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Bitcoins, cryptocurrencies, and Ethereum is the new era of mobile app development. It’s not surprising to say that among the primary elements that depend on innovation in finance, Technology plays a function in even the most fundamental industries or economic segments. It makes finance user-friendly.

The majority of financial institutions in most places rely on application development. Knowing that several companies want to invest in the trendiest developments that advance the banking sector to a higher level is crucial. You know what we mean. Fintech mobile app development has become the most prominent financial sector in high-tech development. Since it evaluates many online payment methods, fintech is commonly used.

The revolution has opened up new possibilities for the majority of fintech businesses. Businesses need to be alert but also knowledgeable about both innovation and money. Banking software development allows you to make an infinite number of apps.

However, several industries are looking to create a fintech mobile app. Still, due to a lack of information or experience in the industry, many firms are unaware of how much a fintech mobile app costs, its benefit, and its development.

But not now!

In this blog, we have gathered an epic piece of information involving everything you need to know for fintech app development cost. So do make sure to read this entire article till the end.


Current Market Stats of Fintech Mobile App


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  • Digital Payments will be the market’s most significant category with an overall transaction worth US$8,488.00bn in 2022.
  • In the Neobanking market, the average transaction value per user will reach US$17.28k in 2022.
  • In 2018, the global banking app development generated 92 billion euros in revenue.
  • The graph’s estimate indicated that the industry’s income would increase at an average rate of about 12 percent during the ensuing years, reaching 188 billion dollars by 2024.
  • In 2023, it is anticipated that the Neo Banking sector’s revenue will increase by 42.2%.
  • By 2027, 5,480.33 million users will be anticipated in the digital payments market.
  • The total transaction value in the digital payments market is anticipated to reach $8,488.00 billion in 2022.


fintech app development cost


What is a Fintech Mobile App?


25 Creative UI Design Concepts for Fintech Apps | by Shahzaib Khan | Makers Byte | Medium


Programs, mobile applications, and other technologies designed to enhance and automate conventional forms of finance for corporations and individuals collectively fall under the umbrella term of “financial technology,” or FinTech.


10 Steps to Build a Fintech Mobile Application


How To Develop A Fintech Mobile App?

Now the time has come when you must go through the custom fintech app development steps to understand it more thoroughly. In this section below, we have built a step-by-step guide to fintech mobile app development which you must read.


fintech app development cost


1. Research The Market and The Competition

It is essential to conduct market research before creating any mobile applications. Any mobile app you choose must be well-researched because they all have benefits and drawbacks. Following marketing strategy, it is crucial to understand how the competition is expanding.

It will help you create a revenue and business model for your custom fintech app development. However, due to the importance of overall development success, the first development stage will require the most time during the development process.


2. Select The Type of Application

The next step is to choose the platform to launch your banking app development at this phase. The following stage of development will be carried out based on your platform preference. Some businesses tend to release their app only on iOS devices to offer them a premium touch.

But many other entrepreneurs use android and iOS platforms to attract a large user base and increase participation. So, you can choose between developing your most awesome fintech mobile app for Android, iOS, or both platforms.


3. UX and UI & Features

Your market research will help you in this step to create distinctive ways to raise consumer experience on your smartphone app. The key feature of every mobile application that instantly attracts users’ attention and keeps it for a while is its UX/UI design. It’s crucial to remember that you’re creating something novel and improving it so that it’s the most widely used fintech mobile app at this step.

In this step, you’ll also decide what functions and features you want to include in your fintech mobile app and how many of each. It is crucial to pick the right features and functions for your mobile app since they will set it apart from the competition. To become a powerful feature of a fintech mobile app, your app’s features must be unique from those of your rivals.


4. The Development Phase

It Is the most crucial stage in creating a fintech software development. Where you can only be created if you have a checklist of features and functionalities in your hands and a devoted development team, it is crucial to understand that working with the top fintech app development company will provide you with a successful app that generates leads.

After hiring someone, you must schedule a meeting to review all of your app’s initial requirements so they can take notes and follow the procedures carefully. Additionally, you can hire a fintech app development company to assist you in selecting the best and most practical features for your project to help you with your app’s UI/UX and features.


