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While healthcare apps were a thing before covid, it wasn’t until the pandemic hit that the market got a boom. Since people could not consult the doctors physically, they resorted to virtual means. You see, more and more people started using their mobile phones to consult doctors and get medical services. Consequently, this leads to a lot of people wanting to develop a Healthcare App of their own and get into the business.

If you want to do the same; you have come to the right place. For this blog, we shall be discussing everything related to healthcare application development.


Healthcare Mobile App Development Stats


We shall be looking at each and everything related to Healthcare app development. This includes the cost of developing such an app, the core features, the development process, and how to choose the right app development company for the same. And at the end, we will also be looking at different methods of hiring an app development company in the USA.

But first, let’s look at the definition of healthcare app development:

What is Healthcare App Development?

As the name suggests, healthcare application development refers to the process of creating a mobile application. The main aim of this application is to provide users with on-demand healthcare services through which they can follow up on their health-related issues in real-time.


Healthcare Mobile App Development


As such, there are a lot of healthcare apps available in the market. And through these apps, people can do/avail the following: services, hospital experience, electronic health records, and insurance claims.

Let’s discuss the main feature of a healthcare mobile app in detail below:


1. For Doctors


Healthcare Mobile App Development For Doctors


A doctor’s mobile application can help them keep track of their patients along with monitoring, scheduling appointments, as well as staff management. These applications are designed for specific purposes and thus, the same can greatly help healthcare staff in a lot of day-to-day tasks.


2. For Patients

Through a healthcare mobile application, patients can avail many benefits. With it, they can book appointments from their mobile phones, talk to doctors through messaging features in real-time and get recommendations. This is much like fitness app development which also got a push because of lockdown.


For Patient


Now, let’s look at some of the stats and facts related to the some:

  • In Apple’s app store, there are more than 45,000 healthcare applications.
  • On Google Play Store, there are around 43,000 healthcare mobile apps.
  • mHealth Market generated more than 13 billion USD across the globe in 2019
  • As per the Accenture Survey, 75% acknowledge the importance of healthcare mobile apps.
  • The telemedicine market is forecasted to reach 17 billion by 2026

So, all in all, there is a lot of scope in the healthcare industry, and with the help of healthcare app developers, you can create the next big telehealth app in the market. But how do you develop a healthcare app?

How To Develop A Healthcare App?


Healthcare app development process


Developing a might seem like a simple process in theory but there is a lot that goes into it. To Develop a Healthcare App, there is an 8-step procedure that you need to follow. Each of these steps or phases of development is important and contributes to the overall functioning of the final product. These steps are, as mentioned below:

  • Step1 – Idea Confirmation
  • Step2 – Market Audit
  • Step3 – Creating App’s Wireframe
  • Step4 – Choosing a Platform
  • Step5 – Development
  • Step6 – Testing and Improvement
  • Step7 – Deployment
  • Step8 – Post Release work

We shall be discussing all of these eight steps in detail. With this being said, let’s get started with the first step:



Step 1: Idea Confirmation

Assuming that you already have an idea in your app about your healthcare mobile app developers, the first idea is confirmation and cross-check the app. However, if you don’t have an idea, it is recommended to go and find an idea first then we can work on that to turn an idea into a real-world application.

Moving on, to confirm whether or not your idea is fail-proof, you can check the following things:


#1. App Objective

Questions the object of the healthcare apps. Do you want to build this app? Does the app go hand in hand with your business? these are a few questions that you can ask yourself and check your idea.


#2. Target Audience

Recognizing the target audience is one of the most important things. So, ask yourself who are or can be your potential user.


#3. App USP

Features are something that defines your app and drives user engagement. So, what are the important features of this app, and what is the healthcare app’s core appeal?


#4. Competitor Analysis

Analyzing competitors is an important part.


#5. App Investment

It is important to question whether or not the money you are investing in the app is justified.

If your idea stands its ground and still looks strong, it’s time to move to the next step.


Top Trending Healthcare Applications

Step 2: Market Audit

Conducting market research or market audit is an important step in healthcare mobile application development. This is the step where you see the real step of the market where you will be perforating later. As such, some of the benefits of the market audit are, as mentioned below:

  • Market research helps you understand consumer behavior better.
  • It is a great method to get new ideas from the market.
  • This is a great method to analyze market opportunities.
  • It helps identify the potential market base.
  • Through the market audit, you can learn about more features

These are some of the benefits of conducting market research. It is also recommended that you analyze competitors and feedback on their apps. Here, you can see what people hate and like about their apps. Then you can add that to your healthcare apps.


Step 3: Creating App’s Wireframe

When you have an idea and it is backed with market research, it’s time to shape this idea into a wireframe. So, what exactly do we mean by wireframe? Well, you can take it as a sort of blueprint for your application to be built upon.

