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Are you seeking to launch a robust product? Do you have a brilliant idea with clear positioning and prospects? To make your ideas a reality, you only need the right talent. You can also hire a dedicated developers team in Europe to find your needed talent.

ManpowerGroup published a survey showing the global pandemic affected the labor market. Countries like Italy, France, and the USA must assist in finding the right staff. Organizations are now looking for cost-saving options like Hiring Developers on Contracts.

However, companies can now hire developers with diverse cultural backgrounds from all walks of the tech world without having to increase their costs.

One of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to maintain quality is to have a dedicated development team. A dedicated development team can be hired to provide the best skills in the market. Surveys show that many companies prefer to hire dedicated android app developers from Europe, as they offer the highest quality services and lowest prices.

Therefore, we will discuss how to hire a dedicated developers team in Europe along with benefits and costs.

Let’s get started.

Who is the Dedicated Developers Team?

Who is the Dedicated Developers Team


Developers are hired to work on a project over a long period of time, usually full-time. This strategy might greatly benefit businesses with modest infrastructures and few financial resources. It allows them to develop solid solutions quickly at a very low cost. Many firms find that hiring specialized development personnel can be a long-lasting and sustainable solution.

Imagine that you are the owner of a successful company. Your company has a team of in-house sales, marketing, design, and development experts. Still, you want to improve your operations but need technical support.

You can save time and money by outsourcing the work to hire a dedicated developers team in Europe.

This approach can be adapted and adjusted to fit your company’s needs and structure to maximize the benefits of working alongside specialized development teams.

You must choose a business with a broad range of skills, including developers, designers, quality assurance specialists, and quality control specialists. This will allow you to effectively engage a dedicated team. A company can meet all these requirements if you clearly communicate its goals and scope.

Web and mobile apps are a buzzword in the fastest-growing technology age. The key to successful web application development is a dedicated team of developers.

A dedicated team of developers can handle all aspects of app development, from application ideation to implementation. They create excellent digital solutions.

Key Factors to Consider When Hiring a Dedicated Team of Developers from Europe

Key Factors to Consider When Hiring a Dedicated Team of Developers from Europe

Factors are the most important thing you must consider before you hire a dedicated developers team in Europe. Let’s have a look:

1. Localization

Offshoring and nearshoring are the most popular ways to hire remote employees.

Offshore software development refers to delegating engineering functions overseas to companies located in countries far from yours. They could be located on different continents with vast time zones and cultural differences.

Nearshore software development refers to delegating engineering functions to companies located closer to your country’s time zone and geographic proximity. Western European countries can choose between Poland, Ukraine, or Belarus. as nearshore development locations.

Certain regions have proven to be the most popular for remote development teams over the years. These regions include Asia, South America, Africa, and South America.

You should take into account the availability of tech talent, time zones, languages, and cultural fit, as well as other factors discussed in our guide to remote development.

2. Average Offshore Developer Salary

The salaries of offshore developers are significantly lower than the average salary for software developers in the US ($106816) or Europe (e.g., Switzerland ($88,773).

The average salary for a middle-level developer in Ukraine, which is one of the most sought-after offshore destinations in Eastern Europe, amounts to $30,000 per year.

3. Vendor

A vendor that you choose carefully is crucial in hiring an offshore team you can be proud to lead. Two of the most popular ways to find one are through personal references or an internet search. After you have compiled a list, it is time to use objective criteria to narrow down your choices.

  • Talk to different individuals in your sector
  • Ask for samples of previous work from the vendor
  • Ask for references from existing clients
  • The clutch allows you to leave feedback about the vendor’s company
  • Check out the LinkedIn profile of the vendor (number of members, years on the market, and office locations).
  • Check out their certificates.

What’s more, don’t listen to the vendor, but look at the deliverables that they have produced.

4. Security Risks

When working with third-party contractors, security breaches are the biggest risk. The most serious and common risks in IT outsourcing are those that impact operations, transactions, confidentiality, business continuity, and the security of data. Information security is the greatest security risk in outsourcing.

Relying on third parties to perform services on your company’s behalf or for you, you will undoubtedly share copyrights and patents as well as trade secrets. You also have access to sensitive information that could be collected, stored, distributed, and distributed.

What are the Main Benefits of Hiring Dedicated Developers Teams?

What are the Main Benefits of Hiring Dedicated Developers Teams?

Many companies know the benefits of having a dedicated team for software development projects.

1. Cost-efficient

Entrepreneurs who hire dedicated development teams will see a greater return on their investment than if they outsource. Businesses have the option to hire iPhone app developers from any part of the world. It is vital to know which countries are best for outsourcing their development.

Let’s say that the company is located in the USA or Europe. The hourly rate for a developer is between $100 and $150. Entrepreneurs can save $100 an hour if they look for specialists from Eastern Europe, who are equally qualified, are willing to work in a competitive setting, speak English well, and can be ready for continuous development.

