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Applications are a very integral part of our daily life. With the advancement of technologies, our applications are also evolving to make our life easy-going.

Nowadays we have applications for everything. Such as delivery of food and all other essential items, educations and knowledge purposes, transaction purposes and much more.

Here we will discuss only the essential delivery application and be more specific medicine delivery apps.

Medicine is considered one of the essential items in our daily routine. And 2020 is the year when the medical industry is the only hope for the survival of mankind.

That’s the reason the medicine delivery industry took a great hit this year. So, this is the right time to develop a medicine delivery software and establish a business around it.

To know more about these medicine delivery applications and the reason it can be a viable business to invest in, please continue this blog.

What is a medicine delivery app?

Just like Zomato and Instacart is the application famous for delivering food and essentials, medicine delivery applications like Netmeds Pillpack and NowRx are the application famous for on-demand solutions that they provide to their customers.

Due to these pandemic situations where the people are advised to stay in their homes to stop the coronavirus from the spread.

That’s why people have stopped going outside to fulfil their daily essential needs and medicines. Which make the entrepreneurs create an application so that they can take the market to their home.


Now you don’t have to go to the medical store, choose the medicines and wait in a long line to pay for them.

You can just access the application from your smartphone, add the medicines to your virtual cart and pay for it through various payment options.

These applications are one of the best life-saving options for everyone. And hiring the best medicine delivery app development companies can help you to provide the best delivery services possible today.

Why business invest in medicine delivery apps?

Everyone knows that the pharmacy industry is the future of the human race. This statement is more prominent after the outbreak of Coronavirus in 2020.

This pandemic situation has made people stay in their respective house and avoid social gathering in order to reduce the spread of the virus.

And for which people are facing difficulties to fulfil their daily foods, grocery and medical needs. In this scenario, these online pharmacy apps are one of the best lifesaving solutions that we can avail right now.


Moreover, along with the increase of technologies, our lives are also becoming dependent on applications.

Nowadays everyone owns a smartphone, so creating an application where people can surf through various medications that are required and get them delivered to their doorsteps might be the biggest selling point for a business.

That is why this is the perfect time to invest in these types of on-demand delivery applications.

There is ample space of success in this medical market, but if you are not careful while developing the application for your medical delivery business.

Then people might end up using your competitor’s application while defeating you in the market.




How Medicine delivery apps proved big help during the Covid-19 pandemic?

These medicine delivery applications have proven the most helpful during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As the government are suggesting their citizens to stay inside their houses to stop the spread. And these applications have proven a life-saving option at these tough times.


These types of delivery software help the people of every country to fulfil their food and medical demands. As there are the essentials for us to live a better life.

Business models to consider before On-Demand Medicine Delivery App Development

In order to ensure success with your online medicine purchase app, you have to choose a specific business model.

The chosen business model should be compatible with the requirements and objective of your business along with the types of services you are ready to provide to your users.

Usually, there is three business model which is widely implemented by the business owners to get better revenue in this market. The three business models are,

1. Medicine app development for single-store

This is the most common model, where you can develop a pharmacy delivery app for your one and only store.

The users, can access your applications and place the order by selecting the medicines they need or they can easily upload the prescription they got from their respective doctors.

The app will scan the prescription and add all the mentioned medicines into their cart. The payment for the order can be done through an online method or via Cash on Delivery (COD).

After placing the orders customer will receive the medicine at their convenient location or to their doorstep.

The retailers and the pharmacists can check the medicine stock available through the application and restock it once the stock is cleared fully.

2. Aggregator medicine app development

In this model, you will not own a specific drug store in order to fulfil the medicinal demands of your users.

If any ordered medicine is out of stock, you can ask the local drug stores and check the availability of the medicine.

Here the local drug store will be your partners so that you can provide ample types and amount of medicine to your users.

Basically, you will collect the medicine from the local drug stores on the behalf of your customers and deliver it to their convenient location.

Developing a feature-packed medicine delivery app is mandatory for this model. As the app only can show the delivery person availability of ordered medicine can be found in which store or from where they have to collect it for the customers.

3. Direct to Consumer

The direct to consumers business model is used by those business owners, who want full authority over their business.

The customers can interact directly with the business owners and place their order through that specific app only.

The order will be delivered to the customer by your delivery executives only. There will be no middle man in the whole transaction process.

That is why you will be able to provide a better discount on the price of the medicines and increase your customer base.

