for different niches across the industry. Laravel framework leverages the power of PHP to build a secure application.


2. Laravel Customization and Integration:


Laravel Customization & Integration


Laravel can offer the optimum customization and integration service to make app integration seamless. Laravel enables the developers to make easy modifications and replace components.


3. Laravel E-commerce Services:

Laravel is famous for its eCommerce development and robust infrastructure for online selling platforms. It allows for building scalable eCommerce development services for large and small-scale businesses. With Laravel, you can take the benefit of reaching more customers and enjoy great features.


4. Support and Maintenance:

With Laravel, you can enjoy built-in support and maintenance. With Laravel support and maintenance, PHP development services are preferable to other techs.


Things to Consider to Hire Dedicated Laravel Developers

Before hiring a dedicated Laravel developer or Laravel development team, you need to consider a few things.


things to consider hiring Laravel developers


Below are a few things to consider:


#1. Project Needs:

It is important to consider the project requirements. According to the project needs, the prospective plans are made. Scale the development skill and reckon the time, developers might take.


#2. Functioning:

Businesses need to consider the end goals and the functions they aspire for from the project.


#3. Testing:

You need to consider the testing as well before hiring developers. You need to verify the testing approach with developers and decipher how they apply the process for the project.


#4. Delivery Cost:

Projects are time-lined with the cost estimation in parallel. The estimation of the project delivery and the overall cost estimation is a must to hire a dedicated  Laravel developer.


#5. Warranty:

You need to look upon the prior commitments of the developers. Once the project is developed, you need to resolve the uprising issues of the project. Signing a warranty ensures the developer rectifies the error and removes the bugs.


App & Web Development CTA


#6. Portfolio of The Developer:

When you hire a Laravel programmer, you must give preference to prior work experience, quality of work, and professional knowledge. Verifying the portfolio and checking experience is crucial in an interview with a Laravel Developer. This is the basis, which helps you in predicting future performance.

You can know the developer’s experience while looking at the portfolio and also you can check for the quality of work he has done. You can understand, that there are two kinds of developers, one is Niche developers and the second one is Multi-Niche Developers.

Niche developers are developers, who possess good knowledge of a specific industry. Whereas, Multi-niche developers possess skills over qualified design practices, which can be applied in different industries.


#7. Post Project Support:

The project needs support after completion. You need to confirm if your Laravel developer can tackle the support tasks later.  A developer working on the project is comfortable with every component of it, therefore it becomes easy when the same developer handles the maintenance task.


#8. Ad-hoc Changes:

Not always do the requirements stay the same. Sometimes, there could be some sudden changes. Also, a few changes might pop up before development is over. Here, you can understand the skills of a Laravel programmer for hire.


#9. Don’t Forget to Ask The Developer:

  • If he is comfortable with team coordination?
  • Can he deliver the project in time?
  • Is he willing to learn new things?


Know Laravel Developer Hourly Rate


Argentina $50.11
Brazil $48.25
Uruguay $48.61
Bulgaria $40.42
Poland $55.57
Ukraine $42.04


Skills Checked by PHP Development Company for Hiring Laravel Developer


Laravel Programmer


1. Experience: 

Often IT companies target candidates with good experience. A good developer is always hired on his terms. Developer with a quality experience on a different scale of projects, assures the innovative development task and successful projects.


2. Coding:

A software project demands a different language and skill. JavaScript is today, a widely used cross-site scripting language, whereas any web project is impossible without HTML. A Laravel developer needs to have a working knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.


3. Latest Updates: 

A developer needs to stay updated with the latest trends and the upcoming updates of the industry. Staying upbeat with the latest version of the industry is necessary for the futuristic project.


4. Wider Knowledge:

A developer must have in-depth knowledge of OOPs and standard design for web apps. A developer needs to know the version control system Git and the cloud system.


5. Commitment:

A business owner needs to verify the developer to work with sincere commitment.


6. Communication Skills:

Many times, a developer needs to communicate with the client. For proper communication, good communication skill is necessary.


