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There is no doubt about the fact that COVID-19 in the year 2020 has turned our lives upside down. Many fundamental changes have happened in the way we live and manage our day-to-day affairs.

It has significantly transformed our means of getting things done in a safer yet convenient way. We are getting used to staying indoors and yet fetching everything we need to our doorsteps.

We are maintaining social distancing yet managing all our interactions and communications remotely for personal, professional, and educational purposes. That’s why in the business side of things, amidst all this chaos there is a silver lining.


The year 2021 can prove to be a game-changing year for all those companies who fit the bill for the present-day requirements. So, analyze whether your business can solve problems for people and if not, then rethink your business strategy.

Your potential customers must be able to connect and interact with your business for their requirements. To achieve this goal, you must hire a professional mobile app development company.

An experienced on-demand app development company can help you to create what your customers need. And who knows, may double up your business revenue too.

So, let’s deep dive into some of the areas or trends related to on-demand apps that can do the trick for your business in this current situation.

On-demand App Trends in 2023

  1. On-demand Entertainment apps
  2. On-demand Grocery apps
  3. On-demand Food Ordering apps
  4. On-demand Home Services apps
  5. On-demand eLearning or Tuition apps
  6. On-demand Video Conferencing apps
  7. On-demand Mobile Commerce apps
  8. On-demand Tech Support Apps
  9. On-demand Fitness Apps
  10. On-demand Emergency Healthcare Apps

1. On-demand Entertainment Apps

During these tough times, one thing that keeps us going is entertainment. Thus, we see a huge flux in audio and video streaming apps recently.

An experienced video streaming app development company can help you create apps as vivid and powerful apps like that of Spotify or Netflix.

Read More:- How To Choose The Right Software Architecture Pattern To Develop A Successful On-Demand Video Streaming App Like Netflix

You can figure out a business model for your entertainment app. You can either create different membership plans for your customers or create separate content packages with flexible pricing models.

You can also follow a freemium model with in-app purchases. A professional mobile app development company also allows you to hire dedicated developers, who will work as per your schedule.

2. On-demand Grocery Apps

Grocery items are something that we can’t live without. During the pandemic, we can’t go out, but we always can order grocery items through different Grocery delivery apps.

This offers an immense opportunity for businesses who are running either a brick and mortar grocery store or want to create a grocery delivery app to help other businesses.

You can chalk out a plan for your app, discuss it with a grocery app development company to get the ball rolling. These companies would ensure that you hire mobile app developers who understand the functionalities required for your app.

Read More:- Cost and features of grocery app development

They would also embed essential elements such as payment gateway integration, inventory management, showcase offers, etc. You can directly sell your store’s grocery items and deliver them to the customer’s doorsteps.

You can allow your customers to choose their preferred delivery timing as well. You can tie up with different sellers also and charge them a commission on their deliveries too.

3. On-demand Food Ordering Apps

As we all are in a lock-down situation and can’t roam around freely, dining outside is not an option anymore. However, many people are looking to still order food from their popular restaurants.

So, if you already have a chain of restaurants or want to offer other food businesses an opportunity to sell more, then you must create a food delivery app.

These kinds of on-demand apps can be rolled out in a particular city or locality depending on the capacity of the client. These apps offer a greater reach, a new user base, and extend your business online more accessible through a mobile device.

Read More:- Do You Want To Create Your Own Food Ordering App And Are Confused About Its Features, Benefits, App Development Company, Etc?

You can create a plan for your app and the different functionalities you want to be integrated. You can connect with a reputed food delivery app development company to cover all smartphone users.

You can partner with different restaurants or other food business companies and list their items in your app. You can either create different membership packages for businesses or can also charge a commission on the orders they receive through your app.

You can further offer businesses add-on services like ads, better visibility, promotional tools, and other offers to boost your clients’ sales and increase your revenue in that process.

4. On-demand Home Services Apps

Today’s situation offers an immense opportunity for home services. Many times, we need different kinds of services related to home maintenance and similar stuff.

In the current pandemic scenario, people need various services, but they tend to rely more on professional companies, which promise to maintain proper hygiene and standard operating procedures. Some of the most sought-after home services today are as follows:

  • Home shifting
  • Pet care
  • Pest control
  • Home cleaning
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical appliance repair
  • Vehicle repair
  • Gardening
  • Laundry
  • Home painting

To manage all these works, we always seek professional help and if an app is created for offering all those services then it is surely going to be a game-changer.

You need to call or email a home service app development company that offers full-stack development services. Simply fix an appointment and tell them what all services, you would like to offer through your application.

Explain to them what type of user experience and features you want to offer to your target audience. Most importantly, tell them how you are planning to monetize through your app. An experienced mobile app development company would surely create exactly the app that you are expecting with 100% satisfaction.


If you can create a one-stop-solution for all the essential home services, then your app’s popularity and user base would skyrocket. To successfully implement this app, you also need to tie up with agencies that offer home services.

