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Smartphones and handheld communication devices have transformed the way, activities are done. Almost every demand, such as ordering food, calling taxis, booking doctors, calling domestic help, and other daily services is available over smartphones. Undeniably, all the demanded services are available over smartphones. Car wash app development cost depends on features that you need in your app.

What you need to do is just a few clicks. The same facility is available for car wash app services, which can save your time by keeping such time-consuming tasks at bay.

The car-washing app does the entire task in the desired way. The app allows you to search for the technicians and place the request for your car cleaning; the service comes at your doorstep. It is a time-saving and interesting concept, which is why it is famous.

On-demand Economy

The on demand app development has given the startups an economic rise. Therefore, the businesses are moving more towards the on-demand model. The recent surge in on-demand apps has given the potential wings to many individuals and businesses. These help in solving the user’s pain point with the help of an effective service-based smartphone app.

With the number of service-based apps, the car wash apps are being embraced by the users, because they find it time-consuming and difficult to implement on their own. The app not only saves time but also leverages the best service with few clicks. Now whenever you need or think of a car wash, you do not need to plan.

Looking at the numbers and statistics of last year, the car wash service industry earns a revenue of $5.8 billion annually, which gives service to 8 million cars daily. The stats indicate the growth and size of the industry. Car wash app development is a growing industry and has an untapped market with huge players such as Squeegy and Washos.

Market Size and Stats

The car wash industry reached around 800 million dollars in 2017, where the figures are continually rising. Around 60 percent of the users are surveyed to use the car wash app frequently. Looking at the growing companies such as Washe, which made more 3.3 million dollars since it started and now it is one of the most powerful apps with 1000 licensed professionals.
• The car wash industry got an approximate average yearly growth rate of 3.3 percent up to 2018.
• In the US, 16000 car wash establishments make an approximate annual revenue of $9 billion.
• The annual revenue of the car wash industry comes to reach around $48 billion.

UAE and the Middle East are the most dominant regions for car detailing app development. By 2022, the automotive market is expected to rise more than 10000 million US dollars.

Types of Car Wash App Development

Aggregator Apps

The aggregator app is a stand-alone business model application, which provides a perfect online infrastructure for the customers and detailers. The detailers can enlist their service and advertise them, where the customer can choose any particular service and place the order. Here the app development cost is the capital, which is invested by the app owner.

Dedicated Apps

These apps are appropriate for the businesses running their car washing services. Businesses can develop their app with the help of mobile app development companies and can give personalized service through the dedicated app. The dedicated app is the most beneficial model for professional car washing services and there is a number of benefits such as:
• Increase in the user engagement ratio
• Deliverance of the service in real-time
• User has the feature to choose the car wash service he is interested in
• Increase in Overall Return of Investment.

Revenue Model App

Revenue models are the app models in which car wash mobile apps are made to generate revenue. Here are some conventional models:


It is meant to promote and sponsor the car washing service providers. This monetizes the services and brings more revenue to the business.


Car wash app development, which advertises the third party car wash, services in their app, and raises significant revenue.



Components of the Car Wash App Development

#1. Customer Panel

Sign in or log in

This is the first section, where the user registers and log in. A user can register the app with the social network and email id. When you log in through social media, the details, social media behaviors, liked events, and joined groups are shared with the app.

Place Service Request

Users can place car-washing requests according to the solutions given by the different car detailing and washing service providers.

Car Location

Users can select the car location. For car washing, the technicians can make provision for car cleaning.

Select Service Packages

Users can select packages among the proposed packages by service providers. A customer can select the best package, which fits best with financial needs.

Check Tech Availability

When a user wants to place an order, he needs to check the availability of the technicians. This makes the service easier and simpler to place the request.

Make Payments

Users can pay through online payment modes. Few prevalent payment modes suggested by mobile app development company is credit card/ debit cards, payment gateways, and e-wallets.

Order History

A user can view the order history. All order requests can be checked and they can make a new request for car washing.

2. Detailer Panel

Sign Up Page

Similar to the user panel, the login page is also available for the detailer, where they can log in with help of the admin username and password.

Service Location

The Detailer panel also gives the feature to add the location for the service area. It allows the user for making nearby requests.

Push Notification

It keeps a user updated and connected with the app. Detailers can also send the update notification to the user and notify him when the task is completed.

Accept and Reject Services

According to the number of requests and resource availability, the detailer can accept or reject the service request.

Job History

The detailer can also check the requests along with time and date details. They can track the count per day.

Payment From Admin

According to the finished requests, the detailers can demand the payment from the admin.



#3. Admin Panel

Technician Registration

An admin can track the technicians, which are associated with the panel. He can also keep track of the physical location and experience.

Service Management

All services along with charges can be managed by the admin.

Manage Time Zones

Here the operational time zones of detailer and service can be managed and tracked here. All car-washing and car servicing jobs assigned by the user can also be monitored by managed by the admin.

Manage User Payment

Here the payment done by the user, through online payment modes and gateway are stored by the admin.

Ratings And Feedbacks

Admin can review the ratings and feedback for the service. The ratings and feedbacks are given by users and they can be viewed by an admin.


