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On-demand home services app development, including the cost of home service app development, are fantastic examples of mobile application technology that show how a mobile app can bring a variety of services to households’ doorsteps.

These apps have revolutionized the traditional home services market. An ordinary house owner can demand services from a grocery store, request home appliance repairs, or regularly receive services from house cleaning experts.


Home Service App development


Several on-demand home services apps exist in the market, such as apps like TaskRabbit, apps like Handyman, and others. These apps have their respective fanbase, and users choose these apps as per their choice and requirements. Moreover, these apps facilitate the services providers to offer their services most innovatively.

It is clear that for developing an app, there is some cost involved, and if you are planning to launch an owned home services app like TaskRabbit or Handyman, this blog might help you.

We have created this blog to help you with the analysis of the cost of home service app development. While reading this blog, you will go through all the points that can help you to do the cost estimation of customized home services apps.

Before we proceed further, let’s read what it is all about.


What is Home Services App Development?

Let’s make it simple: suppose a day on which you need grocery items for your kitchen, on the same day you need to get your AC and need a house cleaning service. What will you do next? Now there are two options.

First, you go shopping for grocery items, then spend 2-3 hours finding an AC mechanic; once it is done, you need to find a house cleaning services provider. Congrats!!! You have spent your whole weekend searching all these here and there.


on Demand home service app development


Another option is just you need to pick your smartphone and open an app for ordering the grocery items, then move to the next app segment for booking AC repair and finally find a house cleaning services provider.

All these tasks you can do in three clicks instead of spending the whole day reserved for the rest. There is no doubt that you would love to go with the second option. Now a single app that you can choose to do all these tasks via the home services finder app.

In terms of definition, the on-demand home services mobile app works like a platform where a home service provider meets customers and vice -versa. These apps work on the Uber model, where service providers and users need to register themselves to meet each other.


Some Crucial Facts About On-Demand Home Services Apps

This blog is dedicated to finding out how to analyze the cost of home service app development. However, it would also be best to read out some facts or statistics about these apps so you can get a clear view of what are the market statistics and what you can plan accordingly for your app.

So, let’s check out some interesting facts about home service apps –

  • The global on-demand home service market size is expected to reach $1574.86 billion from 2020 to 2024.
  • The USA is one of the biggest markets for smart home service apps as revenue generation will touch $262.10 million in 2022.
  • Worldwide smart home service revenue is projected to reach $0.87 billion in 2022.
  • With CAGR(2022-2027) 10.77% it is expected to reach $1.44 billion in 2027.
  • The major key players in the home services app market are Thumbtack, TaskRabbit, UrbanClap, and Handyman.


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The reason behind including the statistics about smart home services is that the future is of smart home automation, and very soon, we will observe some more changes. So, there is no doubt that an end-user can also request the services for their smart home.

For analyzing the cost of on-demand home service app development, first, you need to know what are the factors that affect the cost of the app development. Once you have read it, then you can roughly estimate the cost and get confirmation while consulting an on-demand app development company.

The following section of this blog is dedicated to the factors that influence the cost of developing home service apps like TaskRabbit or Handyman.


Factors Influencing the Cost of Home Service App Development

There are several factors that affect the cost of developing home services apps, but before we reach them for reading. Let’s read the total cost of handyman app development. The average cost to develop a home service app with basic features will cost you around $15,000-$25,000.


Cost Of Home Service App Development


The cost can go upto $100 k if you want to launch your app laden with the most advanced features. These mentioned costing ideas are about full-time project development. You can also hire on-demand app developers on an hourly basis, and that can cost you around $20-$150 / hour, depending on the complexity of the app.

Total project development cost or hiring developer’s hourly cost is only two factors, among other factors.

Let’s check out the influential factors that affect the cost of on demand home service app development.


1. Features

The most influential factor is the app’s features. If you need only basic features, then the cost will be low, but if features are advanced, complex, and quantity is more, then the cost will be more.

The idea is simple: more advanced features mean you need to spend more money. The reason is for developing the complex app efforts, planning, and technology that also require an amount of money. It affects the overall cost of on demand home service app development.


2. Type of App

Most businesses majorly use three types of apps Native apps, cross-platform apps, and progressive web apps. You can choose accordingly as per your budget. The cost of developing these apps like –

  • Cross-platform App Development Cost – $20,000- $35,000
  • Native App Development Cost – $50,000- $100,000
  • Progressive Web App Development Cost – $10,000-$20,000

These apps have their advantages, such as cross-platform apps that work on all mobile platforms, native apps are best to target the platform users such as Android or iOS, and progressive web apps are platform-independent as these can be accessed via any web browser only.