If you already have an agency or company offering similar services, then nothing can stop you. You can create membership plans for households and as well as for companies. You can also charge a commission from companies for offering these services to customers.

5. On-demand eLearning or Tuition Apps

Because of this pandemic, our kids have suffered the most. They cannot go to school, play with friends, or attend tuition classes. Now they only have one option and that is to attend school and tuition classes virtually from their living rooms.

This scenario surely doesn’t give you a positive feeling but can’t help it. So, if you are having your coaching center or tuition center then you must broaden your horizon by creating a mobile app.

Even if you don’t own your business in the educational sector, you can create an app with the help of an e-learning app development company for others and help them to reach a completely new audience.

There are many ways to monetize using a tuition or eLearning app. This kind of apps would cater to not just small kids and teenagers but also professionals.

Read More:- How The Education Industry Will Solve Current Education Problems Via Mobile App Development

The emphasis here is on the content and faculty. The better faculty and content you would have, the better chances of monetization you would enjoy.

For example, an app teaching coding to kids can be a hot commodity and would allow you to charge a hefty monthly subscription fee. You can earn revenue from teachers, parents, and different eLearning companies or tuition centers also. You can either charge membership fees or also can charge a commission on the overall revenue companies earn through your app.

6. On-demand Video Conferencing Apps

We all know that communication is the key to human beings and unfortunately this was hampered because of the pandemic. However, we needed to continue with our lives for both personal as well as professional purposes and continue the communication process also. This opened gates for online video conferencing apps, which have become part and parcel of our lives today.

Video conferencing apps have huge roles to play for educational purposes, for managing day to day operations professionally, and for human interactions for personal purposes.

No matter what we do, we all are using video conferencing app someway or the other. This surely offers great opportunities to monetize by creating a highly customizable video conferencing app for a specific target audience. It is always better to consider a niche customer profile before creating a video conferencing app.

Read More:- What Is A Video Conferencing App? How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Video Conferencing App?

A specific app catering to the needs of a specific set of professionals for example teachers can be a good option. It should include functionalities and features best suited to its users.

Proper research must be done, and feedback should be taken constantly from the user’s point of view to develop a solid application. By hiring a video streaming app development company that has created similar apps in the past, you can achieve maximum accuracy.

A professional and experienced company can develop an app that would be well in demand fulfilling all the requirements of its users. The more popular your app becomes the more chances of earning revenue increases.

Video conferencing apps should also have strong security features protecting their clients from being hacked. So, only an experienced mobile app development company can deliver what is needed.

7. On-demand Mobile Commerce Apps

Today is an era of mobile commerce and leveraging mobile apps for increasing revenue has never been more sought-after. No matter if you are dealing in services or selling products, an online mobile store or mobile commerce app can do wonders to your business.

We human beings use mobile devices the most and this mobile usage is growing day by day. Therefore, all the companies, individuals, teachers, doctors, and many others are looking to exploit this mobile commerce platform.

You can create a mobile commerce app with all the state-of-the-art functionalities as per present-day needs. You can showcase it to your clients and demonstrate to them how a dummy mobile commerce store would look like and behave.

Read More:- 13 Best B2B Mobile Apps for Managing Your Business

You give them a rough estimation of how many new customers they can connect to and how much increase they can expect in their revenue. This way many clients can join your app and you can charge them either membership fees or commission whatever suits you.

You can also charge them extra for additional functionalities. This can boost your revenue also significantly. You can also create different membership plans for different businesses having certain added features also.

8. On-demand Tech Support Apps

Tech support is very critical and especially when you are stuck at home and can’t visit a service engineer during the pandemic. A well thought out a mobile app for tech support can help you to serve a lot of customers.

If you already have a tech support company then you should start building your tech support app immediately. Even if you don’t own a similar company, then also you must create a customizable app first and approach clients, who have tech companies.

You must offer your clients a taste of the potential user base that they can create and serve. You must highlight the fact that they no longer must depend on only their big clients but also can reach mass audiences.

They must be shown a clear growth path and how they can multiply their revenues. Once they are convinced to join your app, then you can decide what type of deal you want with them. Remember, if your app works out well then, the sky is the limit.

9. On-demand Fitness Apps

By sitting at home during the pandemic, we all have gained a few pounds for sure. However, many of us are also very determined to stay fit under all circumstances.

There are many gadgets available today and many of them are wearables too which inspire us to work out and stay healthy. People are now very conscious about their food, lifestyle, sleep patterns, calories they burn, etc.

You can tap on that psychological situation and develop a solid mobile app that is highly accurate and serves the purpose of a health-conscious individual.

fitness app development guide

You can approach fitness instrument companies and demonstrate how this app can be useful for them. These apps can create very impactful brand equity among potential customers.

For example, a company producing fitness instruments can immediately connect with fitness-centric people who would be using the app. Those app users can buy fitness instruments later from that company.