5. Testing & Launch

After development, testing is essential since it identifies flaws and problems in mobile applications that can be rectified before release. Testing the app before launch is crucial because it might tarnish the first impression.

There are times when development can go wrong, or the team unintentionally ends up making a mess. However, it is pretty beneficial to get the app quality checked with the help of the quality assurance & testing team of the fintech app development services.

This step will include the app’s speed, bugs, working errors, and other concerns. Only after the testing can you publish your fintech mobile app and spread the word about it on several social media networks after testing.


Read More: How to Develop Loan Lending Mobile App? 


The Key Features of Fintech Mobile App Development

Let’s not wait further and get straight into the key features of fintech software development. These features are the key to a fintech app, so reading this section is crucial if you’re working on your own fintech mobile app project.


1. Features of A User Panel


fintech app development cost


  • Account Control

Better account management is essential for your customers’ finances, debit and credit cards, and savings accounts since their bank accounts will be connected to your app.


  • Custom User Interface

You must make sure that the UI of your peer-to-peer payment app may be modified to meet the needs of specific users. Add features for the app’s brightness, font size, and many more to offer customers a user-friendly engagement.


  • Visualization of Important Data

Most users prefer to view their money and card balances as diagrams and charts with pattern-highlighted regions reflecting the condition of monitored parameters, even though numbers are helpful.


  • Notifications Alert

Notification alerts are essential to keep users fully informed about any changes to their accounts or pertinent opportunities.


  • AI-based Chatbots

Add this feature to offer your users 24*7 customer support. It will enhance the customer service of your app, which will be beneficial.

2. Features of An Admin Panel


fintech app development cost


  • Modern Automation

With this feature, your custom web development speeds up the data processing, and automation capability aids in decreasing delays in complicated business procedures and delivering a great user experience.


  • Analytics of Data

Data analytics is a valuable component that aids users in reviewing their data history. Every mobile app user can examine their financial activity and transaction history for the month, year, and week.


  • Identification and Verification

Knowing that users’ money and personal information security should be your top priority is essential. User data should be authenticated by generating an OTP and confirming it by email, SMS, or phone call. Using multiple identification, biometric authentication, and virus protection techniques to ensure end-to-end data security is important


  • Intelligent AI Recommendation

AI may be beneficial for processing large amounts of data in your app. It is essential to know that it makes predictions about what a user will need next based on their previous user engagement.



How Much Does Fintech App Development Cost?

Knowing about cost breakdown is important if you want to create a fintech mobile app. A FinTech app’s development typically costs $8,000 to $15,000. However, a wide range of variables affects the precise number. The term “fintech” refers to any technology that facilitates financial transactions.

There are times when several industries invest in developing fintech apps but forget to get a proper cost estimation, resulting in a loss. To help you in the first place, we have covered a breakdown of the banking app development cost to help you understand it more thoroughly.



Time Taken


$15 Per Hour

                 Customer Panel Development  
Sign-Up 70 2,600
Profile Edit 70 2,700
Bank Account 200 9,000
Dashboard On the Home Screen 150 5,500
Payment Gateway 120 4,900
Stock Control 310 13,100
Sell Stocks 50 3,000
Shopping Cart 60 2,800
Admin Panel Development
Sign-Up 20 700
User Control 100 5,500
Transaction Control 100 3,800
Withdrawal Control 70 2,800
Customer Query Control 40 2,000
Total 1,365 58,400


However, the cost to develop a fintech mobile app varies depending on several factors. Below we have mentioned some core factors that influence the cost of fintech mobile app development, so read carefully.


1. App Platform

Every mobile app can be launched on one or potentially many more platforms. Choosing between Android and iOS is challenging, which is why there are several mobile app development companies that select both platforms to launch their app to get massive user engagement on their app. However, knowing that every platform has features and functions included in the development is vital.

So, when you choose android app development, it might cost you more than iOS. Fintech app developers cost massive hourly costs to build an iOS platform that may influence your overall development cost.