These types of medical app for medicine can be developed easily and have faster deployment in the market.

This is because the app contains the information of only one organization and the customer are allowed to order from that organization only.

Benefits of Online Medicine Home delivery app

The online medicine home delivery applications provide benefits for both the users as well as the pharmacist.

A feature-packed application created by pharmacy app development services can make the delivery system more efficient and management of the order will become easy. Here are some of the reasons to support the above statement,

1. Benefits of pharmacists

  • This is the best method for increasing medicine sales. This is the reason developing these applications are very helpful for pharmacists.
  • For these applications, the pharmacists don’t have to maintain the stock record every time they fulfil any order. As the application is capable enough to give time to time update to their pharmacists. So that they can restock it before the product becomes insufficient.
  • The applications help the pharmacist to reach customers beyond their reach. Because of the geographical barriers many customers have to travel a longer distance in order to get proper medicines. But with the help of these applications, you can fulfil the needs of those customers too. As a result, it increases your business’s customer base.
  • There is a feature of the application that can analyse the monthly need of regular customers. It will remind you to keep those medicine in stock and provide them easily. Thus, it also increases the efficiency of the delivery process and provides better customer service with the applications created by Pharma app development
  • In order to attract more and more customers, you can give better discounts, promotions on the total price of their order. Again, it can also introduce a rewarding or bonus system for your loyal customers. Such that if they buy something they will get rewards points which they can use to get better discounts on their next order.



2. Benefits of Users

  • As a user using these applications save both of your time and effort. If you go to the pharmacy store you have to go through the hassle of standing in line for hours for the payment. Plus, if you don’t get every medicine on your required list, you may have to roam different stores to get the medicine you want. But using online pharmacy app development solutions you can order all those medicines while sitting at your home.


  • You will be able to enjoy the attractive features of the application while ordering medicine from it. Plus, you can get many cashback and rewards while ordering from these on-demand medicine apps, which is not possible if you went to any offline medical store


  • These applications are not the only cable of only delivering medicines to their customers, but also, they can give medical assistance in the time of need. The assistance will be given by the on-call doctors via the video call facility present in the application. Hiring the best online pharmacy app development company can help to develop the best medical service providing the application in the market.


  • If you visit your local pharmacy store you will be able to pay for your medicine through cash or cards. But in the case of the medicine delivery apps, you will be given various payment options like UPI, Creditor debit cards, internet banking and much more along with COD (Cash on Delivery). Plus you may get cash back for using those online payment methods.

Exploring the E-pharmacy markets

The E-pharmacy market was one of the slow and steady markets before 2019. But after the outbreak of the Coronavirus.

This market has gained a huge hike in every respect. Plus, the governments are also supporting these kinds of trends. As they help the citizens to follow the government norms due to the pandemic.

Moreover, these applications help people to fulfil their demand for daily necessary products by staying in their home.


The recent regulation that has been released by the government gives the medical industry to boost their growth in the market.

Analysing the few start-up companies present in the market, it has been seen that these businesses are capable enough to full the growing demand of the customers.

This can be done as the pharmacy business owner are implementing the business strategies of the tech giants like Flipkart and Amazon on their business.

With the help of the software created by pharmacy software development services of the market.    

Top Medicine Delivery Mobile Applications in the market

There are many medicine delivery companies present in the market. But few of them are worth mentioning.

Here are some of the few applications that have managed to gain popularity in this competitive market, such as

1. Capsule Pharmacy delivery app

It is basically a hug where a huge quantity of medicines is kept along with many pharmacists. The organization acts like a courier service where the pharmacists prepare your required order.

This is done in the form of a courier and ship to the destination address given by the users. Right now, it one of the biggest medicine hubs located in the west 25th of New York.

The services of this mobile app development company developed application is expected to be extended to Staten Island very soon.

The application has the capability to inform you about the dosage and the time of having the medicines. Plus, you can set the date, time and address your order according to your own comfortability.

Or you can also opt for the quick services in which you can get the medicine within 2 hours after placing the order.

2. NowRX

This the one of the most advanced AI and robotics equipped software that is present on the market.

Which can provide facilities like same-day delivery of the ordered medicine and much more to their customers.

The management system used is the software is known as QucikFill which helps the business to perform same-day delivery for their users.

The management system was certified by the Surescripts Health Alliance Network (SHAN) of USA, and help the applications to connect with more than 1.5 physicians in the US and induce hyper-efficient productivity on the business workflow.