User Panel

Detailer Panel Admin Panel
·         Sign up and Login account

·         Location Service

·         Real-time tracking

·         Opt for car wash packages

·         Book Service

·         Pay online

·         Choose location

·         Track service

·         Monthly Subscription

·         Multiple Payment options

·         Login and Social accounts

·         Add service location

·         Notification regarding user request

·         Accept or reject service

·         Service status update

·         Complete user profile

·         Upload car picture

·         Request payment


·         Technician Registration

·         User profile Management

·         Manage Service

·         Time zone availability

·         Payment history

·         Transaction details


Advanced Features Suggested by Mobile App Development Companies

Cloud Management  and Cloud Implementation

Cloud implementation is a crucial remedy for managing a large amount of data with optimum security. All the data related to user, order, detailers, campaigns, and payments are stored over the cloud. The data stored on the cloud makes the workflow seamless. The online car wash app development is based on cloud technology, which makes the data operations more scalable and better in security.

The security of the data is essential. It saves the business integrity along with smoothing the business operation.

Heat Map View

The heat map view raises the standard of on-demand app development. The heat map is a healthy option to look at the busiest time of any location. The tool also allows tracking the location given for the best service provider, detailer and thus helps the user choose the better option. It allows the user to choose the best service and outlay the most loved deals. Heat maps also keep the regulation on the surging prices.

Offers and Discount

The offers and the discounts need to be shared with the users for keeping them acknowledged with the deals. The offers work as a great medium for keeping the users attentive and connected, also motivate them to avail of the service as and when required. Moreover, the promotional offers are also helpful in increasing the visibility of the services and promoting the business. Embedding the right set of offers in the car washing packages and car detailing services can hit across the industry.

Payment Modes

Different models such as Stripe, Braintree, Apple Pay, and PayPal mobile SDK are now available for integration. The user always wishes to pay through the third party payment modes, which saves time and effort to move for the service location for payment. The concept of payment gateway integration is now too prevalent and almost every on-demand app development is integrated with the payment modes. The tools are essential because it adds to the comfort for the users.

The integration of the online payment mode makes the payment convenient, easier, and hassle-free while increasing the visibility of the apps.


Read the blog- Get benefit from on demand app development and create a successful start up in on demand market


Voice Call And Chat

The app has a conference feature, which is integrated to let detailers and users chat and communicate transparently. The user can enquire about the status of the order and can ask for any query. They can also discuss other services and can request them for availing. The voice call and chat start a friendly relation between detailers and users. Also, it helps the detailers gain user loyalty and attention at the same time.

Subscription Package

The subscription feature is the traditional revenue model for on-demand mobile apps. The feature cannot be missed, under which the user can book and avail of the advanced services. Also, the companies use subscription services for selling premium memberships and the advanced set of features.

With the subscription, the user comes in the premium customer list and he need not find the extra services, premium offers, and discount repeatedly. The user is notified and updated for the advanced features on a monthly, weekly, or timely basis.

The feature is highly used in reminding the users of services, deals, and offers under the subscription packages.

Technology Stack

The sound technical infrastructure is the most important priority, which must be given remarkable attention to developing the app. The developer and stakeholders need to analyze the technical domain and specs. The development team needs to make the provision for enforcing the best technology into the basic building block of the car washing mobile app.

User Interface and User Experience

UI and UX are the primes of most of the development. For basic model development, the developer can use Bootstrap and apparent CSS. This technology can be used for the front end, while for the backend AngularJS, Ruby, Django, and Python are recommended. For the android version, java works well. For iOS app development, swift is used.

Location Tracking System

The location tracking system is based on proximity sensors, where the mobile app can tell the location of the user on a real-time basis. Google Map is featured with all functionalities for Android whereas the Apple Map is the best solution for iOS apps.

Read the blog- On demand app development : ultimate guide to develop on demand app

Cloud Data Servers

These cloud storage can be used for the safe storage of data and information with optimum security. The famous cloud data servers are AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure.

Real-time Analytics

Analysis of real-time data is necessary for the business. For tracking the user data such as the number of the website visitor, number of downloads, orders capture rate, and other relevant details, real-time analytics are used.

SMS, Voice, And Phone Verification

For maintaining the authenticity of the app, phone verification is used. An OTP is shared over the registered mobile number. This keeps spambots at bay. The app developer also offers social media integration, where the Facebook SDK and Google OAuth API are used.


For consumers and detailer data, a capable database is required. The Developer has many options such as MongoDB, Postgres, HBase, MySQL, etc. The car wash app development cost depends on these types of features.


Payment gateway integration is an essential tool for the on-demand app. The popular payment gateway is Braintree, EWallets, and Stripe.

Car Wash App Development Cost

Car Wash App Development Cost

The estimation of the exact cost is not an easy task and depends on various factors. There are mainly three factors, which affects the cost of development:

Complexity And Size of The App

The complexity of the app increases with the size of the app. And the size of the app increases with the number of features. As the number of features increases, the development time lengthens. The cost of development is directly proportional to the number of features and the number of hours.

Number of The Platform

As many the number of technologies used in the app, the higher is the cost. For a wider range of audiences, cross-platform app development is suggested.

Country of Development

The cost of development greatly varies according to the location.

Here Is An Estimated Cost as Per the Demographics:

  • Eastern Europe:  $30-$150
  • United States: $50-$250
  • South Asia: $10-$80


car wash app development cost


A Brief Breakdown of The Car Wash App Development Cost:

  • Technical Documentation costs around $1000 to $2000.
  • UI/UX design costs around $1000 to $2000.
  • Front-end and back-end development costs around $1000 to $2000.
  • Quality analysis and testing cost around $1000 to $2000.

Summing up all the probable costs, the total estimated expenditure goes around $10000-$20000 for the native app. choosing more features raises the cost up to $25000 and more depending on the number of features and their complexities. An app returns for every buck you invested if and only if you have done enough research and proper requirement analysis of the customers. Also, your app needs to reflect the requirement.