2. App Type

It is crucial to know that cost also depends on the type of fintech mobile app you have chosen to develop with its specific fintech mobile app developers. As we all know, there are 5 types of fintech mobile apps. Here we have built a table that discloses the cost of developing a fintech mobile app with its development time and cost estimation.


3. Developer Team

The cost to develop a fintech mobile app also differs depending on the charges of the fintech software developers. As we all know, to get your app settings, you can hire fintech software developers in four ways. To explain to you thoroughly, in this section, we have built a table showing how much it costs to build a fintech mobile app with this type of development team and their charges. So keep reading.


Type of Development Team

Cost of Development

In-house $15,000
Local agency $20,000
Freelancers $13,000
Outsource agency $22,000


4. Features & Complexity

Features & Complexity is a factor that plays a vital role in increasing or decreasing the cost of developing a fintech mobile app. If you’re choosing an app with multiple features and advanced UI & UX, it will increase the hours of development, increasing the cost of development.

So, it is vital to keep this in mind if you’re looking for any mobile app development. Getting a cost estimation including these factors is crucial to know the accuracy of the development cost.Hopefully, after reading these factors, you’ll make sure and make a list of all three factors and take your own app development cost into account.


Some Incredible Benefits of Fintech Mobile App Development

After learning everything about fintech app development, you must know why you should invent fintech mobile app development. In this section below, we come up with the core benefits of developing a fintech mobile app, so make sure to read it entirely.


Benefits of Fintech Mobile App Development (1)


1. Enhanced Security

Improved security is one of the most prominent benefits of fintech mobile app development. Several businesses are concerned about security; however, the fintech mobile app development can lessen the burden of the issue in securities.

It is developed with secure data and provides enhanced security to businesses and their users with the help of encryption technologies. People who know encryption technologies provide safe, highly enhanced, and secured data transfer that will benefit traditional online banking applications.


2. Increase Data Management

Fintech mobile app development offers optimal solutions for managing data that enhance client satisfaction and organizational productivity. Rather than employing various apps for identical functions, it helps businesses organize their content effectively and keep it on a specific platform, which lowers operating costs and improves productivity.


3. Broader Audience

Since fintech apps are mobile-first, they can assist firms in reaching a broader audience across various platforms, such as smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. If your business is looking for a broader reach, then choosing a fintech mobile app development is the key.

In addition, the demand for financial services is rising quickly, making connecting with customers online more critical than ever. These results state that fintech apps become the best alternative to generate improved revenue with massive digitalization.


4. Improve Customer Experience

As an entrepreneur, you must know how vital customer expenses are for any business. Investing in fintech app development can offer your business various approaches to enhance your user’s experience by offering them new products and services.

It is vital to know that the fintech mobile app assists users get access to various functions of being by win click from their smartphones. It offers experiences like making payments, bank balances, withdrawals, and many more that increase user engagement on the app.


5. Better Functionality & Usability

The user-friendliness of the mobile app provided by FinTech app development is another significant advantage. as we all know that unpleasant mobile applications can cause or deliver a poor user experience. But when it comes to the fintech mobile app, you won’t have to deal with such problems as they provide excellent usability and performance with incredible features that can help you grow your business.


fintech app development cost


What’s Next!

Hopefully, the information mentioned above was quite helpful for you in knowing about the most incredible benefits of fintech mobile app development and many other things that might help you in development. However, it is vital to know that fintech mobile app development isn’t easy due to its popularity, which requires uniqueness in every development to grow.

So, if you’re one of the people looking to develop a fintech mobile app but aren’t able to find the best software development company, then it is time to hire a mobile app developer that offers you the best fintech mobile app.

You can get in touch with our team if you want a skilled and talented development company with decades of experience in web development. Our team has talented and well-qualified developers that work on offering our clients premium development services.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What Are The Best Fintech Mobile Apps In 2023?

Here are some of the best Fintech Mobile Apps you must go through to widen your research on fintech mobile app development.

● MoneyLion.
● Robinhood.
● Chime.


Q2. Who Are Fintech Developers & What Do They Do?

Financial app developers are specialists in building applications that guarantee security and safety within mobile banking falls. These developers offer innovative and creative solutions to suit end-user and stakeholder objectives while utilizing best practices and cutting-edge technology.