Last year it was seen that NowRX was successful in delivering 28 thousand customers by providing 200 thousand medicines.

3. CVS

CVS is an American corporation that provides retail services, and it was owned by the CVS Health organization.

The company was first established in 1996 and now in the year 2016, it was one of the largest pharmacy franchises in the United States of America. The company was ranked 7th among the largest U.S organizations in the year 2017.

CVS not only sells prescribed drugs to their users, but they also provide beauty products, general merchandise and also photo finishing services for the users.

They also provide the users with other seasonal products like gift cards and packed foods. The company have a large chain of stores where customers can get more than 1,100 medical services.

Most of the clinics are located near the CVS medical stores. So that after medical assistance patient can get the drug from the offline counter present in the CVS stores.

Thus, providing better customer convenience services. In order to main all these efficiently you have to hire the best web development company available in the market.

4. NetMeds

NetMeds is one of the best user-friendly applications that are present in the market. As the application is easy to download and can be used to order medicines from anywhere and at a convenient time for the users.

You will be able to upload your prescriptions, the application will analyse the prescription and recommend the medicine for you.

You just have to choose the quantity and place it on the virtual cart and then buying it. The process is very hassle-free, quick and user friendly, which is the main selling point of these applications.

The order of the medicines can be placed through the Android app for pharmacist from anywhere in the country, the people associated with the application company will deliver you the product at your doorsteps.

Other features like on-call doctor consultant and booking of test labs are also present in the applications.

The users can track the order, refer the order to their friends and also rate and write a review on the medicines.

5. PillPack

The company was established in the year 2013, and by 2014 it got permission of delivering licenced drugs all over 31 states.

In order to increase the efficiency of the packing process for this app, the owner of the business TJ Parker and Elliot Cohen implemented a packaging process that is handled by a robot.

In the year 2018 Amazon.com gain ownership of the company by spending 753 million dollars from their owner.

And in 2019 the company name was altered to ‘Pillpack’ powered by Amazon.com. Still, now the online medical store software is working as a subsidiary of Amazon.com.

Challenges in online pharmacy app development

Along with the various benefits of these online pharmacy app developments, the application has to face many challenges while doing business in the market. Here are some of those challenges,

1. Reaching more users in the market

Taking your application to the users who live in remote places is very difficult. As the amount of order is the bare minimum, and most of the people of those places prefer offline stores.

Now there are many promotional methods and tricks to attract these types of people and make them your loyal customers.

This process can be done by adding various attractive discounts and rewards to your application

2. Branding of the organization

Branding the organization is very important to get success, as people will know you by your name and trust the brand logo.

If you provide a better quality of services to your users. To make this possible you have to hire dedicated developers who can create a feature-packed application for your business.

3. Management of the delivery timings

You should have a sufficient number of staffs so that you can fulfil the demands of your users within the promised time.

But the issue is the intensity of orders are not the same throughout the month. As every person like to buy daily medicine demand on bulk quantity.

4. Co-ordination among the various department of the organization

It is also a classic issue that has been faced by more or less every company. When you place an order. You medicine goes through the various department of the organizations.

If they do not maintain proper coordination between them, it can delay the delivery time of the product to your users.

5. Allocation of the orders

It is the worst challenge the pharmacy delivery application faces due to which the delivery cost is applied on the order.

That makes the order more costly and difficult for the users. This issue also affects the organization as the delivery has to be done in remote places which have a higher delivery fee.

6. Inventory challenges

Inventory management is also very basic for the challenges faced by online pharmacy organizations. But not the there are many updated features present which you can implement on your applications.

This will help you to manage the inventory of your business through your app online. Plus you will be notified by the applications if any product goes out of stock so that you can restock it hassle freely.

General features of medicine delivery apps

Here are some of the general features that all the medical delivery apps have common in them, such as

1. For customers

  • Secure login and sign up features helps the user to use the application more effectively. Usually, apps need a combination of phone number or email address and password to create an account inside the applications. But nowadays you can use your social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter for signing up. This saves both time and effort of the customers.
  • The users are able to upload their prescription and medical history on these applications so that the doctors can access them while consulting any medical condition through the applications.

2. For Chemist or Pharmacy Store Panel

  • The applications can analysis you’re the monthly orders of the regular customers, and remind you to keep those medicine in your stocks. This will helps you to provide quick and efficient services to your customers. That will leads to your success in the market.