3. App Development Platforms

In the expansion of the above point, the platform is also one factor that influences the cost of home service app development. There are two major platforms, Android and iOS, which worldwide users are using.

Although a significant percentage of smartphone owners are Android users, iPhone owners have a separate fanbase. There is a major difference between the cost of Android and iOS app development. So, whatever platform you choose, you have to pay accordingly.


4. App Designing

Designing is also one of the constraints that majorly affect the cost of on demand home service app development. The design includes graphic designing, UI/UX components inclusion, smooth navigation from screen to screen, design of landing page, and many other visual elements. It requires expertise and appropriate tools. That directly influences the cost.




5. Third-Party Integration

The third-party API integration is useful when you want to provide additional functionality to your app. It includes push notifications, SMS API, payment transfer, and other specific APIs. Some APIs are free to use, but you need a premium version of these APIs, then it will include in-home service app development cost.


6. Hiring Model

There are three types of hiring models that exist, i.e., full-time hiring, part-time, and hiring developers on an hourly basis. Costing depends on how you hire the developers. In addition, the cost of hiring is also depended on how many developers you are going to hire.


7. Testing

There is a contribution of testing also in the cost of home service app development. Testing is a much-required process to ensure the quality of the app. Without testing, app launching is useless because bugs can distort the whole user experience and make the app vulnerable to cyber threats.


8. Security

Home service apps are being used by millions of users, and their information can be used for malicious intentions. So, implementing a security mechanism is a must to keep all crucial data safe from cyber-attacks or information stealing. It is one of the cost influencing factors but most important for the app and its users.


How To Create An On-demand Service App?


Home service app development


It is a question that you must ask yourself because the cost factor is also related to it directly or indirectly. In terms of home service app development, it starts from idea formulation and ends up at the launching of the app. So, let’s break it into steps-


Idea Formulation

It is okay that you are going to develop a home service app but to get an extra edge in the competition; you need to think about a unique idea. It is a crucial step in developing an app. In the idea formulation phase, you need to find out the problems that a user faces while searching for home services and solutions for it.


Market Research

Keeping an eye on market trends is a smart move. Here you need to keep an eye on what users prefer, analyze with whom you will directly compete, what are the market statistics? What features do competitors’ apps have? It will help you to make a plan of what you can include in your app.


Shortlisting of Features and Functionalities

The inclusion of features and functionalities is required to shape the app. However, the cost of on demand home service apps remains influenced by it. On the other hand, features are also responsible for creating the best user experience.


Hiring of Developers

Choosing the right team for mobile app development will decide the future of your app. Here you need to find a mobile app development company or hire experienced mobile app developers who can develop a home service app based on your specific requirements.

What you can do is take the reference from some review websites such as Clutch, GoodAppFirms, TopAppFirms, etc. There you can find the reviews and ratings given by the clients of those particular companies.

 Note: Mobile app developers for hire is one of the factors that contribute to the overall cost of on demand home service app development.


Cost Of Home Service App Development


Monetization Strategy

It is also a thing that you also need to take care of because a monetization strategy can help you to leverage the app for business. It directly refers to how your app will earn. There are multiple ways to monetize your app, i.e., subscription model, premium model, pay-per-use, freemium, third-party advertisement, and others.

How Much Does It Cost To Develop Cleaning Service App like Handy?


Key Steps To Estimate The Cost of Home Service App Development

The subsequent are some key steps that will help you to estimate the cost of your next on demand home service app development.




What you can do is –


1. Functional Breakdown

Break down all essential components into the list and try to find out from the internet or consult some experienced app developer how much does it cost to develop these.


2. Estimate of Hiring Professionals

First, you need to figure out what kind of team you need to develop your home service app. After that, try to find out what the market costs and what you have to pay after hiring those developers. In addition, a better idea is to compare the quotations received by the developers or from app development companies.


3. Third-Party Integration

What kind of APIs do you need, and what does it cost to include in the app. Compare similar APIs prices by different providers. It can help you to save the cost.


4.  App Marketing

It includes how you will promote your app and what are the mediums that you will consider for app promotion. The cost of promotion you also need into the cost estimation to develop the app.


5. Final Estimation

Now, it is time to add the cost of all components and find the total cost. You can use this figure for reference while discussing hiring and the cost of on-demand home service app development.


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Wrapping It Up!

Worldwide mobile app revenue is projected to reach 935 billion dollars. There is a huge craze for handyman apps like uber; that is the reason businesses are focusing on it, where providing home services is one of them. These apps are helping many users to get the home services such as home appliance repairing, house cleaning, home renovation, and others.

If you are planning to launch your own app, then it is crucial to analyze the cost of on demand home service app development. It will help you to finalize your idea and turn it into a fantastic household cleaning app.