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Technology is changing at a rapid rate. Everything has become online, from ordering food to online cloth shopping, and has applications for that.

With the growing trend of applications and software for every industry, the agriculture industry is not lacking behind. If you are looking to develop an agritech mobile app then this article might be of great help to you. 

Many agricultural businesses have intensified their endeavour to use AGTECH & FOOD SOLUTIONS to handle everyday activities like climate observing or irrigation auto management.

Several business owners are interested in the development of agriculture apps. But the main problem they face is how to develop the best agriculture technology mobile app and how much it costs. If you are one of them, then this blog is for you. 

Before we start, let’s first see some market stats:

  • According to Zion, Over $15 billion will be spent worldwide on smart agriculture by 2025, up from $5 billion in 2017. 
  • Also anticipated to increase is the market size of precision farming, which is projected to increase from 6.73 billion U.S. dollars in 2021 to 14.44 billion U.S. dollars by 2027.

What is an Agritech Mobile App?

What is an Agritech Mobile App?

Agritech mobile app is the application of technology to enhance every aspect of agricultural, farming and growing practices. It is the technological advancement by which the efficacy of farming practices will improve. Agritech is designed to lower the loss and wastage of yield and enhance farm productivity through digitization.

The main objective behind developing an agritech application is to digitally provide data related to farming and agriculture, like the health of soil and crop, weather predictions, warnings like pest attacks, lack of irrigation, over-irrigation, etc., to stakeholders. 

Steps to Develop an Agritech Mobile App 

Developing an agtech app is not an overnight task. Many steps need to be taken for the development of an app. Stay tuned to analyse the steps below to commence on AgTech Software Development.

1. Ideation 

Ideation is the first step to building AgTech software. The ideation must include various questions like how you want the app helps the farmers, what will the USP of your app, which area, and location you need to focus on, what issues the app will resolve, who your competitors are, which platform you would select for your app, how will you monetize your application. With the help of the above question, your half problems will get solved. 

2. Know your Market

Knowing the market is the second step in developing an agriculture app. The market is king for any business. So it is essential to know about your market size and target customer.

Researching market structure and target customers will make the process easier. It would help if you researched every aspect of the agriculture app. 

3. Build a Wireframe 

Wireframing is the essential step in developing an agtech mobile app. It is vital to know that you must have a guideline or plan to assist you throughout the development process before commencing. Strong and inherent AgTech Solutions will be helpful to develop.

Hire a dedicated developer from an experienced agtech solution company that can assist you and handle the process of wireframing.

4. Choose a Platform Accordingly

Once you are done with the wireframing, the next step is to choose the platform on which you want to launch your app. Deciding whether you want to launch your application on PWA or the play store is vital.

You can also hire the best agriculture technology solution companies to create an agriculture app. 

You should select the platform and programming language. It’s hard for everyone to talk about platforms and coding languages. Although, It is not that tough if you know your needs, project budget, and target customers.

5. Build an Application and Testing

Once the platform selection is done, the next step is to build your mobile app. It takes time to build a mobile app for agriculture by analysing all the needs and following the instructions. 

Hire developers from a proficient agtech Software development company for assistance to develop an agritech mobile app. Developers then test your app on different platforms and also if there are any bugs in the app.

6. Deployment Stage

The deployment stage is the next step in developing an agriculture app. Depending on your target audience, you’ll need a user acquisition procedure.

The best course of action is to use traditional and digital marketing techniques that are incredibly focused on promoting your app to farmers. 

7. Maintenance and Assistance 

Maintenance & Support is the final step of farm app development. Updating your farm apps with new mobile and agricultural technologies is crucial. It is to consider that your agriculture app runs smoothly and eliminates errors. 

Apart from maintenance, you can also update the features of your agritech app. It will make sure your app stays pertinent and brings the utmost worth to your customers.

So these are the steps you should consider while developing the agriculture app. 

