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“Fitness! The Word is Enough to Define the Whole Emotion of An Individual.”


In this highly modern world, everyone wants to be fit and measure fitness goals in a go, which is absolutely possible via fitness tracker apps!


With time, the fitness goals and priorities are changing every passing day. In previous times. Staying fit and healthy was really difficult for the people and they find it really challenging to follow a strict fitness schedule as there were no apps.

But, thankfully the invention of the smartwatch fitness tracker app has given a boost the fitness industry. Now, people can easily track their fitness in a go. From cultivating healthy diets to weight loss exercises, now everything can be accessed via smartphone. Amazing, isn’t it?

So, now is the right time for business owners of the fitness industry to grab this amazing opportunity and develop a smartwatch app for fitness tracking that generates more revenue and profit. You can also refer to this blog as it highlights everything about smartwatch fitness tracker mobile app including its features and cost.

So, let’s begin…

Current Market Stats of Smartwatch Fitness Tracker App Development

Recent market research indicates that the US fitness app market will increase exponentially in the coming years. The fitness app market is anticipated to reach $10.9 billion, with a CAGR of 23% over the forecast period. The following are some of the latest fitness tracker app stats mentioned in Statista Reports.


stats for fitness app


  • Around 96% of users surf the smartwatch fitness tracker app daily.
  • Revenue from fitness app development is expected to show an annual growth rate of 12.85% CAGR, resulting in a market volume of around US$3.41bn by 2027.
  • Fitness app user penetration will be 8.67% in 2022 and is expected to hit 12.21% by 2027.
  • Globally, the majority of the revenue generated from fitness applications in China was around $4,645.00 million in 2022 and is expected to increase by 2025.
  • The top health and fitness apps generated $327 million worldwide sales last year, with an increase of around 61%.

These are some of the latest statistics on smartwatch fitness tracker apps indicating the ever-rising demand for fitness applications in today’s time. We hope that knowing these stats, you might have decided to create a smartwatch fitness tracker app.


What Is A Smartwatch Fitness Tracker App?

A fitness tracker, sometimes called an activity tracker, is a wearable device that enables users to monitor their heart rate, steps taken, sleep quality, and other variables. The fitness smartwatch activity tracker app communicates over Bluetooth via a mobile device that helps to upload the wearer’s activity data and gadget configuration.


Smartwatch fitness tracker app


These apps can be linked to compatible fitness trackers and synchronized, displaying the tracked data on the monitors. Users can review the regular report and establish daily fitness goals. Through fitness app development, the majority of smartwatches enable some physical activities.


List of 3 Popular Smartwatch Fitness Tracker Apps

Today, the list of the best smartwatch tracker apps is available. All this wouldn’t have been possible without wearable device app development. Let’s look at the top 5 fitness app like Fitbit that is gaining immense popularity these days.


1) Fitbit

One of the famous fitness or workout app, Fitbit software, is used to track the day and night workout progress and stay motivated throughout. The best part is users can check their workouts, activity, nutrition, sleep, stress, etc., by connecting the smartwatch with a fitness tracker app. By using an app like Fitbit, people remain committed to achieving their fitness goals.


iOS Ratings 4.2/5
Android Ratings 4.1/5
Cost Free, In-App Purchases
Compatibility iPhone, iPod touch, Android (8.0 & above)

2) MyFitness Pal

An App like MyFitness Pal allows you to monitor your progress on the road to fitness. With such health-tracking software, you may better understand your eating patterns, make wiser food decisions, find inspiration, and accomplish your fitness goals and objectives.

You may link your MyFitnessPal account to several applications promoting and catering to a better lifestyle.


iOS Ratings 4.7/5
Android Ratings 4.4/5
Cost Free; Offers In-App Purchases
Compatibility Android (7.0 and up), iPhone, iPod touch


3) Garmin Vívoactive

The Vivoactive 4S from Garmin, well-known for its amazing technology in the world of fitness trackers, is a fantastic option for people who are really active.

You can track your activity, make a new schedule, and combine this app with a compatible Gramin Vívoactive device. Additionally, this app evaluates your fitness & health activities and shares the data captured by your connected Gramin fitness app. Businesses that are planning for wearable device app development can consider such applications.


iOS Ratings 4.4/5
Android Ratings 4.6/5
Cost Free,
Compatibility iPhone, iPod touch, Android (8.0 and above)


You can refer to these three best smartwatch fitness tracker apps to create a perfect business app. Now, let’s dig deeper into how you can create your own smartwatch fitness tracker app.


Read the blog- How to Develop The Best Fitness or Workout App


How to Develop A Fitness Tracker App That’ll Boost Business Sales?

