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Have you heard of smart parking systems? You must be aware of this software if you visit malls, movie theatres, stadiums, and crowded places. Countless entrepreneurs want to invest in smart parking systems. The demand for this software has increased extensively after the pandemic outbreak.

Everybody wants to enjoy themselves in malls, stadiums, and theatres. But the struggle for parking slots is real in metro cities. Due to this, the development of smart parking systems became a savior. If you want to know how you can create a smart parking system to help individuals and generate revenue, this blog is for you.

In this blog, we have covered everything that will help you build an IoT app, so read this blog until the end.


Current Growth Pattern & Market Analysis of Smart Parking System

If you want to know the market analysis of smart parking systems using IoT app development, then carefully read the information mentioned below.




  • According to this statistic, the smart parking market in Europe is expected to grow between 2014 and 2025.
  • Around 19 billion U.S. dollars will be generated from the smart parking market in Europe by 2025.
  • In 2018, the global smart parking market was $8.2 billion, with a forecast for $20.23 billion by 2023.
  • A CAGR of 14 percent is expected to make the global smart parking market reach about 3.8 billion U.S. dollars by 2023.
  • In North America, the Impact of IoT shows how big the smart parking market will be from 2014 to 2025.
  • Approximately 24 billion U.S. dollars will generate revenue from the North American smart parking market by 2025.




  • From 9.7 billion IoT devices in 2020 to more than 29 billion in 2030, the number of IoT devices is expected to nearly triple.
  • By the end of 2030, China will have the most user of IoT devices, with about 5 billion of them.
  • Consumer markets and other business verticals employ IoT devices, with the consumer market expected to account for over 60% of all IoT-connected devices by 2020.
  • In 2022, it’s expected that revenue from IoT app development will total US$19.59 billion.
  • The market’s largest sector, dubbed “Smart Home Technologies,” is anticipated to generate US$19.01 billion in revenue by 2022.
  • Market volume is projected to reach US$33.74 billion by 2027, with revenue predicted to rise at 11.49% per year (CAGR 2022-2027).
  • In contrast to other countries, the United States will create the majority of revenue ($4,761.00m in 2022).


What is a Smart Parking System?


What is a Smart Parking System


A smart parking system is a technology that helps drivers find available parking spaces more easily and efficiently. Best mobile app developers focus on creating software through various methods, such as sensors that detect when a parking space is occupied.

The smart parking app shows drivers where available parking spaces are located, and automatic guidance systems can guide drivers directly to an open spot. The goal of a smart parking system is to make it easier and faster for drivers to find a place to park, reducing traffic congestion and improving the overall flow of traffic.


Features of Smart Parking System

Every smart parking system has three panels: User, Admin, and Parker. In this section, we have compiled a list of essential features of the smart parking system which you should remember. Discuss these features with the best mobile app developers for creating similar functions. Help you in the process of developing this software.


User Panel

Admin Panel Parker Panel
User Registration & Login User Control

Registration & Login

Navigation & Search for Parking Spaces

Revenue Management Parker Dashboard
Make Booking Booking Management

Add Contact Information

View Parking History

Reward & Offer Management Contact Details of Customer
Payment Gateway Integration New Location Add ons

Receivable Payment from Customer

Update Account Information

Rejected & Approved Driver Profiles Accepted & Rejected Parking Request
Contact Customer Support Stats & Analytics

Check Review & Ratings

Waiting List on Booking

Notification Alert

Rating & Review

Notification Alerts

Available Cities List


A smart parking solution is incomplete without these functions. It is essential to know that developing these functions is not easy at all. Only a web development company can create the functions mentioned above with its massive development team.

So, without a doubt, hire a web development company with years of experience to get your advanced parking application.


Smart parking cta

How To Build Smart Parking System Mobile Applications?

Now that you have a list of essential features of smart parking systems, it is time for you to learn the development steps of smart parking systems. This section will provide a step-by-step of building a smart parking system that may help you thoroughly.

1. Audience Research

It is the initial stage of creating a parking application; you must ensure that you are performing audience research. To perform audience research and understand the market growth pattern and user base.

Research search engines thoroughly about smart parking systems, which will provide you with their demand, supply, and growth pattern data. Based on this, you can analyze whether you’re investing in the right technology to create a car parking app.


2. Competition Study

Secondly, it is the step where you need to conduct market research based on your application type. In this step, you must finalize which platform you want to launch your app. There are two types of platforms; android & iOS.

When you decide on the platform, you should perform competitor research to learn the strategies, methods, and advanced new technologies they use to enhance their application.


3. Planning to Designing

Here comes another step in which you need to create a list of functions & features you want in your applications. To finalize the functions and UX/UI, study competitors and market study thoroughly, as it will provide you with countless ideas to make your app out of the box.