Over 70% of companies around the globe have reported significant budget savings by outsourcing certain business processes to software development teams. Companies can then use the time saved by outsourcing to hire partners and make profitable investments.

2. Local Proximity

A perfect geographic location is another advantage for Eastern European companies. To ensure that communication between your company and a dedicated team is timely, time zone differences can be either negligible or acceptable. You can also arrange visits to meet remote colleagues more easily.

The benefits of Eastern European software developers can be seen clearly. You can outsource your software development to Ukraine, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Lithuania, Romania, The Czech Republic, Croatia, and Bulgaria.


hire developers

3. It’s easy to manage

The project manager can be hired by the business owner along with the software developers, or they can manage them themselves.

In either case, the company owner can adjust the size and timing of the group.

Companies need to know everything going on during development and management. This should not mean that business owners are tethered to routine work or other time-consuming tasks. Because they act as an intermediary link between the management and the completion of work, Project Managers can be a great compromise.

Management activities are transparent and do not require continued attention from business owners. This allows them to concentrate on other business-related duties.

4. Effective Communication

You won’t need to deal with the language barrier because dedicated specialists are fluent in English. You’ll be able to communicate with your team effectively, ensure that processes run as planned, and transfer your vision to developers. Additionally, you can also determine the mobile app development process in advance and what methodologies will they use.

5. Access to a Large Talent Pool

It is difficult to find local developers to work for you due to the low number of skilled workers and high competition among companies who want them.

Outsourcing allows you to access a large talent pool of software developers, from different countries, with diverse skills and knowledge. This allows you to hire the most skilled and qualified software developers from Eastern Europe who can meet all your requirements.

6. Concentrate on the Specific Task or Project

A dedicated developers team in Europe supports the project. Immersive involvement in the task is a great way to get the best results.

Being 100% focused on the product helps increase the speed of responding to project changes. This dedicated development team model is flexible enough to adjust the work plan to meet changing project requirements, industry performance, or budget constraints.

7. Better Collaboration

Due to the constant feedback from the owner and project managers, a dedicated team model creates the best conditions for collaboration.

By employing specialized development team models, businesses may accomplish their objectives more quickly and effectively.

8. Accelerated Development Cycle

The development cycle is quicker because developers and other specialists are working on one project at a time. They can provide better outcomes at the conclusion of the creation process since they are actively participating in it.

9. Expertise Access

Entrepreneurs can feel confident when choosing a model for a dedicated team of development professionals. To find high-quality expertise without any borders. It’s fine to hire the best Ruby or Python developers if the company requires them. They will have outstanding code quality and expertise.

10. Amazing Flexibility

This model of hiring dedicated software teams is a great way for testing the flexibility of outsourcing.

You can hire an outsourcing team of experts to manage them. The contractor can be contacted if the company wishes to increase the number of outsourcing staff.

It’s now a user-friendly platform, which provides online translation services for 67 languages. There are over 1,300 registered users monthly.

11. Rapid Scaling

Scalability is one of the outstanding benefits of a dedicated team model for software development. Customers decide how many developers they want to hire, and can adjust the team as needed.

What skills should you look for in a dedicated developers team?

You should ensure the dedicated developer team you hire has the right skills. You should have the following key skills:

  • Experience in developing mobile and web applications is essential for this team.
  • Strong programming language and framework knowledge and expertise in front-end and back-end development.
  • The team must be able to work independently, be self-motivated, and take responsibility for their projects.
  • They must also be able to communicate well and work together with others.
  • The team must be trustworthy, reliable, and able to meet deadlines consistently.
  • Coding proficiency is a mandatory skill that a development team should have. This means they should be able to write code in your app or website’s language.
  • Experience with various devices is another vital skill.
  • Apps must be able to work on various devices and platforms. The development team should be familiar with different devices’ screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Finally, you should look for a team well-versed in design principles.

Which European destinations are best for hiring a dedicated developers team?

Find out more about the top outsourcing destinations in Europe if you’re looking for dedicated developers. Although Poland, Romania, Ukraine, and Hungary remain the most sought-after destinations for remote software developers in Europe (and the Czech Republic), Hungary, Bulgaria, and Croatia are also becoming more popular. Let’s have a closer look at these top-3 choices.


The country is a popular destination for IT staffing. While the country’s IT industry is expanding every year, the salaries for IT professionals are still lower than in Germany. The average monthly salary for an IT professional in Warsaw amounts to 8.939 Polish PLN or 22.800 EUR annually. IT professionals in Germany make 37.500-80.000 EURO each year.

Polish experts are extremely knowledgeable in Java and Ruby. Check out our blog for more information about how to hire dedicated developers in Poland, and avoid any legal problems.

Principal Advantages

  • There are many talents available
  • Six cities serve as hubs for IT centers
  • Modern programming languages are a must-have for professionals
  • There are two types of employment contracts


Ukraine is home to over 290K IT professionals, making it one of Europe’s top out-staffing destinations. Beetroot’s 2021 Tech Market Report shows that more than 100 Fortune 500 companies have developed teams in Ukraine.