Looking for an online fitness trainer app development or a fitness tracker app? Don’t know the steps for development? The following step-by-step process will help.


#Step 1 – Research the Market & Competitors

Before you begin the actual fitness app development process, research in-depth about the market and its competitors, including the top fitness tracking applications. Look for the market trends in the fitness industry to analyze what is going on currently, which will help you develop a unique fitness app.

Performing this first step will help you develop a successful smartwatch fitness-tracking app incorporating the latest tools and technologies.


#Step 2 – Create A Detailed Fitness Tracker App Plan

Next, start creating a detailed plan for wearable app development, highlighting everything about the best fitness tracker app for smartwatches. That document will be your savior and help you when developing an app. While making a plan, perform thorough research, and analyze your competitors and target audience to create a feasible business application.

This step isn’t only for the wearable app but can be followed during IoT application development and other types of development.


#Step 3 – Think of A Unique UX/UI

The user experience and user interface differ from one type of application to the other. So, the design you choose for a mobile fitness app is completely different than a smartwatch fitness app. you can also hire health app developers to create a strong UX strategy for you, such as –


  • Build a data structure and links for your information diagram.
  • Create a high-fidelity app prototype that demonstrates your app’s control features and has an interactive interface.
  • Create a preliminary project schedule with tasks and due dates.
  • A high-fidelity prototype is the most accurate representation of the final design in terms of details and functionality.


#Step 4 – Decide A Suitable Platform

Next, choose the right platform for your smartwatch fitness tracker app. Your decision will depend on the type of target audience for your smartwatch application. For that, you can integrate the following tactics –


  • To get information about user performance, use hardware and sensors on every platform.
  • You may start and stop a workout using the Apple Watch app as a remote.
  • Analyze the most used fitness application platforms.


If your majority of the target audience uses android, go for android mobile app development, rest you can go for iOS development or cross-platform app development, depending on the target audience’s interest.


Read the blog- Don’t Miss These Fitness App Ideas In 2023


#Step 5 – Choose Effective Monetization Methods

Fitness trackers work similarly to other brands that deliver high value via services and tools in their smartwatch mobile applications. So, here you can leverage the best and most effective monetization methods to bring in the best profit from your fitness application. Some common monetization methods you can incorporate are – Advertisements, banners, one-time membership fee plans, and affiliate sales.

All these methods mentioned above will add more worth to your fitness app while enabling businesses to double their sales in no time. Additionally, you should also refer to fitness app ideas 2023 to know more about what’s trending and leverage the changes accordingly.


#Step 6 – Incorporate Built-in Sensors

Besides focusing on development, look for technicalities as well. So, integrate hardware in your tracker app, fitness trainer finder app, or any other app. Using the gathered workout data will showcase the users’ workout progress later. You might wonder which hardware is the best for a smartwatch fitness tracker app. Right?

Refer to the following list –

  • GPS  

This device enables users to easily view their movements on a map. The compass will make it easier for users to navigate while moving quickly.

  • Accelerometer

When coupled with a gyroscope, an accelerometer assist in tracking the users’ physical movements.

  • Altimeters and Barometers

Accurate information on latitude, altitude, and longitude is available via this hardware.

  • Motion Processors 

It helps you count the number of steps covered in a day.


#Step 7 – Begin Smartwatch Fitness Tracker App Development

Finally, begin creating the best fitness smartwatch activity tracker app development. It is where the actual process begins. If you have a development team, well and good, and if not, seek mobile app development services from a leading organization. The experts will help you develop a successful app adhering to your business needs and demands.


#Step 8 – Smartwatch App Support & Maintenance

The job of the smartwatch fitness tracker app isn’t done after development. Proper mobile app support and maintenance is crucial to running the application for years. For that, you can avail maintenance services from an organization with whom you are seeking fitness app development services. Timely maintenance will keep your app running for years and save you from spending major smartwatch fitness tracker app development costs.

It is all about the step-by-step process to create a smartwatch fitness tracker app that, if followed properly will help you build a fitness app that will generate enormous business profit in no time.


fitness and Workout Apps


Essential Features of A Smartwatch Fitness Tracker App

Now that you know the steps to develop a fitness tracker app, it is time to insert the essential features of a smartwatch app that can add more value to your business. 


  1. Step Counter

Let’s begin with a fitness tracker app’s most basic feature requirements, i.e., the step counter. Irrespective of what type of fitness routine you are following, the users must monitor the daily steps KPI. It is where the step counter feature comes in handy.

It helps the users to keep their performance on track and, at the same time, adds more worth to the smartwatch fitness tracking application.