7. Web Development Skills: 

Besides, knowledge of Php, laravel developers need to know the complete stack. The technical know-how of the project such as Scrum, Waterfall, and Agile is necessary.

Developers need to have experience in APIs, RESTful, OOP, MVC, and SOAP. The knowledge of server administration and cloud servers such as is an advantage for the developer.


8. Database Management: 

No big project is completed without a database. In the real world, the developer needs to work over a different kind of database. He/She must have an understanding of database query language. DBMS is an integral part of the system and a developer needs to have a thorough knowledge of database handling. Famous databases used are MySQL, Postgre, Microsoft SQL Server, and MongoDB.


9. Friendly and Good Teamwork:

A quality project demands a big team of developers and other members. A candidate needs to possess some positive soft skills such as Verbal and written communication skills, be adaptable to work culture, analytical view, and problem-solving attitude, have flexibility in a changing environment, and have a positive attitude towards the challenge.

hire laravel developer


Where can you find Laravel Developer? 

There are many ways you can hire dedicated Laravel Developers. Walk-ins are the traditionally qualified way of hiring suitable candidates for any job. However, you need to know the platforms where you can approach professionals and offer them proposals.


1. Online Job Portals:

There are few job sites available over the internet, where developer build their profile and share them to be viewed by hiring companies and PHP development companies. A few prominent online job sites are Freelancer, Clutch, GitHub Jobs, People per hour, Toptal, Craigslist, Upwork, etc.


2. Social Media Platforms:

There are various social media platforms, where developers stay active. You can look for the profiles, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Here you can find Laravel developers for custom web development projects. You can reach the profile, and look for the testimonial and recommendations. Often professional hiring service providers take LinkedIn Premium plans to avail communication without being in contact.


3. Community Forums:

Forums are widely used by developers for solving queries and checking the latest technology trends. Although developers don’t visit forums to find jobs, a PHP development company can find a suitable Laravel programmer for hire through communication over forums. You can build a community relationship with the developer and then turn it into a profitable business deal.

An ultimate guide to web development: PHP vs Laravel vs python vs mean stack


Follow The Below Steps to Hire a Dedicated Laravel Developer 


1. Define The Project:

The primary task is to list the short-term and long-term expectations of the project. You can mention the project and its timeline, milestones, and other details for a better definition of the project.

Based on the project details and its limitations you can find a suitable candidate. Also, you can find the scope to scale the project up later.

Further, it becomes easy to hire professionals as per budget and expertise level.


2. Find Skills and Competence:

A web development company needs to hire a candidate with enough coding experience and a working knowledge of associative programming languages, such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

You need to check your resume and find a suitable skillset for your project. Also, you can demand a portfolio of previous work to check your coding skills.


3. Communication with The Developer:

Beyond coding skills, a developer needs to be adaptive to the environment. You can schedule the in-person interview and gain knowledge of abilities not mentioned in your resume.

Here, in the F2F meeting, you can ask the questions which resonate with your project and can find, if the developer understands the nature of your project.


4. Outsourcing or Freelancing:

When you hire a dedicated developer, you do also have the option of hiring the developer for remote work.  There are various leading web development companies, which offer outsourcing solutions.

Laravel is very popular for online shopping platform development and therefore, you can easily find any Laravel E-commerce solution provider that offers outsourcing development services.

Also, you may find a freelancer for the project if your project requirements find it suitable.

Always keep the allocation of work in mind and take commitment from the developer for the entire project.




Wrap Up :

Laravel web development companies are gaining high popularity and dedicated developers are the major part of earnings for the majority of IT firms. For your esteemed project, you can hire employees on-premise or may outsource the work to a remotely located development team.

Whichever way you choose is dependent on the project requirement, but you need to follow the above simple steps to check the suitability of the developer for your project.

If you are looking for a unique business idea, you need to be conscious of budget limitations. A high-end solution demands great effort which can increase the cost beyond the budget.

The cost must be a crucial factor when hiring coders, but it must not hinder the incoming of talented resources.