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“Unlocking Medical Access: Discovering the Price of ZocDoc-like App.”


Various industries are still being transformed by technology in today’s quick-paced society where efficiency rules. Since the introduction of apps like ZocDoc, the healthcare industry has seen a significant upheaval. These platforms are revolutionizing the way patients interact with healthcare providers. They streamline the appointment booking process by using just a few swipes on their smartphone.

Have you ever considered the complexity and investment needed to create an app that can change everything? This blog will take you on an adventure to discover the estimated costs to develop a doctor appointment app like ZocDoc.

We invite you to join us as we explore the world of technology, examine the innovative features and reveal the financial aspects of crafting a healthcare system that empowers and simplifies patients’ access to quality care. Let’s get started!


What is Doctor Appointment App Like ZocDoc?

Appointments with healthcare specialists can be scheduled and managed with the use of this smartphone app. This type of app is based on ZocDoc, an established healthcare platform. It allows users to find doctors by location, specialization, availability and reviews from patients.


What is Doctor Appointment App Like ZocDoc


This app allows patients to easily book appointments and access doctor profiles and essential information like clinic addresses, hours of operation, and accepted insurance plans. These apps offer many features, including reminders, real-time availability updates and secure payment integration.

Now that you know what it is ZocDoc? Let’s move on to know some of the incredible market stats.


Here are some Market stats which you must know about doctor appointment apps like Zocdoc:

  • Over 6,000,000 active users use ZocDoc.
  • The platform of ZocDoc offers appointments with over 50 medical specialities.
  • ZocDoc has been downloaded more than 10 million times.
  • ZocDoc is expected to generate revenue of $366 million in 2020.
  • By 2027, the global telemedicine industry, which includes doctor appointment apps and other telemedicine services, is expected to be worth $155.1 billion.
  • A survey found that 83% of patients prefer to schedule appointments online and use apps for doctor’s appointments.
  • In 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic will increase the number of telehealth consultations in the United States by 154%.
  • In the last few years, apps for doctor appointments have increased significantly in several countries. These include the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
  • Demand for doctor appointment apps stems from the desire for easy and convenient healthcare, particularly for urban populations with busy schedules.




How Does Doctor Appointment App Like ZocDoc Work?

Now, you must know the working process of a doctor appointment app like ZocDoc. In this section, we have covered step-by-step working of doctor appointment apps like ZocDoc.


1. User Registration

When creating an account, users provide basic information such as their name, contact details and, sometimes, their medical history.


2. Location and Specialty Selection

The user of the Zocdoc telemedicine app can select their location and then choose the type of specialist or doctor they require. Users can filter results by distance, insurance coverage and availability.


3. Search and Review

The doctor appointment app like ZocDoc will generate a list of doctors based on the criteria selected by the user, including their profiles, ratings and reviews. Users can use reviews and ratings to make informed choices.


4. Schedule Appointments

The doctors will provide a range of options for the users to choose from. Apps usually display real-time availability so users can see the next appointment available or select a later time and date.


5. Booking Confirmation

The doctor appointment app like ZocDoc will confirm the booking once the user has selected a suitable time slot. Some best doctor appointment booking apps allow automatic confirmation or offer the option to send users appointment reminders.


6. Integrating with Personal Calendar

Many doctor appointment apps like ZocDoc integrate personal calendars like Google and Apple Calendars. This integration allows users to keep track of their appointments and avoid conflict with other events.


7. Telehealth and Video Consultations

Some healthcare mobile app trends now offer telehealth, which allows users to consult with healthcare professionals virtually via video call. Users can select between virtual or in-person appointments depending on their options.


8. Prescription Renewal and follow-ups

Users can sometimes request prescription renewals and schedule follow-up appointments via the app. This feature simplifies the process and helps users to manage their ongoing healthcare requirements.


9. Feedback and Reviews

Users can leave feedback and reviews after the appointment. They can rate their experience and provide feedback to the doctor. This feedback will help future users make better decisions.


10. Payment Integration

Some doctor appointment apps like ZocDoc integrate with payment systems. It allows users to pay directly from the best app to book appointments. This feature eliminates manual payment processing before or after an appointment.


Infographic of Doctor Appointment App Like ZocDoc


Top 10 Apps Like ZocDoc

To help you build a doctor appointment app like ZocDoc, we have helped innovatively by creating a list of the top 10 apps like ZocDoc for your competitor research.