It will have information regarding the basic design of your application as well as its functionality. In addition, it is will also provide an understanding of the healthcare app’s working and looks. Also, it is the first step where you need to Hire Healthcare App Developers.

The developer will build the healthcare app based on these guidelines known as a wireframe. Thus, we can move to the next step of the healthcare mobile app development process.


Step 4: Platform Choice

Now, the fourth step of healthcare mobile app development is selecting a platform for your mobile application. Now, there are a few different types of platforms you can choose, for instance, native apps, cross-platform ones, and whatnot. Let’s see, each of these in detail:


#1. Native App

Native mobile applications are based on either mobile operating systems like Android or iOS. These are built with help of developers’ tools and development languages. You can choose either one of these platforms or both individuals. You can also choose a cross-platform option. Let’s see what it is.


#2. Cross-Platform App/ Hybrid App

Cross-platform app development deals with a single mobile app that is built on HTML5. These apps can run on different platforms. In addition to this, they can be downloaded from all app stores just like a native app.

After you a choosing a platform for your application, we can move to the next step.


hire-mobile-app-developers CTA

Step 5: Development

Finally, the big step that takes most of the time, is the development of the app. This is where all the heavy lifting is done and your app’s different component is made into one. It is here that it starts taking shape of a real app.

However, before developers start to Develop a Healthcare App, it is required for it to pass a usability test. After that, the app is taken through different parts of development. But before that, it is required to create an appropriate environment for the app and health app developers can start working on the different components of the same.


features healthcare app development


As such, there are three main sections in which, we can divide this phase, these are the following:

  • back-end
  • APIs
  • app front-end

Let’s see what goes on in each of these steps:


#1. Back-End/Server Technology

In this part of the development, the database and server-side objects are made imperative for supporting the working of mobile applications. Both of these entities are connected through a network. However, configurations and changes are needed to be done for it to work with the mobile app in the desired method. But this is only applicable if you are using an existing backend platform.


#2. Application Programming Interface

APIs or application programming interfaces are sets of practices, tools, or/and protocols that are used to develop software applications. These components are responsible for specifying how the different components of the app interact.


#3. Mobile App Front-End

Front-end usually means developing the client side of the app. This is the part of the app that interacts with users. And for that reason, there is a lot that goes into it. For instance, it is here that you have to finalize a UI/UX, color scheming, the functionality of the app, animation, and the behavior of the healthcare application.

When all of these three different components of healthcare application development are done with, we can move to the next and 6th steps.


Step 6: Testing and Improvement

React native app development company often advocates the importance of testing mobile applications. And it is only true, testing an application before you launch it into the real world is quite an important step.

So, the application here is deployed into a live environment where it is tested. This step is important to make sure there are no major bugs or errors.

When the testing process is done, the necessary changes are made to the healthcare app, and then it is ready to be deployed into the real market.


Step 7: Deployment

Up until now, we have looked at different steps of development starting from ideation to converting that into real code that into a healthcare app. Now, it is time for launching that application into the Google Play Store, Apple App Store, or both based on the platform you choose.

While this is something you Hire a mobile app developer to do, knowing deploying an app can be beneficial.

Therefore,  let’s see how to deploy these apps:

How to Submit Healthcare App In The App Store And Google Play Store?

The highlighting steps to deploy the healthcare app into iOS App Store.

  1. Make an iOS profile and distribution certificate
  2. Create an iTunes Connect record for your app
  3. Upload and archive the healthcare mobile app
  4. Configure the metadata and other details concerning the app in iTunes Connect Record
  5. Submit the healthcare app for review
  6. Check the app status to see whether it is deployed or not

This is the process of deploying an application in the iOS’ App Store. Now, let’s see how do you deploy an app in Google Play Store.

  1. Get your mobile app information ready
  2. Upload the APK or mobile app bundle files for your application
  3. Set your mobile app’s content rating
  4. Set app’s pricing
  5. Set a distribution plan
  6. Publish your application


Doctor Mobile App Development Cost & Key Features

Step 8: Post Launch Activity

Whether we are talking about healthcare app development or Pharmacy app development, post-release work is absolute. While you might have thought that the app will sustain itself after deploying it, that is wrong.

Mobile application including healthcare application requires regular maintenance work. This doesn’t just involve maintenance but a lot of other work. For instance, this is where you market your apps and pave their way to a potential user base.

This is arguably one of the most important phases of app development. And with this, the whole process of healthcare app development is done.

Core Features of a Healthcare Mobile Application

Features are an important part of Healthcare or Doctor Appointment App Development. After all, features are the backbone of mobile applications and it is through features that people judge an application. Now, this is one of the reasons why you need your app to be filled with all the right features.