3. For medicine delivery boys

  • The medical delivery application has an enhanced navigation system which provides the delivery guys better navigation to their destination.
  • Plus, when the delivery guy starts their journey to deliver your order you will be able to track them and guide them accordingly

4. Online pharmacy app- Admin Features

  • Developing a medical delivery application can give you many benefits as an admin. You can analyse your sales on a monthly or weekly basis.
  • According to your sales, you can modify the business model to gain more and more users.
  • The payment statistic and the revenue generation statistic can be found out easily. This will help you to run the organization more cost-effectively.

Advance features of medicine delivery mobile app

Along with the general features these applications also provide some advanced features to your customers. Here are some of those advanced features

  • The app can provide you with various health instructions depending on your present health conditions. The instructions given are from the experienced doctors or nutritionist associated with the organization.
  • You will be able to allow various types of test, in which after submitting the samples you will be able to get the result as soon as possible. This is done through the applications developed by pharma app developers. On the basis of your report, they will be able to suggest to you the proper medication for your current condition.
  • The application allows you an extensive search bar, where you can search all kind of medicine and diseases symptoms and much more. And the presence of a detailed filtering system helps you to find more specific results.
  • You will be able to track various objects through the application such as order status, nearby medical stores, nearby doctors or clinics etc.
  • The payment done through the applications are secured by many 3rd parties’ companies. Plus, you will be able to save all the payment details in the application for a smooth payment process.

You can always increase your customer base by deploying the application on the Apple store also. To fulfil that you have to hire iOS developer who can develop a feature-packed application for the Apple store.

Required tech stack for medicine delivery app

Hiring a Full-stack development company can provide you with a better user-friendly application. As they will be able to develop each and every aspect of the software with the help of trustworthy tech stacks. Such as,

  • Front-end developers- HTML, Java, CSS, Swift or React
  • Platforms- Web applications, Android and iOS
  • Back-end developers – js, Python and Laravel
  • Push notifications, SMS and in-app messaging- Batch
  • Payment processing- API, Brain Tree and PayPal
  • Cloud environment- AWS
  • Location tracking- Google Maps or iOS Mapping Kit
  • Social login- Twitter, Facebook and Google ID.

Ensure Required Medical compliances and integration

Here are some of the medical compliances which are mandatory to implement in your applications for better and efficient functionality

  • Certification with EPCS
  • Implementation Electronic Prior Authorization
  • FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
  • HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
  • HSS (Department of Health and Human Services)
  • Health Level 7 International (HL7) used for shipping internationally.

Medicine delivery app development team

An Android app development company is consists of various development teams, who works in proper coordination in order to create the best application for your business

  • Front-end developers
  • Back-end developers
  • Project managers
  • Android developers
  • iOS developer
  • UI/UX designer
  • Quality analyst engineer

Cost of developing a Medicine Delivery app

Developing On-demand medicine delivery applications depends on many factors along with types of mobile app developers for hire.

Here are some of the factors which govern the development cost of these type of medical delivery applications

  1. Development Platform- A business owner can build his medicine delivery application on two platforms i.e., Android and iOS. Usually, the investment needs for developing an Android application are less than that of iOS applications.
  2. Geo-location- The location of the development also matters as the developers in the American and European countries charge more to develop an application. In this scenario outsourcing, the development works to developers of India can be the best options for start-up companies.
  3. Development Timeline- Developers charge the companies on the hours needed to develop an application. More the complexity of the required application more will be the time of development.
  4. Features and functionalities- Implementation of the basic features can be done at a lower cost of development. But implementing high-end features to your applications can cost you more.
  5. Development partner- hiring the best fullstack development company available in the market can cost you more, as they will provide you a premium quality service from the development to the deployment of your app along with 24X7 customer support.
  6. 3rd party integration- The 3rd party integration can make your application feature-packed with lesser development cost.
  7. Cost estimation- If you consider all the basic development features and develop with your app by out-sourcing the development works can cost you near about $10,000. But if you use all the custom features and want to provide premium quality services to your customer. Developing that kind of app can cost you more than 20 to 30 thousand dollars.


This is the right time to invest on medical delivery applications. if you have a unique idea and a full proven business model you can get success in this market.

Just you have hired the best available development company present in the market. Plus, you have to stay clear about your requirement and aim of your business, in order to run it more effectively.