App Name




Company Spotlight



Online doctor appointment booking platform. 4.6/5 10M+ Bengaluru, India Android, iOS


Provides virtual consultations with doctors. 4.5/5 5M+ Palo Alto, United States Android, iOS


Book appointments with doctors and specialists. 4.7/5 2M+ Paris, France Android, iOS


Find doctors and book appointments in India. 4.4/5 1M+ Pune, India Android, iOS


Discover and book appointments with doctors. 4.3/5 5M+ Warsaw, Poland Android, iOS


Access to virtual healthcare and consultations. 4.6/5 10M+ Purchase, United States Android, iOS


Video visits and online healthcare services. 4.5/5 5M+ Boston, United States Android, iOS

Practo Pro

App for doctors to manage appointments, etc. 4.7/5 1M+ Bengaluru, India Android, iOS


Find doctors and book appointments in Egypt. 4.4/5 500K+ Cairo, Egypt Android, iOS


Consult with doctors online in India. 4.6/5 2M+ Bengaluru, India Android,


Cost to Build A Doctor Appointment App Like ZocDoc

You must be tired of searching for the question “How much does a doctor appointment cost” on the internet. But you should be happy knowing this is your search journey’s end. In this section, we have covered all your answers!

Developing a doctor appointment app like ZocDoc is a multi-faceted and complex undertaking that requires meticulous planning, robust implementation, and robust development.

It depends on a number of factors, such as the app’s features, its complexity, the platform used for development, the size of the team, and its location, how much it cost to develop a mobile app. In this section, our blog will examine the estimated costs of developing an appointment app like ZocDoc.


1. Features and Functionalities

App features and functionality are key factors in determining development costs. A doctor appointment app like ZocDoc includes features such as doctor profiles, appointment schedules, patient reviews and location-based searches.

Costs are directly affected by the complexity and features of an app. In addition, adding features such as telemedicine and video consultations will require extra development effort, further increasing the Zocdoc development cost.


2. Platform Selection

The cost is also affected by the platform you choose. A Doctor Appointment app like ZocDoc is available for iOS, Android and Web. Cross-platform development using frameworks such as React Native and Flutter reduces zocdoc appointment costs because it allows code to be shared across platforms. Building native apps for every platform offers a better experience but requires separate development, which can increase overall costs.


3. The size and location of the Development Team

The cost of a development team is affected by the size and composition. A typical team includes project managers, designers, a top mobile app development company in the USA, quality assurance engineers and backend developers.

The cost of a doctor appointment app like ZocDoc can be affected by the team’s location and level of experience. Hiring a development team from a country with lower labour costs, such as India or Ukraine, can save you a lot of money compared to hiring one from a country with higher labour costs, such as the United States.


4. User Interface Design

A smooth and intuitive experience depends on the user interface (UI) and the design of your doctor appointment app like ZocDoc. A visually appealing interface and intuitive navigation can help increase engagement.

Hiring an experienced UI/UX mobile application development company to create wireframes, prototypes, and the final design may increase the development cost. Costs can be affected by the complexity and uniqueness required for the design and the need for animations or illustrations.


5. Backend Development and Infrastructure

A robust backend is essential for managing user data, appointments and notifications. The cost of backend development of healthcare apps depends on the app’s complexity and infrastructure. Integrating third-party APIs, such as payment processing and electronic health records (EHR), can increase development costs.


6. Testing, Deployment, And Maintenance

Testing the doctor appointment booking app thoroughly is important to ensure its stability, functionality and security. Testing on different devices, platforms and network conditions is included in the cost to identify bugs or performance problems. The cost of deploying an app into the respective app store and maintaining it, including bug fixes and feature enhancements, is also included.

According to these factors, creating a mobile app like ZocDoc could range anywhere from $8,000 to $25,000. It is important to remember that this is only a rough estimation, and the cost could vary depending on each project’s specific needs and circumstances.

Developing a doctor appointment app like ZocDoc requires a holistic approach. It includes features, platform selections, doctor-on-demand app development company sizes, UI/UX designs, backend development and testing, and ongoing maintenance. It is possible to estimate the cost of developing a Doctor App like ZocDoc by carefully evaluating all these factors and considering specific project needs.


Features That Affect Cost to Develop A Doctor Appointment App Like ZocDoc

If you are still wondering how much a doctor’s appointment costs, we assure you this section will help. Planning and evaluating the various features of a doctor appointment app like ZocDoc can impact overall development costs. These are a few key features that will impact the overall doctor mobile app development cost.


Features That Affect Cost to Develop A Doctor Appointment App Like ZocDoc


  • User Registration and Authentication

Users can create an account and authenticate their own identities. It involves creating secure and easy-to-use registration and login processes, including password management, email verification, and other features. Hire dedicated developers to get the proper list of features which you must add to your doctor appointment apps like ZocDoc.