Businesses can outsource IT tasks to Ukrainian companies and get excellent services at reasonable hourly rates. The tech sector in Ukraine is strong and cohesive. Local developers are proficient in the most complex programming languages and frameworks. They are employed in many different fields, such as healthcare, education, athletics, and travel.

Principal Advantages

  • Transparent investment conditions
  • Solutions that are cost-effective
  • A large number of senior and middle-level developers
  • Favorable tax exemptions
  • Technology is rapidly changing
  • Education of high quality


Three well-known centers provide IT services in this country. They are located in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca. Romania has a large talent pool for software developers. Romania boasts a high-skilled workforce, with over 90K IT professionals.

Principal Advantages

  • There are many professionals to choose from.
  • Bucharest’s major hub
  • Economy growing quickly

Steps to Hire a Dedicated Developers Team in Europe

Now the main question arises “how to hire a dedicated developers team in Europe?” To help you with this, we have created a step-by-step guide.

Step 1. Write out Your Criteria, Budgetary Constraints, and Goals

Before you hire a dedicated developers team in Europe:

  • Your ultimate goals should be decided.
  • Each process requires a budget.
  • Please describe your needs.

These steps will assist you in organizing the product development and hiring process from the beginning. You will have no problems with your team if you know what you want in the end.


Hire dedicated developers

Step 2. Decide on a Cooperative Model

Next, decide on a partnership model that includes a dedicated team of developers.

Consider whether you will need a team of developers to complete a project, or a smaller team of developers to do specific tasks. A dedicated maintenance team is recommended if your product is ready, but you still need support. So, you can take help from an android app development services provider.

Step 3. Find Possible Teams, then Interview Them

You can now start searching for a team. In several places you can find qualified, dedicated people. You may employ software development talent through LinkedIn and other social networking networks. Hiring an iPhone app development company may be done using LinkedIn and other social networking networks.

You can find information on the profile of the team, their experience, and the knowledge of the developers, as well as details about what projects they have worked on and the results that their clients received.

Clutch. co also allows you to find dedicated teams. You can determine more about the projects and the problems the team solved. You can also compare teams and companies based on their ratings.

Asking your friends and colleagues for recommendations on hiring a software development team can also be a great way to find one. You might have a great experience with a dedicated team of software developers and they can recommend you some talented team members.

Once you have a list, it is time to interview them. To ascertain whether a particular team is the best fit for your project, make sure to ask as many queries as you can.

Step 4. Start your Dedicated Developers Team in Europe

It’s time to begin working on your project once you hire a dedicated developers team in Europe. Regular communication is the first thing that you must do with your dedicated team of software developers.

This is essential to be able to monitor and control each step. For task approval and to discuss important issues, get in touch with your team.

Step 5. Set KPI

KPIs are a vital step. KPIs are key performance indicators allowing you to assess employee performance. These indicators are crucial for determining the company’s ability to achieve its goals.

It is important to correctly calculate and choose which KPIs are most effective in assessing each team member’s effectiveness.

KPI tools are a great tool to use with members of dedicated software development teams. Observing managers at work every hour is not necessary. It is easy to monitor the KPI by simply calculating the KPI at the beginning and end of each month.

How Much does it Cost to Hire a Dedicated Developers Team in Europe?

You should know that you can hire mobile app developers from Eastern European companies to build your team at a very affordable price.

For their professional expertise and quality, developers from countries like Ukraine, Poland, Romania, and the Czech Republic enjoy a great reputation on the international market.

It’s difficult to estimate the exact cost of the services, as the salaries of developers depend on where you are willing to work with them and their tech skills.


Whether you have a team or none, the Dedicated Developer Team model is a great option for building your software product. This model is great for those who are limited on budget and not confident about the technical requirements but still want to implement a long-term project.

A trusted outsourcing mobile app development company will provide you with a partner who shares your vision and can help guide you in the right direction.


How do You Consider a Dedicated Team of Mobile App Developers for Hire?

You can find talent overseas to help you build a team that is competent for your project. Many companies offer turnkey development services at lower rates than what you would find in your country. To shortlist candidates, you can use data from Clutch and IT Firms. These platforms provide easy-to-compare information and a way to compile all of the necessary information. Next, contact vendors to agree on the best contract.

How do You Structure a Development Team?

A typical specialized development team is composed of specialists with a range of abilities and knowledge:

  • Project manager
  • Business Analyst
  • Designers
  • Developers
  • Qs

What are the Best Times to Hire a Dedicated Developers Team in Europe?

This is a great option for those situations when you don’t have a clear idea of the end result. It is an option in cases where the scope, budget, and timeline might change. For some projects, like, for example. Machine Learning-related projects require that the requirements be clearly defined after a lot of time and effort has been spent on project discovery.

Is it safe for Europe to hire a dedicated developers team in Europe?

There are no regulations that forbid businesses from contracting out certain jobs to remote employees. Hiring European developers is achievable without fearing legal issues because staffing is lawful in the majority of European countries.