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The e-commerce platforms today have gained extreme popularity and have become a requisite for businesses globally. Every online store owner and business professional is looking for a fully functioning yet sophisticated e-commerce platform that can offer a perfect combination of scalability, extensibility, flexibility, and advanced features at their fingertips.

Do you have a dream of building your own e-commerce website having world-class features and user-friendliness in it? If the answer is yes, all you need to do is hire the right web development company and a team of developers that can help you accomplish the objective.

However, there are countless open-source web development technologies and frameworks out there which make it an impossible choice to pick anyone.

Recently many business owners have ranked up in the Magento platform because of its inclusion with emerging technologies and its vast features.

Magento has also crossed millions of user downloads and it is one of the most popular eCommerce application development platforms in the industry. In this article, we will explore why it is preferred more than any other platform and why Magento is worth it.

Introduction To Magento

Video Tutorial: Introduction to Magento – Part 1 – djavupixel.com


Magento is an open-source platform that allows merchants or online sellers to fulfill their requirements by customizing their stores or websites. Magento has unique features that make it complex yet easy to modify and customize.

This allows business owners to provide the best user experience to their visitors and customers on their online stores. When it comes to developing an extensive e-commerce store Magento is referred to as an industry leader. This platform also offers multiple themes and layouts to users which they can apply to add value to e-commerce websites.

This platform is laced with a list of advanced features that allow b2b eCommerce developers to entirely focus on the content of their website along with its appearance, architecture, payment integration, checkout, etc.

A Magento development company enables business owners to reach out to their potential clients and offer them user-friendly solutions.

Magento is the top choice for businesses because several world-class companies have built their trust in this framework. Just to name a few the giants include Coca-Cola, Nestle, Lenovo, Samsung, Ford, etc.

The features of Magento enhance the appearance and the functionality of a platform and make them look highly interesting to potential users. Some of the main features of this platform are inclusive of:

  • The ever-growing list of better and advanced extensions
  • SEO optimization
  • Simplified dashboard and open-source services
  • E-commerce specialisation
  • Ever-increasing customer-centric features and shopping experience
  • Support cross-browser compatibility
  • Multilingual and multicultural support
  • Supports secure payments and upgrades

Why Is Magento Considered As The Best Cloud-Hosted E-Commerce Platform?

The e-commerce industry is booming to its full capacity where the platform owners are constantly targeting to achieve full freedom over their online store.


This is to ensure delivering an attractive and appealing platform to their potential users. It is an automated hosting platform that is the ultimate eCommerce solution for various requirements like security, speed, scalability, etc.

This platform also provides ease to reply and greater bandwidth services to users that allow them to run their store at a blazing speed. As per the statistics, the commerce cloud is the next generation of any eCommerce store that offers unlimited space to the store owners.

To cater to a merchant’s prerequisites, Magento 2 development has brought an efficient e-commerce cloud platform for Magento 2 and Magento that can be an incredible tool to obtain higher performance and profit margins.

With the presence of multilingual websites, the trends of e-commerce platforms are swiftly changing and providing buyers a seamless experience. Magento allows the sellers to provide easy-to-maintain solutions to the buyers and enhance the user experience for the customers.

Top Reasons Why Magento Is The Best E-Commerce Development Platform

E-Commerce platforms today have gone through a phase of transformation where they have attained immense growth and extremity. Apparently, it is extremely difficult to imagine any fully functional and feature-rich sales-oriented platform without any digital chain or online store.



There are dozens of eCommerce platforms allowing sellers to sell their products online but the dominating one among them is certainly Magento.

Magento or Magento 2 development services are totally comprehensible and they are preferred more than any other platform. Mentioned below are the reasons that will help you to understand why it is the best eCommerce development platform:

  1. It Is An Open-Source Platform
  2. Absolute Freedom
  3. Third-Party Extensions And Components
  4. A Million Customization Options
  5. Flexibility, Scalability, And Pace
  6. Automatic Responsiveness
  7. Great Community

1. It Is An Open-Source Platform

Magento is an open-source license that businesses rely on as an open-source host tool. This makes it an incredible tool to have because open-source coding allows users to easily examine, change, use, distribute, or study the codes. It enables the developers to collaborate with them on a project to get better results.

2. Absolute Freedom

A large number of competing web development companies impose various restrictions in terms of hosting solutions for online stores. But Magento allows users to proceed with any hosting service that they desire.

The users or developers can easily pick the hosting model, the package, and the provider that according to them fits their requirements to the best.

3. Third-Party Extensions And Components

Magento is extensively popular because it comes with a number of third-party extensions, components, and various integration models. All of these features make this platform easy to deploy and upgrade, fulfilling the features.

Users enjoy the option of modifying or upgrading the services through an extension that might be affordable or free to use for them.

4. A Million Customization Options

While dealing with e-commerce website development services created by Magento, users do not only get the plugins or extensions, rather, the platform offers a number of customization options.

For any e-commerce website, it is crucial for the merchants to tailor their storefront so that they can easily reflect their strategies or products sensibly to the users. With Magento, it is easy to implement the back-end changes and rewrite the codes.