  • Doctor Profiles Search and Browse

The feature allows you to create and manage profiles of doctors. It includes their qualifications, specialities, locations, and availability. The complexity of developing a search function that helps users locate doctors using specific criteria increases when implementing an efficient search.


  • Book an appointment

Zocdoc app users can book appointments with doctors. Implementing a user-friendly UI that allows users to view available time slots and select their preferred doctors is important. Booking appointments can then be done seamlessly. Another aspect to consider is integrating with external calendars to sync appointments.


  • Real-time Availability

Users want to see real-time availability from doctors. It is important to integrate the app with the doctors’ calendars and scheduling systems and ensure that it accurately reflects availability. Real-time updates increase doctor appointment app development complexity and costs.


  • Reviews and Ratings

By allowing users to rate and review doctors, you can build trust. It will help other users make informed decisions. The mobile app development process is complicated by implementing a review system that includes moderation and calculation of ratings.


  • Reminders and Notifications

Users must be informed of upcoming events, availability changes, and important updates. It can take a lot of time to develop a notification system compatible with different platforms (iOS and Android) that address different scenarios.


  • Secure Payment Integration

It is important to allow users to pay securely for appointments booked within your app. Integration with payment gateways and compliance with security standards, such as PCI-DSS, can impact costs.


  • Electronic Medical Records Integration (EMR)

Integrating EMR systems allows doctors access to patient medical records, allowing them to make informed decisions. To do this, you must be familiar with and work closely with the various EMR systems. You must also ensure data privacy and security compliance and develop appropriate APIs and exchange mechanisms.


  • Location-based Services

Location-based services allow users to search for nearby doctors using their current location. Integrating geolocation and mapping services such as Google Maps can add complexity to a Zocdoc clone app and impact its development costs.


  • Analysis and Reporting

Data on app usage, appointments, and other metrics can be collected to provide useful insights into the business and best app for doctor appointment development. To implement analytics and reporting, you must set up tracking mechanisms and create intuitive dashboards and reports.


  • Admin Panel

App administrators can manage users, doctors, and appointments with an intuitive admin panel. Admin panels of sites like Zocdoc include user management, content administration, analytics and reporting features.


  • Cross-platform Compatibility

The cost of developing an app for iOS and Android can be higher. It requires separate codebases and cross-platform frameworks. It ensures a consistent user experience on all platforms.

The complexity and cost of developing a doctor’s appointment app such as ZocDoc will vary depending on several factors, including the level of customization desired, the expertise of the effective doctor appointment app development team, and the chosen technology stack.


Cost to create an app cta


“Cracking the Cost Code: App Like ZocDoc”

We have cracked the cost code after delving deep into developing a doctor appointment app like ZocDoc. To create a ZocDoc-inspired app, careful planning, meticulous design, and budgeting are all part of the financial journey. Each step, from the complexity of designing an intuitive interface to integrating robust features, requires a significant investment in time, expertise, and resources.

We can better understand the financial landscape by decoding the expense code. Now that you understand estimated costs better, it’s time to buckle up and begin this exciting journey. Dev Technosys is a leading doctor-on-demand app development company that can help you create an incredible app like ZocDoc.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q1. How Much Would It Cost To Develop A Doctor Appointment App Like Zocdoc?

Costs for developing an app like Zocdoc telehealth can range between $8,000 and $25,000 depending on features, platform, development team, and complexity.


q2. What Features Should You Consider When Building A Doctor Appointment Application Like Zocdoc?

The key features of a doctor’s appointment app such as ZocDoc are user registration, search and booking for doctors, appointment reminders and patient reviews, secure integration with payment, and an intuitive interface.


Q3. How Long Does It Usually Take To Create Doctor Appointments App Like Zocdoc?

The time it takes to develop an app for doctor appointments like ZocDoc varies but is typically between 3 and 6 months. The timeline can be affected by factors such as the complexity of an app, the design requirements and even team size.


Q4. What Are The Most Common Technologies Used In Developing A Doctor Appointment App Like Zocdoc?

The most commonly used technologies to develop a doctor appointment application like ZocDoc are programming languages such as Java or Swift, frameworks for the backend like Node.js and Django and database systems such as MySQL or MongoDB.


Q5. What Other Costs Should Be Taken Into Consideration Besides The Development Of An App For Doctor Appointments Like Zocdoc?

Additional expenses can include third-party integration fees, such as SMS or Payment Gateways, ongoing maintenance, support, marketing, and legal or regulatory costs.