Hence, if you can still decide on the function, it is recommended to hire dedicated developer who will assist in finalizing the outstanding design for your parking solutions. 

4. Programming

It is the stage where it is necessary to hire a dedicated developer to start programming the backend and front of your application. Regarding development, it’s suggested to hire the best mobile app development firm to get better results. It is vital to know that mobile app development firms have years of experience creating mobile web applications.

So, if you want your parking application to stand out from all the hiring, the firm isn’t challenging. The mobile app development company has a team of skilled and talented developers that work on building your desired application with modern technologies.

5. Testing & QA

Till here, you must have had your smart parking app with you. Few people know about this stage, as numerous people think development is the last stage of building a smart parking system. However, it isn’t true.

After the stage of development, it is vital to test the application by the quality assurance team of web development services providers. It is an essential responsibility of a mobile app company or developer to ensure after completing the development of an app as it is not filled with glitches. Testing and quality assurance will hand over the error-free- glitch-free mobile app, which is ready to launch.


6. Deployment & Maintenance

Now the time has come when you’re ready to get on board. After testing and quality assurance, the smart parking system is ready to launch on the desired platform. This step is crucial as it comes with a few challenges of the google play store & apple app store.

The software development company handles your mobile application’s launch from start to end. However, here comes last but not least, maintenance. Make sure you’re getting regular application maintenance and support to avoid maximum error and app glitches.


Smart Parking App CTA

Cost Analysis of Smart Parking System

Numerous business entrepreneurs, who want to invest in this market have the most important question: how much does it cost to develop mobile app for parking?

However, to help those individuals in this section, we have covered some essential data which you must read on to know the cost analysis of smart parking systems. however, it is vital to know that the cost to develop a mobile app may depend on various factors involved in the development, such as

  • Project Complexity
  • Add-on Features
  • Location of the development company
  • Per Hour Development Charges
  • Development Method
  • Technology Stack
  • API Integration
  • Any Additional Services Required

Moreover, after reading about these factors that influence the cost of mobile apps, you must understand the cost analysis. With the estimation of a few factors, the IoT app development cost will range somewhere around $20,000 to $50,000.

Also, hiring a mobile app development company is necessary if you want accurate cost estimation on your smart parking system.

Why Are Investing in IoT-Based Smart Parking System Development Beneficial?

Many entrepreneurs want to invest in parking apps due to several reasons. As you read everything that will help you create a mobile app, it is time to look at why investing in an IoT-based smart car parking app is beneficial.

1. Improved Convenience For Drivers

A smart parking system can help drivers easily find available parking spaces, reducing the time and effort spent searching for a parking spot. It can improve the overall convenience of Parking, making it easier for people to visit businesses, shops, and other destinations.

2. Increased Parking Capacity

Smart parking systems often utilize advanced technologies, such as sensors and real-time data analysis, to maximize the use of existing parking spaces. It can help increase the overall parking capacity of a given area, making it easier for more cars to park in a smaller space.

3. Reduced Traffic Congestion

A smart parking system can help reduce traffic congestion in busy areas by making it easier for drivers to find Parking. It can improve traffic flow and make roads safer and more efficient for all users. So, if you want to get this function in your app, ensure that you hire web development services to get maximum output.

Expert solution cta

4. Increased Revenue For Businesses

A smart parking system can help businesses and parking operators improve the efficiency of their parking operations. It can lead to increased revenue, as more cars can be accommodated in a given space, and parking fees can be optimized based on demand.

5. Improved Sustainability

Smart parking systems can reduce the environmental impact of cars by reducing the fuel wasted while searching for a parking spot. It can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants, making it a more sustainable option for Parking.

In a Nutshell!

Hopefully, you liked this blog and now know how to create a mobile app for parking support. The development of parking apps is growing with immense popularity due to the impact of IoT. Hence, if you want to build an IoT app for the parking segment, you must know hiring the best IoT development company is the best choice.

It is important to know that behind the front and back end of parking solutions are the talented IoT development company. Get in touch with the best mobile app development company if you want to build unique parking software.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Advantage of Smart Parking Services?

It takes less time for vehicles to be manually parked when they are parked using smart parking systems. It also minimizes the chances of accidents and lessens the traffic time spent on IoT vehicles.

What Technologies Used in The Development of Smart Parking Systems?

The latest technologies are used in car parking apps, including ultrasonics, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), RFID, and others. The combination of such advanced technologies has eased the parking industry’s pain points.

Where Is the Smart Parking System Used?

Smart Parking makes parking hassle-free and time-efficient, whether in private parking lots, hospitals, hotels, commercial parking garages, offices, etc.