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5. Flexibility, Scalability, And Pace

The page loading speed of Magento is extremely impressive and a lot of users will definitely agree to the same. When it comes to determining the quality of any e-commerce platform, speed acts as an important factor.

No visitor, whether it is a merchant or a customer, would prefer accessing an online store or a platform that takes years to load. The same features go for the flexibility and scalability of an e-commerce platform. Magento caters to offering high-performing and scalable websites.

6. Automatic Responsiveness

Voluminous e-commerce transactions of payment gateways are carried out on mobile devices and their overall number is steadily growing every year. Because of the very same fact any online store that lacks mobile responsiveness is categorized to be doomed.

Various e-commerce platforms ensure providing fully responsive websites and Magento is no exception. Magento provides image scaling, grinding, drag-and-drop, always being accessible, and various other features to build an incredible online store that can be seamlessly viewed.

7. Great Community

Magento is backed by a team of experienced dedicated developers, designers, and consultants, and most importantly, it has the active collaboration of agencies, community merchants, and users.

Altogether they make Magento a great platform that can fuel the development of any e-commerce website or online store. The Magento community also has transparent conduct and cooperative relationships embodied in its solutions.

Why Choose Magento Over Other ECommerce Development Platforms?

In the last few years, the requirement to hire Magento developer or Magento app development companies has exponentially increased. No such hike has been witnessed across any other platforms.

Other than Magento there are various e-commerce development platforms such as Salesforce, BigCommerce, etc that offer eCommerce development services.

All of these platforms have their special features, however, the final verdict is in favor of Magento. Let us understand what makes Magento better than other e-commerce development platforms.

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Magento vs BigCommerce

Magento works well for you if you are looking for an eCommerce development platform that can offer unlimited scope and functions for enhancing user experience.

The key specifications offered by Magento make it a clear winner in comparison to BigCommerce. To enhance the user experience and its features, Magento is backed with third-party components and integration.

magento vs bigcommerce

On the contrary, BigCommerce has a limited scope of customization which makes it difficult for it to provide feature-rich e-commerce solutions. Magento has an open court system that supports endless customization but it doesn’t align well with BigCommerce.

Magento vs Salesforce

Magento offers one-of-its-kind services by facilitating a layered architecture to develop easy-to-access websites. Magento also provides easy customization and web integration for the users.

Salesforce, on the other hand, can develop strong buyer and seller relations but it cannot compete entirely with Magento. Both of these platforms have a huge variation in terms of their prize models, functions, business requirements, etc. Ultimately, here Magento is the winner.

This platform enables the Magento development company to efficiently manage the appearance, features, and overall look of the online stores or eCommerce platforms.

Magento also has comprehensive features and extraordinary flexibility to provide benefits to e-commerce business owners. The platform has the full potential to provide the latest opportunities to the store owners and it is laced with various administrative features and interfaces.

salesforce vs magento

It also provides robust effective marketing, search engine optimization, payment gateway, inventory management tools, and other features to develop an incredible e-commerce platform.

Magento also provides an ultimate website to the users by delivering precise combinations of extensive support and scalable designs to them.

The Return on Investment of this framework is also high and its dynamic interface is capable of compelling, selling, and offering a joyful experience to the users.

Let us quickly summarize why it is better than other platforms:

  • It has easy-to-use and simple features and tools
  • The functions of this e-commerce platform are quick and versatile where the visitors can browse the products and enjoy the services with absolute convenience
  • it automatically updates the websites and this unique feature is not available across any other eCommerce development platform
  • It helps to develop highly scalable websites and whenever required it also scales up the old or existing websites
  • It is extensively popular and has a long history of assisting developers as well as uses
  • More than 300000 online e-commerce store owners and retailers have already chosen this Magento platform for developing their e-commerce stores.

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Why Is Magento Preferred Over WooCommerce?

As Magento is an open-source eCommerce website development platform it has numerous features and options to run multiple stores with a single installation.

WooCommerce Vs Magento: Which Is the Best eCommerce Platform in 2020?


Many big organizations or business owners willing to have maximum profit from the first day prefer Magento over WooCommerce. These platforms also hire eCommerce developers to create feature-rich and high-performing e-commerce websites for them. The possible reasons behind this selection are mentioned below-

  • Magento comes with a simple and advanced navigation feature where the users can easily filter their products using multiple filters. WooCommerce does not fulfill this requirement up to the mark
  • Magento allows the developers to set up multiple e-commerce stores under the same domain name with the help of a single back-end panel. It shows that this platform supports multiple websites and store views. WooCommerce does not have this feature.
  • Magento allows users and business owners to manage their products effectively. Even stock management is quite impressive in Magento. WooCommerce lacks these features.

Magento is an open-source, dedicated, and standalone e-commerce development platform whereas WooCommerce is just a WordPress plugin.



The Bottom Line

In the modern retail market, having an incredible e-commerce platform for their website enables businesses to remain ahead of their competition. In addition to the same, it is safe to say that building and managing an eCommerce website is extremely convenient with Magento.

The popularity and the stellar growth of this platform have enabled it to provide numerous features to e-commerce web solutions. Magento provides a plethora of features and great flexibility to e-commerce business owners. Having said that, Magento is worth considering more than other eCommerce web development platforms.