So, a fitness app for the right set of clients can do magic. The greater number of clients join your app, the more the user base you would be serving.

This would put you in a better place with your clients while negotiating a deal. If you can onboard a few big clients to join your app then you can make huge revenue on a consistent basis.

10. On-demand Emergency Healthcare Apps

This pandemic situation is like a nightmare to all of us. Our healthcare systems struggled a lot and we have lost many of our near and dear ones. Thus, we have become more conscious about health issues and are always alert.

Therefore, the demand for good healthcare mobile apps is growing day by day. Thus, if you create a good healthcare app that offers comprehensive healthcare services then, it would surely be a success.

It is important to offer a one-stop-solution to people who will be using this app. You need to approach and take onboard reputed players in the healthcare industry.

Read More:- Top Trending Healthcare Applications

The company should be trusted by your target audience and the healthcare firm should also be able to serve clients with utmost sincerity. If the app works out well with a single reputed healthcare client, then you can approach similar other companies also.

This type of app can reach every household in an area and create tremendous brand equity resulting in sustainable revenue. When you help these big healthcare, firms grow their business manifold, then your revenue is also going to shoot up drastically.

You can charge them up front, a membership fee or commission, the way you see fit. If you are making them money, then no one would complain.

Benefits of On-demand App For Modern Enterprises

On-demand Applications are incredible in providing unique and simplistic solutions to complex problems. Modern enterprises need to find the solution to their customer’s problems via on-demand apps which will make them a loyal customer base to the company. On-demand app development can provide a great user experience through mobile Apps right in their mobile phones which are just an arm’s distance from them.

  1. Offering Convenience

Convenience is synonymous with on-demand, and it shouldn’t be restricted only to services but to the overall app performance along with its intuitive user interface, a minimum number of required clicks, speed as well as simple login along with easier checkout processes, etc.

  1. Tracking – Real-time

The overall possibility to update the product or order status and live track it actually benefits the longer-term customer loyalty by offering greater customer satisfaction to the users.


  1. Seamless Payment

It is another step to a cashless society and towards loyal customers. Hence most popular and easiest payment options integration should be done to allow the development of the customer base at a fast pace.

Prerequisites for a Successful On-demand App

So, now let’s understand a few dynamics of developing an on-demand app. First, it is very important to do proper research and find out a good mobile app development company for your job.

It is essential to understand whether this mobile app development company has created similar solutions in the past. If yes, then how successful those apps were.

It is also important to know how flexible the development company is. For example, are they ready to make last-minute changes if suggested, and do they maintain their deadlines?

Apart from that, security and scalability are also very important in terms of on-demand mobile apps. The app development company should be capable and skilled to deliver a highly customizable solution.

Different clients would have different business needs and thus the developer should develop exactly what a client need. Many companies are very strict on security parameters. Thus, on-demand mobile apps developed should have strong security features to maintain complete privacy.

Additionally, on-demand apps must-have capabilities to provide market insights. Clients should get all their user activity data for creating formidable marketing strategies.

on demand apps infograph

These apps should also allow users to share their feedback and suggestions. The real-time chat facility is also a good way to interact with the clients.

A business that is well connected with its users or customers can generate a lot of repeat business. These users tend to refer their friends and family members resulting in a great increase in the company’s revenue.

Most importantly, on-demand app development is not at all a costly affair. If you are already having clients onboard and they are clear on what they want, then your time and money are well spent.

After all, it is all about your return on investment. If you are investing with a clear thought process backed by market research, then it would surely pay off.

You should be aware of your target audience’s concerns and problems. It is important to take their feedback and know their expectations from the app.

Try to ensure that your customers get the best user experience. Pay attention to design and details. If you maintain all these parameters, then surely your app is going to give you the best ROI possible.


To conclude, we must say that because of the pandemic situation business dynamics have also evolved. So, businesses need to understand the expectations of their existing or potential target audience.

On-demand mobile app development offers an amazing solution to all those businesses to strike the right chord and grow manifold. All you need to do is find the right mobile app development company, which delivers you a magic solution. Mobile usage is growing every day and so is the opportunity.

People everywhere are looking to solve or tackle their various problems. This can become a great win-win situation for businesses as well as for people who are looking for solutions.

This year 2023 offers a huge growth opportunity for companies that work with a clear objective and deliver the right solutions to the right target audiences. So, if things work out well and accurate on-demand mobile apps are developed then doubling the revenue may not be an issue.

So, keep your eyes and ears open. Look around you and find companies that are struggling. Approach them and help them develop solutions. Target niche clients, be specific, be exclusive, and come up with a unique yet effective on-demand mobile application.

There are brilliant mobile app development companies available that can deliver powerful mobile apps. Use their scalability, flexibility, creativity, experience, and expertise to the fullest.

They work on your schedule, match your pace, and don’t mind going an extra mile for your needs. They are certainly ethical in their operations and always value strong long-term relationships.