In this section of the blog, we shall be looking at the core features of a healthcare mobile application. With this being said, let’s get started:






EMR/EHR is considered to be the driving force behind a healthcare mobile app as well as the cost of development. EMR and EHR stand for Electronic Medical Records and Electronic Health Records respectively. These modules enable a centralized system that helps in better management of patients’ data and records.

2. Medical Workflow Automation

MWA is considered to be an ancillary module to EHR. This involves medication accidents, as well as incident tracking. In addition to that, it also information to medical staff about the drug dosage, timing fluid replenishment timings, and drug and waste management of patients.

3. Doctor and Patient Communication

This feature enables real-time interaction between patients and doctors. In addition to this, it also contributes to scheduling appointments, tracking visits, etc.

4. Video Conferencing




Much like other video conferencing features, this feature enables face-to-face interaction through a video feed using the camera of the Smartphone.

5. Payment Processing

In the NFC app payment processing system is a plus point for both doctors and patients alike. This allows them to directly pay the doctors or medical staff for the exchange of healthcare services and products.


6. Shopping Cart

This module works with patients and customers in a committed eCommerce area where they can purchase medications and medical care items straightforwardly from the application.


7. Third-Party API Integration

This component includes the reconciliation of outsider administrations and applications utilizing recorded APIs like Google Maps API.

8. Custom API for Website Interoperability

This progression includes the advancement of a custom API to associate the portable application to a current site for permitting the trading of information between the two frameworks.


Medicine Delivery App Development Cost and Features

9. Content Management System

Integration of a Content Management System works with heads to effectively change the substance of the application.

10. Reporting and Analytics

Integration of Analytics to get customary reports on application conduct, application issues, network bottlenecks, and application crashes.


Reporting and Analytics

11. Custom UI Design

An expertly planned extraordinary UI with tweaked parts and page formats complying with Human Interface Guidelines for iOS and Material Design for Android.

12. User Profiles

Allowing clients to modify profiles, with data that may be public.

13. Email and Password Login

Allowing clients to make profiles utilizing an email id and a custom secret phrase.


Email Password Login

14. Social Login

Allowing clients to sign in and join the application by utilizing interpersonal organizations, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, and so on.

15. Two-Factor Authentication and SSL Encryption

Incorporation of very secure confirmation strategies which are accessible just to the client.

16. Wearable Device Connection

Connect the application with Wearable Devices so the clients can undoubtedly track or screen their exercises easily.


Wearable Device Connection

17. Push Notifications

The joining of message pop-up usefulness to remind the patient or customer about the normal exercise or measurements of drugs, even when the client isn’t utilizing the application.

18. User Dashboard

This component includes the making of a page which shows structures, outlines, and other customized data.

19. Activity Feed

A flood of action from the client is generally requested consecutively or sequentially.

20. Search

The joining of a Custom Search Box with search auto-fulfillment and ideas.

So, these are some of the basic features that you should consider if you want to develop a Healthcare App. With this being said, there is another major concern that remains and we are talking about the cost of developing a healthcare app. We shall be looking at this in the next section of the blog.


cost to create a mobile app cta

What Does The Healthcare App development Cost?

The final cost of healthcare mobile app development depends upon several factors. This includes the features, complexity, platform, and many other major and minor things. But one might wonder what a rough estimation is and how to find it. There must be a way after all, right? Well, yes there is.

You see, the mobile app development cost can greatly vary. The average to develop a healthcare app is between 8000 dollars to 20,000 dollars depending on its complexity. Let’s look at a rough division of cost.


Function Time Cost, $
App development 1000 4, 000
Quality Assurance 120 5000
Project Management 150 2000
Total 1500 11, 000

Factors That Can Affect The cost of healthcare Application Development

So, this is the basic cost of developing an application. Now let’s look at the factors which can affect the final price. These are, as mentioned below:


1. Location

The location of the developer can affect the price of development. As the development companies based in the United States of America charge more than a company that is based in an Asian country like India. So naturally, this is one of the largest factors that affect the cost of healthcare app development.


2. Complexity

A more complex application takes a longer time to develop along with more effort. That is why as the complexity of the application increases, the price increases with it. Several things contribute to it:

  • Features
  • UI/UX
  • App Size

3. Mode of Service

As things stand there are multiple methods to hire an android app development company. These are, as mentioned below:

  • Local App development company
  • Assembling an in-house team of developer
  • Hiring a freelancer
  • Hiring an outsourcing Company


This is everything you need to know about developing a healthcare application ground up. In this blog, we discussed everything starting from considering the idea of crosschecking it, the definition of a healthcare app, its stats, the process of development, the feature to include as well as what this app is going to cost you. With all this information it is quite easy to develop a healthcare app of your own and take over the market.

However, it is recommended that you consult a global ranking mobile app development company. As they will provide you with better guidance.