  1. Exercise Monitoring

Undoubtedly, walking is good, but there is no better alternative to exercise when it comes to maintaining fitness and staying healthy. In that case, the exercise monitoring feature proves to be helpful. This feature enables users to add training sessions, follow a stringent working routine, and customize the workout sessions as per the business needs and demands.

Whether you are looking forward to creating a fitness app like Fitbit or MyFitness Pal, this feature is a must.


  1. Sleep Tracking

Perhaps the most important activity for any sports or general fitness, sleep is essential. Business owners can make use of this functionality in their apps to give customers the ability to track sleep habits, identify sleep patterns, etc. It proves to be beneficial for the users to track their activity on time.

  1. Voice Commands

An application should always be easy to use and access. In that case, adding some voice commands will help the users of the fitness smartwatch activity tracker app to gain better access. Screen tap is a new trend to take action, and it is where the voice command feature comes in handy. You can also avail progressive web app development services from professionals to help you with the same.


  1. Push Notifications & Reminders

Like any other mobile application, your smartwatch fitness tracker app should send timely push notifications and reminders on the smartwatch. It will keep the users updated on their fitness activities. For better user engagement, you can send customized push notifications or ask users to set daily reminders.

These are the five most important features of an app like My Fitness Pal or Fitbit that can help you earn more profit and success within less time. Well, the list isn’t limited, as ample features need to be included in a fitness tracker app.


Basic Features of A Smartwatch Fitness Tracker App

Sign up & Log-in Blood Pressure Measurement
User Profile Music
Step Counting Voice Commands
Gamification Goals & Gamification
Sleep Monitoring Social Media Synchronization
Heart Rate Tracking Synchronization with Smartphone
Body Temperature Measurement Settings


Smartwatch fitness tracker app


How Much Does It Cost to Develop A Smartwatch Fitness Tracker App?


The cost to build a fitness app varies from $8,000 to $18,000 depending on the number of variables, app complexity, features, and more. Therefore, there is no fixed cost for wearable device app development. You must consider several elements that influence the cost of developing an app and adjust your budget accordingly. You can hire health app developers to assist you in the best way. The professionals will offer you the best assistance within your budget.


Read the blog- Cost and Features To Develop A Fitness App


Smart Monetization Strategies of A Smartwatch Fitness Tracker App

Simply developing a smartwatch fitness tracker app doesn’t earn you profit unless you incorporate some latest monetization tricks and strategies to add some boost to your application. Now, you might wonder which monetization strategy will work for your fitness or workout app. In that case, refer to the succeeding section.


  • In-app Advertisements

Offer free-of-cost and display ads to generate profit and business revenue while investing less effort. Advertisements will help your fitness tracker app earn popularity.


  • Free Membership Plans

Not every user agrees to pay for the membership plans in the first place. Right? In that case, you can offer a freemium version of your smartwatch fitness tracker app and then ask the users to pay for the membership. It will add some profit to your app for fitness tracking.


  • In-app Purchases & Affiliates

Customized in-app purchases and affiliates will enable users to use your fitness application. At the same time, you can allow other business owners to sell their products and services on your application and earn money.


  • Premium Version

Include all the basic features in the basic and free versions of the smartwatch fitness tracking app, and when the users get addicted to your business app, they will pay for the premium version. You can incorporate all the latest and advanced features in the exclusive version of the smartwatch fitness tracking app.

These monetization techniques will earn you enormous profits from fitness app development and let your business reach the heights of success in no time. Now that you are well-versed in all the tricks, it is high time to take action to create a successful smartwatch fitness-tracking app.


Closing Thoughts!!!

Developing a smartwatch fitness tracker app seems to be a little challenging job than building a mobile app. Different applications have different needs and requirements as we have already discussed in the blog above. A well-developed smartwatch fitness tracker app enhances the brand value of an organization in the sports industry. We hope that after reading this piece, businesses can develop a profit-driven smartwatch app.

If still you face any difficulty, it is advisable to hire dedicated developers who can craft a perfect fitness tracker app for the smartwatch. They can help you build fitness app like Fitbit, MyFitness Pal, or any other app.



List the Popular & the Best Smartwatch Fitness Tracker Apps.

Today, there are ample fitness tracking applications available in the market. It becomes a little difficult to identify which one of them is the best or not. Still, we have mentioned some popular smartwatch applications for fitness tracking.

What Are the Latest Trends in Smartwatch App Development?

Some of the major trends in the smartwatch fitness applications are –


  • Health monitoring apps
  • Note-taking applications
  • Fitness apps
  • Messengers
  • Weather applications


How to Make An App for Smartwatch?

To create a fitness tracker app for a smartwatch, you need to follow the similar mobile app development steps similar to other types of mobile apps. For more detailed information, you can take the help of the health app developers. They will guide you through the entire fitness app development process.