How to build an Agritech Mobile App- Must-Have Features

We have discussed the steps to develop the app. Let’s see what features you may add to your agtech Software development app to make it a useful mechanism for farmers. Let’s discuss each of them briefly.

#1. GPS and location-based Service

Mapping is an essential feature in any agriculture app. With this feature, farmers can check the local weather prediction. They can also inspect the drone tracking.

Farmers can also use a location-based service to manually distribute a field into polygonal shapes to inspect each and mark trouble spots. Several top agriculture technology service companies are using this feature in their application.

Maps can help farmers find their special crops, pesticide applicators, etc.

Hire dedicated developers

#2. A Drone Integration

A drone is a convenient and helpful device for agriculture purposes. With the help of drones, farmers can identify the crops that are in condition so that the required improvement can be done in a timely. 

The thermal cameras in the drone can assist the farmers in detecting water leakage and ascertaining how much water crops obtain.

#3. Video Streaming and Broadcasting

It is another best feature that must be included in an agritech app. It allows farmers to join video calls and answer their queries.

In addition, broadcasting allows farmers to give useful tips to other people who indulge in farming and also allows farmers to share experiences and knowledge. 

#4. Cameras and Machine Vision in the App

Camera and machine vision features must be included in the application. It will assist farmers in knowing the crop disease, measuring the level of nitrogen, recognizing weeds, and assessing leaf harm. 

Various machine visions are present in the market, choosing the best that is needed. Agriculture technology providers will assist you in getting open-source machine vision.

#5. Calendar

The calendar is a must-have feature for managing farm-related activities. It allows farmers to manage crops, land and other activities like sharing the calendars with the workers to keep the process organised and clean. It reduces the workload of farmers and assists them in their tasks. 

#6. Push Notifications to Attract Attention 

Push notification is mandatory for any mobile app because it allows farmers to reminders related to farm activities. With the push notification feature, the farmers can easily track numerous activities and prevent any upcoming harm. The maps and images can also be added with the advanced push notification. 

#7. Weather Predictions

Weather prediction is another vital feature in an agritech app. With this feature, farmers get the weather prediction integration to be prepared for any upcoming problem.

This feature must be included in the agriculture app so that the farmers get daily hourly updates.

Farmers are becoming less dependent on nature due to technological advancements, yet weather remains the major factor in crop production. So the weather forecasting feature should be updated every hour to avoid any trouble. 

#8. Payment through App

Payment features are essential in agriculture apps. A mobile banking facility must be there if your app is a business marketplace for farmers.

The payment through application allows farmers to do quick and easy payments. Also, you can take assistance from an agtech Software solutions company.

#9. Analytics 

It would be best if you incorporated analytics into your agriculture apps to deliver on your promise to assist farmers with their job routines.

Your analytics must provide useful data on available resources, crop conditions, weather changes, etc. It can assist in monitoring your application performance.

Analytics can demonstrate your app’s number of users, how long they stay in it, and which features they utilise more often. You can use this data to the extent of your app and adapt it to the market’s requirements.

What is the Cost of Developing an Agritech Mobile App?

The cost to develop an agritech mobile app depends on various factors. However, we have listed the major factors affecting an agritech app’s cost. Here are the top factors of cost of agritech mobile app development :

  • location of a team of developers
  • Feature set
  • App platform 
  • Tech stack
  • Complexity
  • App size

The basic cost to develop an agritech mobile app is $20,000, but it can go up to $50,000 for advanced app development. 


Apps for agriculture come in numerous forms, each addressing a particular issue while assisting farmers in working more efficiently and producing excellent outcomes.

Although mobile software is utilised in farming in many different ways, there are several areas where agtech mobile app development is especially beneficial. 

We have brought up the process of Software Development for the AgTech Industry in this blog. Besides, we have also discussed the features and cost of developing an agtech application. We hope you found this blog beneficial.

For better results, you can take aid from the experts of the mobile app development company for the development of smooth and better-running mobile applications.